The Flying Turtle飞行的乌龟的故事英语伊索寓言.doc

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1、The Flying Turtle The Flying Turtle伊索寓言 The Flying Turtle飞行的乌龟The Flying Turtle飞行的乌龟 One bright sunny morning, Mr. Turtle gets bored in the water. He plans to go out on the shore.Turtle: I am tired of swimming all day.Ill go out on the shore today. Fish: Good morning, Mr. Turtle.Where are you going

2、so early?Turtle: Well, Im going out of the water. I plan to walk along the shore.Fish:On the shore?!I envy you, Mr. Turtle.Turtle:Why is that?Fish:Well, if I go out of the water,Ill die. So you are very lucky. Please tell me about the outside world. What is out there?Turtle: Well, Mrs. Fish, there i

3、s so much to see. I dont know where to begin. First, there are trees and mountains. Second, there are houses and people. Third, there is the sky.Fish:Tell me about the sky!Turtle: It is blue and beautiful. It is also bigger than the sea. You can see everything from there. But you must fly.Fish: You

4、are lucky, Mr. Turtle. But can you fly, too?Turtle:Well, uh1 2The Flying Turtle The Flying Turtle1 2Of Course. Its easy. Ill teach you someday.Fish: Really? You promise?Turtle:I must go now. Im a little busy today. Ill talk to you later.Fish: Okay. Im sorry. Please go now. Ill see you later. Have a

5、nice day.Turtle: Thank you. You too. Bye. Bye.Mrs. Fish and Mr. Turtle part. Mr. Turtle is out on the shore. He walks around.Turtle: Look at all those trees. Its so beautiful here. Hey, whats that?Its a bird. Look at it fly. Birds are so lucky. I wish I were a bird. I wish I could fly, too.3 4Just t

6、hen, a little butterfly lands on a flower for a moment. Then it flies away again. Turtle:Its so unfair. Even that little butterfly can fly. Why cant I ? I want to fly, too.Eagle:Hello there, Mr. Turtle. What did you just say?Turtle: Oh, its you, Mrs. Eagle. I said I want to fly.Hey. Perhaps, you can

7、 teach me?Eagle:Ha, ha, ha. You must be joking. How can a turtle fly?Turtle: Why not? You can teach me.Eagle: Thats nonsense. You dont even have wings. And you are too heavy.Turtle: Why do I need wings?Eagle: You need wings to fly.Turtle: Oh no. Boo-hoo.Then I cant fly?Eagle:No. But you can swim. I

8、cant. So cheer up.Turtle:How about this, Mrs. Eagle?Eagle: What?5 6Turtle: Can you take me up?Eagle: Its too dangerous.Turtle: Oh, please!Just this once. I want to see the land and the sea from the sky. Ill do anything for you.Eagle: Well, I dont know. Its dangerous up there. What if you fall?Turtle

9、: Dont worry. Ill hold on tight.Ill be careful.The turtle keeps begging. The Eagle cannot say “no” any longer. She agrees to take the Turtle up into the sky.Eagle: Okay, Mr. Turtle. Just this once. Never again.Turtle:Oh, thank you so much.Eagle:Okay, now hold on tight. Lets go up. One, two, three. W

10、hee7 8The Eagle takes the Turtle up into sky.Turtle:Oh my goodness! Its scary up here.Eagle:Are you okay? Do you want to go back down?Turtle: No, no. Im fine now. Look below. Its so beautiful. I feel like Im flying.Eagle: Okay. Lets go down now.Turtle: No. No. I want to go up higher.Eagle: Its too d

11、angerous.The turtle insists. So the Eagle takes him up even higher.Turtle:It is so wonderful up here.I think I can fly by myself now.Eagle:What?!Are you crazy? You cant fly by yourself!Turtle:Yes, I can. Ill show you. Please, let me go.Eagle: As you please. But I warned you. Good luck.9 10The Eagle

12、lets go and the Turtle starts to go down. The Fish sees the Turtle falling down.Turtle: Whats happening? Why am I not flying? Oh no! I should have stayed on the land.Fish: Hey, why isnt Mr. Turtle flying? He is coming down really fast. Be careful, Mr. Turtle! Theres a big rock below. (splash and cra

13、ck)The Turtle lands on a big rock and his back breaks into a thousand pieces.Fish: Poor Mr. Turtle. I dont envy him anymore. MORAL : Know your limits. 要有自知之明。飞行的乌龟在一个春光明媚的早晨,乌龟先生在水里感到无聊。他打算要上岸去。乌龟:我已经厌烦整日游泳了。我今天要到岸上去。鱼: 早上好,乌龟先生。这么早你要去哪里?乌龟:我要离开水里。我要一个人到岸上去。鱼: 岸上?我好羡幕你呀,乌龟先生。乌龟:为什么?鱼: 嗯,如果我离开水的话,会死掉

14、。所以你的命真好。告诉我关于外面世界的事。外面有什么?乌龟:鱼太太,外面有很多好看的东西。 我不知道从哪里说起。第一,有树木有高山。第二,有房子和人类。第三, 有天空。鱼: 告诉我关于天空的事。乌龟:它又蓝又美。它也比大海还要广大。从那里你可以看到所有的东西。但是你必须会飞翔。鱼: 你好幸运,乌龟先生。但是你也会飞吗?乌龟:这个嘛,哦。当然。那很简单。改天我教你。鱼: 真的? 你发誓?乌龟:我现在得走了。我今天有点忙。晚点再跟你聊。鱼: 好的。我很抱歉。请慢走。待会儿见。祝你有个愉快的一天。乌龟:谢谢。你也是。再见。鱼太太跟乌龟先生各自己离去。乌龟先生到了岸上。他四处闲逛。乌龟:看看这些树。这

15、里是多么美丽啊。嘿。那是什么?那是只鸟。看它飞翔的样子。鸟儿们是如此的幸运。我希望我是只鸟。我希望我也能飞。这时候,有只小蝴蝶停在花朵上一会儿。然后又再度飞走。乌龟:真不公平。连一只小蝴蝶都会飞。为什么我不可以?我也想要飞。老鹰:你好,乌龟先生。你刚刚说什么?乌龟:噢,是你啊,老鹰太太。我说我想飞。嘿! 或许你可以教我?老鹰:哈!哈!哈!你在开玩笑吧!一只乌龟是怎么飞呢?乌龟:为什么不行?你可以教我呀、老鹰:无稽之谈。你连接翅膀都没有。而且你太重了。乌龟:为什么我要有翅膀?老鹰:你要有翅膀才能飞啊!乌龟:哦,不! 呜-呜-那么我不能飞。老鹰:不能。但是你能游泳。我不会。所以开心点。乌龟:那这样

16、好不好,老鹰太太?老鹰:什么?乌龟:你可以带我上去吗?老鹰:那太危险了。乌龟:哦,拜托!只有这一次。我想要从空中看陆地和海洋。我会为你做任何事情的。老鹰:嗯,我不知道啊。在上面很危险的。如果你掉下来的话?乌龟:别担心。我会抓紧。我会小心的。乌龟不断地恳求。老鹰再无法说“不”。她答应带乌龟到天空。老鹰:好吧,乌龟先生。就这一次。下不为例。乌龟:哦,感激不尽。老鹰:好啦,现在抓紧了。我们上去吧! 一、二、三、嘎-老鹰带着乌龟飞到天空中。乌龟:我的天啊!上面好恐怖啊!老鹰:你还好吗?你要回到下面吗?乌龟:不,不! 我现在很好。看看下面。多么地美丽啊! 我觉得我好像在飞。老鹰:好啦,我们现在下去吧。乌龟:不,不要。我还要到更高的地方。老鹰:那太危险了。乌龟坚持着。所以老鹰带他到了更高的地方。乌龟:这里实在太棒了。我想现在我可以靠自己飞了。老鹰:什么?! 你疯了吗?你无法自己飞的.乌龟:不,我可以。我飞给你看。请放开我。老鹰:遵命。不过我可是警告过你了。祝好运。老鹰将乌龟放开,而乌龟开始往下掉。鱼看到乌龟落下乌龟:发生什么事了?为什么我没有飞起来?哦,不! 我应该待在陆地上的。鱼: 嘿,为什么乌龟先生不飞呢?他掉落得好快。小心,乌龟先生。下面有颗大石头。(吭隆框啷)乌龟坠落在一颗大石头上,而他的背摔成千百个碎片。鱼: 可怜的乌龟先生。我再也不羡幕他了。21


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