1、Yearly Calendar January 2005 - December 2005 January 2005 1February 20052March 20053 SMTWThFSaSMTWThFSaSMTWThFSa 11234512345 234567867891011126789101112 91011121314151314151617181913141516171819 161718192021222021222324252620212223242526 2324252627282927282728293031 3031 April 2005 4May 20055June 20
2、056 SMTWThFSaSMTWThFSaSMTWThFSa 1212345671234 3456789891011121314567891011 101112131415161516171819202112131415161718 171819202122232223242526272819202122232425 242526272829302930312627282930 July 2005 7August 20058September 20059 SMTWThFSaSMTWThFSaSMTWThFSa 12123456123 34567897891011121345678910 10
3、1112131415161415161718192011121314151617 171819202122232122232425262718192021222324 2425262728293028293031252627282930 31 October 2005 10November 200511December 200512 SMTWThFSaSMTWThFSaSMTWThFSa 112345123 2345678678910111245678910 91011121314151314151617181911121314151617 16171819202122202122232425
4、2618192021222324 232425262728292728293025262728293031 3031 Date Formulas MonthsstartDate1/1/2005 January February March April May June July August September October November December Method for creating a monthly calendar without using arraysUsing arrays January 2005 SunMonTueWedThuFriSatJanuary 200
5、5 1234567S 11/1/2005 21/2/20051/3/20051/4/20051/5/20051/6/20051/7/20051/8/20052 31/9/20051/10/20051/11/2005 1/12/2005 1/13/2005 1/14/2005 1/15/20059 41/16/20051/17/20051/18/2005 1/19/2005 1/20/2005 1/21/2005 1/22/200516 51/23/20051/24/20051/25/2005 1/26/2005 1/27/2005 1/28/2005 1/29/200523 61/30/200
6、51/31/200530 monthNamesstartDates January1/1/2005 February2/1/2005 March3/1/2005 April4/1/2005 May5/1/2005 June6/1/2005 July7/1/2005 August8/1/2005 September9/1/2005 October10/1/2005 November11/1/2005 December12/1/2005 January1/1/2006 February2/1/2006 March3/1/2006 April4/1/2006 May5/1/2006 June6/1/
7、2006 July7/1/2006 August8/1/2006 September9/1/2006 October10/1/2006 Adding additional months: Insert a new row (before the last month in the list) and copy the formulas down. How it Works: This calendar is included to show how the more complex array function works. Note the use of mixed absolute and
8、 relative references that enable you to copy the formula down and across. This is basically what the array formula is doing for you. Month Names: This named range (months) is used as the input for the combo box. The Start Date: This named formula (startDate) is the first day of the first month in th
9、e yearly calendar , defined by the month and year chosen by the user . November11/1/2006 December12/1/2006 January1/1/2007 February2/1/2007 Adding additional months: Insert a new row (before the last month in the list) and copy the formulas down. MTWThFSa 1 345678 101112131415 171819202122 242526272829 31 Using arrays January 2005