[信息技术2.0微能力]:小学五年级英语上(第十二单元)Look and learn-中小学作业设计大赛获奖优秀作品[模板]-《义务教育英语课程标准(2022年版)》.docx

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[信息技术2.0微能力]:小学五年级英语上(第十二单元)Look and learn-中小学作业设计大赛获奖优秀作品[模板]-《义务教育英语课程标准(2022年版)》.docx_第1页
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[信息技术2.0微能力]:小学五年级英语上(第十二单元)Look and learn-中小学作业设计大赛获奖优秀作品[模板]-《义务教育英语课程标准(2022年版)》.docx_第2页
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[信息技术2.0微能力]:小学五年级英语上(第十二单元)Look and learn-中小学作业设计大赛获奖优秀作品[模板]-《义务教育英语课程标准(2022年版)》.docx_第3页
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[信息技术2.0微能力]:小学五年级英语上(第十二单元)Look and learn-中小学作业设计大赛获奖优秀作品[模板]-《义务教育英语课程标准(2022年版)》.docx_第4页
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[信息技术2.0微能力]:小学五年级英语上(第十二单元)Look and learn-中小学作业设计大赛获奖优秀作品[模板]-《义务教育英语课程标准(2022年版)》.docx_第5页
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1、小学五年级英语上(第十二单元)Look and learn义务教育英语课程标准(2022年版)微能力2.0认证-中小学作业设计大赛目 录作业设计方案撰写:TFCF优秀获奖作品3基本信息学科年级学期教材版本单元名称英语五年级第一学期英 语 (沪教牛津版)Unit 12 Fire单元 组织方式 自然单元 重组单元3板块性质板块名称具体内容核心板块Look and learnDont smoke! Dont start campfires! Dontnear fires! Dont play with matches!playListen and sayWe must/mustnt . Talk a

2、bout the fire safety.Learn the soundsth发音规律次核心板块Look, ask andanswerS1: For fire safety, what mustnt we do?S2: We mustnt.Read a stroyYaz, the meat and the fire辅助板块Listen and enjoyA chant: When you see a fire, quickly go outsideMake and sayDraw a sign and write the words.【5A Unit 12 Fires 单元教学内容要求表 】板

3、块内容学习内容教学要求1.语音th发音规律识别并正确朗读单词及字母组合th 的发音规律2.词汇核心词汇smoke, star campfires, play near fires play with matches识别、理解和运用核心词汇3.句法祈使句 Dont理解祈使句的表达和回答方式特殊疑问句For fire safety, what mustnt we do? We mustnt用特殊疑问句提问,并作出正确的 回答。4.语篇记叙文的基本信息简单讲述对话、故事等记叙文中的 时间、地点、人物事件等基本信息记叙文的基本结构描述人或物;阐明事情的起因、过 和结果二、学生情况分析1.语言基础五年级

4、上册教材中的第四个模块主题均为Thenatural world, 且本模 块的前两个单元话题Water和Wind为本单元的学习做了铺垫。英语教材 3B Unit 9学习了用Dont 表达指令。 4A Until 6有关于消防员职业的介绍。4掌握了一些可以描述火的词汇和短语,例如dangerous, useful, use.to.等。 本单元的教学应该以旧引新,引入话题。 图1 教材联系内容(4A Unit 6和3B Unit 9)2.生活经验五年级学生对于“火”话题既熟悉又陌生。在本单元教学过程中, 应 该有意识地帮助学生学会辩证地去看待火,不仅了解火给人类生活带来 的便捷, 更要了解火的危险

5、性,帮助学生树立防火安全意识,掌握基本 的急救知识和生活常识。3.学习能力五年级学生已经掌握了基本的听说读写看的能力,可以在新授课程 之前通过预习任务,基本做到了解课文大意和朗读文章。能在教师指导 下初步形成规范的学习习惯,并能完成相关的学习任务。学生能够使用Dont.祈使句告诉他人不应该做某事。朗读属于知识学习的模仿和识记阶段,课堂教学中通过情景创设和 语言活动,需要进一步培养学生理解、运用和分析的能力。但在学习过 程中,也存在学生语言水平个体差异较大的问题,需要在教学和作业中 体现层次。4.情感态度五年级学生的自主意识已经萌芽, 对于生活中的事物和自然的探索 已开始有所思考。通过从不同的层

6、面去认识了解火的特点,探索火的起 源,可以激发学生对于生活和学习的更高热情。通过本单元的教学,可 以帮助学生真实地谈论有关火的作用和危险性,以及自己对于用火安全5方面的生活常识积累,学会从小树立安全意识、角色意识和责任意识, 引导学生积极向上的生活态度和奋斗精神。三、单元课时划分和单元目标分析整合单元三个教材板块,将本单元主题分解为Fireis dangerous 、Fire is useful和Fire safety三个话题,作为三节新授课程主题。引导学生在“用 英语做事情”的过程中感知, 实践和体验,采用参与、探究、合作等学习 方式,学习和综合运用与本单元话题相关的英语语言知识和语言技能。

7、【5A Unit 12 Fires 课时任务划分表】课 时话题语用板块第一课时A visit to the fire station (Fire equipment and signs)在参观消防站的语境 中,了解灭火设备和用 途以及一些关于或的禁 忌标识。内容达意, 表达流畅。Listen and say Look, ask and answer Look and learn第二课时Yaz, the meat and the fire (A story about fire )在语境故事中,借助文 本或图片,描述获得用 途。要求内容达意。Read a storyLearn the sound

8、第三课时A case of a big fire(Fire safety)在一场火灾的语境中, 口头描述火灾事件、 防火事项及逃生要点。 内容达意,表达流畅, 语法正确Listen and enjoyMake and say【5A Unit 12 Fires 单元课时目标分析】第一课时知识目标掌握词汇fire, hurt, burn down, must, smoke, (be)careful with 掌握核心句型We must/mustntDont能力目标听懂并读懂关于防火的对话, 能在语境中正确运用祈使句和 情态动词。情感目标了解火的危险性,熟知在不同场合下关于消防安全的常识。第二课时知

9、识目标Students can master the new words: heat, hate, not . at all. Students can understand the main idea of the story. Students can identify the pronunciation of “th” in words.能力目标Students can retell the story.Students can learn to conclude information from a story.情感目标Students can learn some usages of

10、 fire.第三课时知识目标1.借助音标梳理发音规律,能正确读出单词,如thin, path 2. 了解文本基本信息,借助X-mind导图简单叙述文本过程。3. 用英语指导制作标志过程。能力目标用X-mind导图梳理文本的脉络,掌握核心语言知识点。情感目标借助学校的消防演练活动,了解安全用火知识,冷静自救。6四、课时教学设计【5A Unit 12 Fires 教学设计】单元集体备课The first period Fire is dangerousProceduresContentsMethodsPurposesPre-task preparations1.Watch and enjoy.St

11、udents watch a flash about where fire comes from.2. Show some pictures of fire. Students think and discuss: What can we do with fire? How is fire?观看视频,导入 话题。问题讨论,初步 感知fire。While-task proceduresListen and sayLook,ask andanswerLook and learn1.Students look at the pictures of Listen and say, and think

12、about the questions:What does the man do? Wheres the man?Whats he doing?2.Students listen to the recorder and follow it, trying to think about the meaning of must &mustnt by discussing the questions:1) Fire is dangerous. What can fire do?2) What must we do then?3) What must/mustnt we do in the fores

13、t or at home?3. Group work: Look at the different signs of fire safety and talk about the meaning of these signs.4. Play a game: Quick response.Dont smoke! Dont play with matches! Dont play nearfires!问题引领,初步 感知文本内容。 互动讨论,精读 文本,捕捉关键 信息。通过讨论防火标 志含义的小组活 动让学生熟悉 must和mustnt句 型,培养合作精 神。游戏中巩固目标 语言DontPost-

14、task activitiesLook, ask andanswer1. Show more pictures about fire safety. Students discuss in pairs.2. Show the pictures of different signs. Think about the question:Where can we put these signs?Ss: We can put it in a park/in the library3. Try to design a new sign with your partners and introduce i

15、t to the whole class.提供更多素材辅 助学生语言出。联系生活实际, 激发学生表达的 欲望。单元集体备课The second period Fire is usefulProceduresContentsMethodsPurposesPre-readingLook and sayStudents look at some pictures of Stone Age.T: These are people from Stone Age. Look, what are they doing? What are they eating?T: They are making a fi

16、re. They eat meat and fruit.观看图片,导入 话题,了解故事 背景。While-readingproceduresRead a story1. Students watch the video of the story and then ask the questions.Q1: What is the boys name?Q2: What do Yazs family eat?Q3: What do Yazs family have?Lead to the topic Yaz, the meat, and the fire2. Students listen to

17、picture1 and answer the question:What does fire give Yazs family?Do Yazs family like fire?Is fire useful?Teach “heat” and “light” .3. Students look at the picture2 and try to describe it.They are _ meat in picture2. Yaz parents and his sister _ meat. They are happy. But Yaz _ meat. Because it does n

18、ot _ good at all.Teach hate观看视频,了解 整个故事。通过 设置和回答问题 ,引出故事标题。分图片学习课文 。通过问题,引 发学生思考,挖 掘课文内容。 在语境中教授新 词。观察图片,填空 ,加深对课文的7hate= dont like itTeach not. at all. Compare the following sentences.I do not like it.I do not like it at all.4. Students watch the video of picture 3 and 4 and answer questions.Q1: Wh

19、at does Yaz do with the meat?Q2: How does the meat smell now?Q3: After that, what does Yaz want to do? Does he want to eat the meat now?5. Students read picture 5 and fill in the blanks.Yazs family eat the _. It _ great! After that, they cook all their meat _.Q1: Does Yaz like the meat now?Q2: What

20、makes the meat great?Q3: After that, how do Yazs family use fire?6. Student read the story by themselves.理解和掌握。用 英语解释单词含 义。通过对比, 教授新短语的用 法和含义。通过问题,引发 学生思考火的用 途。Post-readingactivitiesLearn the sound1. Students discuss with their classmates and conclude the following sentencesFire is _.Fire gives peop

21、le _.People can _ meat on the _.Show more pictures about how do people use fire now. T: People use fire to cook food.People use fire to make things.People use fire to make water hot.2. Show the picture of Learn the sound.Students read the word thin and path and try to conclude the pronunciation of “

22、th”Students listen to the chant and chant together.总结故事内涵。 提供更多素材,拓 宽学生知识面。单元集体备课The third period Fire safetyProceduresContentsMethodsPurposesPre-task preparations1. Warm-upRead a chant用儿歌整合语言知识,进入情境2. ReviewRead Listen and say: Fire is dangerous.Read the story: Fire is useful.复习一、二两课时的主题“火是危 险的”“火是

23、有用的”。引出主题:如 何安全用火While-task procedures1. A case of a fire.Watch a video.了解一次大火的场景,创设情境。2. What willyou do?Discuss the condition.自由讨论,遇到火警该怎么处理, 会想到什么?3. Fireescaping1. When you meet a fire, how to escape?2. Listen and enjoy.3. Discuss and classify.熟练使用核心语言,了解消防逃生 的方法。通过多次的课文朗读,寻 找文本信息,描述消防演练的逃生 过程。4

24、. Free talkHow to use fire? Make a sign and talk about the sign.借助标志使用语言反馈,如何正确 用火。掌握简单的消防知识,认识 消防标识和生活中常见的标识,归 纳标识使用的场合。Post-task activities1. The whole case and the chant.1. Look and retell.2. Using an X-mind to retell the dialogue.借助板书复述整个故事,掌握语言 知识。2. Learn thesound.1. Look and read the words an

25、d sentences.2. Sum up.总结th发音规律。回顾学过的单词 ,总结有相同发音的单词,帮助单 词背诵。Homework1. Listen and read Listen and enjoy.2. Finish the X-mind and retell.8【第二部分:作业设计】一、单元作业设计思路1. 整体思路依据单元教材内容和教学课时划分,以课时为单位, 每课时分别设 计出基础类作业和拓展类作业;以单元为单位设计出单元质量检测作业。2. 作业设计要素(1)以目标为基点,设计作业内容。本单元主要围绕“火”这一话题展开, 学生通过学习,能够认识日常 生活中常见的防火标志,理解不同

26、的表示禁令的图片标志的含义, 学会 以消防安全为主题展开讨论,并能说出更多防火警示语以及不同场合的 安全警示标语。单元课时作业和单元质量检测作业紧密围绕但愿你主题, 以“话题功能结构任务”为主线,设计和安排形式多样、语 境真实、趣味性强的语言实践活动,让学生通过完成作业学会“用英语做 事情”, 深入开展主题意义研究,在这样的过程中学习和综合运用英语语 言知识和语言技能。(2)以学情为基础,设置作业形式、作业层次。依据学情,设计不同层次的作业, 设置不同类型的要求。课时作业 一般包含基础性和拓展性两类,基础性作业注重巩固核心语言知识和语 言技能, 主要形式为情境的复现和目标语言知识的操练;拓展性

27、作业注 重拓展和延伸, 注重与实际生活的关联,为学生走进生活场景, 以辩证 的观点看待火, 深入了解火的特点、提高防火安全意识提供可能。(3)以课时作业(单元作业)为单位,编排作业总量,预估作业时 间。本单元作业以 1个单元预习作业, 3 个课时作业和 1个单元质量检 测作业组成。每个课时作业以课时教学内容为依据,基于教材学习内容 编排作业。如针对第1课时,基础性作业以巩固词汇知识为主,拓展性作9业以情境为支撑,强调词汇使用; 针对第2课时, 围绕火的起源体验开展 读写练习,拓展学生阅读量,巩固阅读策略, 探索写作。(4)以激励为导向,开展作业评价。每项课时作业后均安排自我评价, 强调学生学习

28、的自主性,还安排 了同伴、家长和教师参与作业评价。评价维度指向作业内容, 学生完成 后,结合不同评价维度可以反思作业的完成过程,能更好的理解作业的 主题意义。二、 预习作业、 1-3课时作业目标及作业属性分析预习作业目标知识目标旧知引出新知,复习职业词汇及职业的工作内容。听读课文内容,注意语音语调的朗读。通过智慧平板推送数据,掌握学生 在新词朗读中的难点。能力目标学生自主学习,掌握简单的单词认读;找出自学中有困难的内容。情感目标了解生活的主题内容。预习作业属性分析作业序号作业内容预估时间作业难度作业类型作业结构作业完成要求1Fill in.2分钟简单看图填写单知识性复习旧知,引出新 知识。 必

29、做题2Listen and read the Dialogue.10分钟适中课文预习知识性必做题3Read and say5分钟较难看图选择知识性 开放性 育人性选做题第一课时作业目标知识目标掌握词汇fire, hurt, burn down, must, smoke, (be)careful with。掌握核心句型We must/mustntDont能力目标听懂并读懂关于防火的对话, 能在语境中正确运用核心句型。情感目标懂得火的危险性,重视防火安全。第一课时作业属性分析作业序号作业内容预估时间作业难度作业类型作业结构作业完成要求1Listen to and readthe dialogue5

30、分钟简单听录音朗读知识性借助语音自动测 评逐步提高要求, 必做题2Fill in the blanks2分钟简单看图填词知识性必做题3Think and complete5分钟适中看图写句子知识性必做题10能力性4Read, choose andwrite5分钟适中读句子并完成语篇知识性 能力性 育人性必做题5Think, choose andwrite5分钟较难看图,思考 并填写单词知识性 能力性 育人性选做题第二课时作业目标知识目标掌握词汇heat, hate, not. at all掌握th在单词中的发音理解Yaz, the meat and thefire 的内容能力目标学生能复述Ya

31、z, the meat and thefire,并提取关键信息。情感目标了解火的用途第二课时作业属性分析作业序号作业内容预估时间作业难度作业类型作业结构作业完成要求1Listen to and read the story.5分钟简单听读知识性借助语音自动测 评逐步提高要求, 必做题2Read and classify.3分钟适中语言,分类知识性必做题3Retell the story.5分钟适中填空,课文 分析能力性必做题4Rewrite the sentences and try to introduce fire5分钟较难填空,句型转换, 口语表达能力性 情感性选做题第三课时作业目标知识

32、目标掌握词汇fire, hurt, burn down, must, smoke, (be)careful with。掌握核心句型We must/mustntDont能力目标听懂并读懂关于防火的对话, 能在语境中正确运用核心句型。情感目标懂得火的危险性,重视防火安全。第三课时作业属性分析作 业 序 号作业内容预估时间作业难度作业类型作业结构作业完成要求1Listen to and read the dialogue.5分钟简单听读知识性借助语音自动测评,逐步提高要求,必做题2How to escape from the fire?10分钟较难课文知识梳 理分类知识性、能力性、实践性选做题3Re

33、ad and put them in the blanks.5分钟适中开放性填空能力性必做题11lightercigarette.CF三、课时作业设计1. Fill in . (about 2mins)预习作业单A can make our city safe. A can take care of people.A can help sick people better.A can drive a taxi. A can teach us knowledge.2. Listen and read the dialogues. Then fill in. (about 10mins) Burn

34、 down must mustnt in the forest matches hurt careful smoke (be)careful with safety not.at all I have known these words or phrases I want to know these words or phrases3. ( )Fire comes fromA.volcanoD. flintstone. (about 5mins)B.E.12riverdrill woodUnit 12 FirePeriod 1 (第一课时作业)Fire is dangerousName Dat

35、e 1. Listen to and read the dialogue (About 5 mins) 132. Fill in the blanks (About 2 mins)Dont p n f !Dont s !Dont p w m 3. Think and complete (About 5 mins)Fire can _ a lot of trees.It can people too.We must .4.Read, choose and write (About 5 mins) Safety firstFire can burn down a lot of trees. It

36、can hurt people too.We mustnt play near fires at home. We mustnt play with matches at home. We mustnt smoke in the forest. We must be careful with fire.14Fire is dangerous. . . What must we do with fire? . What mustnt we do in the forest? . What mustnt we do at home? .Wherever you are, please rememb

37、er “Safetyfirst”.5.Think, choose and write (About 5 mins)More about fire safety15Word bankfire station, fire truck, fire alarm, fire, water,hose, ladder, helmet, fire hydrant, firefighter, gloves, extinguisher, boots, firefighter jacket(Tip: 生活中有很多和消防安全、消防器材相关的词汇,你可以通过查阅字典、搜 索网络、向他人请教等方法分辨上图的这些单词,一起

38、来动手写一写吧。)16Unit 12 FirePeriod 2 (第二课时作业)Fire is usefulName Date Time: About mins1. Listen to and read the story. (About 5 mins) 2.Read and classify. (3 mins) the that think paththroughthanktherethese17They eat meat. Yaz _ Because it doesWe use fire to_ food.We get _ and _ from fire.Fireis useful.We

39、_ fire to burn rubbish.We use _ to make glass.183.Retell the story. (5 mins) Yaz, the meat and the fireWho: _When: _ They have a fire. Fire gives them _ and _.(hates/likes)the meat.not taste good _ _.Yaz _ the meat into the _. Now the meat _ very nice .Yaz _ (hates/likes)the meat.Because the meat tastes _.After that, they _ all their meat on the _. Fire is very _ !4.Complete the mind map and try to introduce fire. (5 mins)Fire is very useful.It gives us.We use fire to .Unit 12FireName Date FirePeriod 3s


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