Unit 6 Mid-Autumn Festival ppt课件(25张PPT)+教案-牛津(绿色上教版)一年级上册《英语》.zip

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Unit 6 Mid-Autumn Festival教材分析教材分析通过前几个单元的学习,师生关系日趋融洽,师生之间的密切程度有所增强,课堂教学效率有所提高。学生已经掌握了一些基本的词汇,有了初步的语音语感,能听懂简单的课堂用语。教师对学生有了全面的了解,针对学生之间的认知能力和智力水平的不均衡,要注重学生不同层次的发展。中国的饮食博大精深,每个节日都有它的特点,本单元时围绕Mid-Autumn Festival 来学习中秋节我们常吃的一些事物,如:mooncake,taro,bean 等,让学生感受中国的饮食文化。学习有关秋天的单词,如 autumn,leaf;并学习句型 I/You have got a/an,来表述自己所拥有的物品和食物。教学目标教学目标1.单词 moon,mooncake,bean,taro,leaf,autumn 达到“三会”要求。2.能够听懂,会说,会认读。发音正确到位。能够辨认所学单词,并能把图片和单词进行配对。3.能听懂并会说祈使句 Look at your hands.Wash your hands.Eat a cake.并作出反应。4.能听懂并会用 What do you like to eat?来提问,并回答。5.能够认读,听懂,会说 You have got a cake.Yes,I have got a cake.You have got a taro.No,I have got a leaf.知道其中文意思,发音正确到位。6.能够掌握 You/I have got a 这个句型,来表述自己或对方所拥有的东西。教学重难点教学重难点1.单词发音正确到位,能够辨认所学单词,并能把图片和单词进行配对。2.能听懂并会说祈使句 Look at your hands.Wash your hands.Eat a cake.并作出反应。3.能听懂并会用 What do you like to eat?来提问,并回答。课前准备课前准备多媒体课件、单词卡片教学过程教学过程Step1.Greeting and Warming-up1.Greeting:T:Good morning,boys and girls.Ss:Good morning,Lucy.T:How are you?Ss:Fine,thank youT:How old are you?Ss:Iam six/seven years old 2.Warming-upLets sing a song.Read,read,I can read.I can read a little book.Draw,draw,I can draw.I can draw a little tree.Sing,sing,I can sing.I can sing a little song.Step2.New Contents1.Lets act.a.利用课件展示手的图片,引学生祈使句;Look at your hands.Wash your hand.Eat a cake将学生分成小组,操练祈使句,在开展小组活动前,建议教师用其他人体部位的的单词来套用此句型,Look at,Wash这样既帮助学生复习了学过的语言,又丰富了语言操练的内容,最后可让学生表演已经改编后的祈使句,以鼓励学生的创新意识。b.引导学生 Lets chant,利用 chant 让学生熟练掌握所学句型。Wash,wash,wash the hands.Wash,wash,wash the toes.Wash,wash,wash the face.Wash,wash,wash the beans.Wash,wash,wash the taros.Wash,wash,wash the 2.Lets learn.a)教师领读课题Unit 6 Mid-autumn Festival,板书。b)T:Autumn is the harvest season.(秋天是收获的季节。)利用句型 Whats this?引导学生说出 autumn,leaf,bean,taro,教师领读单词,学生跟读。以不同形式操练单词。c)T:Ok,you do a good job.I prepare a mooncake for you.mooncake.教师领读单词,学生跟读。以不同形式操练单词。Lets chantDraw,draw,I can draw,I can draw a little bean.Draw,draw,I can draw,I can draw a little taro3.Lets talk.a、Now today is Mid-autumn day,at night you and your sister and your brother look at the moon in the yard.Look,the moon is big and yellow.b、Ok,there are many delicious food,but what do you like to eat?I like to eat _ .学生会说 apple,mooncake等一些东西。这时把这句话写在黑板上,在把难的单词单独挑出来单独操练。4.Lets play.a)教师拿出 cake,说 I have got a cake.教师领读,学生跟读。以不同形式操练单词。b)让学生用不同的东西用这个句型说。教师将自己的东西给学生,然后说:You have got ac)教师领读,学生跟读。以不同形式操练单词。d)让学生以这个句型以不同的单词造句。e)教师放录音,学生听,跟读。Step3.Practicea)教师先做示范,教师将东西藏在身后,让学生猜。若猜中,教师出示手中的东西说:I have got a学生在游戏过程中感知本节课学的东西。b)让能力较强的学生来主持本活动,要求学生用本活动,要求学生用 You have got a来猜。Step4.Homework课本听录音,读,各十遍。Unit 6Mid-Autumn Festival Lets sing a song.Read,read,I can read.I can read a little book.Draw,draw,I can draw.I can draw a little tree.Sing,sing,I can sing.I can sing a little song.Greeting and Warming-upLook at the hands.dirty!New ContentsLets act.Wash the hands.Eat a cake.Lets chant Wash,wash,wash the hands.Wash,wash,wash the toes.Wash,wash,wash the face.Wash,wash,wash the beans.Wash,wash,wash the taros.Wash,wash,wash the Lets learn Autumn is the harvest season.(秋天是收秋天是收获的季的季节。)_,_,its the _.AutumnautumnautumnWhats this?autumn/:tm/_,_,its a _.leafLeafleafWhats this?leaf/li:f/One two three Its a tree.Four five sixPick up leaves._,_,its a _.BeanbeanbeanWhats this?bean/bi:n/_,_,its a _.taroTarotaroWhats this?taro/ta:ru/Draw,draw,I can draw,I can draw a little bean.Draw,draw,I can draw,I can draw a little taro.Lets chantI like to eat _.What do you like to eat?小朋友们,你喜欢吃什么?Lets talkI like to eat _.beansWhat do you like to eat?I like to eat _.tarosWhat do you like to eat?I like to eat _.mooncakesWhat do you like to eat?I like to eat _.applesWhat do you like to eat?I like to eat _.orangesWhat do you like to eat?I like to eat _.pearsWhat do you like to eat?Lets playYes,I have got a cake.You have got a cake.You have got a taro.No,I have got a leaf.Homework课本听录音,读,各十遍。谢 谢
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