Unit 3 Listening and talking 知识点 ppt课件-新人教版(2019新版)《高中英语》必修第一册.pptx

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1、必修一必修一 Unit3Listening and talking知识点知识点1.【教材原文】【教材原文】An athlete should think about honour and his/her fans if he/she is competing for his/her country.(page 41)一名运动员如果是为他一名运动员如果是为他/她的国家参赛她的国家参赛,就应当考虑荣誉和就应当考虑荣誉和他他/她的仰慕者她的仰慕者。考点考点compete vi.竞争竞争;对抗对抗;参加比赛参加比赛compete for为为竞争竞争compete in在在方面竞争方面竞争compete

2、 against/with sb与某人竞争与某人竞争competitive adj.竞争的竞争的;求胜心切的求胜心切的学以致用学以致用单句语法填空单句语法填空(1)She has to compete against/with 20 other people for the job.(2)Without her,he would never have won the competition(compete).(3)Competitive(compete)people want to be the best at everything.2.【教材原文】【教材原文】That doesnt make

3、 any sense!(page 41)那根本说不通那根本说不通!考点考点make sense有道理有道理;讲得通讲得通;合乎情理合乎情理;表述清楚表述清楚sense vt.感觉到感觉到;意识到意识到;觉察出觉察出make sense of理解理解;弄懂弄懂in a sense从某种意义上说从某种意义上说in no sense决不决不(用于句首用于句首,句子用部分倒装句子用部分倒装)Theres no sense in doing sth.大可不必做某事。大可不必做某事。学以致用学以致用完成句子完成句子(1)买这么多昂贵的衣服是不明智的。买这么多昂贵的衣服是不明智的。It makes no s

4、ense to buy so many expensive clothes.(2)决不能忽视这个问题。决不能忽视这个问题。In no sense can this problem be left ignored.同义句转换同义句转换(3)I really cant understand the maths problem.I really cant make sense of the maths problem.(4)Its no use worrying about it now.Theres no sense in worrying about it now.3.【教材原文】【教材原文】A

5、 soccer player should not pretend to fall down even if it helps his/her team.(page 41)一名足球运动员不应该假装摔倒一名足球运动员不应该假装摔倒,即使这样能帮助他即使这样能帮助他/她的她的球队。球队。考点考点pretend vi.&vt.假装假装;装扮装扮pretend(not)to do sth假装假装(没没)做某事做某事pretend(to sb)that+从句从句 假装假装pretend to sth 自诩自诩;自称自称;自认为自认为学以致用学以致用单句语法填空单句语法填空(1)When his teac

6、her came in,he pretended to be reading(read)a book.(2)We pretended that nothing had happened(happen).(3)She pretended to her family that everything was fine.(4)Miss Harper closed her eyes and pretended to be(be)asleep.4.【教材原文】【教材原文】I worried about my weight and tried every new diet I read about onli

7、ne.(page 42)我十分担心我的体重我十分担心我的体重,也尝试了网上看到的每一种新的减肥也尝试了网上看到的每一种新的减肥饮食方案。饮食方案。考点考点diet n.规定饮食规定饮食;日常饮食日常饮食vi.节食节食be/go on a diet 节食节食put sb on a diet 限制某人饮食限制某人饮食学以致用学以致用单句语法填空单句语法填空(1)Sue has been going on a diet with the help of her doctor.(2)Ive gained much weight recently.I have to go on a diet.5.【教材

8、原文】【教材原文】I had no idea a letter could make such a difference!(page 42)我没有料到一个词之差我没有料到一个词之差,区别竟如此之大区别竟如此之大!考点考点make a difference 有作用或影响有作用或影响make no difference无关紧要无关紧要the difference between.and.与与之间的差异之间的差异tell the difference分清分清;区分开区分开;辨别辨别学以致用学以致用完成句子完成句子(1)她的话不会对我们的安排有影响。她的话不会对我们的安排有影响。What she sa

9、id will not make a difference to our arrangements.(2)我分不清这对双胞胎姐妹。我分不清这对双胞胎姐妹。I couldnt tell the difference between the twin sisters.6.【教材原文】【教材原文】Rather than cutting out the foods I enjoyed,I added healthy foods to my meals.(page 42)我不再拒绝我喜爱的食物我不再拒绝我喜爱的食物,而是在自己的三餐中添加健康食而是在自己的三餐中添加健康食品品。考点一考点一rather

10、than 而不是而不是prefer to do.rather than do.宁愿做宁愿做也不做也不做other than 除了除了or rather 确切地说确切地说more than多于多于,不仅仅不仅仅,(用于修饰动词和形容词用于修饰动词和形容词)非常非常no more than仅仅仅仅,只有只有考点二考点二add.to.把把加到加到上上add up把把加起来加起来add up to总计总计;共计共计add to增加增加;增添增添学以致用学以致用完成句子完成句子(1)她不仅是我的同桌她不仅是我的同桌,还是我最好的朋友。还是我最好的朋友。She is more than my deskma

11、te.She is also my best friend.(2)这么热的天这么热的天,我宁可待在家里我宁可待在家里,也不愿出去。也不愿出去。I prefer to stay at home rather than go out on such a hot day.(3)在这所新学校里在这所新学校里,除了我的朋友比尔除了我的朋友比尔,我谁也不认识。我谁也不认识。In the new school,I knew nobody other than my friend Bill.(4)快点快点!我们仅剩我们仅剩20分钟。分钟。Hurry up!We have no more than 20 min

12、utes left.选词选词填空填空 add.to.add upadd up toadd to(5)Colourful balloons add(ed)to the pleasant atmosphere of the Spring Festival.(6)Add upyour scores and see how many points you get.(7)Do remember:“Little steps add up to big dreams.”(8)You can add some more water to the coffee if it is too strong.7.【教材

13、原文】【教材原文】I could still have a burger now and then,but I would add a salad or an apple.(page 42)我仍然能偶尔吃个汉堡我仍然能偶尔吃个汉堡,但我会加上一份沙拉或一个苹果。但我会加上一份沙拉或一个苹果。考点考点now and then 有时有时;偶尔偶尔every now and then偶尔偶尔;时常时常from time to time有时有时;不时不时;偶尔偶尔;间或间或once in a while偶尔偶尔;间或间或at times有时有时温馨提示温馨提示其他其他常见的频率副词还有常见的频率副词还

14、有:often,always,usually,frequently,seldom,ever,never,rarely,sometimes,hardly等。等。学以致用学以致用 完成完成句子句子(1)他很少上学迟到。他很少上学迟到。He seldom comes late for school.(2)这对夫妇经常去看电影。这对夫妇经常去看电影。The couple often/frequently go to the cinema.(3)这个年轻人偶尔去健身房。这个年轻人偶尔去健身房。The young man goes to the gym now and then.(4)她总是第一个到达。她

15、总是第一个到达。She is always the first to arrive.8.【教材原文】【教材原文】Finally,I stopped comparing myself with actresses and models and looking for things that were wrong with my face or body.(page 42)最后最后,我不再拿自己跟女演员和模特相比我不再拿自己跟女演员和模特相比,不再寻找自己的不再寻找自己的脸蛋或身材还有哪里不美。脸蛋或身材还有哪里不美。考点考点compare.with 与与比较比较compare.to.把把比作比作

16、compare notes with sb与某人交换看法或意见与某人交换看法或意见compared with/to和和相比相比(常做状语常做状语)beyond/without compare无与伦比无与伦比;举世无双举世无双make a comparison/comparisons做比较做比较学以致用学以致用 单句单句语法填空语法填空(1)Scientists sometimes compare the human brain to a computer.(2)The topic is brought in my making comparisons(compare).(3)Compared(compare)with/to Beijing,Shanghai is bigger in size.(4)Comparing(compare)Lucy and Lily,youll find they have little in common.


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