人教版七年级上册英语Unit 9My favorite subject is science素养综合检测试卷(Word版含答案).docx

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人教版七年级上册英语Unit 9My favorite subject is science素养综合检测试卷(Word版含答案).docx_第1页
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人教版七年级上册英语Unit 9My favorite subject is science素养综合检测试卷(Word版含答案).docx_第2页
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1、人教版七年级上册英语Unit 9 My favorite subject is science素养综合检测试卷(满分100分,限时60分钟).单项选择(每小题1分, 共10分)1. Steven thinks English is useful subject. He reads English for hour every morning.A.a;aB.an;aC.a;anD.an;an2. is the boy with a baseball? He is Frank, our new classmate. A.Where B.How C.Who D.What 3. Its not dif

2、ficult for the workers to buy things there are many shops near their company(公司).A.butB.orC.soD.because4.When she have English?She it on Wednesday.A.does;have B.do;haveC.does;has5.Because I can know well about China. A.Why do you want the big hat?B.Why do you call the number?C.Why do you like histor

3、y?6. I can watch TV after I finishmy homework.A.to doB.doingC.doD.does7.The Beijing 2022 Olympic Winter Games is so wonderful(精彩的). . Thats a great thing for China.A.Excuse meB.Have a good day C.Thats for sureD.Thank you8.This English dictionary is to me and it can help me with my English.A.boringB.

4、difficultC.useful9. We go to work Monday Friday.A.from;on B.at;onC.on;on D.from;to10. We have P.E.11:00 Tuesday morning.A.at;inB.at;on C.in;inD.in;on.完形填空(每小题1.5分, 共15分)Mr. Smith is11English teacher. He comes from America. He12English in China now. He speaks Chinese quite13.He reads a lot of books a

5、nd his wife writes books for children at home. Mr. Smith14very early in the morning, 15he likes fresh(新 鲜 的) air. His 16 lesson begins at 8:00 a.m. He has classes from Monday17Friday. He usually has lunch at 12:10. In the afternoon, he often plays games with his students. He finishes18his work until

6、(直到为止) 5:30 p.m. Supper time is at about seven. After that, he reads newspapers and 19 TV. At about 11:00 p.m., he goes to bed.People often ask him20he comes to China. His answer is that he loves China very much.11.A.anB.aC.theD./12.A.to teachB.teachesC.teach D.teaching13.A.goodB.wellC.niceD.bad14.A

7、.stands up B.puts upC.gets upD.looks up15.A.soB.becauseC.butD.then16.A.oneB.first C.aD.once17.A.onB.atC.toD.in18.A.doB.to doC.doingD.does19.A.likesB.watchesC.looksD.sees20.A.howB.whenC.whatD.why.阅读理解(每小题2分, 共20分)APeter and Alice are talking about their study and life(学习和生活).I have a good time at sch

8、ool. First, the classes are useful and I learn a lot. I find English is not difficult and geography is very interesting. Next, I have three good friends. With their help, I can play baseball well. I want to take a trip with them during the Spring Festival (在春节期间).续表I have a good time, too. I want to

9、 thank my P.E. teacher Michael. He teaches(教) me to play volleyball. Playing volleyball helps me be healthy. I want to thank my mom, too. She is busy, but she looks after(照顾) me well. And she helps me form(养成) a good habitmy small room, my red schoolbag and my big desk are always tidy.21.Peter think

10、sis interesting.A.EnglishB.geographyC.P.E.D.history22.The underlined word (画线单词) “them” refers to (指的是).A.Peters friendsB.Peters teachersC.Peters cousinsD.Peters brothers23.Alice can play.A.B.C.D.24.Alice has a(n)room.A.bigB.oldC.tidyD.red25.Which of the following is TRUE (下面哪一个是正确的)?A.Alice is Pete

11、rs cousin.B.Peter and Alice have fun at school.C.Peter wants to thank his P.E. teacher.D.Alices mother likes playing baseball.BHi, Im Tina. This year, we have many subjects. We have Chinese, English, math, science, history, PE, art and music. These subjects are very helpful. They can help us with ma

12、ny things. In English classes, we have foreign(外国的) teachers. They are great and fun. I like singing(唱歌) best, and our music classes are very relaxing. Our teacher plays music for us in music classes. My favorite classes are history classes. In history classes, our history teacher tells us some inte

13、resting history stories(故事). I love all these subjects and all our teachers. 26.What subject does NOT Tina have at school?A.Art. B.Chinese. C.Science.D.Geography.27.Whats the Chinese meaning(意思) of “helpful” in the passage?A.有益的B.感激的C.热心的D.无聊的28.What are Tinas favorite classes?A.Art classes.B.Histor

14、y classes. C.Music classes.D.English classes. 29.Tina thinks her foreign teachers are . A.boringB.funC.free D.busy30.What can we learn from the passage?A.Tina thinks the subjects cant help her.B.Tina doesnt have foreign teachers.C.Tina likes to sing best.D.The history teacher often tells some boring

15、 stories.单词拼写(每小题1分,共10分)A)根据汉语或音标提示写出单词。31.I like science because I think its /jusfl/.32.They have English and math on(星期一)morning.33.Dale says art is /kul/.34.I like playing football in my /fri/ time.35.I have an art lesson for two hours,and it(结束)at 10:00.B)用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。36.She(have)Chinese on

16、Monday.37.Li Mei thinks P.E. is not(interest). She doesnt like it.38.What(be)your favorite sport?Tennis.39. The word “ginseng” comes from the (China) word “renshen”.40. Its about one (hour) bus ride from my home to the airport.根据汉语意思完成句子, 每空一词(每小题2分,共10分)41.共和国勋章获得者钟南山是一位著名的医生。的确如此。Zhong Nanshan, a

17、recipient(接受者) of the Medal of the Republic, is a famous doctor.Thats .42.我们所有的课本都是免费的。 All our textbooks . 43.我最喜欢的学科是科学,因为它非常有趣。My favoriteis because its very interesting. 44.我想晚上八点给你打电话,你看可以吗? I want to call you at eight in the evening. Is that you?45.晚餐时间是从下午五点到六点。Supper time is 5:00 6:00 in the

18、 afternoon.补全对话(每小题2分, 共10分)根据对话内容,从方框中选择最佳选项补全对话。(其中有两项多余)Bob:Hey, Joe! 46.Joe:Im OK, thanks. And you? Bob:Im fine, too. 47.Joe:Sure. You can ask anything you like. Bob:48.Joe:My favorite subject is math.Bob:49.Joe:Because its very interesting.Bob:50.Joe:My math teacher is Mr Martin.Bob:Wow! He is

19、a very great teacher.A.Who is your math teacher?B.How are you?C.Why do you like it best?D.Do you like your teacher?E.Can I ask you some questions?F.When is your birthday?G.Whats your favorite subject?.任务型阅读(每小题2分, 共10分)阅读下面短文,根据短文内容完成下列各题。Dear Huanhuan, Im happy to write to you.Im very busy on Frida

20、y. At 8:00, I have Chinese.Its fun.Then at nine, I, a, hours, math, for, lesson, two, have.The teacher says it is useful, but I think it is difficult. After lunch, we have English. Its my favorite subject. Ms. Hand, our English teacher, is great! We have fun in every class. Oh, I also have some good

21、 things to tell you. Next month, we have a school trip. Its on January 12th. We go skating(滑冰)in Jingyue Park. And we have an art festival on January 18th. They are really cool for me. I cant wait(等不及了)!Well, how about you? Whats your favorite subject? And what activities do you have? Tell me soon!B

22、est wishes!Yours,Amy51.将处画线部分连词成句。52.将处画线句子改为同义句。53.Why doesnt Amy like math?54.When is the school trip?55.Is the art festival on January 24th?.书面表达(共15分)为了落实国家“双减”政策和“减负提质”精神,各校相继采取各种措施切实减轻学生的负担。下面是某校初一年级Eric周三的一日课程及活动,请你根据表格帮Eric给他的美国笔友Alan写一封信介绍一下他的日程。内容包括他的基本情况以及最喜欢的科目和活动,并说明原因。TimeContents(内容)7

23、:00 (早餐)牛奶、鸡蛋等8:0011:50四节课12:00 (午餐)米饭、蔬菜和水果13:3015:30美术、音乐续表TimeContents(内容)16:0018:00喜爱的活动要求:1.词数不少于50;2.文中不得出现真实的人名、校名。Dear Alan, Yours,Eric答案全解全析.1.C考查不定冠词。两个空格处都表示泛指,第一空后useful是辅音音素开头,故用不定冠词a修饰。第二空后hour是元音音素开头,故用不定冠词an修饰。故选C。2.C考查疑问词辨析。句意:拿着棒球的那个男孩是谁?他是我们的新同学弗兰克。根据答语中的“He is Frank”可知,这是询问人的特殊疑问

24、句,用who,故选C。3.D考查连词辨析。根据语境可知,工人们买东西并不难,“因为”他们公司附近有许多商店。用because引导原因状语从句。故选D。4.C考查实义动词have的用法。根据题干可知,句子的时态是一般现在时,由she可知第一空用助动词does;答语是肯定陈述句,由She可知用实义动词的第三人称单数形式has。故选C。5.C根据答语“Because I can know well about China.”可知,问句询问原因,并且与历史有关,故选C。6.B考查finish的用法。句意:我做完作业后可以看电视。finish doing sth.“完成某事”。故选B。7.C考查交际用语

25、。根据答语中的“Thats a great thing for China.”可知,此处应说“的确如此”。故选C。8.C句意:这本英语词典对我而言是有用的,它可以帮助我学英语。A项“没趣的”;B项“困难的”;C项“有用的”。由后一分句可知C项符合题意。9.D句意:我们从周一到周五上班。from.to.“从到”,是固定搭配。故选D。10.B句意:我们在星期二上午十一点上体育课。第一个空后是具体时刻,用介词at;第二个空后是具体某一天的上午,用介词on。故选B。.语篇解读文章主要介绍了英语老师 Smith先生的一些相关信息。11.A考查冠词辨析。Smith先生是名英语老师,此处是泛指,Englis

26、h以元音音素开头,故选A。 12.B考查动词。句意:他现在在中国教英语。设空处是谓语,He后面要用第三人称单数形式teaches,故选B。13.B考查形容词和副词辨析。句意:他汉语说得非常好。修饰动词要用副词,故选B。14.C考查动词短语辨析。根据in the morning可知,应该是早上起得非常早,故选C。15.B考查连词。前面说早上起得非常早,后面说喜欢新鲜的空气,前后是因果关系,前果后因,故选B。16.B考查数词。根据“lesson begins at 8:00 a.m.”可知,这里说的应该是第一节课上午8点开始,要用序数词,故选B。17.C考查介词。句意:他从周一到周五有课。from

27、.to.是固定用法,意思是“从到”,故选C。18.C考查非谓语动词。句意:他直到下午5:30 完成工作。finish doing是固定用法,故选C。19.B考查动词辨析。watch TV是固定短语,故选B。 20.D考查疑问词辨析。根据下句“His answer is that he loves China very much.”可知,这里是问他为什么来中国,故选D。. A语篇解读彼得和艾丽斯讲述了自己的学习和生活。21.B细节理解题。根据表格第一栏中的“I find English is not difficult and geography is very interesting.”可知,

28、彼得认为地理是有趣的,故选B。22.A推理判断题。根据表格第一栏中的“Next, I have three good friends. With their help, I can play baseball well. I want to take a trip with them during the Spring Festival.”可知,them指的是“彼得的朋友们”,故选A。23.D细节理解题。根据表格第二栏中的“He teaches me to play volleyball. Playing volleyball helps me be healthy.”可知,艾丽斯会打排球,故

29、选D。24.C细节理解题。根据表格第二栏中的“And she helps me form a good habitmy small room, my red schoolbag and my big desk are always tidy.”可知,艾丽斯有一个整洁的房间,故选C。25.B推理判断题。根据两个表格的第一句话“I have a good time at school.”及“I have a good time, too.”可知,彼得和艾丽斯在学校都过得开心,故选B。B语篇解读本文主要是蒂娜对自己学校的课程以及部分学科和老师的介绍。26.D推理判断题。根据“We have Chin

30、ese, English, math, science, history, PE, art and music.”可知,蒂娜没有地理课,故选D。27.A词义猜测题。根据“These subjects are very helpful. They can help us with many things.”可知,“helpful”意为“有益的”,故选A。28.B细节理解题。根据“My favorite classes are history classes.”可知,蒂娜最喜欢历史课,故选B。29.B细节理解题。根据“In English classes, we have foreign teac

31、hers. They are great and fun.”可知,蒂娜认为外教有趣,故选B。30.C细节理解题。根据“I like singing best, and our music classes are very relaxing.”可知,蒂娜最喜欢唱歌。故选C。.A)31.useful32.Monday33.cool34.free35.finishesB)36.has37.interesting38.is39.Chinese40.hours.41.for sure42.are free43.subject;science44.OK with45.from;to.46.B47.E48.

32、G49.C50.A.语篇解读Amy写信给欢欢,讲了她的学校的一些事情等。51.I have a math lesson for two hours.52.We have a good time in every class.53.Because she thinks it is difficult.细节理解题。根据“The teacher says it is useful, but I think it is difficult.”可知,她不喜欢数学是因为她认为数学很难。54.On January 12th.细节理解题。根据“Next month, we have a school trip

33、. Its on January 12th.”可知,学校郊游的时间是1月12日。55.No. Its on January 18th.细节理解题。根据“And we have an art festival on January 18th.”可知,艺术节在1月18日,不是在1月24日。.One possible version:Dear Alan, I will tell you about my classes and activities on Wednesday. I have milk and eggs for breakfast at 7:00. I have four classe

34、s from 8:00 to 11:50. I have rice, vegetables and fruit for lunch at 12:00. From 13:30 to 15:30, I have art and music. Music is my favorite subject, because I think it is interesting. From 16:00 to 18:00, I play basketball. I like this sport very much, because it makes me healthy.Yours,Eric第 16 页 共 16 页


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