
上传人(卖家):三亚风情 文档编号:3571866 上传时间:2022-09-19 格式:PPT 页数:39 大小:2.73MB
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1、工科类英英 语语职业模块职业模块 3G TechnologyWarm UpListening and SpeakingReading3G TechnologyHighlightsJust for Fun Warm UpHere are some applications of 3G Technology.Please match the terms in Column A with their meanings in Column B.Warm-up A1.unlimited broadband Internet access2.video call 3.mobile phone TV4 wi

2、reless search5.mobile phone music6.mobile phone online game7.mobile office8.mobile location services9.mobile phone reading10.mobile phone shopping B a.移动定位服务 b.手机购物 c.视频通话 d.手机网游 e.手机电视 f.手机办公 g.无线搜索 h.宽带上网 i.手机音乐 j.手机阅读 Listening and SpeakingDialogue StudyActivitiesDialogue(Z=Zhang Jun G=Guo Min)Z:

3、I am a user of China Mobile,and want to switch to third-generation service.G:As a matter of fact,3G service of China Mobile isnt the most advanced one in our country,have you ever thought about changing a new company?Z:No,I havent.Im an old client of China Mobile,and I think their services are good

4、enough.G:Yes,its true.China Mobile is the worlds biggest wireless operator,which has extended its services to most of China.Z:Thats right.China Mobile is changing our life.G:Ha ha.I heard that China Mobile will introduce wide variety of new phones for Chinas home-grown 3G service.Whats more,they all

5、 have fashionable look and powerful function.Z:Really?Thats great.I want to choose one for me.New Words Phrases NotesTo be continuedswitch v.n.变更,转换变更,转换开关开关generationn.一代一代advancedadj.先进的先进的clientn.顾客,客户顾客,客户wirelessadj.无线的无线的operatorn.经营者经营者extendv.扩展扩展introduce v.引进引进varietyn.种类种类home-grownadj.本国

6、产的本国产的fashionableadj.时尚的时尚的powerfuladj.强大的强大的functionn.功能功能third-generation(3G)第三代移动通信第三代移动通信技术技术 as a matter of fact 事实上事实上1.As a matter of fact,3G service of China Mobile isnt the most advanced one in our country,.事实上,中国移动的事实上,中国移动的3G3G服务并不服务并不是国内最新的服务技术是国内最新的服务技术 as a matter of fact 1.用来加强语气或表示强调

7、,意为:事实上;其实。如:I dont have a car.As a matter of fact,I cant drive.2.用来引出与听话人期待相反的事实,意为:事实上恰恰相反。如:He doesnt mind.As a matter of fact,hes very pleased.注:以上用法中的as a matter of fact 也可以换成in fact而意义不变。2.Whats more,they all have fashionable look and powerful function.然而,他们既有时尚的外表,又有强大的功能。然而,他们既有时尚的外表,又有强大的功能

8、。whats more 表示递进,是“然而/还有”的意思,独立使用,more后面To be continued不加词和句子。既可以放句首,也可以放句中。放句首时,Whats more,(然而怎样怎样)放句中时,.,whats more,.(,还有/然而,)例如:Whats more,he only knew how to spell apple!whats more可以翻译成况且,更进一步来说。ActivitiesWork AlonePair WorkListen to the dialogue,and decide whether the following statements are t

9、rue(T)or false(F).()1.China Mobile has the most advanced 3G service.()2.Zhang Jun are satisfied with China Mobiles services.()3.Guo Min finally persuaded Zhang Jun to change a new company.Work AloneKey1.T2.F3.FFirst listen to and repeat the dialogue,then role play it in pairs.Pair Work ReadingText O

10、neText TwoPost-Reading 3Pre-Reading1While-Reading2 Text OnePre-readingWork in groups to discuss the following questions.1.What are your feelings with 3G mobile phone?2.What changes do you think 3G technology will bring to us?While-reading “3G”or“third-generation”is the third generation mobile commun

11、ication technology for short.3G services can simultaneously transmit voice(call)and data information(e-mail,instant messaging,etc.).High bandwidth is one of the selling points of 3G.While the maximum bandwidth for a stationary 3G device is 2.05 megabytes(MB),when you are moving slowly(such as walkin

12、g),this drops to 384 kilobytes(KB).When you and your device are moving at high speeds(such as in a car),the maximum bandwidth drops to 128 KB.However,this is still 10 times faster than the maximum bandwidth of moving 2G devices.This allows you quick and easy access to all of your favorite online mul

13、timedia and Internet tools,just like you were at home on a computer.Advantages of 3GTo be continuedAnother advantage of 3G technology is that it can utilize packet-based Internet protocol connectivity.This means your mobile device will always be online and ready for Internet access.However,you will

14、not actually pay for the connection until you start sending or receiving data packets,such as sending an e-mail or looking at a webpage.Some 3G devices are also designed to automatically pick up the closest,free-to-access Wi-Fi signals,in which case,you wont have to pay anything for Internet.New Wor

15、ds Phrases and Expressions NotesWhile-readingTo be continuedsimultaneouslyadv.同时地同时地transmitv.传输传输instantadj.立刻的,马上的立刻的,马上的bandwidthn.带宽带宽maximumadj.最大的最大的stationaryadj.不动的不动的megabyten.兆字节兆字节kilobyten.千字节千字节allowv.允许,准许允许,准许utilizev.利用,使用利用,使用packetn.信息包信息包protocoln.(数据传递的)协议(数据传递的)协议connectivityn.连

16、通性连通性webpagen.网页网页automaticallyadv.自动地自动地signaln.信号信号 for short 简称,缩写简称,缩写instant messaging 即时通讯即时通讯 selling point (吸引顾客的)产品(吸引顾客的)产品 特色,卖点特色,卖点at high speed 以高速以高速packet-based 基于分组的基于分组的be ready for 为为做好准备做好准备pay for 为为付钱付钱pick up 获得获得free-to-access 免费访问免费访问 To be continuedPost-readingKeys1.F 2.F 3

17、.T 1.supply 2.bill 3.support 4.transfer 5.operator 6.data 1.are referred to as 2.amount of 3.stand for 4.set up 5.on the move 1.中国移动WAP代表中国无线应用协议,通常被称为“移动互联网”。2.由于电话的屏幕比较小,网页上的内容都很基础,所以网页浏览很有效率,下载也很快。3.大多数的移动电话运营商都提供中国移动WAP服务。To be continuedPost-readingKeys4.WAP推出以后,人们只要拨一个特殊的WAP号码,就能从浏览器上获得所需要的信息。5

18、.移动电话装好之后,你只需要进入你手机运营商的WAP首页就可浏览网页内容。Reading1Keys2 Text Two GPSWhat is GPS?The Global Positioning System(GPS)is a satellite-based navigation system made up of a network of 24 satellites placed into orbit by the US Department of Defense.GPS was originally intended for military applications,but in the

19、 1980s the government made the system available for civilian use.GPS works in any weather conditions,anywhere in the world,24 hours a day.There are no subscription fees or setup charges to use GPS.To be continued ReadingHow it works?GPS satellites circle the earth twice a day in a very precise orbit

20、 and transmit signal information to the earth.GPS receivers take this information and use triangulation to calculate the satellite with the time it was received.The time difference tells the GPS receiver how far away the satellite is.Now with distance measurements from a few more satellites the rece

21、iver can determine the users position and display it on the units electronic map.To be continued ReadingA GPS receiver must be locked on to the signal of at least three satellites to calculate a 2D position(latitude and longitude)and track movement.With four or more satellites in view,the receiver c

22、an determine the users 3D position(latitude,longitude and altitude).Once the users position has been determined,the GPS unit can calculate other information,such as speed,bearing,track,trip distance,distance to destination,sunrise and sunset time and more.New Words Notes Reading Phrases and Expressi

23、onsTo be continuedglobaladj.全球的全球的positionv.n.给给定位定位位置,方位位置,方位systemn.体系,系统体系,系统satelliten.卫星卫星navigationn.导引,导航导引,导航placev.放置,安置放置,安置orbitn.轨道轨道originallyadv.起初,原来起初,原来intendv.计划,打算,想要计划,打算,想要militaryadj.军事的军事的To be continuedcivilianadj.民用的民用的subscriptionn.订阅费订阅费feen.(加入组织或做某事付的)(加入组织或做某事付的)费费setup

24、n.安装安装chargen.费用费用preciseadj.精确的精确的receivern.接收机接收机triangulationn.三角测量三角测量calculatev.计算计算measurementn.长度,尺寸长度,尺寸determinev.确定,测定确定,测定unitn.装置装置electronicadj.电子的电子的latituden.纬度纬度longituden.经度经度trackv.n.监测监测轨道轨道altituden.高度高度bearing n.压力,推力压力,推力destinationn.目的地,终点目的地,终点GPS(the Global Positioning Syste

25、m)全球定位系统全球定位系统satellite-based基于卫星的基于卫星的make up of 由由组成,由组成,由构构成成the US Department of Defense 美国国防部美国国防部intend for 打算给(某人)或作打算给(某人)或作(某种用途)(某种用途)available for 可用于可用于lock on 用雷达自动跟踪用雷达自动跟踪in view 看得见看得见 全球定位系统(全球定位系统(GPS)最开始是用作军事用途的,但是二十世纪)最开始是用作军事用途的,但是二十世纪八十年代政府开始用应用于民众。八十年代政府开始用应用于民众。make 使使,有轻微强迫之

26、意,为使役动词,有轻微强迫之意,为使役动词,make sth.availabl意思为意思为“使使可以享受某物可以享受某物”。1.make+宾语宾语+do,迫使某人做某事,被动语态为,迫使某人做某事,被动语态为be made to do 例如:例如:The boy made the girl cry.2.make+宾语宾语+adj./adv./prep./n.使使处于某种状态处于某种状态 例如:例如:His illness made him very weak.3.make+宾语宾语+doing使使处于某种状态,并强调动作的主动性处于某种状态,并强调动作的主动性 例如:例如:The story

27、made him feeling sad.4.make+宾语宾语+done使处于某种状态,并强调动作的被动性使处于某种状态,并强调动作的被动性 例如:例如:Please speak louder to make yourself heard.Keys1.T 2.F 3.F 4.F 5.T 1.c 2.e 3.a 4.b 5.d 1.手机浏览器又被称为“无线因特网”、“无线网”或“无线移动互联网”。2.具有这一特点的大多数手机都只能浏览专为手机设计的网页。3.一些传统的网站也提供手机版网页,但是通常只有一小部分的内容或者服务提供无线版本的功能。4.尽管浏览完整网站的手机越来越流行了,但是和WAP

28、 2.0相关的XHTM却仍然集中精力于优化移动网址。5.任何能连接到互联网的数据连接向导都能访问WAP 2.0和完整的网页。Good Thing He Has You While I was talking to a parent of one of my third-grade students,another teacher walked by.The mother,remarking how beautiful the woman was,said,“If my son had her for a teacher,he wouldnt be able to concentrate.”Then she paused and added,“Good thing he has you.


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