人教版九年级全册英语Unit 4 教案.docx

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1、人教版九年级全册英语Unit 4 教案Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark. 教学目标与要求话题:我们所发生的变化 (How we have changed)功能:能谈论人物过去的特点 (Talk about what you used to be like)Mario used to be really short.He used to be so shy and quiet.I didnt use to be popular in school.语法:能正确使用 used to结构描述或询问过去的情况 (Used to)Paula used to b

2、e really quiet.I didnt use to be popular in school.A: You used to be short, didnt you? B: Yes, I did. / No, I didnt.A: Did he use to wear glasses? B: Yes, he did. / No, he didnt.词汇和常用表达:1. 能正确使用下列词汇 (Curriculum words)humorous, silent, helpful, Asian, private, European, African, British, proud, absen

3、t, general, score, background, ton, guard, speech, public, ant, examination, pride, introduction, interview, dare, require, influence, fail, seldom, exactly2. 能正确使用下列常用表达 (Useful expressions)from time to time, deal with, in public, in person, take pride in, be proud of3. 能认读下列词汇 (Non-curriculum word

4、s)shyness, crowd, insect, boarding school学习策略:1. 能根据上下文语境推测生词或短语的含义2. 能根据篇章内容的前后逻辑联系判断缺失信息3. 能灵活运用不同的短语表达同样的含义文化知识:1. 谈论他人相貌、性格并进行今昔对比时的语言运用得体性2. 自我完善 (Self-improvement)Section A 1 (1a-2d)一、教学目标: 1. 能掌握以下单词: humorous, silent, helpful, from time to time, score 能掌握以下句型: Paula used to be really quiet.

5、Did Mario use to be short? Yes, he did. Whats he like now? Hes tall now.2. 能够用英语描述自己或他人过去常常做的事情;发现自己或他人在外表、性格、兴趣等方面所发生的变化。3. 明白事物是在不断发展、变化的道理,培养积极向上的心态。二、教学重难点1. 教学重点:1) 掌握本课时中出现的生词humorous, silent, helpful, from time to time, score2) 学会描述自己或他人过去常常做的事情基本句型:I used to 3) 发现自己或他人在外表、性格、兴趣等方面所发生的变化。2. 教

6、学难点:used to do/be 句型 三、教学过程. Warming up Look at the pictures and describe people. What does he/she look like?(short hair, curly hair, thin, heavy) What is she like ? 通过图片对比人物前后变化,引出used to用法。. Words presentation1. Look at the chart in 1a, then discuss with your group mates. Try to fill in the chart

7、with words to describe people. Appearance Personality2. Let some Ss say their answers. Let other Ss add more. Appearance: tall, straight hair, short, of medium height, curly hair, long/short hair, heavy, thin, of medium built Personality: outgoing, shy, funny, serious, cute, quiet, kind, brave, frie

8、ndly, active3. Learn the new words: humorous, silent, helpful, from time to time, score. New words1) humorous adj. 有幽默感的;滑稽有趣的humor (幽默) + -ous 有幽默感的e.g. He is a kindly and humorousman. 他是个善良幽默的人。2) silent adj. 不说话的;沉默的silent adj. silence n. 沉默e.g. Peter seems silent today. Whats the matter? 彼特今天似乎很

9、沉默,怎么了?3) helpful adj. 有帮助的help n. (帮助) + -ful helpful adj. 有帮助的e.g. The book is reallyhelpful. 这本书真的很有用。 . Listening 1. Work on 1b.Look & predictLook at the picture carefully, and try to complete the blanks before listening. T: Bob hasnt seen some of his friends for four years. Now hes seeing his f

10、riends. What did his friends use to look like? Listen and fill in the blanks. 1) Mario used to be _. He used to wear _.2) Amy used to be _. She used to have _ hair.3) Tina used to have _ and _ hair. 2. Play the recording for the Ss to listen. 3. Ss listen and try to fill in the blanks with the right

11、 words. 4. Pay attention to the sentences with “used to”.Pair work 1c 1. Look at the picture in 1a and make conversations in pairs. A: Did Mario use to be short?B: Yes, he did. He used to be really short.A: Whats he like now?B: Hes tall now.2. Ss work in pairs to ask and answer the appearance about

12、Mario, Amy and Tina. . Listening Work on 2a. T: Paula has changed a lot in the past few years. Do you want to know what she used to be? 1. Look at the words in 2a. Let some Ss read the words aloud. Make sure all the Ss know the meaning of the words.friendly outgoing serious humorous silent active br

13、ave quiet helpful2. Play the recording for the Ss to listen and check the words they hear. 3. Play the recording again to check the answers. Work on 2b.1. Let Ss read the sentences below. Explain some main sentences for the Ss. Make sure they know what to do. In the past1) Paula used to be really _.

14、 She was always silent in class. She wasnt very _. She was never brave enough to ask questions.2) She got good grade in _. She was also good in _. She used to play the _.Now 1) Now shes more interested in _. She plays _ almost every day. Shes also on a _team.2) She still plays the _ from time to tim

15、e. 2. Play the recording for the Ss to fill in the blanks with the right words. 3. Play the recording again to check the answers. . Pair work 1. Tell Ss to make conversations about Paula using the information in 2a. 2. Let some pairs act out their conversations before the class. e.g. A: Paula used t

16、o be really quiet. B: I know. She was always silent in class. . Role-play 1. Read the conversation and answer the questions.1) What are they doing? 2) Who are they talking about? 3) What did Billy use to be? 2. Read the conversation again and complete the chart.What was Billy like in the past?What i

17、s Billy like now?3. Ask Ss to listen to the conversation and role-play it. . Language points1. I used to be afraid of the dark. used to结构意为“过去经常;以前常常”,表示过去的习惯性动作或经常性状态,可用于各种人称,后接动词原形。如:Amy used to listen to music.You used to be short, but now youre tall.used to结构的否定形式有两种:didnt use to或usednt to (只用于英

18、式英语)。如:The Whites didnt use to live here. / The Whites usednt to live here.used to结构在构成疑问句时,可借助助动词did,也可将used提到主语前(只用于英式英语)。如:Did you use to / Used you to spend much time playing computer games? 【链接】几个易混结构的比较: 结构意义to的作用used to do sth.过去常常做某事不定式符号use . to do sth.用做be used to do sth.被用来做be used to doi

19、ng sth.习惯于做某事介词【中考链接】1) Tom _ every day. Really?But why is he so weak now?(2021青海中考) A. used to exercise B. is used to exercising C. used to stay up late2) 根据上下文完成空格中所缺单词, 使短文完整通顺, 语法正确, 每个空只能填一个词。(2021湖北宜昌) When we mention cleaning products, we have to talk about paper towels(手巾). I used _ think mo

20、re paper towels meant a cleaner home. 2. humorous adj. 有幽默感的;滑稽有趣的 humorous = humor + -ous(形容词后缀) humor n. 幽默 a sense of humor 幽默感 常见的以“-ous”结尾的词: fame n. 名声;名气 famous adj. 著名的 danger n. 危险 dangerous adj. 危险的 poison n. 毒药 poisonous adj. 有毒的中考链接完成句子 (2021四川自贡中考) My father used to be serious, but he i

21、s very h_ now and often tells us funny jokes. 3. She was always silent in class. silent adj. 不说话的;沉默的 silently adv. 沉默地 silence n. 沉默 in silence 沉默地【语境应用】根据句意及汉语提示完成句子。1) The teacher seemed angry. He wanted us to keep _ (沉默的), but we didnt stop talking. 2) Have you ever heard of the saying “_ (沉默) i

22、s gold”? 中考链接 1) 用括号中所给词的适当形式完成下列句子。(2021辽宁大连中考) Now more and more people like the_ in the countryside. (silent)2) 根据首字母完成句子。(2021四川自贡中考) We all keep s_ about the matter, for its a secret between us. 3) 阅读短文,在有中文提示的空格处,填入适当的短语,使短文语意连贯,意思完整。 (2021内蒙古呼和浩特、包头中考) Chester hated it when he made a mistake.

23、 But today he showed a wrong PPT at the meeting. Seeing this, everyone sat _ (沉默:无声) .4) Photos are _, but they say a lot about our lives. (2021福建中考) A. special B. strangeC. silent4. helpful adj. 有用的;有帮助的 以-ful为后缀的形容词: use n. 用途 useful adj. 有用的 care n. 小心 careful adj. 小心的 peace n. 和平 peaceful adj. 和

24、平的 hope n. 希望 hopeful adj. 有希望的 color n. 颜色 colorful adj. 颜色鲜艳的 beauty n. 美丽 beautiful adj. 美丽的 【语境应用】完成句子。1) Mom, Im very _ for all your love. A. thankful B. careful C. useful D. helpful2) Its very _ (有帮助) to discuss your problem with your parents. 中考链接I think it is a good way to study English by w

25、atching English movies.I agree. I find it _ to improve my listening. (2021云南) A. harmful B. thankfulC. carefulD. helpful5. She still plays the piano from time to time.from time to time是一个固定短语,意为“间或;有时”,常在句中作状语。e.g. Tom goes to visit his grandmother in the countryside from time to time. 汤姆时常去看望住在农村的奶

26、奶。 拓展on time 按时in time 及时at times 有时for the first time 第一次at the same time 同时 all the time 一直;总是 by the time 到时候6. This party is such a great idea! He used to be so shy and quiet. such与so 辨析such为形容词,意为“这(那)样的;主要修饰名词;so是副词,意为“这(那)么;如此地”,主要修饰形容词或副词。e.g. Do you like such weather? 你喜欢这样的天气吗? Im so glad

27、to see you. 很高兴见到你。 He can draw so well. 他画得那么好。当名词前有many,much,few或little等词修饰时,要用so而不用such。e.g. There are so many / few people in the hall. 大厅有这么多/这么少的人。 You have so much / little homework today. 你今天有这么多/这么少的作业。“such + a / an +形容词+可数名词单数 形式”相当于“so +形容词+a / an +可数名词单数形式”,表示“如此的一个”。e.g. She is such a

28、lovely girl. = She is so lovely a girl. 她是这个如此可爱的女孩。选用such或so填空。1) The man told us _ funny a story.2) She has _ a beautiful dress.3) How can you get _ much money to buy the car?4) Dont go out in _ cold weather.5) Dont eat _ quickly.7. Its been three years since we last saw our primary school classma

29、tes. 句中的“Its (It has) been + 时间段 + since从句”是英语中常见的句式,表示“自从以来有多长时间了”,从句用一般过去时。【语境应用】翻译句子。1)他们已经离开很久了。2)我爷爷去世已有两年了。8. I used to see him reading in the library every day. 感官动词see可以跟动词-ing形式作宾语补足语,即see sb. doing sth.,表示看见某人正在做某事,强调看到事情正在发生;也可以跟不带to的动词不定式(短语)作宾语补足语,即see sb. do sth.,表示看见某人做某事,强调看到事情发生的整个过

30、程。【运用】单项选择。(1) When I walked past the park, I saw some old people _ Chinese Taichi. A. do B. did C. doing D. are doing(2) She is not in now. I saw her _ to the library just now. A. went B. goes C. go D. to go中考链接根据首字母完成句子。 (2021四川眉山中考) Why were you late for class this morning? On my way to school, I

31、 happened to see an old man l_ on the ground and helped him to hospital.9. He studied hard and got good scores on his exams. score n. 得分;进球e.g. He got high scores in the examination. 考试中他得了高分。 Girls usually score highly in language exams. 在语言考试中,女生通常得高分。. Work in groupsMake a survey in your class ab

32、out who has changed most. Then make a report.PastNowHairHeightBuildpersonalityHobbyWe found has changed most. He / She used to , but now he / she . Summaryhave straight hair / curly hair留着直发/卷发be silent in class在课堂上保持沉默be interested in .对感兴趣on a swim team在游泳队from time to time时常;有时turn red变红get good

33、scores on the exams在考试中取得好成绩wear glasses戴着眼镜句型:1.DidMariouse tobe short?2. Heused tobe really short.3.I didnt use tobe popular in school.4.Whatshelikenow?5.Its beenthree yearssincewe last saw our primary school classmates.6.Its interesting tosee how people have changed. Exercises . 根据语境及所给首字母提示,补全所缺

34、单词。1. We won the football game with asof 4 to 1.2. Cindy likes telling jokes and we all think she is ah girl. 3. Betty kepts at first, but soon she joined the other girls, talking and laughing. 4. HowhSally is! Yes. She never refuses to help others. . 根据汉语意思,完成英语句子,每空一词。1. 我奶奶过去常常用手洗衣服。 My grandma _

35、 _ _ clothes by hand. 2. 自从我们搬到这座城市以来有四年了。 _ _ _ four years _ we moved to this city. 3. Paula经常骑自行车去上学,但她有时步行去。 Paula often goes to school by bike, but she walks there _ _ _ _. .根据汉语意思及括号内所给提示语,将下列句子翻译成英语。1.杰夫(Jeff)长什么样子?(be like)_2.你弟弟过去常常打篮球吗?(used to)_3.和我的数学老师交谈很有趣。(it; interesting)_4.自从格林(Green

36、)一家离开这个镇子已经有10年了。(it; since)_5.两年前萨姆(Sam)对拍照感兴趣。(interested)_6.暑假安妮(Annie)有时去旅行。(from time to time)_.根据对话内容,在空白处填入恰当的句子,使对话完整、通顺。A:Hi, Alfred! I havent seen you for many years. (1)_?B:Oh, I have been toNew York. I moved there with my parents. They got jobs there.A:Im very glad to see you again. (2)_

37、, havent you?B:Yes, I have. (3)_.But now Im very outgoing.A:Thats true. (4)_?B:Yes. I used to like music, but now I like sports. And Im on a football team.A:Wow! People sure change.B:Yes, youre right. Claire, you have changed a lot, too.(5)_.A:Yeah. But now I like long hair.B:You look more beautiful

38、 with long hair.A:Thanks a lot. Homework1. How has our school or our city changed? Try to find some changes around you and make some sentences with “used to” (at least five).2. Preview the passage on page 27.Section A 2 (3a-3c)一、教学目标: 1. 学习掌握下列词汇: background, interview, Asian, deal with, dare, priva

39、te, guard, require2. 阅读短文,能按要求获取相关的信息。3. 通过阅读训练来提高学生们的阅读能力。4. 学习运用used to来表达“过去常常”存在的状态或的发生的动作。5. 明白事物是在不断发展、变化的道理,培养积极向上的心态。二、教学重难点1. 教学重点:1) 掌握本部分出现的生词和词组,达到熟练运用的目标。2) 阅读短文,获得相关的信息。通过阅读练习,来提高阅读能力。2. 教学难点:1) 阅读短文,获得相关的信息的能力。2) 理解并运用所学的词汇及表达方式。三、教学过程. Revision Translate the sentences into English.1.

40、 马里奥以前很矮,他戴着眼镜。 _ 2. 他现在长什么样子? _ 3. 保拉以前很安静,她在班上总是很沉默。 _4. 她总是不够勇敢去问问题。 _ . New words.Look & predictLook at the picture on Page27. What do you think the girl in the picture is doing? Whats in her hand? Whats she like? Is she outgoing or is she shy?. Reading 1. Read the title and think about:From Shy

41、 Girl to Pop Star What was the girl like in the past? What kind of music does she like? What do you think the reading passage is about? 2. Fast reading Work on 3a.Tell Ss to read the article and identify the paragraphs 1-3 in which the information appears. _ how Candys life has changed _ Candys advi

42、ce to young people _ Candys backgroundSs read the article quickly and try to number the information. 3. Careful reading1) Read the first paragraph and fill in the blanks: In the pastNowSs try to read and find the answers to these questions.Then check the answers with the Ss.2) Read the second paragraph and fill in the blanks.


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