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1、第1页共20 页三 峡 大 学2013年研究生入学考试试题(A卷)科目代码: 211 科目名称: 翻译硕士英语 考试时间为3小时,卷面总分为150分答案必须写在答题纸上PART I GRAMMAR & VOCABULARY PART I SECTION A MULTIPLE CHOICE (15)There are fifteen sentences in this section. Beneath each sentence there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Choose one word or phrase that

2、 correctly completes the sentence. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.1. He is planning another tour aboard, yet his passport will _ at the end of this month.A. expire B. exceed C. terminate D. cease2. Several international events in the early 1990s seem likely to _, or at least weaken, the trend

3、s that emerged in the 1980s. A. revolt B. revolve C. reverse D. revive3. Visitors are asked to _ with the regulations. A. contrast B. consult C. comply D. conflict第 2 页4. We regret to inform you that the materials you ordered are _.A. out of work B. out of reach C. out of stock D. out of practice5.

4、The mother didnt know who _ for the broken glass.A. will blame B. to blame C. blamed D. blames6. Children are _ to have some accidents as they grow up.A. obvious B. indispensable C. bound D. doubtless7. Comparison and contrast are often used _ in advertisements.A. intentionally B. pertinently C. inc

5、identally D. tiresomely8. The government has devoted a larger slice of its national _ to agriculture than most other countries.A. resources B. potential C. budget D. economy9. The law on drinking and driving is _ stated.A. extravagantly B. empirically C. exceptionally D. explicitly10 The lawyer trie

6、d to _ between the company and the union.A. reconcile B. mediate C. mingle D. condole11. You must think carefully to avoid making a _ decision.A. hasty B. hesitant C. tentative D. hardy12. The charitable organization set up a _ for the people escaping from the war zone.A. receipt B. regiment C. reig

7、n D. refuge13. The prospect of increased prices has already _ worries.A. provoked B. irritated C. inspired D. hoisted第 3 页14. Each workday, the workers followed the same schedules and rarely _ from this routine.A. deviated B. disconnected C. detached D. distorted15. Although we tried to concentrate

8、on the lecture, we were _ by the noise from the next room.A. distracted B. displaced C. dispersed D. discardedPART I SECTION B PROOFREADING & CORRECTION (15)The following passage contains TEN errors. Each indicated line contains a maximum of ONE error. In each case, only ONE word is involved. You sh

9、ould proofread the passage and correct it in the following way:For a wrong word, underline the wrong word and write the correct one in the blank provided at the end of the line.For a missing word, mark the position of the missing word with a “”sign and write the word you believe to be missing in the

10、 blank provided at the end of the line. For an unnecessary word, cross the unnecessary word with a slash “/” and putthe word in the blank provided at the end of the line.第 4 页The aim of a job interview is to establish whether you are likely to do well in a particular job in a specific organization.

11、This is not only a matter of having the necessary technical knowledge and skill. You must also have the motivation, the ability to adapt 16. _to new ways of working and a new work environment, and the 17. _personality to do the job and fit into a new team. But there are other personal skills affect

12、your success in a job. These include 18. _getting on with people, oral or written communication, team 19. _working, problem solving and good time management. Most people think that interviewers know what they are looking for and will recognize when they see it. However, people 20. _are actually not

13、very good at assessing one and another. This 21. _applies to recruiters as much as anyone else. In fact a former head of selection at one big firm used to say that “some interviewers are so poor they would do better to rely on chances”. In companies which recognize this, various methods are used to

14、try to find the correct person. The most common is the 22. _structured interview. Research has shown that this approach is more reliable than the ordinary job interview, even as no effective 23. _as using tests or assessment centers. In a structured interview the interviewer groups the qualities lis

15、ting in the job specification 24. _under various headings. There are two well-established structures for this: the National Institute of Industrial Psychologys Seven-Point Plan and the Five-Fold Grading System. The interviewers Score candidates for how well they fit the job specification. 25. _第 5 页

16、PART II READING COMPREHENSION (40)In this section, there are several reading passages followed by a total of twenty multiple choice questions, each with four suggested answers marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the one that you think is the best answer. Read the passages and then mark your answers on you

17、r answer sheet. Text AOscar Wildes definition of a cynic was someone who knew the price of everything and the value of nothing. His epigram applies to the way we talk about education nowadays, focusing on what it can do for the economy. That is indeed important, but it does not capture the real valu

18、e of education. It is almost as if people are afraid of saying education is a good thing in itself. That comes from a loss of confidence in the importance of transmitting a body of knowledge, a culture, ways of thinking, from one generation to the next. It is a crucial obligation we have to the next

19、 generation and we are failing to discharge it.The latest example of this loss of confidence in education is the titles of the departments created by splitting the Department for Education in two. We have the Department of Innovation, Universities and Skills and we have the Department for Children,

20、Schools and Families. The key word that is missing in those two lists is education. It is almost as if the government has lost confidence in the value of education, as distinct from other worthwhile aims such as helping families or raising our levels of innovation.For the government, science is no l

21、onger about evidence and reason, it is a lever第 6 页for increasing productivity. Foreign languages are not a means of appreciating the culture of another people; they are a means of improving trade. Yet people do not become teachers because they aspire to raising the rate of growth; they wish to pass

22、 on a love of their subjects. There is a paradox here. If we see education as a way of imparting a body of knowledge, we will do better at the functionalist side of education as well. Like happiness, it can be achieved only as a byproduct of something else.Real education means real subjects with a h

23、istory, shape and rigour, together with the intellectual curiosity to challenge and renew them. Our body of knowledge must be rooted in a tradition, but must also be open to questioning. Indeed, what we know changes all the time-when Einstein was at Oxford in the 1930s, he set a physics paper with t

24、he same questions for two years running. When his colleagues challenged him, he replied that although the questions were the same the answers were different. That is part of the excitement of intellectual endeavour.Of course, skills matter too. But often they are best mastered through learning stuff

25、. Look at what has gone wrong with history. We expect school-children to compare different primary sources and learn the analytical tools of the historian, but we will not allow them the sheer excitement of learning what happens next in a narrative history of our own country.Several subjects now fac

26、e the vicious spiral of not enough people emerging from university who have studied the subject to provide the teachers to keep it going in schools. We cannot just solve this problem by passing a law or setting yet another target. We need a smarter policy than this that understands the role of a pro

27、ud profession in living up to its own standards, and the power of choice by parents and students.第 7 页There are problems with the national curriculum but even more important is the intricate relationship between the Qualifications and Curriculum Authority and the examining boards. This is the source

28、 of the dumbing down and predictability of exams.26. Oscar Wildes definition of a cynic applies to the way we talk about todays education because A. the public fail to value education for itself. B. the expenses of modem education is too high. C. the definitions of two objects are the same. D. the e

29、conomic development depends on education.27. Which of the following adjectives best describes the authors attitude towards modern education? A. Objective. B. Positive. C. Negative. D. Biased.28. The author draws an analogy between A. education and happiness. B. productivity and happiness. C. functio

30、nalism and productivity. D. knowledge and productivity. 29. Einsteins story is cited as an example to support the following statements EXCEPTA. human beings have never given up exploring unknown areas. B. the ability of critical thinking is essential for the students.第 8 页 C. challenges are invisibl

31、e motivation of scientific development. D. skill-training is the most important part in education.30. The best title for this passage might be A. The Value of Education B. How to Solve the Educational Problems C. Education and Economic Development D. Government and EducationText BEmployers buffeted

32、by talk of recession slashed 80,000 jobs in March, the most in five years and the third straight month of losses.At the same time, the national unemployment rate rose from 4.8 percent to 5.1 percent, the clearest signal yet that the economy might already be shrinking.The new snapshot of the job mark

33、et, released by the Labor Department Friday, underscored the damage that a trio of crises-in the housing, credit and financial sectors-has inflicted on companies, jobseekers and the economy as a whole.“The labor market has indeed turned south,” said Joel Naroff, president of Naroff Economic Advisors

34、. “That was the one last bastion of hope to stay out of a recession. Now the question is how deep and how long will it last?”The unemployment rate was the highest since September 2005, when significant job losses followed the devastating blows of Gulf Coast hurricanes.Job losses were widespread in M

35、arch. Construction, manufacturing, retailing, financial services and various business services all racked up losses. That overwhelmed gains elsewhere, including in education and health care, leisure and hospitality as well as in government.第 9 页On Wall Street, stocks fell, with the Dow Jones industr

36、ials down more than 80 points in morning trading.The new employment figures were much weaker than economists were expecting. They were anticipating a drop of 50,000 payroll jobs and the unemployment rate to rise to 5 percent.The 5.1 percent rate, while relatively modest by historical standards, was

37、the highest in 2.5 years.Job cuts in both January and February turned out to be even deeper. Employers got rid of 76,000 in each month. The elimination of 80,000 jobs in March was the most since March 2003, when the labor market was still struggling to recover from the 2001 recession.The economy is

38、suffering the effects of a housing collapse, a credit crunch and a financial system in turmoil. Thats causing people and businesses to hunker down, crimping spending, capital investment and hiring. Those things in turn further weaken the economy in what has become a vicious cycle. For the first time

39、, Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bemanke acknowledged Wednesday that the country could be heading toward a recession, saying federal policymakers are “fighting against the wind” in combating it. Many other economists and the public believe the recession already has arrived.Bernanke wouldnt tip his han

40、d about the Feds next move. However, many economists believe the central bank will lower interest rates again when they meet later this month, and they said Fridays employment report would justify another reduction perhaps by half a point.The Fed has taken a number of extraordinary actions recently-

41、slashing interest rates, providing financial backing to JP Morgans takeover of troubled Bear Steams第 10 页and opening an emergency lending program for big investment houses. All the actions are ultimately aimed at limiting damage to the national economy.With a public on edge, Congress, the White Hous

42、e and presidential contenders are scrambling to come up with their own relief plans even as they engage in a political blame game.In March, construction companies cut 51,000 jobs, factories eliminated 48,000 positions, retailers cut payrolls by more than 12,000. Professional and businesses services

43、lost 35,000 jobs and temporary help firms cut nearly 22,000 jobs. Financial firms chopped 5,000 jobs. When government hiring was removed, the numbers looked even worse. Private employers shed 98,000 jobs in March.With the pace of hiring slowing down, the number of unemployed people increased to 7.8

44、million in March; workers with jobs saw only modest wage gains at the same time. Average hourly earnings for jobholders rose to $17.86 in March, a 0.3 percent increase from the previous month. That matched economists forecasts. Over the past 12 months, wages grew 3.6 percent. With lofty energy and f

45、ood prices, workers may feel like their paychecks are shrinking.Many analysts believe the economy shrank in the first three months of this year and could still be ebbing now. The government will release its estimate of first-quarter economic growth later this month. Under one rough rule, if the economy contracts for six straight months it is considered in a recession.Bernanke, however, has said he is hopeful the economy will improve in the second half


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