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1、类型1 完形填空A 5年5考的语法点主要为形容词词义辨析;高频考点为:动词短语辨析、名词词义辨析、动词词义辨析、代词词义辨析、连词词义辨析、介词(短语)词义辨析、副词(短语)词义辨析;其余考点为轮考点。2019青海答题第一步:把握句子信息,抓住时间、人物、事件等关键信息。答题第二步:快速浏览全文,用“”标注关键词汇,从总体上把握文章大意,由句子结构及固定搭配等可以确定能直接选出答案的题目。答题第三步:逐句细读,确定剩余的题目。答题第四步:复读全文,检查答案。所有的空格都填好后,最好能把文章从头到尾带着所填的答案重新读一遍,检查所填答案是否符合语篇逻辑,是否前后对应。答题第五步:核对答案,反思错

2、题。【答案速查】1-5CABCA 6-10BCDAD 话题话题 1 1 教育故事教育故事Cloze 12018青海 A girl was working as a nurse in a private hospital.One day,a patient who was 1 ill was brought to her hospital,but soon had to be moved to a different hospital for an operation.The director of the hospital said that the patient couldnt leave

3、 2 he paid his bill first.The patients family asked if they could pay the bill 3 the operation,as the patient was terribly ill.But their request was refused.The nurse,who had just arrived to work,heard about the situation and made a 4 decision.She took off her golden 5 and used it to pay the patient

4、s bill.6 her help,the patient was immediately taken to the other hospital and his life was saved.Although the watch was the only piece of valuable thing she 7,the nurse donated it to save the patient,8 he was a total stranger to her.The nurses action caught the attention of the doctor 9 was on duty

5、that day.He later 10 the nurse and they finally got married.We may give without loving,but we cannot love without giving.Love means giving as much as we can.Love is like a smile,neither has any value unless they are given away.As Mother Teresa once said,“It is not how much you do,but how much love y

6、ou put into what you do.”1.A.heavilyB.especiallyC.simply D.seriously2.A.unlessB.becauseC.though D.if3.A.since B.until C.after D.before4.A.surprisingB.excitingC.interesting D.fascinatingCAAD5.A.necklaceB.watch C.ring D.glasses6.A.In order toB.As for C.Thanks to D.Thanks for7.A.borrowedB.made C.saw D.

7、owned8.A.so thatB.even though C.and D.as if9.A.who B.that C.when D.whom10.A.got on well withB.made friends withC.fell in love with D.was proud ofBCDBACCloze 22019广西北部湾经济区改编 When I was in middle school,I felt I was always letting people down.Once I brought my 1 Daisy to my home.I noticed that all my

8、family members seemed to like Daisy better than me.I felt very 2.I even thought 3 didnt love me.I wondered whether they would miss me if I died some day.4 I told my mum,“Daisy is more patient than I have ever been.You must want her to be your daughter instead of me.”My mum explained that Daisy was a

9、 5 girl,but nobody could replace(代替)me in the family.She said I was the only person who could fill my role.She made me realize that even if I made mistakes,I was a beloved member of the family who could 6 be replaced.From then on,I tried to 7 who I was and what made me special.I looked at8 in a new

10、way.Then I started to be positive(积极的)towards my life,and I was happy about 9 I really was.I came to feel much better as I knew that no one could ever replace me.Each of us holds a special place 10 the world.You are special,no matter what others say or what you may think.So forget that you will be r

11、eplaced.You cant be.1.A.student B.students C.friendD.friends2.A.nervousB.sad C.excitedD.relaxed3.A.he B.she C.theyD.it4.A.But B.So C.ThoughD.Whether5.A.love B.lover C.lovedD.lovely 6.A.never B.often C.seldomD.always7.A.do well inB.get used to C.find outD.look up to8.A.itself B.herself C.himselfD.mys

12、elf9.A.whereB.which C.whoD.that10.A.to B.at C.onD.inCBCBDACDCDCloze 3 2019河北改编 I have invented robots which improve the work of cars.My love of making things began 1 I was a kid.I really became excited about inventing after I learned about Thomas Edison.One day in fourth grade,our 2 gave us a projec

13、t in class.We had to write to a company and learn about the products.I thought and thought.3 I chose the Thomas A.Edison Company.Soon after,the company sent me a book about the life of Thomas Edison.How I enjoyed reading and re-reading about 4 inventions!I like the recorded sound and the electric li

14、ght most.My dad noticed my interest in inventing and 5 me.He showed me how to turn my ideas into plans and then into new things.Once,I surprised my dad 6 a model plane I made.Later,we found a similar model plane in a store.I learned that different inventors often invent similar things.It is not unus

15、ual for this to happen.I also learned that not all great ideas 7.Failure is a8 part of the inventing.As my father and I worked together,I began to realize that my dad was quite an inventor himself.He was always 9 a better way to do a simple job.His guiding hands,together with my interest in inventin

16、g,led me 10 an engineer and an inventor.1.A.beforeB.after C.when D.until2.A.friendB.teacher C.monitor D.inventor3.A.Final B.Finally C.Quickly D.Quick4.A.her B.its C.their D.his5.A.mistookB.refused C.chose D.encouraged6.A.with B.about C.into D.from7.A.work B.works C.worked D.are working8.A.main B.sig

17、nificant C.common D.importantCBBDDAACBC9.A.looking at B.looking forC.looking after D.looking through10.A.to change into B.change intoC.to become D.becomeCloze 42019湖州改编My neighbor is a doctor.He and his wife are some of the 1 people I have ever met.A few years ago,we started this kind of“favor war”w

18、here one of us would do 2 kind for the other,such as cleaning up the driveway or building a shed(小屋子).Yesterday morning there was about 2 or 3 feet of snow on the ground and I 3 he shoveled(铲)my driveway for me last 4.So I took out my shovel and cleaned both 5 sidewalks and driveways.That night my n

19、eighbor came to me,shook my hand and thanked me for shoveling his driveway and sidewalk,so that he was able to get to work earlier and 6 a boy.“As soon as I started the car,a call came through that a young boy in our neighborhood was seriously ill.7,my partner and I were only about 2 minutes away,bu

20、t the closest ambulance 10 minutes,”added he.“A young boy got to live his life 8 what you did this morning.”It wasnt too much trouble 9 a driveway,but what I did got a young boy to see his family again,go back 10 school again and live his life again.Even the smallest favor can make the biggest diffe

21、rence.1.A.nicestB.busiest C.richestD.happiest2.A.nothingB.something C.anythingD.thing3.A.saw B.thought C.expectedD.remembered4.A.springB.summer C.autumnD.winter5.A.us B.their C.our D.them6.A.met B.saved C.supportedD.encouraged7.A.FinallyB.Actually C.LuckilyD.Suddenly8.A.when B.unless C.becauseD.thou

22、gh9.A.shovelingB.shoveled C.shovelD.to shovel10.A.to B.at C.in D.ofABDDCBCCDACloze 5 Andrew was a smart boy.One day,his father gave him some 1 and asked him to buy some goldfish.He found that the killifish(鳉鱼)in the market 2 small goldfish,and they were much 3.So he bought some killifish and kept th

23、e rest of the money for himself.When he got home,his father realized what Andrew did 4.He knew his son didnt buy the right fish.At the same time,he thought his son might have an advantage in marketing(市场营销).And he should 5 a way to help his son grow well.Then he said to his son,“Andrew,do you know 6

24、 you have bought?Are they goldfish?”Andrew felt shy and said in a 7 voice,“Er,no,but.”His father continued,“Well,Im glad you know how to8 money.I also know you are good at watching things around you.But its not right to be dishonest.You should do things honestly,9 others wont trust you.”Then he help

25、ed Andrew start with some chores,like buying daily things and helpinuncle in his store.Finally,Andrew became a successful 10.Several years later,when talking about the key to his success,Andrew said,“Thanks to my father,I got to know myself well and developed in a right way.”1.A.paper B.money C.gift

26、s D.flowers2.A.just likeB.looked like C.looked D.felt like3.A.cheaperB.more expensive C.uglier D.more beautiful4.A.for a whileB.except for C.at time D.at once5.A.talk aboutB.care about C.think ofD.hear of6.A.that B.where C.what D.which7.A.low B.loud C.good D.bad8.A.lend B.lose C.save D.raise9.A.and

27、B.but C.so D.or10.A.postman B.businessman C.fisherman D.sportsmanBBADCCACDB话题话题2 趣味故事趣味故事Cloze 1 2017青海青海 Robert wants to be a soldier in the future.The boy hopes 1 the army when he leaves middle school.He gets on well with his classmates.2 he has a bad habit.He always boasts(自夸)to others.3,Roberts

28、leg is hurt in a traffic accident after he graduates from middle school.He has to 4 his hometown and help his father to run the farm.He does well in managing the farm and it becomes bigger and bigger.One day,Robert meets several friends 5 havent seen him for many years.To show off his life,Robert in

29、vites them to visit his big farm.Arriving 6 the farm,Roberts friends are amazed by his beautiful house and garden.Robert is happy and says,“Dont be silly!It is only a small part of my home.Let me show you how7 it is!”Then they get into Roberts car to visit the farm.8 quite a few hours,they are still

30、 in the car.“9 will take two days to visit the whole farm,”Robert says with pride.“You are right.But maybe there is 10 with your car.We have only driven one mile in all this time.”1.A.join B.to join C.take part inD.to take part in2.A.But B.And C.Or D.So3.A.LuckyB.UnluckyC.LuckilyD.Unluckily 4.A.go b

31、ackB.move toC.return toD.come back5.A.what B.whom C.which D.whoDCBAD6.A.at B.in C.onD./7.A.interestingB.expensiveC.largeD.beautiful8.A.With B.For C.SinceD.From9.A.They B.That C.ItD.We10.A.something wrong B.wrong somethingC.anything wrong D.wrong anythingACBCACloze 22019广州改编 John suddenly jumped off

32、the swing without even slowing down.He called out nervously,“Mom,wheres Charlie?”He had just 1 he hadnt seen his new puppy for over an hour.John looked around the garden,behind the bushes,and under the picnic table.No dog!His mother heard fear in his 2 as he called her a second time.“Mom,I cant find

33、 Charlie!”She came outside 3.“Lets look around the garden first.Dont worry.Im sure hes close by.Both the son and mother 4now,but still no Charlie.Their calls were not completely wasted,though.Joe,the next-door neighbor,and his two daughters Tania and Julie,immediately agreed to help5 look for the lo

34、st dog.6 even with five people now searching the towns streets,they had no luck.Charlie was still 7.Tania suggested they make posters with Charlies picture.She had done this when her own cat was lost a year earlier,she told John,and the cat was found the next day.John agreed.When they8 their home,he

35、 made a poster with a photo of Charlie.Then John heard a noise and opened his bedroom door.It was Charlie.John was greeted with a big wet kiss.Charlie had been shut 9 the bedroom this whole time,10.John had never been so happy in his life!1.A.understoodB.heard C.saw D.realized2.A.appearanceB.locatio

36、nC.voice D.face3.A.quick B.quickly C.active D.actively4.A.were shouting B.shoutedC.shouts D.will shout5.A.it B.them C.her D.theirs6.A.And B.But C.So D.Or7.A.missing B.missed C.surprisingD.surprised8.A.passed byB.returned C.went outD.went back to9.A.to B.at C.on D.in10.A.sleptB.to sleepC.sleepingD.sl

37、eepDCBABBADDCCloze 32019大庆改编 While at the beach this afternoon,I met a 1 called Bob.We talked a lot.He said that it was fun playing on the cliffs(悬崖).I told him 2 I was not allowed to go near that place(Mum and Dad had always told me it was dangerous to play there).He called me a coward(胆小鬼).I wante

38、d to prove to him that I was just as brave as he was,so I agreed to go 3 him.We wanted to make our way down to explore the area.So Bob started to climb down 4 I followed him.5,some rocks came down after us.One of them nearly hit my head.We could not get back up.We shouted and shouted for help.But fo

39、r a long time 6 help came.I was really scared.I wanted to cry.Then,we heard some 7.Someone had heard us.A woman tied a rope around 8 while a man at the cliff top held the rope.She 9 her way down to save us.My parents were relieved(宽慰的)that I was unhurt,but they were angry that I had done such a risk

40、y thing.I apologized and promised that I would not do 10.1.A.girl B.boy C.farmerD.worker2.A.if B.that C.howD.why3.A.of B.between C.forD.with4.A.but B.so C.andD.or5.A.Unluckily B.Hopefully C.ReallyD.Probably6.A.some B.useful C.noD.happy7.A.wishes B.sounds C.songsD.winds8.A.herselfB.myself C.himselfD.

41、itself9.A.did B.turned C.helpedD.made10.A.anything dangerous B.something dangerousC.dangerous anything D.dangerous somethingBBDCACBADACloze 42019咸宁改编 John was driving through a small country town,feeling quite lost and hungry.He was happy 1 he saw a small restaurant coming up on the right side of th

42、e road.John quickly 2 his car,and walked inside the restaurant.John saw a blackboard with a 3 written on it.It said,“Todays Special(特价菜):Vegetable Soup with Fried Chicken and Roast Potatoes.”“Wow,that sounds pretty good!”John thought to 4.He decided that he would try this special.“Ill take the speci

43、al,”John said to the waiter when he came over to 5 Johns order.But a few minutes after receiving his order,John called the waiter 6 to his table.He was angry.“Is this the special?It says vegetable soup,but there are no 7 in this soup at all!It also says fried chicken,but the chicken isnt fried.And i

44、t says roast potatoes,but these potatoes arent roastedtheyve been boiled.Whats going on here?”The waiter was not used to 8 people from the city.He wasnt quite sure what to say to this angry customer.But he found a way 9 to answer the man.“My good man,”the waiter said while looking down at John over

45、his glasses,“that is the reason why it is so 10!”1.A.beforeB.if C.whenD.though2.A.droveB.parked C.soldD.bought3.A.book B.dictionary C.diaryD.note4.A.himselfB.herself C.itselfD.themselves5.A.put B.take C.bringD.cancel6.A.back B.on C.upD.away7.A.carrotsB.tomatoes C.beansD.vegetables8.A.agreeing withB.

46、going withC.fighting withD.dealing with9.A.as wellB.just now C.right away D.much too10.A.deliciousB.special C.good D.perfectCBDABADDCB辨类型 2 完形填空B (1)文体为说明文和记叙文,话题为人物故事、趣味故事和科普知识。(2)主要考查各类词性的相互转换,高频考点为动词、名词、形容词的变形转换。方法点拨1.分析已给词汇进行拓展。2.通读全文,把握大意,试填词汇。3.结合词法,仔细推敲,完善答案。4.复读短文,核实答案,确保无误。注意严格按照评分标准进行复核:信息

47、点准确、单词拼写正确、大小写正确。话题话题 1 1 人物故事人物故事Cloze 12019青海Young,shoot,child,go,lucky The Taliban(塔利班组织)controlled an area in Pakistan.They neither allowed people to listen to music nor watch television,and they also stopped girls from 1 to school.Eleven-year-old Malala made the brave choice to blog(发微博)about l

48、ife under the Taliban.She kept an opinion that girls had the right to an education.Malalas blog made the Taliban very angry.While riding a bus in 2012,Malala 2 in the head by a Taliban gunman.3,she didnt die from that attack.The following year,she gave a historic speech to the United Nations.Speakin

49、g about the importance of education,Malala said,“Im here to speak up for the right of education for 4.”In 2014,she became the 5 person to receive the Nobel Peace Prize. shotCloze 22019广州改编Understand,month,travel,take,carefulBorn into a wealthy Jiangyin family

50、,Xu Xiake became interested in books about different places at an early age and wanted 1.When he was 18,his father died.He was responsible for the family farm and 2 care of his 60yearold mother.But his mother 3 her sons love of travel and valued the knowledge he could get from such experiences.This


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