1、目目录录作业设计方案作业设计方案1、单元内容基本信息学科年级学期教材版本单元名称英语七年级第二学期人教版Unit 1 Can youplay the guitar?单元组织方 式E自然单元重组单元课时 信息序号教学内容课型课时1Section A 1a-2d听说课12Section A Grammar Focus-3d语法课23Section B 1a-3c阅读课34Section B3a-Self Check写作课4二 单元教材分析本单元主题内容为“个人能力与爱好”,主要是讨论自己或他人在某方面的能力和意愿等,并根据自己的能力和意愿选择自己想参加的俱乐部。本单元重点围绕情态动词“can”展开
2、,由 于情态动态没有人称和数的变化,所以,对学生们来讲,基础知识部分整体难度不大。本单元 的难点为关于广告类题材的阅读。在教学中,教师要注意结合学生已有的知识水平和生活实际,由浅入深。并巧妙地将知识体系进行串联,结合前面阶段所学习的内容,在知识传授上做到螺 旋式上升。三、单元学习目标根据义务教育英语课程标准(2011年)版要求,从语言知识、语言技能、情感态度、学习策略和文化意识等方面对本单元的学习目标进行分析。语言知识重点单词:guitar,sing,swim,dance,draw,chess,speak,join,club,tell,story,write,show,or,talk,Kung
3、fu,drum,piano,violin,also,people,home,make,today,center,weekend,teach,musician重点句型:play chess,speak English,be good at,talk to,play the drums,play theviolin,play the piano,make friends,do Kungfu,tell stories,play games,on theweekend2语言技能训练学生通过听,快速、准确地获取所需信息的能力;教会学生运用情态动词 can,学会表达自己的“能力”;指导学生读懂广告,并正确
4、回答问题的能力;指导学生利用课堂上所获取的知识来书面表达自己的“能力,和“爱好”。情感态度让学生勇于展示自己的才能,通过小组活动讨论彼此的特长与爱好;指导学生积极与他人交流,通过参加俱乐部活动,同学之间互相学习,互 相帮助,培养团队精神。学习策略指导学生学会使用工具书查找所需要的信息;指导学生学会总结所学语言材料中的语言规律并加以利用;培养学生自主学习和主动用英语交际的意识。文化意识了解不同俱乐部的特点,根据自己的喜好表达自己的能力。介绍自己的家 人朋友或某个名人的能力。加深对能力异同的理解,构建多元视角,形成 正确的成才观,培养社会责任感。三 单元作业目标单元作业目标单元作业目标课时课时课时
5、作业目标课时作业目标1.巩固单元词汇、短语、句 型等,能在真实的情境中 进行自由表达和简单交 流;2.巩固单元核心语法知识,能在口语和书面表达上注 意句子结构的规范性;3.巩固语篇理解能力,熟练 掌握不同题材的阅读理解 方法,拓宽课外知识;4.巩固写作技巧,能够针对“能力”这个主题,提升收集整理信息的能力,并提升书面表达能力和写作规范;5.通过开放性作业,提升学 生们的审美能力和创新意识,培养学生的爱国意识和文化自信,以及实际解决问题的能力。第 1课时提升学生们的语音语调和口语表达流利度;提升学生们的舞台展演能力和语言运用能力;提升学生们之间的英文沟通和交流,以及解决 实际问题的能力。第 2课
6、时巩固情态动词 can 的基本用法;学会在合适的情境中,灵活使用情态动词 can 进行口语输出。第 3课时巩固和乐器主题相关的句型输出;巩固语篇理 解能力,熟练掌握不同题材的阅读理解方法,并迁移运用到实际生活场景中;第 4课时对本单元的重点短语进行分类,并综合运用本 单元所学的单词、短语、句型和语法等,进行 关于自我能力和他人能力的写作输出。单元检测综合检测学生们的词汇,语法,阅读、写作和 综合实践能力。3五 单元作业设计思路课时作业设计思路依据单元教材内容和教学课时划分,以课时为单位,每课时分别设计出“自助餐”式作业,让学生根据自己的能力,选取一样或几样自己有能力完成的题目。每个套餐里,包含
7、基础类 作业,提升性作业和拓展类作业。单元作业设计思路以闯关形式设计单元作业。一共分为 3 个关卡(基础、提升和拓展)。闯关结束,根据作业表 现领取对应的奖品。六、课时作业设计4預习作业1.列出你知道的或者你 2022 年想要的加入 的琪玉部寸List the clubs you know or the clubs you want to join in 2022.English dubAperts clubartelubmming dubiTusdcclub5They car加basketslland they want to jcxn the iports dub.Hecan qnd he
8、 wants to join theShe can_ M&he wants to joint he2.彷写句子=ForFor exampleexample:第一课时第一课时Section A(1 a-2d)套餐套餐A【作业内容】:1)听读 Section A 2d 的内容 3 遍,并跟读 3 遍,再录音。(lOmin)2)按照课本 Section A 2d 的对话内容或改编该部分内容,找 1-3 个同伴进行舞台表演。可适当准备些教具,比如俱乐部名称桌牌等。(10min)3)随着“双减”政策的出台,如何做好托管服务是学校高度重视的问题。请用英文调查班级同学想参加的俱乐部,并画好统计图表。相关的结
9、果可以提交给校领导信箱,为学校建设出谋划策吧!(10min)第一课时 Section A1-SurveyDo a SurveyName:_your classrruontes aboLrt thje jbUawing questions-What club do you want to join?-I want to join clubsnjcunes1MLLELCcLuhSports clubArt cCubCHess CCubErigiLLsdhCLuhClueb第一课时SectionA(la-2dDo a SurveyName:_2.Draw a statistical chart ac
10、cording your survey.Here is an example Jor goirIlli5Cbm Qu ft EWMCHib rtinming CWvWhats themost popular club in our class?isI84)情景模拟,口语展示。学校各俱乐部开始招聘了,请你积极准备,用本节课所学知识,准备一段自我介绍。俱乐部招joinar.Andwa ntStudents wantedcampus club.Comegood at playing the violin.Soto join the music club.9作业属性作业属性设计意图本课时主要侧重于提升
11、学生们的听说能力。侧重于增加学生的词汇和短语积累,并让学生能够根据所给材料参与相关的招聘活 动,引导学生积极参加社会、团体活动和社会实践来丰富自己的文 化生活。通过与别人的交流学习和互相帮第二个任务可以让学生体 会并认识到在生活中拥有良好兴趣爱好的重要性,从而发展自己的 兴趣和才能。语言技能Q听g说g读|写认知水平口 记忆Q理解口应用匚|分析评价 创造完成时冋30分钟课前课中课后作业类型1 V 1预习感知1 1巩固应用1 1拓展创新评价方式与标准评价方式与标准评价方式|7|自评口互评师评评价标准Brilliant能用英语说出和写出自己的能力和常见俱乐部名称,并能 在创设的情境中清晰流畅地运用本
12、节课的句型。Good能用英语说出和写出自己的能力和常见俱乐部名称,表达 清晰准确。Not bad!能用英语说出自己的能力,并说出常见俱乐部名称,表达 基本清晰。参考答案实践探究性活动,无标准答案第二课时Section A(Grammar focus-3c)第二课时第二课时Section A(Grammar focus-3c)套餐套餐B【作业内容】:【作业内容】:1)根据所给的语法表格,完成情态动词 can 的知识点梳理。(lOmin)第二课时 Section A(Grammar focus-3c)Grammar FocusName:USES OF CAN1.Ability or possibi
13、lity-I can swLm.2.Permission.-You can use my pea.CAN+VERB(base form of theLKifinttive)He can spent?English.He canspeaks English.He can to speafe English.AFFIRMATIVEIcanswim.Youswim.Heswim.Sheswim.Itswim.Wecanswim.Youswim.Theyswim.QUESTIONSNEGATIVEI cant swim.You _ swim.He _ swim.She _ swim.It _ swim
14、.Wecan tswim.Youswim.,Theyswim.CONTRACTIONcant=.He can t sing.=He.sing.乂QuestionCan she swim?Short AnswerYes,she cany Nor_2)复She can.swim,第二课时Section A(Grammar focus-3c)CAN/CAhTT-abilityName:1 Whnt can you do?What Dont yau do?Write 3 answers Jbr each questions.1.He5.They2.It6 She3.She7.He-4一He-8.The
15、y-3.Answer:Can a bird sing?-Can a snafee jntnp?_Can a horse run?Can a fish swim?_Can an elephant fty?A.Form questions and answer them:can/jrandparents/guitar/ptcig/the/yourmother/your/can/drawii第二课时Section A(Grammar focus-3c)3)从三张卡片里随机挑选一张,从中线对折,来考考你的家长或同学他们都哪些超能力吧。(10min)13作业属性作业属性设计意图本课时主要侧重于提升学生们
16、的语法水平。通过语法知识梳理,巩 固课本所学语法知识和句型。通过语法任务单,检测学生对语法知 识的掌握情况,及时查漏补缺。最后通过“超级英雄”的对话操练,锻炼学生的语言运用能力,提升学生对语法知识的学习兴趣,并拓 展知识面,让学生学会进行知识迁移。语言技能口听&说口读口写认知水平记忆 回 理解叵甘用口 分析E评价口 创造完成时冋_30分钟 口课前 囱 课中 课后作业类型1 1预习感知1財1巩固应用1 1拓展创新完成情况学生评价家长或同伴评价老师评价任务 1:语法表格全部正确。S任务 2:语法任务单全部正确。eeeee任务 3:能正确使用含情态动词的 肯定和否定句,以及疑问句。eeeee2)阅读
17、材料,根据题目要求完成任务。(lOmin)14第三课时第三课时Section B(1a-2c)套餐套餐C【作业内容】:【作业内容】:1)学校艺术节即将到来,你想组个乐队进行表演,请询问你的朋友们,调查他们会演奏的乐器,确定你的乐队成员。(10min)2)阅读材料,根据题目要求完成任务。(lOmin)15第三课时Section B(la-2c)Name:Reading ComprehensionAl le et tt te er r f fr ro om m M Ma ar ry yhey,my friends!PJease look at the picture.Vou can see tm
18、girlsplaying chess,yes?The girl on the left is me.Tlie other is mycousin Kate.Kate is a versatile:(多才多艺的)girl,Shec ca an ns_(1),dance and play thep p_(2);she can also t_(3)stories,so she often perfortns(轰濱)in the school shew,Kateisg go oo od d a at tplayingc_(4).5he isi in nthechess c_(5),I always a
19、skh ha ar rto t_(6)meh ho ow w t to oploy chess,Oh,K Ka at ta acun also speakC Ch hi in ne es se eand she speaksi it tvery well.bo you want to be my friend?Please c(7)me at 5362)阅读材料,根据题目要求完成任务。(lOmin)160527.第第三课时三课时Section B(la-2c)N Na am me e:Reading ComprehensionWrite what Kate can do l.Shecan3.5
20、.6.一2)阅读材料,根据题目要求完成任务。(lOmin)173)假设你是 HR,请快速阅读材料,并为下而的人才推荐合适的工作吧!(lOmin)第三课时 Section B(la-2c)Reading ComprehensionName:Review the chart.Read thejob ads.Write the names to thejob ad they are best-suited(合适合适)for.Drive a truefeWork with:computersPamtFix a earSpeak SpanishMaryVVDanieluVVVeraVWOscarVV函n
21、lvr NzlS tin you网mt?EYOUon l启坤CaH tMjw)5&6-1234-I.2.UrivrrNefMifwL Can you drhw jttruck?CHOyouworkwithconipuLpr.?Musthalveofficetoo,CallMnndjayR 5545-31506Aut MechanicNccdwLCanyimiiK acar?Speak Spanish?Cal!us!55,V00218作业属性作业属性设计意图本课时主要侧重于提升学生们的阅读能力。在阅读练习前,先让学 生熟悉关于乐器的单词和句型,帮助学生在真实任务的调查与分析 中,运用所学语言知识
22、展开交际,培养其说、读、看、写的语言技 能。然后通过阅读练习,增加学生提取文章关键信息的能力,了解 能力特长。最后,通过介绍工作的任务,懂得结合个人特长给予别 人适当的职业规划意见,使不同程度的学生都能较好的掌握目标语 言。语言技能口听侦刁说 E3E3 读 R3R3 写认知水平1 1 记忆匚 n 理解 K K 刁应用分析评价可 创造完成时冋_分钟口课前口课中 Q Q 课后作业类型1 11 1 预习感知 1/|1/|巩固应用|、/|拓展创新【评价标准】:完成情况学生评价家长或同伴评价老师评价任务 1:能熟练使用固定句型进行调 查,调查表信息比较全面。eeeee任务 2:能提取阅读材料中的重点信
23、息,题目正确率高。eeeee任务 3:会阅读广告等题材的文章,并能全部为人才推荐合适的工作。e19第四课时第四课时Section B(3a-self check)套餐套餐D【作业内容】:【作业内容】:1)将描述能力的短语放置在合适的礼物盒里,并为每个礼物盒补充更多的短语。看谁的礼盒最满吧!(10min)take photosplay the guitarride a bicycledo kung futell storiesplay ping-pongPaint wellbake a cakeSwim wellPlay chess第四课时 Section B(3a-self check)202
24、)阅读材料,根据材料内容彷写一篇描述个人能力的文章。(20min)213)冬奥会在北京刚刚圆满结束,奥运冠军谷爱凌吸引了很多人的注意。在网上搜索观看可爱的谷爱凌的小视频,也可以在网上收集一些关于她的个人爱好和能力的信息,并做一份精美的海报吧!优秀作品将会被投递到杂志社哦!(60min)谷爱凌视频.mp42223学生海报展示学生海报展示24作业属性作业属性设计意图本课时主要侧重于提升学生们的写作能力。第一个任务侧重于增加学生的词汇和短语积累,了解关于能力和特长的分类方法。第二个 任务侧重于写作实操,难度不大,可以提升学生们句型输出的能力 和写作规范性。第三个任务和热点结合较为紧密,主要是提升学生
25、 们收集整理信息的能力,语言组织能力和审美意识,以及树立正确 的成长价值观,提升学生们的爱国意识,并培养文化自信。语言技能口听口说Q Q 读QIQI 写认知水平|记忆理解 J J 应用 封分析评价创造完成时冋_分钟 1 1 课前|中 QIQI 詬作业类型口预习感知口巩固应用Q Q拓展创新评价方式与标准评价方式与标准评价方式口自评0 0 互评0 0 师评评价标准Brilliant能表达自己的能力,作出相关海报内容充实,表达清晰流畅Good能表达自己的能力,作出相关海报内容详实,表达清晰准确Not bad!能表达自己的能力,做出相关海报内容完整,表达基本清晰参考答案实践探究性活动,无标准答案25七
26、、单元作业设计七、单元作业设计Unitl Can you play the guitar单元综合能力测试单元综合能力测试(总共:120面彩旗 时间:120分钟)亲爱的同学们,开学已经几周啦!老师为你们准备了丰富的大礼包,如果能顺利通过以下三关 挑战,你将有机会来老师这里抽奖,领取礼物哦!快来挑战吧!关卡1听力部分(20面彩旗)I.听句子,选择正确答语。句子读一遍。(5面)1.A.Yes,I want tojoin the music club.B.She wants tojoin a sports club.C.We dont know what club she joins.2.A.I ca
27、nt play the piano.B.I can play chess.C.I can play the guitar well.3.A.He can swim.B.He can sing.C.He can play chess.4.A.No,he isnt.B.Yes,he can.But he can swim.C.Yes,he can.But he cant draw well5.A.Amusician.B.A teacher.C.A swimmer.II.听句子,选择与其意思相符的图片(有两幅多余图片)。句子读一遍。(5面)III.听短文,选择正确答案。短文读两遍(10面)11.Wh
28、at club do they want tojoin?A.They want tojoin the art club.B.They wanttojoin the school music club.C.They want to join the music club.12.What can they both do?A.Play the guitar.B.Play the piano.C.Sing.2613.What can Sandy do?A.She can play the violin and sing.B.She can play the guitar and the drums
29、and sing.C.She can play the piano and sing.14.What can Mary play?A.The violin and the guitar.B.The guitar and the drums.C.The guitar and the piano.15.What do they like?A.They like music.B.They like playing the piano and singing.C.They like playing the drums and singing.关卡2笔试部分(80面彩旗)IV.单项选择(10面)16.一
30、 Can you English?一 Yes.And I can also stories in English.A.speak;talk B.speak;tell C.say;tell D.talk;say17.Can Lily?一 Yes.Here are some of her pictures.A.drawB.show C.singD.swim18.We want three good musicians the school music festival.A.toB.withC.atD.for19.Pleaseme889-66558.A.call;atB.tell;atC.call;
31、inD.tell;in20.Miss Read is goodmusic.She can be goodchildren in the music clubA.at;atB.with;with C.at;with D.with;at21.一 What club do you want?一 The.I like sports very much.A.join;chess clubB.to join;swimming club C.to join;music clubD.join;English22.一 How do you like Jill?一 She,s a good girl.You ca
32、n with her.A.talk toB.make friend C.make friendsD.need help2723.boy in a black hat is my brother.He often plays chess with my friends.A.A;theB.The;/C.The;aD.A;/24.Tom helps his parentsthe housework.A.withB.inC.atD.on25.一 What can you do,Li Tao?A.I like sports B.I want to join the music clubC.I am we
33、ll D.I can do Chinese kung fuV.完形填空(10面)I have two friends,Jane and John.They 26 sister and brother.They like music.Jane can play thepiano.But she 27 play the violin.John cant play the piano.But he can play 28 violin.Today they 29 tocarry a piano to30bedroom.31piano isheavy(重的).They can,t 32 it.33pa
34、rents arent at home.Butthey 34 a cousin brother Mike.He is here today.They ask Mike to 35 them.26.A.isB.amC.areD.be27.A.canB.cantC.dontD.isnt28.A.theB.aC.anD./29.A.likeB.wantC.canD.love30.A.JohnB.hisC.JaneD.Janes31.A.TheB.AC./D.An32.A.takeB.carryC.helpD.play33.A.Janes and John B.Jane and Johns C.The
35、ys D.Theirs34.A.haveB.likeC.wantD.has35.A.comeB.goC.helpsD.join28VI.阅读理解(30面)Dear Lisa,Thank you very much for your letter.You want to know about my favorite sport and instrument.Now Itell you.I like swimming very much,(1)-I like tennis,volleyball andbasketball.Swimming is my favorite sport.(2)I am
36、good at chess,too.My favorite instrument is the violin.Ilike playing the violin every weekend.What about you?Whats your favorite sport?Do you like to play theviolin?Please write to me soon.Yours,Gina根据短文内容完成以下任务。36.请在(1)处填入一个适当的连词,使前后句意通顺。37.请写出(2)处画线句子的同义句。38.What does Gina want to know?39.What spo
37、rt can Gina do?40.Whats Ginas favorite sport and instrument?BDear Mr.Brown,My name is Tom.I want to be in your music club.I,m not famous now.But maybe(也许)I can befamous someday!I cant sing or dance or act in movies,but I can do many other things.I can play threeinstruments:the guitar,the violin and
38、the drums.I think I can be a famous musician.I like to read storybooksand I can write stories.I like sports,too.But I dont think I can be a famous and successful sportsman.CanIjoin you?Yours,29Tom41.What does the underlined word“instruments”mean in Chinese?A.乐谱B.乐章C.乐器D.乐队42.What club does Tom want
39、to join?A.The Chinese club.B.The sports club.C.The music club.D.The movie club.43.What cant Tom do?A.Write stories.B.Play the guitar.C.Act in movies.D.Read storybooks.44.Which of the following is NOT true?A.Tom can play the piano.B.Tom can play the violin.C.Tom can play the drums.D.Tom can play the
40、guitar.45.What does Tom think he can be?A.A singer.B.A musician.C.A sportsman.D.An actor.English ClubEducational and Fun!If you join us,you are sure to improve your English!Activities:have an English speech contest once a monthenjoy some English filmshave free talks with students from other countrie
41、s 4:30p.m.-6:30p.m.every TuesdayThe school hall46.This is a about the English club.A.storyB.report C.poster D.diary47.The underlined word“improve”means ”in Chinese.30A.提高B.抬高C.练习D.享受48.You can enjoyin the club.A.filmsB.songsC.drinksD.stories49.Which of the following is NOT true according to the mate
42、rial(材料)?A.The English club is educational and fun.B.We can talk to students from other countries in the club.C.The club opens from 4:00 p.m.to 6:30 p.m.every Tuesday.D.We can learn and practice English together in the club.50.The writer wants us.A.to buy some tickets B.to join the clubC.to sing Eng
43、lish songs D.to make more new friendsVII.词汇运用(10面)A.根据汉语提示完成单词(5面)51.Look!Some(人;人们)are under the tree.52.This(故事)is very interesting.We like it very much.53.Let,s go to the Students Sports(中心).54.Lisa wants to sing a song in the school(演 出).55.1m very busy and I cant go to the art club with you(今天)
44、.B.用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空(5面)56.Victor wants to join the(sing)club.57.Miss Chen(teach)us Chinese this term.58.Mike and Jack are two good(piano)in our school.59.Can he help me(swim)?60.My father often tells me(story)in the evening.VIII.从方框内选择适当的句子补全对话(有一个多余选项)(5面)A.What club do you want to join?B.Can I go w
45、ith you?C.What are you doing?31D.Yes,I can.E.Why do you have breakfast so early?F.No,I cant.Jim:Hi,Anna.61.Anna:I,m having breakfast.Jim:62.Anna:Because I want to join the school club.Jim:The school club?63.Anna:I want to join the sports club.Jim:Can you play basketball?Anna:64.But I can play volley
46、ball well.Jim:Thats right.I know you can play volleyball well.65.Anna:Sure.I think you can join the music club because you like singing.Jim:When and where do we meet?Anna:At 8:00 at our school gate.See you then.Jim:See you.32IX.书面表达(15面)假设你是王颖,想参加一个夏令营,请根据表格中的内容发一封电子邮件,介绍你的个人情况、兴 趣爱好及能力。NameAgeSchoo
47、lLikeCanWang Ying13No.7 Middle Schoolplaying the guitar,drawing,playing chessswim,play the violin,speakEnglishDear Sir or Madam,Yours,Wang Ying33(选择_)关卡3实践活动部分(20面彩旗)?囂麗聶友哦都湾些爱好或者能力呢?做一个英语小报,记录一下吧!可以适学生英语报纸展示34(选择二)单元等你都收获了哪些小知识呢?用思维导图来梳理一下吧!(20面)学生作业展示1参考答案I.1.B 2.C 3.A 4.C 5.AII.6.D 7.A 8.C 9.E 10
48、.GIII.11.B 12.C13.C14.B15.AIV.16.B 17.A18.D19.A20.C21.B22.C23.B24.A 25.DV.26.C 27.B28.A29.B30.D31.A32.B33.B34.A35.DVI.36.and37.I,m also good at chess.38.She wants to know about Lisas favorite sport and instrument.39.She can swim and she can also play tennis,volleyball and basketball.40.Swimming and
49、theviolin.41.C 42.C 43.C 44.A 45.B46.C 47.A 48.A 49.C 50.BVII.51.people 52.story 53.Center 54.show 55.today56.singing 57.teaches 58.pianists 59.(to)swim 60.storiesVIII.61.C 62.E 63.A 64.F 65.BIX.Dear Sir or Madam,My name is Wang Ying.I am 13 years old.I am in No.7 Middle School.I like playing thegui
50、tar and drawing.And I also like playing chess very much.I can do many things.For example,Ican swim and play the violin.And I can also speak English.Can Ijoin the summer camp?Yours,Wang Ying2【评价标准】:【评价标准】:彩旗数量彩旗数量彩旗数彩旗数 N9090N彩旗数彩旗数 N6060N彩旗数彩旗数评价等级Excellent!GoodCome On!评价话术恭喜你!本单元基础掌握情况很好,能出色地解决各类题目