1、1ppt课件Good painting is like good cooking:it can be tasted,but not explained.好画犹如佳肴,只可意会,不可言传。2ppt课件3ppt课件4ppt课件Chinese painting5ppt课件watercolor6ppt课件landscape7ppt课件cartoon8ppt课件oil painting9ppt课件drawing10ppt课件portrait 11ppt课件mural12ppt课件1 Picasso and another painter,George Braque,started _.2 Cubist
2、artists painted objects and people,with different _of the object or person showing at the same time.3 Pop art(_)was animportant modern_that aimed toshow ordinary twentieth-century city life.4 Pop art shows things such as _ _.Cubismaspectsfrom the word“popular”art movementsoup cansand advertisements1
3、3ppt课件1913 Pablo Picasso (Cubism)14ppt课件Campbell Soup Series II 1968 Old Fashion(Pop art)15ppt课件1921 Pablo Picasso (Cubism)16ppt课件Guernica by Picasso in 1937.It showed his feelings about what happened to the town.17ppt课件drawn byRoy LichtensteinIn the car(Pop art)18ppt课件Chinese painting is known for
4、its _ in _ and _.brush drawingsblack inksnatural colors19ppt课件The painting showed that shrimps were swimming in the water and they looked very _.A lively B freely C happily D dull(无趣的无趣的,呆滞的呆滞的)It was painted by_.QiBaishi20ppt课件Qi Baishi(1863-1957),one of Chinas greatest painters,followed the tradit
5、ional Chinese style of painting.21ppt课件Artist:Name:Xu BeihongA Five running horsesB Five lovely horsesC Six running horsesD Six crazy horses六骏图六骏图22ppt课件成名作;田横五百士成名作;田横五百士Xu Beihong(1895-1953)was one of Chinas bestknown twentieth-centuryartists.He believed that artists shouldshow reality,but not jus
6、t imitate it.He is famous for his lively paintings of horses.23ppt课件Listen to the tape and pay more attention to the words you cant pronounce correctly.Now look at the pictures and learn more about fine arts.24ppt课件Warming Up 1Look at the following pictures and say what you know about these artists
7、Picasso25ppt课件毕加索(毕加索(18811973)出生在西班牙,是当代西方)出生在西班牙,是当代西方最有创造性和影响最深远的艺术家,他和他的画在最有创造性和影响最深远的艺术家,他和他的画在世界艺术史上占据了不朽的地位。毕加索是位多产世界艺术史上占据了不朽的地位。毕加索是位多产画家,据统计,他的作品总计近画家,据统计,他的作品总计近 37000 件,包括:件,包括:油画油画 1885 幅,素描幅,素描 7089 幅,版画幅,版画 20000 幅,平幅,平版画版画 6121幅。幅。26ppt课件Roy Lichtenstein27ppt课件1923年出生于美国纽约的年出生于美国纽约的
8、Roy Lichtenstein,享有美国普普艺术之父的美誉。在享有美国普普艺术之父的美誉。在1938年之年之前,他专为爵士音乐家绘画肖像。之后,他前,他专为爵士音乐家绘画肖像。之后,他参加由参加由“艺术学生联盟艺术学生联盟”(Art Student League)举办的课程,并前往美国俄亥俄州举办的课程,并前往美国俄亥俄州研读艺术。他稍晚的作品横跨立体派与表现研读艺术。他稍晚的作品横跨立体派与表现主义两种风格。主义两种风格。50年代后期,年代后期,Lichtenstein开始以漫画与广告等通俗文化作为创作媒介,开始以漫画与广告等通俗文化作为创作媒介,他的第一个普普艺术画出现于他的第一个普普艺
9、术画出现于1961年,并藉年,并藉此向世人宣告崭新的艺术风格正式来临。此向世人宣告崭新的艺术风格正式来临。28ppt课件在他运用漫画的手法表现在他运用漫画的手法表现“美国人的美国人的生活哲学生活哲学”(American Way of Life),并且结合著名的艺术创作、雕塑作品并且结合著名的艺术创作、雕塑作品与电影创造出多样实验性作品后,纽与电影创造出多样实验性作品后,纽约现代艺术博物馆约现代艺术博物馆(Museum of Modern Art)在在1987年替他举办了完年替他举办了完整的作品展,他于整的作品展,他于1997年在纽约与年在纽约与世长辞。世长辞。29ppt课件Gorge Braq
10、ue30ppt课件George Braque(1882-1963),法国画家,是廿,法国画家,是廿世纪前半叶最有影响力的画家之一。初期走野兽世纪前半叶最有影响力的画家之一。初期走野兽派路线,后来他和派路线,后来他和Picasso及其它艺友创立了立及其它艺友创立了立体派绘画。体派绘画。1917年回归古典路线,他的作品受年回归古典路线,他的作品受黑人雕刻影响极深。黑人雕刻影响极深。31ppt课件cubism32ppt课件Qi Baishi33ppt课件齐白石,原名纯芝,字谓清、兰亭,湖南湘潭人,齐白石,原名纯芝,字谓清、兰亭,湖南湘潭人,长期侨居北京。曾担任中央美术学院名誉教授、长期侨居北京。曾担
11、任中央美术学院名誉教授、中国美术家协会主席、中央文史馆研究馆员、北中国美术家协会主席、中央文史馆研究馆员、北京中国画研究会主席、北京中国画院名誉院长,京中国画研究会主席、北京中国画院名誉院长,第一届全国人大代表。第一届全国人大代表。1953年中央文化部授予年中央文化部授予“人民艺人民艺 术家术家”称号。称号。1955年德意志民主共和国年德意志民主共和国艺术科学院授予艺术科学院授予“通讯院士通讯院士”荣誉状。荣誉状。1956年获年获世界和平理事会世界和平理事会1955年度国际和平奖金。年度国际和平奖金。1957年,年,担任北京中国画院名誉院长。担任北京中国画院名誉院长。1963年被世界和平年被世
12、界和平理事会推举为世界文化名人之一。有理事会推举为世界文化名人之一。有白石诗白石诗草草、白石印草白石印草、齐白石作品选集齐白石作品选集、齐白石作品集齐白石作品集、齐白石山水画选齐白石山水画选等问世。等问世。34ppt课件Xu Beihong35ppt课件徐悲鸿(徐悲鸿(18951953),是兼采中西艺术之长的现代绘),是兼采中西艺术之长的现代绘画大师,美术教育家。徐悲鸿擅长中国画,油画,尤精素画大师,美术教育家。徐悲鸿擅长中国画,油画,尤精素描。他的画作满含激情,技巧极高。著名油画有描。他的画作满含激情,技巧极高。著名油画有溪我溪我后后,田横五百士田横五百士,国画有,国画有九方皋九方皋,愚公移
14、题材作品,也是质优量大。他的绘画绘画36ppt课件Scanning Match paintings 1-4 with descriptionsin Paragraphs A-DAB37ppt课件DC38ppt课件Fast-Reading(T or F)1.The Cubist art movement showed different sides of an object or person at the same time.2.Picasso started an art movement himself.3.Qi Baishi and Xu Beihong painted in diffe
15、rent styles.39ppt课件4.Chinese paintings are all in black inks.5.Wu Hang likes art very much,but he sometimes get tired of looking at pictures.6.Sarahs parents helped her in developing an interest in art.40ppt课件imitate aspect lively aim movement observe stand1.We should look at every _ of the problem.
16、2.He _ his gun at the bird.3.The police _ the enemy carefully.4.This picture of horse is so _ that I almost took it for a real one.aspectaimedobservedlivelyWord practice41ppt课件5.If you _ other people,it means do as what other people do.6.In order to let other people know their opinion,they started a
17、 _.7.The music is so noisy that I cant _ it any longer imitatemovementstand42ppt课件Fill in the blanks with the definitions.1.a person who paints is called _2.an object used for painting _ 3.a public building where you can look at artist paintings _.4.a liquid used for writing or drawing _5.very speci
18、al and unusual _6.a picture of a person _7.belonging to the present time _8.a particular way of doing something _9.a painting of a country scene _painterbrushart galleryinkextraordinaryportraitcontemporarystylelandscape43ppt课件namenationalitymovementpainting stylePicassoRoySpanishAmericanCubismPop ar
19、tshow different aspects of the object or person at the same timeshow ordinary20th century city lifeFill in the table44ppt课件Qi BaishiXu BeihongChineseChinesein traditional Chinese style observed the world of nature carefullytraditional Chinese style;his painting showed life of its subjects45ppt课件1.Th
20、e Cubist art movement _.(a)showed different sides of an object in the same picture(b)is considered to be the greatest art movement of the twentieth centuryRead paragraphs A-F again and choose the correct answer.46ppt课件2.Pop art _.(a)advertised the twentieth-century life(b)tried to show ordinary life
21、 in the modern world3.Qi Baishi _.(a)painted in a very unusual way(b)was a very traditional Chinese artist47ppt课件4.Xu Beihong _.(a)wanted to do more than imitate reality(b)tried to paint horses5.Wu Hang _ the picture of a golden-haired girl.(a)loves (b)dislikes6.Sarah Hardwick thinks that _.(a)a Chinese artist painted picture 3(b)Pablo Picasso painted picture 3 48ppt课件