1、 项项 目目 进进 度度 表表 SUMMARY OF SOURCES AND USES OF FUNDS BY PROJECT COMPONENT 本期截至年月日 (For the Period Ended month/day/year) 表22 项目省名称:Statement II-2 项目名称:单位:人民币元 PROJECT NAME: THE WORLD BANK LOAN SUSTAINABLE FORESTRY DEVELOPMENT PROJECTUnit: RMB yuan 项目支出 Project Expenditure 累计支出已交付资产 Assets Transferred
2、在建工程待核销项目支出转出投资 项目内容Cumulative Amount固定资产流动资产无形资产递延资产 Work in ProgressConstruction ExpendituresInvestments Fixed AssetCurrent AssetIntangible Asset Deferred Asset to be disposedTransferred-out 1、营造用材林 .00 Establishment of Timber Plantations 2、营造经济林 .00 Establishment of Economic Tree Crops 3、中幼林抚育间伐
3、.00 Pre-Commercial Thinning 4、技术支持服务 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 Technical Support Services (1)种植材料开发 Stock Development .00 (2)培训与技术推广 Training and Extension .00 (3)乡村基础设施 Rural Infrastructure .00 (4)监测与评价 Monitoring and Evaluation .00 5、其他支出 Other Expenditure .00 合合 计计 Total .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00