Unit 3 Language points (ppt课件) -2022新人教版(2019)《高中英语》必修第三册.pptx

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1、1.diverse adj.不同的;多种多样的不同的;多种多样的 diversity n差异差异(性性);多样性;多样性 eg:My interests are very diverse.我的兴趣非常广泛。我的兴趣非常广泛。The beauty of the world lies in在于在于 the diversity of people.2.admit v.承认,承认,允许允许进入,进入,接纳接纳eg:He was admitted to the club last year.去年去年他被接纳进入俱乐部他被接纳进入俱乐部。She _(admit)into Beijing Universit

2、y.was admitted3.occur to (主意或想法突然主意或想法突然)浮现于脑中浮现于脑中 A good idea occurred (occur)to me while I was watching TV.It occurs to me that we can turn to Mr Li for help.4.seek v.寻求;谋求;(寻求;谋求;(向人)向人)请求请求 seek to do sth.试图做某事试图做某事 eg:We seek to improve the relations between our two countries.我们我们试图试图改进我们两国间的关

3、系。改进我们两国间的关系。We seek _(improve)our working conditions.to improve5.earn v.挣得;赢得;博得挣得;赢得;博得 earn a living=make a living earn ones living 谋生谋生 Young people go to big cities to earn a living.年轻人年轻人去大城市谋生去大城市谋生。He earns his living by selling insurance(卖保险卖保险).6.select v.(经过认真思考后经过认真思考后)挑选;选择挑选;选择These yo

4、ung men are selected for the national team.那些那些年轻人被选入国家队年轻人被选入国家队。7.claim v./n.声称声称,断言,断言,主张主张 claim to do.声称做声称做 It is claimed that.据称据称 It is calmed (claim)that he found the money in the forest.The scientists claim to discover a new kind of medicine.8.a series of 一系列或一连串(事件)一系列或一连串(事件)后后加加名词作主语时名词

5、作主语时,谓语动词常用单三形式。谓语动词常用单三形式。A series of new plays _(be)putting on(上演上演)now.is9.apart from 除除之外之外(还还)Some people choose jobs for other reasons apart _from_money these days.10.bring about 导致;引起导致;引起eg:New technologies will bring about great changes in our daily life.新技术将给我们的日常生活带来巨大的变化。新技术将给我们的日常生活带来巨大

6、的变化。11.settle v.定居定居;结束结束(争论争论);解决解决(纠纷纠纷)settle down 定居定居;(使使)安静下来安静下来 settle down to(doing)sth.开始开始做做/着手认真做某事着手认真做某事eg:They settle down to doing homework.他们他们开始开始做作业做作业。They (settle)down in this country in 1998.settled12.contain v.包含包含,含有含有,容纳容纳container n.容器容器eg:This drink contains alcohol.这种这种饮料

7、含有酒精。饮料含有酒精。The container (contain)many kinds of fruits.contains1.Different festivals reflect the cultural (diverse)of this country.2.Children are (admit)into the stadium(体育场体育场).3.The explosion (occur)at 5:30 a.m.4.We are seeking (achieve)better results in the final examination.期末考试diversityadmitte

8、doccurredto achieve5.Mr Brown finally _(earn)his workmates respect by achieving success last year.6.He _(select)as the leader of the football team last month.7.They claim discover a cure for the disease.8.It is (claim)that he found the money in the forest.9.He made series of business decisions.商业决策e

9、arnedwas selectedtoclaimeda10.Some people choose jobs for other reasons apart _money these days.11.Science brings many changes in our lives.12.Their daughter _(settle)down and got married in 2020.13.With all the problems _(settle),the boss went abroad for a trip.fromaboutsettledsettled14.The hall of

10、ten (contain)3000 people.15.His son _(admit)to a famous university last year.16.A bright idea suddenly _(occur)to me yesterday.containswas admittedoccurred17.The players _ (select)from the whole country in 2008.18.His schoolbag always _(contain)a lot of books.were selectedcontains19.The beauty of the world lies in the _(diverse)of its people.在于diversity20.A good idea to me while I was watching TV.occurred 21.He often (earn)his living by selling insurance.(卖保险).earns22.They (settle)down in this country in 1998.settled


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