2020年江苏中考英语复习课件专题十五 完成句子.pptx

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1、一、补全句子 (一)(2019连云港,六) 根据所给汉语和句子意思,用英语补全句子。 1.What beautiful songs!All the students think Julie (对唱歌有天赋). 2.Yesterday afternoon my brother (花了两个小时安装)a new light in our bedroom. 3.Brazil (因而著称)the Amazon rainforest and soccer. Many people travel there every year. 4.Suddenly, Lucy saw a policeman near

2、the bus station.“I may ask him for help.”she (自言自语). 5.It is important for us (学会如何表达)our sincere thanks to others.,A组 20152019年江苏中考题组,答案 1.has a gift/talent for singing 考查固定搭配。have a gift/talent for对有天赋,其后加名词或动名词。 2.spent two hours (in) putting in 考查固定搭配。spend+时间段(+in)+doing花费多长时间做。 3.is famous/kno

3、wn for 考查固定用法。 be famous/known for 因而出名/著称。 4.said to herself 考查固定短语。根据句意可知此处用一般过去时。say to oneself 心里想;自言自语。 5.to learn (how) to express 考查固定用法。根据“It is+adj.+for sb.+to do sth.”结构可知此处用不定式。 learn后可加to do或how to do。,(二)(2019宿迁,五) 根据所给汉语完成下列句子,每空词数不限。 1.王俊凯擅长唱歌和打篮球。 Wang Junkai singing and playing bask

4、etball. 2.在上学路上,西蒙看见了一道美丽的彩虹。 Simon saw a beautiful rainbow school. 3.你能告诉我何时上交我的英文报告吗? Could you tell me when to my English report? 4.山东潍坊现在因制作风筝而出名。 Weifang in Shandong Province making kites now. 5.当我们处于困境时,我们不应该放弃。 We shouldnt when we are in trouble.,答案 1.is good at/does well in 考查短语be good at或do

5、 well in,此处介词后接动名词短语。主语Wang Junkai是 第三人称单数,且讲的是他的兴趣爱好,应用一般现在时,故填is good at/does well in。 2.on his way to 考查短语on ones way to.。主语是Simon,应填on his way to。 3.hand in 考查短语hand in。不定式符号后用动词原形。何时做某事when to do sth.,是“疑问词+不定 式”结构。 4.is famous/known for 考查短语be famous/known for。潍坊以制作风筝出名是一个客观事实,应用一般现 在时;主语Weifa

6、ng为第三人称单数,系动词需用is,故填is famous/known for。 5.give up 考查短语give up。情态动词shouldnt后接动词原形,故填give up。,(三)(2019淮安,) 根据所给中文意思,用英文完成下列各句。 1.他们认为一天刷两次牙是一个好习惯。 They think its a to brush teeth . 2.在周末,小汤姆和他的朋友们要么在家看电视,要么在外踢足球。 Little Tom and his friends either at home or outside at weekends. 3.今天早晨我们吃光了所有的蔬菜,最好去超市

7、买一些。 We all the vegetables this morning, so we buy some in the supermarket. 4.这位社会工作者经常步行去老年之家帮助老人。 The often goes to the old peoples home to help the elderly. 5.上周杰克当选为班长后,他迫不及待地把这个好消息告诉了他的妈妈。 Last week, after Jack as a monitor, he to tell the news to his mother.,答案 1.good habit; twice a day a good

8、 habit一个好习惯;第二空表示频率,应填twice a day。 2.watch TV; play football 此句通过either.or.连接了两个并列的谓语动词短语;根据时间状语at weekends 可知,两个动作经常发生,应用一般现在时。 3.ate up; had better 第一空考查短语eat up,根据时间状语this morning可知,动作发生在过去,应用一般过去 时;第二空考查had better do sth.“最好做某事”。 4.social worker; on foot 第一空考查短语the social worker;根据句子结构,第二空考查去老年之

9、家的方式,由 于已经有谓语动词goes,此处应用介词短语on foot,go to some place on foot相当于walk to some place走去某 地。 5.was chosen; couldnt wait 第一空考查从句的谓语部分,主语为Jack,与谓语动词之间存在逻辑上的被动 关系,be chosen as/to be 被选为;第二空考查句式cant wait to do sth.“迫不及待做某事”。根据时间状 语last week可知,两空都应用一般过去时。,(四)(2018无锡,七) 按所给的汉语,用英语完成下列句子。 1.对于你的看法我恐怕无法苟同。 Im af

10、raid I . 2.机会就在面前,但值得冒此风险吗? The chance is right in front of us, but ? 3.无锡因水著名,也曾因水而困。 Wuxi its water but it once had trouble because of water. 4.此事挂在我心头已有数月,但依然毫无头绪。 This matter , but I still havent got a clue. 5.明星该如何得体吸引粉丝注意,网上对此曾有热议。 There was a heated online discussion on . 6.这首乐曲虽是偶然之作,但价值恒远。

11、This piece of music has by accident.,答案 1.cant agree on your opinion(s) 考查agree on sth.在某方面达成一致意见。 2.is it worth taking a risk 考查it is worth doing sth.(某事值得一做)及短语take a risk(冒险)。 3.is famous for 考查短语be famous for(因而著名)。 4.has been on my mind for several months 考查现在完成时及短语on ones mind在某人心头。 5.how star

12、s should attract/catch/draw the attention of fans properly 考查宾语从句及短语attract/catch/draw the attention of sb.引起某人的注意。 6.a lasting value though it is made 考查though引导的让步状语从句及一般现在时的被动语态。,(五)(2018连云港,六) 根据所给汉语和句子意思,用英语补全句子。 1.Jim, check your homework before you (上交它). 2.Have you met Luke recently? Yes, I

13、(碰巧看见他) in the science museum yesterday afternoon. 3.Many public service ads on TV remind us to spend more time (与相 处) our parents well. 4.Benny, in my opinion, the job (值得做). Why not try it? 5.Philip, how do you feel about this afternoons competition? Oh, Im (又兴奋又紧张) about it.,答案 1.hand it in 考查短语h

14、and in 上交。it为代词,应放在动词和副词之间。 2.happened to see/meet him 考查短语happen to do sth. 碰巧做某事。yesterday afternoon为表示过去的时间 状语,故用一般过去时。 3.getting on/along with 考查短语get on/along with “与相处”及spend time doing sth.“花时间做某 事”。 4.is worth doing 考查be worth doing“值得做”。主语是the job,语境表示现在,故用一般现在时。 5.(both) excited and nervou

15、s 考查形容词作表语及并列连词both.and.。此处主语是I,表示人感到兴奋用 excited,both可以省略。,(六)(2017宿迁,五) 根据所给汉语完成下列句子,每空词数不限。 1.坚持努力学习,你将会梦想成真。 Keep studying hard, and your dream will . 2.他喜欢音乐,尤其对流行音乐着迷。 He likes music. Especially he pop music. 3.陆毅在人民的名义这部电视剧中扮演主角。 Lu Yi in the TV series called In the Name of People. 4.记得毕业后要与你的

16、老师和同学们保持联系。 Remember to your teachers and classmates after you leave school. 5.这张课桌占据了我卧室太多空间,我要把它搬走。 The desk too much space in my bedroom, so I will move it away.,答案 e true 考查短语“实现”的表达come true。注意:该短语没有被动形式,相当于be realized。 2.is crazy about 考查短语“着迷”的表达be crazy about。根据前句时态及主语可知be动词应用is。 3.played th

17、e lead role 考查短语“扮演主角”的表达play the lead role。此处应用一般过去时表示过去的 动作。 4.keep in touch with 考查短语“保持联系”的表达keep in touch (with sb.)。 5.takes up 考查短语“占据”的表达take up。根据语境可知谓语动词应用单数形式。,(七)(2017连云港,六) 根据所给汉语和句子意思,用英语补全句子。 1.Did you watch the 24th Beijing College Student Film Festival on TV tonight? Yes, it has (结束

18、) for five minutes. Feng Xiaogang won Best Director Award. 2.I have difficulty in learning English. How can I improve it? One of the best ways is (大声读) every day. 3.When I saw so many models of places of interest in World Park, I simply couldnt (相信自己的眼睛). 4.No matter how hard your situation is, you

19、had better (别灰心). 5.When Manchester City terrorist attack happened on May 22nd, people were so afraid that they ran (四面八方).,答案 1.been over 根据has可知,应用现在完成时。由于时间状语for five minutes为一段时间,不能和短暂性动词 连用,故用表示状态的 be over的完成式。 2.to read aloud 考查非谓语动词作表语。由于句子主语为物,空格前的is不是构成进行时,应用不定式to read aloud作表语。 3.believe m

20、y eyes 考查短语believe ones eyes。情态动词后用动词原形。 4.not lose heart 考查短语lose heart。had better后跟动词原形,其否定形式为had better not。 5.in all directions 考查介词短语in all directions。,(八)(2016宿迁,五) 根据所给汉语完成下列句子,每空词数不限。 1.老师要求我们按时上交作业。 Teachers require us to our homework on time. 2.约翰太粗心了,不能照看好他的宠物。 John is look after his pets

21、 well. 3.结果证明,谋杀案和那个工程师无关。 It turned out that the engineer the murder. 4.一天工作之后,他筋疲力尽。 After a days work, he was . 5.月球上的食物很可能会以药片的形式存在,而且味道没那么可口。 Food on the moon would most probably be pills and would not be tasty.,答案 1.hand in require sb. to do sth.要求某人做某事,为固定用法,故此处需填动词原形。 hand in上交。 2.too carele

22、ss to too.to.太而不能。 3.had nothing to do with 根据主句时态可知从句用一般过去时。 have nothing to do with sb.与某人无关。 4.tired out be tired out筋疲力尽。 5.in the form of in the form of以的形式。,评析 完成句子在中考试题中比较常见,句子往往在关键处设空,所填内容常为短语搭配。做题时,先阅读 中文句子,再看清英文句子结构。如:第2题,在be动词后,可跟形容词作表语,也可接现在分词构成进行时态, 还可跟过去分词构成被动语态或系表结构。结合中文,你就能判断出,此处用形容词

23、careless在too.to.结 构。此类题相比整句翻译难度要小。,(九)(2015连云港,六) 根据所给汉语和句子意思,用英语补全句子。 1.Now more and more young people (让座)the elderly on the bus in our city. 2.Sandy is looking forward to (成为一员)the Papercut Club of our school. 3.I miss my neighbours very much after I moved into the new flat. So do I.I (过去常常)play

24、cards and Chinese chess with them. 4.How do you usually go to work? I usually go to work by bus.But sometimes I (开车去上班). 5.Johns parents have gone abroad.He keeps asking (他们什么时候会回来).,答案 1.give/offer their seats to 考查短语give/offer sth.to sb.“给某人某物”。注意名词用复数形式。 2.becoming/being a member of 本题考查短语be/beco

25、me a member of。注意:look forward to 中的to为介词, 后接动词的-ing形式。 3.used to 考查used to do sth.“过去常常做某事”。 4.drive to work 考查开车去做某事的表达法。 5.when they will come/be back 考查宾语从句。宾语从句应用陈述句语序;根据语境可知,从句应用一般将 来时。,二、翻译句子 (一)(2019扬州,七,A) 将下列句子译成英语。 1.他们从小学起就一直是好朋友。 2.没有什么能阻止我们实现梦想。 3.每天锻炼一小时对健康和学习都有好处。 4.谢谢你为我们提供了这么多有趣的书籍

26、。 5.在那个时候,他别无选择,只能依靠自己。,答案 1.They have been good friends since primary school. 考查现在完成时。根据中文提示,此处应用since+时间 点作状语,句子用现在完成时。注意要用可以表示状态的be good friends,primary school前不能加冠词。 2.Nothing can prevent/stop/keep us from realizing our dreams. 考查句型prevent/stop/keep sb. from doing sth. 阻止某人做某事,其中用prevent或stop时,可

27、省略from;同时考查短语realize ones dream实现某人的梦想,此 处的ones应用our,和us对应。 3.It is good for health and study to exercise for an hour every day. 考查句式It is good for.to do sth.,做某事对 有好处。 4.Thank you for offering us so many interesting books./Thank you for offering so many interesting books to us./ Thank you for provi

28、ding us with so many interesting books./Thank you for providing so many interesting books for us./ 考查句式Thank you for doing sth.。另外还考查以下意义接近的表达:offer sb. sth./offer sth. to sb./ provide sb. with sth./provide sth. for sb.为某人提供某物;注意:当名词被many修饰,应用so表示如此多的。 5.He had no choice but to depend on himself at

29、that time. 考查句式have no choice but to do sth.除了做某事别无选择,根据时间状语at that time,谓语部分应用一般过 去时;同时考查短语depend on oneself依靠自己,此处应用himself和主语he对应。,(二)(2019苏州,五) 将下列句子译成英语。 1.多么精彩的一部4D电影啊! 2.你能告诉我你在门后面找什么吗? 3.对中国人而言,在春节团聚是常见的。 4.那只兔子如此胖以至于无法穿过那个洞。 5.如果你每天练习,你的听力技能将得到提高。,答案 1.What a wonderful 4-D film it is! 本题考查感

30、叹句。本句句型为:What+a/an+形容词+可数名词单数+主语 +谓语! 2.Can you tell me what you are looking for behind the door? 本题考查宾语从句、现在进行时及短语look for。注意宾语从句部分要用陈述句语序。根据句意,从句部分需用现在进行时。 3.It is common for the Chinese to get together at the Spring Festival. 本题考查It is+adj.+for sb. to do sth.的结构及短语the Spring Festival和get together

31、。it为形式主语,不定式短 语为真正的主语。 4.The rabbit was so fat that it couldnt go through the hole. 本题考查一般过去时,so.that.引导的结果状语 从句以及短语go through。 5.If you practise every day, your listening skill will be improved. 本题考查条件状语从句以及一般将来时的被动语态。在含有条件状语从句的主从复合句中,主句用将来 时,if引导的从句用一般现在时表示将来。主句的主语your listening skill和动词improve之间为

32、被动关系,应 用被动语态。,(三)(2018苏州,五) 将下列句子译成英语。 1.这个暑假你打算做什么? 2.我已经决定读一些书并游览一些名胜古迹。 3.养成一个良好的阅读习惯对我们来说很重要。 4.旅游被认为是放松的最好方式之一。 5.阅读和旅游能给我们打开一个全新的世界。,答案 1.What are you going to do this summer holiday?be going to do打算做,表示已经计划好的,将要做的事 情。注意:this summer holiday前面不需要加介词。 2.I have decided to read some books and visi

33、t some places of interest. 考查现在完成时及短语places of inter- est名胜古迹。可根据所给中文“已经决定”判断应用的时态。 3.Its very important for us to develop a good reading habit. 考查its+adj.+for sb. to do sth.的结构及短语 develop a habit养成习惯。it为形式主语,不定式为真正的主语。 4.Travelling is considered to be/as one of the best ways to relax. 考查一般现在时的被动语态和

34、短语be con- sidered to be/as被认为,以及one of+形容词最高级+名词复数,表示“最之一”。 5.Reading and travelling can open up a whole new world to us. 考查短语open up a whole new world to.“给 打开一个全新的世界”。,(四)(2018扬州,七,A) 将下列句子译成英语。 1.糖果含糖太多,对我们的牙齿有害。 2.总体来说,这个产品满足了大部分顾客的需求。 3.记住,每个人都可以做点对保护环境有益的事情。 4.扬州位于江苏中部,以其悠久的历史和文化而闻名。 5.如果在这里建设

35、一个新的机场,许多动物将失去家园。,答案 1.Sweets have too much sugar, and they are harmful to our teeth. 考查并列句和短语be harmful to。and 连接 两个分句,表并列、顺承或递进。也可用be bad for。 2.Generally speaking, the product has met the need of most customers. 考查短语generally speaking和meet the need of.。 3.Remember that everyone can do something g

36、ood for protecting the environment. 考查宾语从句和形容词短 语作后置定语修饰不定代词something。 4.Yangzhou lies in the middle of Jiangsu Province and its famous for its long history and culture. 考查并列 句以及短语lie in和be famous for。 5.If a new airport is built here, many animals will lose their homes. 考查条件状语从句及被动语态。if引导 的从句用一般现在时

37、的被动语态,主句用将来时。,(五)(2017苏州,五) 将下列句子译成英语。 1.苏州有着2500多年的历史。 2.这座城市以其美丽的园林而出名。 3.这几年苏州发生了很大的变化。 4.住在这样一个现代化的城市里很舒适。 5.我们会尽力使苏州成为一个更美好的地方。,答案 1.Suzhou has a history of more than 2500 years. 考查短语have a history of及短语more than。 2.This city is famous for its beautiful gardens. 考查短语be famous for.。 3.Great chan

38、ges have taken place in Suzhou over the years. 考查时间状语over the years与现在完成时连用 及短语take place。注意:take place 没有被动形式。 4.Its comfortable to live in such a modern city. 考查句型Its+adj.+to do sth.。 5.We will try our best to make Suzhou a better place. 考查短语try ones best to do sth.及make+名词(宾语)+ 名词(宾补)结构。,(六)(2016

39、苏州,五) 将下列句子译成英语。 1.为什么不参加校足球队的选拔呢? 2.他够认真,对所有事三思而后行。 3.每天大量的申请信被及时处理。 4.你能猜猜我叔叔买这个机器人多久了? 5.大自然如此重要以至于我们都在合理保护它。,答案 1.Why not try out for the school football team? 考查建议的表达why not do sth.=why dont you do sth.;同时 考查短语try out for。 2.He is serious enough to think twice about everything. 考查 be+adj.+enoug

40、h to do sth.的用法;同时考查短语 think twice about sth.。 3.Plenty of application letters are dealt with in time every day. 考查一般现在时的被动语态。“大量的”有 多种表达:a large number of, a good many等。 4.Can you guess how long my uncle has had the robot? 考查宾语从句,宾语从句用陈述句语序。注意:应用 延续性动词与表示一段时间的状语连用,此时不能用短暂性动词buy,而应用延续性动词have。 5.Natu

41、re is so important that we are all protecting it properly. 考查so.that.结构及现在进行时。 评析 整句翻译以考查句式结构为主。一个句子往往有一个主要句型,在此基础上兼顾语言表达的其他方 面。如:第1题,主要句型为提建议的Why not.?同时考查了短语“选拔”的英语表达。除此以外,时态、语 态、一致性问题、大小写、标点符号、拼写等都是翻译时需要考虑的。,(七)(2015苏州,五) 将下列句子译成英语。 1.我们一到学校就会交作业。 2.制作风筝对你来说容易吗? 3.你最好不要在公园里采花。 4.我想知道你是怎样和汤姆保持联系的。

42、 5.上周这家博物馆的一些艺术品被偷了。,答案 1.We will hand in our homework as soon as we get to school. 考查时间状语从句及短语“上交”“到达” 的表达。as soon as引导时间状语从句,从句通常用一般现在时态,主句用一般将来时态。 2.Is it easy for you to make a kite? 考查It is+adj.+for sb.to do sth.的用法。 3.Youd better not pick flowers in the park. 考查had better not do sth.的用法。注意:had

43、 better 后用动词原 形。 4.I wonder how you keep in touch with Tom. 考查宾语从句及短语“保持联系”的表达。 5.Some works of art in this museum were stolen last week. 考查一般过去时的被动语态的用法。steal的过 去分词stolen的拼写是本题的难点之一。注意主谓一致。,一、(2018陕西,) 根据所给汉语意思,用单词或短语完成下列英文句子。 1.同学们,请靠马路右边行走。 Boys and girls, please walk side of the road. 2.离开教室的时候记

44、着关灯。 Remember to the lights when you leave the classroom. 3.昨天我买了两张厉害了,我的国的电影票。 I bought two movie to Amazing China yesterday. 4.马良想为那个孩子画一匹马。 Ma Liang wanted to for the child. 5.她的脸上总带着温暖的微笑。 A is always on her face.,B组 20152019年全国中考题 组,答案 1.on/along the right walk on/along the right side.靠右边走。 2.t

45、urn off/shut off/switch off 考查“关闭”的三种表达方式。 3.tickets 考查“票”的拼写。注意:“两张电影票”要用复数形式。 4.draw/paint a horse 考查动词“画”,有两种表达形式。根据want to do sth.的结构可知用动词原形。 5.warm smile 考查名词短语。smile为可数名词,根据句首的A以及动词is可知应用单数形式。,二、(2018云南,四,第二节) 将下列句子中汉语部分译成英语,注意使用适当的形式。 1.Nowadays, many foreigners learning Chinese.(对感兴趣) 2.We w

46、ill have a party in the classroom .(后天) 3.Whales are because some people make their ocean home dirty and others kill them for meat.(处于危险 之中) 4. is a problem in all places around the worldin developing and developed countries.(食品安全) 5.When youre learning a new language, you cant be afraid to , otherw

47、ise, you wont get very far.(出 错),答案 1.are/get/become interested in;take/have an interest in;show interest in 考查短语“对感兴趣”的多种表 达。 2.the day after tomorrow 考查短语“后天”的表达。 3.in danger 考查短语“处于危险之中”的表达。 4.Food safety 考查“食品安全”的表达。 5.make mistakes/make a mistake 考查短语“出错”的表达。,三、(2017陕西,) 根据所给汉语意思,用单词或短语完成下列英文句子

48、。 1.多么新鲜的橙子啊! How fresh the are! 2.我经常在星期二打篮球。 I often play basketball . 3.去把你的袜子洗了吧。 Go and . 4.我同意你的野餐计划。 I you about the plan for the picnic. 5.“一带一路”产生了巨大的社会影响。 The Belt & Road Initiative has had a great .,答案 1.oranges orange作“橙子”讲时为可数名词。根据设空处后面是are可知,此处应用复数形式。 2.on Tuesday(s) 考查“在星期几”的表达。星期的首字母要大写。 3.wash your socks 空格处应和Go并列,构成祈使句。注意袜子sock要用复数形式。 4.agree with “同意某人”用agree with sb.。 5.social influence 此处要用“社会”的形容词形式修饰名词“影响”。,四、(2016陕西,) 根据所给汉语意思,用单词或短语完成下列英文句子。 1.我想邀请他参加我们的俱乐部。


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