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1、Chapter 12 Ocean Engineering 海洋工程海洋工程内容提要v本章引言:海洋工程是指以开发、利用、保护、恢复海洋资源为目的,并且工程主体位于海岸线向海一侧的新建、改建、扩建工程。本章重点:a.港口和海洋工程b.科技英语翻译技巧:长句翻译Part I 港口和海洋工程(Harbors and Sea works)vQuestions:a.What are the principle objectives of maritime engineering?b.Whatre the differences between natural and artificial harbors

2、?Part I Harbors and Sea worksvObjectives of maritime engineeringvHydraulic modelsvNatural and artificial harborsvClassical harbor works a.Objectives of maritime engineeringvThe principal objectives of sea works fall broadly into two classifications:transportation,and reclamation and conservancy.Unde

3、r the first fall works directed at providing facilities for the safe and economical transfer of cargo and passengers between land vehicles and ships;fishing ports for the landing and distribution of the harvest of the sea;Under the heading of reclamation and conservancy come works directed to the pr

4、otection of the land area from encroachment by the sea,to the recovery and conservancy to land use of areas occupied by the sea,and to the maintenance of river estuaries as efficient means for the discharge of inland runoff.b.Hydraulic models v The planning of maritime civil engineering works,whethe

5、r for transportation,reclamation,or conservancy,has been facilitated by the development of the technique of model studies.Once regarded as scientific toys,such studies are now considered an essential preliminary step to any large-scale redevelopment of a port or coastal area and are useful even for

6、minor modifications of additions.c.Natural and artificial harbors In certain favored points on the worlds coastlines,nature has provided harbors waiting only to be used,such as New York Bay,which the explorer Giovanni da Verrazano described as“a very agreeable location”for sheltering a ship.Because

7、such natural harbors are not always at hand where port facilities are needed,engineers must create artificial harbors.The basic structure involved in the creation of an artificial harbor is a breakwater,sometimes called a jetty,or mole,the function of which is to provide calm water inshore.Locations

8、 for artificial harbors are of course chosen with an eye to the existing potential of the coast;an indentation,however slight,is favored.Yet it has often been found justifiable on economic or strategic grounds to construct a complete harbor on a relatively unsheltered coastline by enclosing an area

9、with breakwaters built from the shore,with openings of minimum width for entry and exist of ships.d.Classical harbor works Improvements to natural harbors and construction of artificial harbors were undertaken in very ancient times.Aided by the characteristics of the material they employed,the ancie

10、nts constructed maritime works on a scale that is certainly remarkable to this day,which they emphasized by the addition of embellishment,such as statues and triumphal arches.Part II Reading Materials vText A:Top 7 Man-made Island paradisesvRequirements of reading materials:(it is arranged by teache

11、rs)Part III Translation of EST(7)-长句翻译长句翻译 翻译知识翻译知识:正确分析句子的结构是正确翻译的基础,为了做好科技英语长句的翻译,应先了解科技英语长句的句法结构。科技英语由于内容、语域、语篇功能的特殊性和悠久的外来语影响,通常使用结构复杂的长句,其句法结构主要包括以下四个方面:其一:大量使用名词化结构以及垂悬结构来压缩句子长度;其二:常用先行词it结构来保持文风凝重平稳;其三:常用平行结构使层次清晰;其四:使用圆周句结构,从句交错重叠。现就这四种结构作详细分析。a.名词化结构在科技英语中,含名词化结构的长句出现的频率很高。这些长句内涵丰富,信息量大,语言简

12、洁严谨。科技文献中的语言与语法关系更为复杂,分句经常“名词化”。大量使用名词化结构是科技英语的特点之一。例一:Many attempts for nearly a hundred years having been made to use this property in a reliable system of signaling the electric telegraph was made a practical device about the middle if the last century.例一中使用了独立主格结构“Many attempts for nearly a hund

13、red years having been made to use this property in a reliable system of signaling the electric telegraph”作状语。此外,短语和分句之间的紧密衔接又离不开大量的关联词。除了介词:of,with,over,by,in等、还包括关系词:which,that,when等、连词:and,if,or等。b.先行词it结构 使用形式主语it引导句子,把较长的主语子句移到句末,使句子平衡,避免头重脚轻,从而使行文更加凝重平稳,符合科技英语的文体风格。例一:It is needed to produce ma

14、ny natural hormones,including sexual hormones,as well as vitamin D and bile acids which help us to digest fat,all of which are required to sustain in the body and human life on the planet in general.这类句子通常又叫做无人称句子。科技英语多用这类句子是因为科技文献所描述和讨论的是科学发现或科技事实,尽管科技活动时人类所为,但科技文献所报道的主要是科技成果或自然规律,但并不强调是谁发现或完成,使用先行

15、词it结构更符合科技文献的凝重平稳的风格特征。c.平行结构 科技英语长句中有许多平行不悖,前后衔接,相互照应的现象。在有条不紊的描述中追求表达的严密效果,通常把众多并列成分纳入一体,归整为一句,形成一种“突出”的文体特色。运用平行结构可以使句子铿锵有力、富有节奏、思路脉络分明,层次清晰等。例一:If doors,describe physical treatment of walls,ceiling and floor,include a sketch showing location of source and room contents;if outdoors,include a sket

16、ch showing location of source with respect to surrounding terrain,including physical description of test environment.例句一用分号隔开两个平行的复句,其中If doors 和 if outdoors 分别为成分省略的条件句。d.圆周句结构 使用圆周句,从句交错重叠,关系复杂。从句的意义主要依赖于主句,特别是主句谓语的明确表述。其特点主要是“主句谓语动词被推迟到句子的中部或后部,这就增加了理解句子的困难。例一:We assumed that there were forces of

17、 attraction between molecules which varied rapidly with the distance so that the attraction between molecules that were more than a few ten-millions of millimeter apart was very small but became considerable when the molecules approached more closely.例一中,主句为We assumed,后接宾语从句that there were forces of

18、 attraction between molecules,之后又跟定语从句which varied rapidly with the distance,整体句式上有又so thatbetween moleculesbut became结构的结果状语从句,还有定语从句that wereapart及时间状语从句,whenclosely,可谓句式繁复,修饰成分极其复杂。科技英语中长句的翻译处理科技英语中长句的翻译处理 a.长的简单句的翻译 复杂的句子总是比较长的,但长句不一定都复杂。有些句子看似很长,但细分析一下,句中成分之间都是简单的关系,且句中只有一套语法上的主谓结构。只不过简单句由于次要成分

19、的增加而变长,就象一棵树,由于枝叶的生长而变得很茂盛一样。按照英语的语法和修辞手段,利用介词短语、分词短语、不定式短语和各种并列结构,可以构成很长的简单句。在分析长的简单句时,应先找出主语和谓语,再确定其它成分跟主语和谓语之间的关系以及各次要成分之间的关系。在彻底弄清原文之后,再考虑中文表达。例如:vThe technical possibilities could well exist,therefore,of nation-wide integrated transmission network of high capacity,controlled by computers,interc

20、onnected globally by satellite and submarine cable,providing speedy and reliable communications throughout the world.v分析:这是一个简单句。The technical possibilities和could well exist。分别是句子主语和谓语。介词短语of nation-widecable修饰possibilities,而分词短语controlled和interconnected又进一步修饰介词短语中的network。至于providingthe world则显然是表示

21、结果的状语。在翻译时,语序基本未作调整,只是将作定语的两个分词短语译成了句子。v参考译文:因此,在技术上完全有可能实现全国性的集成发射网,这种网络容量大,可由计算机控制,并能通过卫是和海底电缆与全球相联系,成为全世界范围内高速、可靠的通讯工具。b.长的复杂句的翻译定语与状语之间的转换 英语中的长句,一般指主从复合句和并列主从复合句。一个长的复合句往往层次较多,逻辑关系复杂。要知道句子的含义,必须先弄清句子的层次和各层之问的关系,然后再考虑表达问题。.科技英语翻译中,处理复合句结构的长句的方法可以采取以下几种:a.化整为零法 化整为零法,也就是我们所经常用的也是书中所提到的分译法,这是对付长句的

22、一种常见而又有效的对策。b.移位翻译法 移位翻译法是处理语法成分很多,层次复杂的英语长句一种方法。有的长句顺着原文顺序或逆着翻译都不通顺,要么层次错乱,要么难以理解。在这种情况下需要打乱原文顺序,进行移位翻译。c.切断法 有些英语长句中的从句或介词短语等修饰语,与主句的关系并不十分密切,可遵照汉语多用短句的习惯,将它们译成短句,分开叙述。为使语意连贯,可根据需要增添适当词语;有时也可将主句切断,以便译成通顺的汉语。d.词组与分句转换法:词组与分句转换法,是指在翻译时,常常需要将原文中的句子转换成译文中的词组,或者将词组转换成分句。由于英语的句子特点是修饰性成分多,而汉语句子特点则以分句并列为主;因此,在翻译时,往往是将英语的词组转换成汉语中的分句,使得译文更符合汉语的表达特点和习惯。在这种转换中当然也需要同时转换词性。单元小结单元小结v海洋工程的基本词汇、短语和常用知识v科技翻译中长句翻译的使用v练习


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