
上传人(卖家):三亚风情 文档编号:3321197 上传时间:2022-08-19 格式:PPT 页数:35 大小:1.04MB
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1、Dictation1.反对反对2.新闻界新闻界3.感激感激4.自愿自愿5.程度程度6.压力压力7.减轻减轻8.协议协议9.宣布宣布10.罢工罢工11.选举选举12.从前的从前的13.打败打败14.狂热的狂热的15.反对者反对者16.激进的激进的 17.进步的进步的18.怀疑的怀疑的19.怪物怪物20.海员海员21.见到见到22.生物生物23.奇怪的,奇怪的,不寻常的不寻常的24.闪闪发闪闪发光的光的25.桨鱼桨鱼26.打击打击27.猛烈的猛烈的28.灰白的灰白的29.上了年上了年纪的纪的30.行礼行礼31.闪耀闪耀32.大胆地大胆地33.行进行进34.步枪步枪35.制服制服36.迅速地迅速地

2、37.灌木丛灌木丛38.囚犯囚犯39.肩肩40.(前缀前缀)前前Take a breakTake a breakLesson 85Never too old to learnNew words&phrasesheadmaster n.校长校长gift n.礼物,赠品礼物,赠品album n.签名簿,相册签名簿,相册patience n.耐心耐心encouragement n.鼓励鼓励farewell n.告别告别honour n.敬意敬意coincidence n.巧合巧合total n.总数总数gardening n.园艺园艺hobby n.爱好,嗜好爱好,嗜好inform v.告诉,通知告

3、诉,通知contribute v.捐助,援助捐助,援助devote v.致力于致力于inform(1)vt.通知,告知:通知,告知:谁把这事告诉你的?谁把这事告诉你的?Who informed you about/of this?他被告知他每年将得到他被告知他每年将得到1,000英镑的额外收入。英镑的额外收入。He was informed that he would receive an extra thousand pounds a year.inform(2)vi.告发,检举(与告发,检举(与against/on连用):连用):他过去常打同学的小报告。他过去常打同学的小报告。He use

4、d to inform against his classmates.好几个人告发了他。好几个人告发了他。Several people have informed on him.contribute kntribju:t V.捐助;贡献捐助;贡献 (money,help,advice)中国向世界文明中国向世界文明(civilization)贡献了四大发明。贡献了四大发明。China has contributed four great inventions to world civilization.主席鼓励大家参与讨论。主席鼓励大家参与讨论。The chairman encourages e

5、veryone to contribute something to the discussion.contribute to do sth.=help to cause sth.(因果因果 result in)Does smoking contribute to lung cancer?Bad weather contributed to my failure.锻炼能促使成更强健的体魄。锻炼能促使成更强健的体魄。Exercise contributes to better health.酗酒促使他毁灭。酗酒促使他毁灭。Drink contributed to his ruin.attribu

6、te to 归因于归因于 (果因(果因 result from,due to,owe to)delays attributed to snow 因下雪而耽搁因下雪而耽搁 David attributed his companys success to the unity of all the staff and their hard work.大卫说他们公司之所以获得成功是由于全体员工的大卫说他们公司之所以获得成功是由于全体员工的团结和努力工作的结果。团结和努力工作的结果。A mistake due to carelessness.She owes her success to good lu

7、ck.gift(1)n.礼物,赠品、捐赠礼物,赠品、捐赠:present 指指礼物礼物的一般性用语,的一般性用语,gift 是稍正式的说法是稍正式的说法 a Christmas gift ;a birthday gift;a graduation gift(2)天赋、天资天赋、天资 a boy of many gift 多才多艺的少年多才多艺的少年 have a gift for music/painting gifted adj.有天资的、有天赋的有天资的、有天赋的 a gifted musician patience n n.耐心、忍耐、耐心、忍耐、毅力毅力 反义词:反义词:impatie

8、nce This kind of work requires much patience.这种工作需要极大的耐心这种工作需要极大的耐心。他他有耐心听我的投诉有耐心听我的投诉。He had patience to hear my complaints.work with patience 工作有耐心工作有耐心 对对.不能忍受、不耐烦不能忍受、不耐烦 be out of patience withencouragement n.鼓励、促进、奖励鼓励、促进、奖励 他的老师给了他很多鼓励他的老师给了他很多鼓励。He received a lot of encouragement from his te

9、acher.encourage v.鼓励、激励鼓励、激励 反义词:反义词:discourage 那个好消息激励了他那个好消息激励了他.The good news encouraged him.encourage sb.to do 鼓励鼓励(某人)做(某人)做(表示鼓励某人(表示鼓励某人今后要做今后要做某某事)事)老师鼓励我出国留学老师鼓励我出国留学.The teacher encouraged me to study abroad.encourage sb.in 鼓励(助长)鼓励(助长)某人的某人的(表示鼓励某人(表示鼓励某人目前正在做目前正在做的某种事情)的某种事情)那位少年努力想成为一名医

10、生,全家人都鼓励他那位少年努力想成为一名医生,全家人都鼓励他.All the family encouraged the boy in his efforts to become a doctor.farewell fwel(1)再见!再会!再见!再会!Farewell to arms!(2)n.告别告别,(做(做adj.使用)使用)送别的送别的 They made their farewells at the airport.他们在机场告别。他们在机场告别。a farewell party 欢送会欢送会 goodbye VS farewell 这两个词均可在分手时作告别语这两个词均可在分手时

11、作告别语 但一般情况下,但一般情况下,goodbye 比比farewell 更常用,更常用,因为后者比较文雅,多用于书面语因为后者比较文雅,多用于书面语 另外,另外,farewell可用作定语,修饰其它名词,可用作定语,修饰其它名词,而而goodbye 不可以不可以 a farewell party/dinner 告别宴会告别宴会honour guard of honour(1)n.敬意敬意 Show honor to a person 向某人表向某人表示示敬意。敬意。(2)n.名誉、名声、面子、体面名誉、名声、面子、体面 The athletes competed for the honor

12、 of their country.运动员们为国家争夺荣誉。运动员们为国家争夺荣誉。获得这个奖项非常荣幸。获得这个奖项非常荣幸。It is a great honor to receive that prize.honorable adj.(1)可敬的、值得尊敬的可敬的、值得尊敬的 The deceased disi:st was an honorable man.死者是一个受人尊敬的人。死者是一个受人尊敬的人。(2)光荣的、高贵)光荣的、高贵的的 He comes of an honorable family.他出身名门。他出身名门。coincidence kuinsidns n.巧合、巧合

13、、(事件等)同时(事件等)同时发生发生 What a 我在巴黎时你也正在那里我在巴黎时你也正在那里,多巧啊多巧啊!What a coincidence that I was in Paris at the same time as you!coincidentally ku,insidentli adv.巧的是,他跟我在同一架飞机上。巧的是,他跟我在同一架飞机上。Coincidentally,he and I were on the same plane.devote v.致力于致力于 devote+sth.+to 完全致力于,全身心投入完全致力于,全身心投入 He devoted his l

14、ife to promoting world peace.He devoted his life to the promotion of world peace.他毕生致力于促进世界和平。他毕生致力于促进世界和平。devote oneself+to 献身、热爱、专心献身、热爱、专心 她在少年时代热衷于网球。她在少年时代热衷于网球。She devoted herself to tennis in her teens.I have just received a letter from my old school,informing me that my former headmaster,Mr.

15、Stuart Page,will be retiring next week.Pupils of the school,old and new,will be sending him a present to mark the occasion.All those who have contributed towards the gift will sign their names in a large album which will be sent to the headmasters home.We shall all remember Mr.Page for his patience

16、and understanding and for the kindly encouragement he gave us when we went so unwillingly to school.A great many former pupils will be attending a farewell dinner in his honour next Thursday.It is a curious coincidence that the day before his retirement,Mr.Page will have been teaching for a total of

17、 forty years.After he has retired,he will devote himself to gardening.For him,this will be an entirely new hobby.But this does not matter,for,as he has often remarked,one is never too old to learn.Go further in textPupils of the school,old and new,will be sending him a present to mark the occasion.o

18、ld and new为为pupils的非限定性定语的非限定性定语 逗号隔开,并且去掉它对句子的意义影响不大逗号隔开,并且去掉它对句子的意义影响不大 工人们又渴又累,在树底下休息了一会儿。工人们又渴又累,在树底下休息了一会儿。The workers,thirsty and tired,took a rest under the trees.这里的村民们,无论年轻的还是年长的,都对这里的村民们,无论年轻的还是年长的,都对园艺感兴趣。园艺感兴趣。The villagers here,young and old,are interested in gardening.student 通指所有的学生;通

19、指所有的学生;pupil 指中小学的学指中小学的学生生 mark the occasion 纪念这一时候纪念这一时候 mark n.标记;标记;v.做标记,给做标记,给作记号作记号/留痕迹;纪念留痕迹;纪念 他在禁止吃的事物上用红笔做了标记。他在禁止吃的事物上用红笔做了标记。He marked all the foods which were forbidden with a red pencil.Pupils of the school,old and new,will be sending him a present to mark the occasion.All those who h

20、ave contributed towards the gift will sign their names in a large album(1)contribute通常与通常与to/towards连用表示连用表示“捐给捐给”、“提供给提供给”:他在临死前捐了一大笔钱给教会。他在临死前捐了一大笔钱给教会。Before his death,he contributed a large sum of money to the church.玛丽生日那天,我们当中的几个人凑钱买了份礼玛丽生日那天,我们当中的几个人凑钱买了份礼物给她。物给她。A few of us contributed towar

21、ds Marys present on her birthday.We shall all remember Mr.Page for his patience and understanding and for the kindly encouragement he gave us when we went so unwillingly to school.(1)这个长句子的主要框架是:)这个长句子的主要框架是:remember sb.for sth(因某事记住某人)(因某事记住某人)介词介词for有有3个并列宾语:个并列宾语:patience,understanding和和encourage

22、ment for后面跟的可以是某人的品德、特征等:后面跟的可以是某人的品德、特征等:人们不会忘记杰里米那绝妙的幽默感。人们不会忘记杰里米那绝妙的幽默感。Jeremy is remembered for his great sense of humour.(2)kindly 在这里为形容词在这里为形容词 表示表示“仁慈的仁慈的”、“和蔼的和蔼的”、“亲切的亲切的”等等 这个词既可以作形容词,也可以作副词:这个词既可以作形容词,也可以作副词:她对我友好地笑了一下。(形容词)她对我友好地笑了一下。(形容词)She gave me a kindly smile.丹昨天友好地丹昨天友好地/好心地邀请我们

23、吃午饭。好心地邀请我们吃午饭。(副词副词)Dan kindly invited us to lunch yesterday.We shall all remember Mr.Page for his patience and understanding and for the kindly encouragement he gave us when we went so unwillingly to school.a farewell dinner in his honour,in sb.s honour作定语作定语 表示表示“为向某人表示敬意为向某人表示敬意”、“为纪念某人为纪念某人”等等

24、也可以说也可以说in honour of sb 很多人参加了为新经理举办的晚会。很多人参加了为新经理举办的晚会。Many people attended the party in honour of the new manager.这是一场为她举办的告别演唱会。这是一场为她举办的告别演唱会。This is a farewell performance in her honour.a total of,总共,总共 total在这里是名词,表示在这里是名词,表示“总数总数”、“总额总额”、“合计合计”等:等:她为这次宴会共花了她为这次宴会共花了200英镑。英镑。The money she spen

25、t on the dinner party reached a total of 200It is a curious coincidence that the day before his retirement,Mr.Page will have been teaching for a total of forty years.For him,this will be an entirely new hobby.entirely=completely 完完全全地完完全全地 But this does not matter,for,as he has often remarked,one is

26、 never too old to learn.as+从句从句 正如正如 As you know,正如你所知道的正如你所知道的 Two heads are better than one.三个臭皮匠胜过诸葛亮三个臭皮匠胜过诸葛亮.Two wrongs dont make a right.两个错误不等于一个正确。两个错误不等于一个正确。too&enough too adv.太,过分太,过分 enough adv.足够,十分足够,十分 too和和enough都可作程度副词,但都可作程度副词,但too通常位通常位于它所修饰的形容词于它所修饰的形容词/分词之前,分词之前,enough则则位于它所位于它

27、所修饰的修饰的词之后词之后。在在含有不定式的句型里,含有不定式的句型里,too经常具有否定经常具有否定的含义,的含义,enough则表示达到必要的程度:则表示达到必要的程度:He is too heavy for me to lift.The pear is ripe enough for me to eat.1.单词单词L85抄写抄写4英英1中中2.课文课文L85背诵并默写背诵并默写(读熟读熟),家长签字家长签字3.课文课文L85课后练习全部完成课后练习全部完成4.认真复习,下次课期中考试认真复习,下次课期中考试5.全新全绎全新全绎L85完成完成6.每天坚持听,跟读至少每天坚持听,跟读至少30分钟,家长签字分钟,家长签字7.课后登录邮箱下载周记及资料复习课后登录邮箱下载周记及资料复习


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