
上传人(卖家):三亚风情 文档编号:3349841 上传时间:2022-08-22 格式:PPT 页数:37 大小:4.75MB
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1、PRINCIPLES OF INSTRUMENT FLIGHTAttitude Instrument FlyingBASIC ATTITUDE INSTRUMENT FLYING.Proper interpretation of the instruments requires an understanding of the following:Attitude(pitch/bank)and power relationship required to achieve desired aircraft performance.Fundamentals of flight.Principle o

2、f operation/errors and limitations of the instruments.Basic Attitude Instrument FlightGood instrument flight is attained by smooth attitude control!”Attitude Control is achieved by:1.Setting a desired power and attitude combination.2.Evaluating the resulting performance3.Making calculated attitude a

3、nd power corrections4.TRIM!Attitude Control Although power and attitude changes are almost simultaneous,in most cases we should lead with power and set a new pitch attitude as we continue to adjust power.Then TRIM!This is known as“P.A.T”PowerAttitudeTrimThere are some exceptions to“P.A.T.”such as le

4、veling off from a climb:“APT to climb”AttitudePowerTrimBasic Attitude Instrument FlightIf it is necessary to change the attitude,airspeed,or aircraft configuration,simply use power with coordinated primary control surface action.Note:All attitude,power and trim changes involve the attitude indicator

5、.The Attitude IndicatorIs the only direct indicating instrument.Primary for all full panel maneuvers.Has acceleration/deceleration and banking errors.The 3 Fundamental Skillsof Basic Attitude Instrument Flying“CIA”Cross-checkInstrument InterpretationAircraft ControlInstrument Cross-CheckReduces work

6、load of instrument flying when done effectivelyThe focal return point is always the Attitude Indicatorinstant and direct aircraft attitude infoall else is a verification of pitch,bank,and powerScanning ErrorsCommon cross-check errors:“FOE”Fixation(staring at one instrument)Omission(you leave some im

7、portant instruments out of your sight)Emphasis(placing inappropriate emphasis on one instrument)Instrument Interpretation and Aircraft ControlKnow how to acquire the whole picture with a scan pattern.Aircraft control is the result of cross-checking and interpretationWhere do you want the airplane?Pr

8、ecision requires a light touchTrim,trim,TRIM!2 Attitude Instrument Flying Concepts1)Control and PerformanceATTITUDE+POWER=PERFORMANCEControl:Attitude Indicator&Tachometer(or MP)Performance:everything else2)Primary/SupportPITCHBANKPOWERINSTRUMENTSPrimary/SupportingPrimary instruments provide the most

9、 pertinent&essential informationSupporting back up&support the primaryPITCHBANKPOWERCHANGESTRAIGHT&LEVELStraight-and-Level FlightWhat are we interested in maintaining when straight and level?So ALTIMETER is primary pitchSo HEADING INDICATOR is primary bankSo AIRSPEED indicator is primary powerUsing

10、the Attitude IndicatorOnly instrument that provides instant and direct ATTITUDE informationPrimary for pitch&bank CHANGESThen AI becomes supporting while others become primaryIf AI fails,we have a partial panelStandard Rate TurnsBank Control/Level FlightAI to set bank based on 10%TAS+1/2Check TC to

11、verify and establishAltimeter and Airspeed Indicator are still primary for pitch and powerLead rollout by 1/2 bank angleThen HI becomes primary once againRules of ThumbDescents(pitch):TAS X 100=VSI per degree of pitch 60i.e.120 KTAS x 100=200 fpm/1 pitch 60Descents(power):Every 100 rpm or 1”manifold

12、 reduction of power=100 fpmRules of ThumbStandard Rate Turns(3 per second):TAS +of that amount=bank required 10i.e.120 =12 +6 =18 of bank 10Climbs and DescentsYou have two basic types1)Constant airspeed2)Constant rateClimbs and Descents will be practiced level and in turnsConstant Airspeed ClimbCrui

13、se,VX,VYAI becomes primary for pitch while establishing the new pitchPrimary power is RPM to set the desired climb powerOnce established,airspeed is primary for pitch(if power is not varied)Constant Rate ClimbMaintain a specific rate as well as airspeed.Use AI as primary for pitch to establish,but t

14、hen VSI will switch to primary for pitch.Airspeed indicator will be primary for power once power is set.Any changes will flip back to RPM.Constant Airspeed&Rate DescentsReduce power and simultaneously pitch downFor constant airspeed,airspeed indicator is primary for pitch after youve established pit

15、ch attitude on the AI.For constant rate,VSI is primary for pitch after youve established pitch attitude on the AI.Level OffPilot technique rules,but a guide is:10%vertical velocity when maintaining speed500 fpm:lead by 50 ftspeed changes in a descent may require a power addition about 100 to 150 fee

16、t above level off altitudeAI is primary pitch in transitionRPM is primary power in transitionCommon ErrorsOver-controlling the aircraftChasing VSIAlways fighting for altitude in turnsBucking horse during rollout from turnsTrimming to attitude,rather than trimming for altitude.Whats Coming!G1000 Primary Flight Display(PFD)G1000 Primary Flight Display(PFD)Bezel Mounted ControlsNav/Com TuningFMS ControlsAltitude and Vertical SpeedAttitudeAirspeedMap InsetHSIAirspeedAltitudeAttitudeDG/HSIVertical SpeedTurn RateSkid and Slip


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