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1、中学八年级英语上(第五单元)义务教育英语课程标准(2022年版)微能力2.0认证-中小学作业设计大赛目 录作业设计方案撰写:TFCF优秀获奖作品41 、 单元信息基本信息学科年级学期教材版本单元名称英语年级第学期教版 go for itUnit 5 Do you like to watch a game show?单元组织式然单元 重组单元课时信息序号课时名称课型对应教材内容1Period 1听说Section A 1a-2d2Period 2语法Section A Grammar Focus-3c3Period 3听说Section B 1a- 1d4Period 4阅读Section B

2、2a-2e5Period 5写作Section B 3a-46Period 6复习Self check 、 单元分析() 课标要求本单元主题为内容为“娱乐活动” ,话题为“娱乐节与个喜好“ 。教材编 选了多模态语篇 ,包括对话 、说明 、故事的连续性本及图 、图示 、表格 等连续性本以及频、视频等。根据 (义务教育英语课程标准 (2022 年版) (以下简称新课标) 要求 ,从语技能 、语知识 、情感态度 、学习策略和 化意识等对本单元的课程内容进分析。1.语技能:能听懂关于节和偏好的简短对话;英语询问和回答他 喜爱的娱乐节; 恰当的形容词对娱乐节进描述;清楚书字描述 部影视作品的主要内容并表

3、达的观点;能够了解并学习部影视作品的 历史背景和化。2.语知识:新课标要求 2000 个词汇量 ,其中 1800 个单词 ,并可以根据实 际情況, 学习相关主题范围内的 200 个单词以及习惯语和固定搭配 ,并活学 活 。本单元涉及到“sitcome,news, soap operas, comedy, action movie, cartoon”等娱乐节和“educational, meaningless, famous, rich, successful”等表达观点的 形容词以及 “plan,hope, happen,expect, find out, be ready to, dress

4、 up, take sbs place, do a good job”等计划观看节和描述影视作品的动词和动词短语;在谈 论节的过程中选择 “Do you want to watch the news?/ What do you plan to watch tonight? What do you think of talk shows?”等句型询问他的喜好和计 划 ;除了上述的形容词还使 “ I dont mind them./ I cant stand them./ I love watching them.” 等句型来表述的观点。3.情感态度:积极参加和综合运英语实践活动;善于表达的观点,

5、与 他保持良好沟通;理解学习和娱乐之间的关系 ,制定计划进学习与放松; 了解各国影视作品背后承载的化 ,传承族精神。4.学习策略:新课标对阅读理解能的要求提,要求的字数变多,难度变 ,突出强调了孩对英章要有更深层的理解 。英语写作不再仅是要求模 式化写作 ,是要发表的观点 ,做到“之有物 ,之有理 ,之有序”。在 本单元的教学过程中要重点培养学的读写能 ,让学知道如何清晰描述 部影视作品的内容和表述的观点。5.化意识:通过对和花兰等影视形象的学习,加深对化异同的 理解 ,建构多元化视 ,培养社会责任感。简之 ,义务教育英语课程标准 (2022 版)的要求更了!题更活了! 死记硬背的时代已经被淘

6、汰 ,未来的英语教育将更加聚焦学科核素养, 学科 核素养时代全来临。() 单元内容及教材分析1.单元内容分析本单元教学内容以 Do you want to watch a game show? 为中话题, 围绕着 “谈论喜好和制定计划”开展,学习和运句式 Do you want to watch ?和“What” questions and answers 以及些描述性形容词,表达对某电视节的喜好(评价) 。课时What(主要内容)Why (编写意图)How (语篇特点)Period 1本课设计了两个听环节(听描述标出节顺序以及1.通过学习不同种类的娱乐节体:对话结构:不同对写出节名称) 和个

7、对话 环节。对话中 Grace 和 Sarah 正在讨论她们对于些节 的看法和理由。 ,让学学会 询问和谈论偏 好的句型句式。 通过与他交 流 ,能够胆表 达的态度 和观点。于不同节的态 度和理由。语言:些常 电视节类型的 英名称,如 talk show, sitcom, sports show, talent show 等。Period 2以表格的形式展示了第课 时中的重点句型,通过 do 引 导的般疑问句和 what引导 的特殊疑问句 ,进简单会 话 ,表达个对某种电视节 的喜好;句中的动词展 示了不定式在英语中的应 。知道般疑问句和特殊疑问句去询问偏好。知道不定式能 够表达意图 ,计 划

8、 ,希望以及决定。文体:第课时 出现的些重点 对话。形式:表格语言:动词不定 式Period 3本课结合图介绍了更多的 节类型 ,并要求学能 恰当的形容词对不同节进 描述, 由谈论电视节 并表达个的喜好 。听环 节要求写出Mary 和 John 对于各种节的评价。在 Section A 的 基础上进步 拓展学基础 知识和语综 合应能 。文体:对话结构:不同对 于不同节的看 法。语言:识记并应 些描述性的 形容词 ,如 wonderful, relaxing, meaningless, enjoyable 等Period 4章介绍了美国化的象征之: 。按照时间顺通过的动画形象启发文体:说明结构:

9、 以字、序 ,详细介绍了关于 的些事实 ,重点介绍了 身上值得学习的精神。学学对于 其精神的思考。 让学在了解 美国化的同 时 ,能更关注我们的族化。图等形式呈现 语:巩固应 般过去时和 般现在时Period 5本课由花兰的影评作为导 ,讲解了影评的写法 , 篇影评应该包括: 电影的名 称 ,种类 ,主要内容以及对 于电影或者电影的看法。通过介绍花 兰 ,让学 探索发现影评 的写法。体:说明 结构: 以字 、 图等形式呈现 语:巩固应 般过去时和般现在时Period 6总结整个单元的重点内容。在多样化 、综合 性的语训练 中 ,帮助学巩 固听说读写多 种语技能的应 。本单元是实且学感兴趣的话题

10、 ,本单元的学习对于提升学具体语境下的 语综合运能有助益, 同时也可以丰富学活, 陶冶情操 ,对学德育教育也是益处良多。(三) 学情分析What they know(已知)What they wonder(未知)What they will learn(将知)部分同学基础 扎实 ,对新知识学习 充满期待 。但部分同 学语基础较为薄对电视节的喜 好法逻辑性思维 较强的英语句进 表达。但是学记忆本节课是与活密切相 关的电视节 , 学将会根 据所学知识具体表达对喜欢 喝不喜欢的节进明确的弱 ,对某些任务的完 成有定的难度 ,参 课堂的积极性有待 提 。且部分孩 都对电视节有定 的了解 ,并且有喜欢

11、的和不喜欢的区别 , 话题贴近活。较强,有定的模仿 能和探究能 ,有待 培养知识但是知识扩 展运能有待进 步培养。表达 。学兴趣浓厚, 学 有较强的求知欲和表现欲 。 但部分学不太信 ,不敢 开表达 ,不想参与课堂等 思想顾虑。三、 单元学习标与作业标() Language goalsLearn to talk about preferences and make plans: in this unit, students learn to give opinions to different kinds of programs and talk about likes and dislike

12、s.1.Knowledge aims( 1)Key words:news, educational, plan, discussion, stand, happen, may ,expect, joke, meaningless, cartoon, action, famous, appear, become, rich, successful, might, main, reason, film, unlucky, lose, ready, army(2)Key phrases:talk show, game show, soap opera, sports show, talent sho

13、w, action movie, scary movie, watch a movie, find out, be ready to, dress up, take sbs place, do a good job, try ones best, come out(3)Key sentences:a)Do you want to watch a game show?b)What do you think of talk shows? I dont mind them./I cant stand them.c)Do you plan to watch the news tonight?d)Wha

14、t can you expect to learn from sitcoms? You can learn some great jokes.(4)Key grammar:“What”questions and answers.2.Ability aimsEnable the students to give opinions and talk about likes and dislikes. 3.Moral aims( 1) A good plan is a good start to success.(2) Freely talk about likes and dislikes abo

15、ut TV shows and movies.(四) 作业标1.能够熟知各类节的英名称 ,并使各种描述性的形容词表达的 喜好。2.能够使 What 和 how 的疑问句询问对的看法 。 3.能正确使动词不定式作宾语并掌握后接动词不定式作宾语的常动词。 4.通过阅读了解中化差异并扩的知识 。 5.能通过本单元所学写篇影评 ,评论电视节或电影。6. 以下为各个课时作业标:课时课时作业标11. 熟练掌握各类节的英名称2. 使 What do you think of ?询问看法3. 使 I love / I like / I dont mind / I dont like / I cant stan

16、d 来表达看法2正确使动词不定式做宾语3使各种描述性形容词来表达的观点4通过阅读了解东的化差异5写篇影评 ,评价电视节或者电影6掌握 What 疑问句和表达观点的句型四、单元作业整体设计思路从教材的设计来看 ,每个单元都围绕着个话题进讨论 。作为课堂教 学的有效补充 ,英语作业应延续同主题 ,将本单元的语结构和功能展开 , 引导学深活 ,充分发掘他们的潜能 ,获得情感体验 ,在单元作业中体现 单元学习的价值 。同时单元作业应该强调听说读写多种技能的综合应 ,充分 巩固单元学习效果。本单元作业划分为六个课时作业和份单元质量检测作业,其中每个课时作业都有相对应的设计意图, 时间要求 ,评价标准等

17、。作业的 设计上严格遵守“双减”政策的要求 ,突出重点 ,突破难点 ,短精, 标指向 性强并体现学主体 。学在完成每个课时作业任务后 ,教师都会进相应 的评价 ,帮助学进课后反思和总结。五、课时作业Period 1 Section A 1a-2d1.时间要求:10min2.作业内容:I.单词拼写1.What do you (计划)to do on vacation?To go hiking with friends.2. Betty likes sitcoms but she cant (忍受)scary movies.3. They are (期待)us to help them out.4

18、. The school in some poor area(地区)dont have good (有教育 意义的)ways and resources.5. He was too excited to say a word when he heard the good _(新 闻) .II.选择填空( ) 1.I dont mind you with your English.A.help B.to help C.helping D.helps( ) 2.Why do you like watching the news?Because I hope to whats going on ar

19、ound the world.A. find B. find out C. look D. learning( ) 3.Mr. Green expects his son a good education at school.A. get B. gets C. getting D. to get( ) 4.We should Lei Feng.A.learn from B.learn with C.learn to D.learn after( ) 5. -_ do they like the game show ?- Because it is very interesting .A .Wh

20、en B.Where C.Why D.HowIII.根据汉语意思完成句 ,每空词1. 你期望从情景喜剧中学到什么?What can you _ _ _ from sitcoms?2.我计划看我们过去的时代。I _ _ watch Days of Our Past.3. John wants to watch talk shows because theyre enjoyable.(对划线部分 提问) John to watch talk show? 4.我最喜爱的电视节是访谈节和达秀节 。TV shows talk shows and talent shows.5. 我忍不了住在这 。I ca

21、nt here.IV.补全对话A. What TV shows do you like watching?B. Yes,I do.C. What are you doing now?D. And now Im watching a game show.E. How often do you watch TV?F. Yes,I did.A: Hey,Jane._ 1_B: Im watching TV.A: 2_ _B: Twice a week,on Saturday and Sunday.A: 3_ _B: Sitcoms.Do you like them?A: 4_ _B: Well,wh

22、at do you think of game shows ?A: I love them.What about you?B: Me,too! _5_ Come and join me!A:That sounds good.1. 2. 3. 4. 5._ _ _ _ _答案:I. 1.plan 2.stand 3.expecting 4.educational 5.newsII 1.C 2.B 3.D 4.A 5.CIII. 1.expect to learn 2.planned to 3.Why does want4.My favorite are 5.stand livingIV. 1.C

23、 2.E 3.A 4.B 5.D3.作业分析:1. plan v.&n.打算;计划plan to do sth.计划做某事 如 I. 1, III.22. stand v.( 1) 站 。如 stand up 起(2) 忍受;忍耐 。常于否定和疑问句中。stand sth./doing sth.忍受某事/做某事 。如 I.2,III,53. hope v.&n.希望hope to do sth.希望做某事 。如 II.24. mind v.介意;在乎 mind doing sth.如 II. 15. expect v.期待 expect to do sth.如 III. 16. learn f

24、rom 从 学到 III. 14.设计意图:让学初步掌握对所喜欢和不喜欢的节表达喜好5.评价设计:( 1) 评价实施主体:教师(2) 评价标准: (共 20 题 ,每题计 1 分) 18-20优秀 15- 17 良好 12- 14及格 0- 11不及格Period 2 Section A Grammar Focus-3c1.时间要求:15min2.作业内容:I.选择填空( ) 1. do you think of this fashion show?A.How B.When C.Where D.What( )2.Xu Qian is a funny girl.She loves to joke

25、s?A. speak B. say C. tell D. talk( )3. My sister _ me to go camping with her this Sunday .A.expects B. lets C. makes D.takes( )4. We had a discussion _ them _ TV shows.A with;about B. about;with C. for;about D.to;for( )5. -_?- Not bad.A.How old are youB.Does Judy like thrillersC.Where do you have br

26、eakfastD.How do you like the saladII.单词填空6. -Whats _ (happen) now ? -Sorry . I dont know .7.Last week , we had a _ (discuss ) about TV shows . 8.I hope (learn) English well.9.The boy (want) watch TV on Friday evening. 10.They hope (travel)by plane.They think its cool.III. 根据表格内容补全对话TV showsWhat Tom

27、think ofAnimal WorldlovesRoad to Healthdoesnt mindChinese Cookingcant standHost:Welcome to our show,Tom.Tom:11. .Host:Do you like to watch TV?Tom:Yes,I do.Host:What do you think of Animal World?Tom:12. .Host:I do,too. 13. Road to Health?Tom:I 14. .Host:And how about Chinese Cooking?Tom:Oh!15. .Its f

28、or moms. Host:OK!Thanks for joining us.IV. 阅读理解Many boys and girls love to watch TV. They spend many hours a day in front of the TV sets. But many parents let their children watch TV only in special time.TV shows arent like books or movies. There are many types of shows, such as sitcoms, soap operas

29、, sports shows, fashion shows, etc. A child can learn good things and bad things from them. Some shows help children to understand the news all over the world.Children dont have to go to the zoo to see animals. Boys and girls can see sitcoms, sports shows and game shows at home. Some shows teach chi

30、ldren how to cook or how to use tools(工具).Many boys and girls think it is fun to watch TV, but it is also fun to read books, to play games or to visit friends.( ) 16. Many boys and girls spend .A.four hours on TV shows on SundayB.six hours on TV shows every dayC.many hours a day in front of the TV s

31、etsD. two hours in front of the TV sets( ) 17. Many parent .A.don t let their children watch TVB.ask their children to watch TVC.let their children watch TV in special timeD.ask their children to go outside on weekend( ) 18. From TV, boys and girls can .A.learn good things and bad thingsB.learn noth

32、ingC.learn good thingsD.learn how to use a computer( ) 19. Boys and girls like to watch TV because . A.its funB.they have nothing to doC.its excitingD.its boring( )20. What does the writer think of the TV shows?A.They are good for children.B.They are bad for children.C.Some of them are good for chil

33、dren, others are not. D.They are very exciting.参考答案:I. 1.D 2.C 3.A 4.A 5.DII 6.happening 7.discussion 8.to learn 9.wanted to 10.to travelIII. 11.Thank you./Thanks. 12.I love it (very much). 13.How do you like 14.I dont mind it. 15.Oh,I cant stand it.IV. 16.C 17.C 18.A 19.A 20.C4.作业分析:1.What do/does

34、sb.think of sth.?如 I. 1表达对个事情的看法的句, 回答时般形容词或者表达喜恶的动 词如 mind ,cant stand 等来回答。同类表达式还有 How do/does sb.like sth.?如 I.52.joke n.玩笑 ,笑话tell jokes 开玩笑 。如 I.23.discussion n.讨论;商量have a discussion with sb.about sth.就某事和某展开讨论 。如 I.4 4. happen v.发; 出现 。常法有:( 1) sth.+happen+地点/时间 。如 II.6(2) sth.+happen+to+sb.某

35、事发在某身上(3) sb.+happen+to do sth.某碰巧做某事5.设计意图:正确使动词不定式做宾语以及表达观点6.评价设计:( 1) 评价实施主体:教师(2) 评价标准: (共 20 题 ,每题计 1 分) 18-20优秀 15- 17 良好 12- 14及格 0- 11不及格Period 3 Section B 1a-1d1.时间要求:15min2.作业内容:I.根据汉语提示写单词1. (动) speaks louder than words.2.Going to a soccer game is much more (令兴奋的). 3.How do you like the c

36、omedy last night?I dont like it at all.It is (毫意义的). 4.I like light music because its (令放松的). 5.Jack is (认真的)about work ,and he is never late. II.选择填空6.Kong Fansen is educational movie ,most people felt . A.an,exciting B.an,excited C.a,exciting D.a,excited7.-What do you think of the trip?-It is very .A.enjoy B.enjoying C.enjoyed D.enjoyable8.We must action to save our earth.A.ha


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