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课题Unit1 The kings new clothes(Story time)主备人复备人教学目标1.学 习 单 词 和 词 组:rich,clothes,king,clever,foolish,light,soft,beautiful,wearing,理解意思,能听懂,能读熟。2.初步感知句型:can 能听懂,会读,会说。3.能正确理解故事内容,有感情地朗读故事。4.让学生体验故事表演的快乐,明白为人要诚实,待人要真诚。教学准备图片、课件、电脑等教学重难点(1)正 确 朗 读 与 理 解 单 词 clothes,foolish,wearing,clever,magic,point at,shout 等(2)在正确理解故事的基础上,有感情地朗读、表演故事内容。课时教学过程个人复备Step 1 Pre-reading1.出示国王的图片。T:Who is he?(the king)(teach“king”)T:The king is very powerful and he has a lot of money.Hes rich.(teach“rich”)Step2 While-reading1.Listen and read to learn“beautiful”,“clothes”T:What does the king like?引 导 Ss:He likes new clothes.(teach“clothes”)T:Look at the clothes.How nice!They are beautiful!(teach“beautiful”)2.Talk about the background3.Paragraph 1:1)Look and learnT:Im the king.I am very rich.I like new clothes very much!(PPT:mirror)Mirror,mirror,are my clothes beautiful?Mirror:I dont think so!T:Who can make new clothes for me?4.Paragraph 2 1)Read and underline T:Who can make new clothes for him?T:Why?Please read and underline.(学生自读)引导 Ss:Clever people can see the clothes.Foolish people cant see them.(学生自读,教师学生互动表演)5.Paragraph 3 T:What kind of clothes are they?T:They are soft and light.(teach“soft”体验感知,“light”手势感知)教师示范朗读两个骗子的话语,引导学生有感情地朗读。三个学生为一组,进行操练朗读。6.Paragraph 4&5 1)Learn the textT:The king is going to show his new clothes to other people.What do they think of the clothes?(出示人群和男孩的图片)T:(拿出人群的图片)What do they think?(They are beautiful!)Do all the people think they are beautiful?(No)Then who?(The boy.)What does he say?(出示图片 5,文字)(引导学生朗读文本)(teach“wearing”)2)一位学生扮演国王巡演,引导其他学生朗读图 4&5。Step3 Post-reading1.Talk about the charactersKing:rich,foolish Two men:clever,bad Other people:foolish Boy:honest2.Read the story.3.Act the story4.A trick 拿出另一个盒子,但盒子里什么也没有。T:Can you see some clothes?(Yes/No.)T:Remember!Clever people can see the clothes.Foolish people cant see them!Can yousee them?T:Remember!Be honest!Be yourself!Step4 Homework1.Design an ending for the story.The king is back home,2.Read more English stories from the bookshops and the internet.教后记:教后记: 6A Unit1 The kings new clothes Story time Talk about the pictures What does the king like?He likes new clothes.clothesWhat do you think of the clothes?The Kings The Kings New ClothesNew ClothesWritten in 1837The Kings The Kings New ClothesNew Clothes(丹麦)安徒生 著Who can make new clothes for me?Look and learn make for 为为(某人某人)制作制作(某物某物)1 :Im very rich.I like new clothes very much.Who can make new clothes for me?Read like a king(像国王的语气来读读)2I can!I can!Read and find(为什么国王会选他们?为什么国王会选他们?)I can!2clever/e/聪明的people/i:/人们foolish 愚蠢的:My King,we can make new clothes for you.:Clever people can see the clothes.Foolish people cant see them.:Thats good.Make some clothes for me.Read it well!(有感情地朗读)Learn the new words(学习新词)cheaters(骗子)cunning(狡猾)Fifteen days later,3Read it well!(有感情地朗读)Read and answerWhat does the king think of the clothes?(说说皇帝对新衣的看法?):My King,please put on the clothes.Are they soft?:Are they light?:Oh yes.Theyre very soft and light.Clever people can see the clothes.Foolish people cant see them.The king wants to show his new clothes in the street.What do the other people think about the clothes?(说说街上的人群对新衣的看法?)What do the other people think about the clothes?(说说街上的人群对新衣的看法?):Look at the kings new clothes.:Theyre beautiful!:Look at the kings new clothes.:Theyre beautiful!:Ha!Ha!The king isnt wearing any clothes!Talk about them!(谈人物)Talk about them!(谈人物)rich,foolish,clever,honest(诚实的)cunning(狡猾的),bad,good kingkingcheaterscheaterspeoplepeopleboyboy is are The Kings New Clothes by Hans Christian Andersen by Hans Christian Andersen (丹麦)安徒生(丹麦)安徒生(丹麦)安徒生(丹麦)安徒生 著著 Listen and repeat(注意根据揣摩人物,模仿语音语调注意根据揣摩人物,模仿语音语调)Act the story(小组表演小组表演)1.Six people a group.(六人一个小组六人一个小组)2.Read well.(有感情的朗读有感情的朗读)(脱稿脱稿)3.Do the gestures.(加上动作表情能够加分哦!加上动作表情能够加分哦!)Be honest!做诚实的你Be yourself!做真实的你Deep thinking!(深度思考)Homework1.Design an ending.(用用1-2句句话续编故事故事)2.Read more English stories from the Internet or bookshops.
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