外研版(2019)高中英语必修第一册Unit 3单元检测试卷(Word版含答案).docx

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1、外研版(2019)高中英语必修第一册Unit 3单元检测试卷第一部分阅读(共两节,满分50分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。AAnimals are humans best friends. Here we will know about some of those interesting friends. Gouldian FinchNative to Australia, the Gouldian finch has special green, yellow, red and black marking

2、s. For the males (雄性),the part between the neck and the stomach is bright purple, while for females, this part is pale purple. We all Have to agree that nature has created some really great animals with the smallest of details.Keel-Billed ToucanIt is the very same crazy bird from the movie Rio, also

3、 known to be the “rainbow billed toucan”. The bird has a black body and a yellow face. The color of its bill (喙)is a combination of green, yellow, orange and red, and thats how the name rainbow billed toucan came from. It is rarely seen alone. It travels in small groups of about six to twelve indivi

4、duals.The Oriental Dwarf KingfisherIt is a great tiny bird commonly found in South Asia. This bird is the most brightly colored and the smallest kingfisher species. Its special feature is the orange with bluish-purple head, which can be easily recognized. The throat is white with bright orange color

5、ed lines at the bottom. It is a pretty and small bird.Poison (毒)Dart FrogIt is a kind of very beautiful creature. The bright colors of the poison dart frog send a warning to its natural enemies about its poison. Found in South America, with some of the brightest shades of yellow, copper, red, green

6、and blue, this frog is among those very animals that you have to watch out in the Amazon Rainforest.1.What can we learn about the Gouldian finch according to the text?A.Its colors can sometimes change.B.Its number has been increasing these years.C.It is more active at night than during the day.D.It

7、can be recognized as male or female based on colors.2.According to the text, the rainbow billed toucan_ .A.gets the name due to its colorful bodyB.has drawn some filmmakers attentionC.is a kind of very social bird D.is friendly to human beings3.What is special about the poison dart frog according to

8、 the text?A.It is attractive but very dangerous.B.It mainly feeds on small poisonous insects.C.It has few enemies in the Amazon Rainforest.D.It is the most dangerous animal in the Amazon Rainforest.BI love hiking. In the mountains, the birds sing for me; the various trees and flowers overwhelm (征 服)

9、my eyes and the deep blue of the sky inspires me and makes me feel calm. Furthermore, I can breathe the fresh air, keeping away from the dust and pollution of the city. It seems that all my senses are awakened when I am in the mountains. More importantly, hiking teaches me a lot.I have been a travel

10、er since childhood and was drawn towards mountains and their beauty. Later my reading several travel books made me think if I could also go on such journeys. Finally, I decided to give it a try. After I was well-prepared to face all difficulties of the hike, I joined a group of hikers. On the way, w

11、e encouraged each other, took beautiful pictures, and sat down now and then to feel the breath of the land. All my worries disappeared and we talked and laughed just like kids. This journey excited me for a long time.I never actually realized the need for water until I started hiking. I remember onc

12、e I was on a hike where our water was not enough. It was a night hike and the next day we had to return back to our base camp following the same route. So we have to save it for emergencies (紧急事件).That day I exactly learned water is of great value and that we have a duty to save it.Besides enjoying

13、the beautiful natural views, you have to go out of your comfort zone and push yourself hard to challenge your normal limits when hiking. On a hike, you may sometimes get injured but you cant stop until you reach the destination. Every next try will surely make you stronger and happier if you embrace

14、 (拥抱)your injuries, pains and discomforts.Sometimes we may have a conversation with those locals living in wooden houses. You know, mountain life is hard and difficult. But they never complain about their life. They are happy with what they have. Many times they are facing extreme weather and they j

15、ust fight with them. They are so brave. What can we complain about?4.Why does the author like hiking according to the first paragraph?A.It benefits his mind and body.B.He likes challenging his limits.C.It is a way to escape the stress of life.D.He enjoys doing some research on wild plants.5.Whats th

16、e authors purpose by mentioning his experience of a night hike?A.To warn about the danger of night hikes.B.To tell us how to deal with emergencies.C.To show the importance of protecting water resources.D.To advise us to drink enough water when traveling.6.What can be inferred from Paragraph 4?A.Hiki

17、ng can help improve our social skills.B.Hiking makes us become more healthy.C.Hiking teaches us to accept our weak points.D.Hiking helps develop our strength of will.7.What do the locals in the mountains teach the author most?A.We should spend time experiencing mountain life.B.We should learn to fac

18、e difficulties in life positively.C.We should offer help to the weak.D.We should value the people around us.CA kind of blue dye (颜料)called folium had been widely used to paint pictures on the pages of manuscripts (手稿)created in the Middle Ages. But long ago, this watercolor fell out of use.“Manuscri

19、pts are an important part of the cultural works of art in the Middle Ages,” said scientist Maria in an email to CNN. “Color is a basic feature of these manuscripts. To let ancient manuscripts. keep a good condition for future generations, we sometimes need to repaint their inside pictures through th

20、e ancient dye like folium that was once used in these manuscripts. But everyone who knew how to prepare folium had died long ago. So I led a team to study this dye.”Her team turned to books from the 1400s and found one that described the plant that was its source. It is a tiny plant with silvery-gre

21、en leaves. Days later, the scientists reached a village in south Portugal, where nobody knew this little plant. However, after carefully going through a plenty of different plants growing there, the scientists finally raked out the plant they wanted and brought some back to their laboratory.Back in

22、the lab, the scientists produced the dye with the help of an ancient text on colors. The text has clearly described the ways to make it. “Its cool to have done that work of looking in the historical records and traveling back in time,” says Casadio, who was not part of this study. It recreates an an

23、cient process. By making the dye, the scientists could study its chemistry without experimenting on priceless delicate (易损的) works of art, she points out.Now, the researchers dont know the dyes stability(稳定性)and its ability against the environment that may wear and break it down over time. “To know

24、such information is necessary if we desire to make these colors last long enough,” Maria said. “So our study will continue.”8.What do we know about folium from the first two paragraphs?A.It is very easy to make with modem technology.B.It is a dye found by chance many years ago.C.It was a popular dye

25、 lost in history.D.It was very expensive in ancient times.9.What do Marias words in her email to CNN mainly imply?A.Its important and meaningful to study folium.B.Its difficult to learn about the usage of folium.C.Its necessary to find something to replace folium.D.Its common to study folium through

26、 manuscripts.10.What does the underlined phrase “raked out” in Paragraph 3 probably mean?A. Bought. B. Studied.C. Discovered. D. Planted.11.Whats the advantage of Maria s way to make folium according to Casadio?A.Being easy and safe to carry out.B.Reducing the cost of production.C.Avoiding possible

27、damage to artworks.D.Increasing peoples interest in painting.CRecess (课间休息)time has been dropping for many children in America. This drop began the same year the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) was passed. The law aimed to make American education system more internationally competitive by introducin

28、g achievement goals for schools. And the goals are gauged (评定)by standardized tests in reading and math. If schools missed their achievement goals, they could be in trouble, including loss of funding.Its no surprise that teachers have felt the pressure to make sure students perform well on standardi

29、zed tests. When educators are facing pay cuts, loss of funding to their school and perhaps even the loss of their jobs, its no wonder that they started questioning if recess was a waste of time. This pressure to bring even more learning into the school day is especially felt by underperforming, low-

30、income schools that are already short of funding.It may seem strange to send kids out to play when theyre falling below state standards,but getting outside for unstructured(散乱的) play may be more helpful than keeping kids in the classroom all day.“Moving, running and playing outdoors freely have grea

31、t influence on children. These activities play a role in children1 s abilities to focus and control themselves throughout the day,” Marie Conti says, a famous educator of early childhood education. The mind cannot be educated without using the body. Learning is a whole of thinking and moving,” she a

32、dded.Recess time makes it possible for children to learn something they cant get in class. Asking other kids to play, explaining the rules of a complex game and ending arguments are all important life lessons that children can only learn if theyre given time to play. When something unhappy happens,

33、children can find a way to get back to having fun themselves.The physical activities kids take part in during recess can also reduce stress levels and allow children to feel more relaxed. In an education system that. Continues to place higher expectations on children to perform to a certain standard

34、, less stress is just what the doctor ordered.12.Whats implied about American teachers in Paragraph 2?A.They consider recess time very important for children.B.They care little about the loss of school funding.C.They are forced to teach to the test.D.They ask for an increase in pay.13.What do Marie

35、Contis words in Paragraph 4 suggest?A.Physical activities can better prepare children for learning.B.Teachers find it hard to keep children focused in class.C.Schools should pay attention to mental health education.D.Children should be given chances to communicate freely.14.According to Paragraph 5,

36、 recess time helps children .A.strengthen their leadershipB.develop problem-solving skillsC.improve performance at studyD.know more about their learning goals15.What would be the best title for the text?A.How educational rules change childrens life.B.How to perform better in standardized tests.C.Why

37、 children should work hard at school.D.Why schools need more playtime.第二节(共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。When buying a backpack, there are several things you should consider. 16 A backpack used for carrying school supplies, for example, may not need to have as many f

38、eatures as a backpack that is to be used for hiking or camping.When buying a backpack,look for one that can easily be placed on your back. Many people carry their backpacks over only One shoulder. 17 Backpacks are designed to be carried completely on your back, supported by both shoulders, in order

39、to help evenly distribute (分配)the weight. In fact, carrying a backpack that is either too heavy or used improperly is one of the leading causes of back injuries in students.18 If the backpack will be used for carrying textbooks, it must be wide enough to contain the width of the books it will carry.

40、 If the backpack is for hiking, it needs to be large enough to carry supplies such as a solar blanket and other camping things.Another consideration when buying a backpack is the number of compartments (隔层)the backpack has. When used for hiking or camping, it5s often helpful for a backpack to have s

41、everal smaller compartments. 19 The material is also important when buying a backpack. When buying a backpack for hiking or camping, it is best to buy one that is strong enough. 20 If you are buying a backpack for college use, it might also help prevent your books and homework from getting wet while

42、 you arewalking from one building on campus to another in the rain.A.But this is actually a mistake.B.There are backpacks different from traditional ones.C.It is helpful to buy a backpack with much space inside.D.It is important to buy one that will be comfortable to carry.E.This way, important item

43、s such as knives are easy to reach.F.Thus, your clothing or supplies will not get damaged in bad weather.G.The most important consideration when buying a backpack is its future use.第二部分语言运用(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Karen Loewe has been teaching seventh

44、 and eighth grade students for 22 years, 21 her most recent day was apparently the most 22 day of her educational career she tried a new activity with her students in her class. 23 establishing that her classroom was a safe space for 24 ,she asked her students to write about some emotional problems.

45、 Since they werent required to put their names on the paper, they could describe their issues as 25 as they wanted. The youngsters were then asked to take turns 26 what their classmates wrote, and all of them were given the opportunity to identify (表明)themselves as the person 27 for the writing. “Th

46、ings like being left by their parents, death and 28 pets were written down. The kids who heard the. stories would cry because what they were hearing was 29 It was a difficult day, but I believe my kids will judge a little less, 30 a little more, and forgive a little faster,” Loewe said.Since she wro

47、te about her 31 on social media, her post has been shared more than 500,000 times. 32 from all over the world have reached out to her about using similar activities in their own classrooms and her students have learned to 33 other people. “They don t casually 34 or talk down to each other anymore,”

48、she said. “Theyre not rude. It has completely 35 how they treat each other. I wish I would have done this years ago.”21. A. so B. or C. and D. but22.A. influential B. relaxingC. interestingD. grateful23.A. WithoutB. BeforeC. UponD. Despite24.A. studyB. expressionC. discussionD. apology25.A. carefullyB. freelyC. crazilyD. shortly26.A. spread


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