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1、1 天津商业大学 2021 年硕士研究生招生考试试题 专 业:英语笔译硕士专业学位 科目名称:翻译硕士英语(211)共 9 页 第 1 页 说明:答案标明题号写在答题纸上,写在试题纸上的无效。I.Choose the one answer that best explains the underlined word or phrase in the sentence.Write your answers on the ANSWER SHEET(20 points).1.Epidemiology work is still underway to identity more contacts p

2、otentially exposed to the infection.A.Pneumonia B.Limnology C.Pathology D.Loimology 2.The man had previously tested positive after he arrived in the country via an international flight in April.A.actually B.credulously C.formerly D.obviously 3.He was later warded at Zhongshan Hospital Affiliated wit

3、h Fudan University for treatment.A.assisted B.attached C.communicated D.conflicted 4.According to the investigation by the Guangzhou municipal health commission,the asymptomatic individual worked in a hotel in Huadu District of Guangzhou.A.infectious B.symptomless C.discomfortable D.atypical 5.The a

4、rticle revealed that Trump paid just$750 in federal income taxes the year he won the presidency and another$750,00 during his first year in the White House.A.appreciated B.criticized C.discussed D.disclosed 6.He reiterated his long-standing claim that hes unable to release his tax information becaus

5、e the returns are currently under audit by the Internal Revenue Service.A.repeated B.declared C.announced D.denied 7.We need to forge greater synergy of the Belt and Road Initiative with national development strategies as well as region-wide cooperation initiatives.A.cooperativity B.synesthesia C.un

6、ification D.strength 8.The announcement came a week before Biden and Trump were scheduled to face off in Miami.A.fulfilled B.predetermined C.located D.executed 9.I pledge to be a President who seeks not to divide,but unify.A.agree B.fancy C.guarantee D.suggest 10.World economic recovery is threatene

7、d by protectionism.And the existing international order is eroded by unilateralism and bullying practices.A.furious B.satisfying C.threating D.cruel 11.He announced a host of proposals and initiatives aimed at tackling global challenges and advancing common development.A.suggestions B.activities C.m

8、easurers D.methods 12.At the same time,its clear that this vaccine,even if approved,will not be widely available for many months yet to come.A.valuable B.helpful C.acceptable D.effective 13.White parents who have shaped our public-school education system into what it is today which is to say,a syste

9、m that overwhelming and repeated fails students of color.A.persuading B.forbidding C.overpowering D.forcing 14.A simple Google search enabled the reporters to discover the explosive and potentially illegal true 2 专 业:英语笔译硕士专业学位 科目名称:翻译硕士英语(211)共 9 页 第 2 页 purpose of the company.A.virtually B.effecti

10、vely C.sufficiently D.possibly 15.The goal has been included for the first time in the documents released after the conclusion of the 5th Plenum of the 19th Communist Party of China Central Committee.A.publicized B.described C.received D.concluded 16.US media reported that Biden is expected to quick

11、ly reverse some Trump policies.A.discourage B.continue C.abandon D.encourage 17.We provide the latest updates and crucial information on the global COVID-19 pandemic here.A.fundamental B.necessary C.basic D.important 18.Due to Chinese consumers shaking off coronavirus caution,the countrys economic r

12、ecover accelerated in the third quarter of this year,Reuters said.A.fastened B.tempted C.quickened D.stimulated 19.Apart from the factors discussed above,demographic changes may determine future declines in savings rates.A.of population B.of geography C.of geometry D.of environment 20.China implemen

13、ted its first five-year development plan in 1953 and it is fair to say that Chinas development has been charted by these plans.A.completed B.accomplished C.carried out D.finished II.In each of the following sentences,there are four underlined parts,marked with A,B,C and D.Identify the part that is g

14、rammatically incorrect.Writer your answers on the ANSWER SHEET(10 points).1.The blueprint for Chinas 14th Five-Years plan,along with development goals for the next A B C 15 years,was released early this month.D 2.A great book rich in ideas and beauty,a book that raises and tries to answer great A B

15、fundamental questions,demands the most active reading to which you are capable.C D 3.The nation jumped from 11 place in the ranking of best-performing countries and regions A B C for employability.D 4.This has caused them to deduce that science is mathematics and hardly nothing else.A B C D 5.Soon I

16、 began to enjoy talk to myself on paper as I was learning to express me in simple A B C D English.3 专 业:英语笔译硕士专业学位 科目名称:翻译硕士英语(211)共 9 页 第 3 页 6.The paintings on show reinterpret fairy tales and literary works,many of which are also A B quite familiar with Chinese audiences.C D 7.The chairman of the

17、 department,together with some other teachers,are planning a A B conference for the purpose of laying down certain regulations.C D 8.The latest economic data from China offers further evidence that the Chinese economy is A continuing its recovery from its February lockdown malaise.B C D 9.The teache

18、r said that if we believed something was true and good we should hold on to A B C them.D 10.The impact of the pandemic in the global economy has been huge,perhaps even much more A B than that of the Great Depression.C D III.Reading comprehension.Two sections are included in this part.Section A consi

19、sts of some multiple-choice questions and Section B consists of some short answer questions(40 points).SETION A MULTIPLE-CHOICE QUESTIONS In this section,there are 4 passages followed by 16 multiple-choice questions.For each question,there are four suggested answers marked A,B,C and D.Choose the one

20、 that you think is the best answer.Write your answers on the ANSWER SHEET.Passage 1 When Bill was very young,they had been in love.Many nights they had spent walking,talking together.Then something not very important had come between them,and they didnt speak.Impulsively,she had married a man she th

21、ought she loved.Bill went away,bitter about women.Yesterday,walking across Washington Square,she saw him for the first time in years.“Bill Walker,”she said.He stopped.At first he did not recognize her,to him she looked so old.“Mary!Where did you come from?”Unconsciously,she lifted her face as though

22、 wanting a kiss,but he held out his hand.She took it.“I live in New York now,”she said.“Oh”smiling politely,then a little frown came quickly between his eyes.“Always wondered what happened to you,Bill.”“Im a lawyer.Nice firm,way downtown.”“Married yet?”“Sure.Two kids.”4 专 业:英语笔译硕士专业学位 科目名称:翻译硕士英语(21

23、1)共 9 页 第 4 页 “Oh,”she said.A great many people went past them through park.People they didnt know.It was late afternoon.Nearly sunset.Cold.“And your husband?”he asked her.“We have three children.I work in the bursars office at Columbia.”“Youre looking very”(he wanted to say old)“well,”he said.She u

24、nderstood.Under the trees in Washington Square,she found herself desperately reaching back into the past.She had been older than he then in Ohio.Now she was not young at all.Bill was still young.“We live on Central Park West,”she said.“Come and see us sometime.”“Sure,“he replied.“You and your husban

25、d must have dinner with my family some night.Any night.Lucille and Id love to have you.The leaves fell slowly from the trees in the Square.Fell without wind.Autumn dusk.She felt a little sick.“Wed love it,”she answered.“You ought to see my kids.”He grinned.Suddenly the lights came on up the whole le

26、ngth of Fifth Avenue,chains of misty brilliance in the blue air.“Theres my bus,”she said.He held out his hand.“Good-bye.”“When”she wanted to say,but the bus was ready to pull off.The lights on the avenue blurred.And she was afraid to open her mouth as she entered the bus.Afraid it would be impossibl

27、e to utter a word.Suddenly she shrieked very loudly,“Good-bye!”But the bus door had closed.The bus started.People came between them outside,people crossing the street,people they didnt know.Space and people.She lost sight of Bill.Then she remembered she had forgotten to give him her address or to as

28、k him for his or tell him that her youngest boy was named Bill,too.1.The last sentence of the story“she had forgotten to tell him that her youngest boy was named Bill,too”shows that _.A.Mary knows she would meet Bill again someday B.“Bill”is a very common name C.Mary has been thinking about Bill and

29、 still loves him D.Mary is proud of her youngest son 2.Mary doesnt say anything when she gets on the bus.Why?A.She has nothing more to say.B.She is disappointed in Bill.C.She is too emotional to open her mouth.D.She knows the situation is hopeless.3.What is probably NOT TRUE of Mary,the main charact

30、er in“Early Autumn”?A.She misses the days of the past.B.She still loves Bill.C.She works to keep a family of three children.D.She is satisfied with her life and job in New York.5 专 业:英语笔译硕士专业学位 科目名称:翻译硕士英语(211)共 9 页 第 5 页 4.Which of the following adjectives can probably best describe Bills attitude?

31、A.emotional B.indifferent C.puzzled D.hopeful Passage 2 We have seen that the pesticides now contaminate soil,water and food,that they have the power to make our streams fishless and our gardens and woodlands silent and birdless.Man,however much he may like to pretend the contrary,is part of nature.

32、Can he escape a pollution that is now so thoroughly distributed throughout our world?We know that even single exposures to these chemicals,if the amount is large enough,can cause acute poisoning.But this is not the major problem.The sudden illness or death of farmers,spraymen,pilots,and others expos

33、ed to large quantities of pesticides is tragic and should not occur.For the population as a whole,we must be more concerned with the delayed effects of absorbing small amounts of the pesticides that invisibly contaminate our world.“Men are naturally most impressed by diseases which have obvious mani

34、festations,”says a wise physician,Dr Rene Dubos,“Yet some of their worst enemies creep on them unobtrusively.”For each of us,as for the robin in Michigan or the salmon in the Miramichi,this is a problem of ecology,of interrelationships,of interdependence.We poison the caddis flies in a stream and th

35、e salmon runs dwindle and die.We poison the gnats in a lake and the poison travels from link to link of the food chain and soon the birds of the lake margins become its victims.We spray our elms and the following springs are silent of robin song,not because we sprayed the robins directly but because

36、 the poison traveled,step by step,through the now familiar elm leaf-earthworm-robin cycle.These are matters of record observable,part of the visible world around us.They reflect the web of life or death that scientists know as ecology.A British experimenter who applied DDT in acetone solution to his

37、 skin reported heaviness and aching of limbs,muscular weakness,and“spasms of extreme nervous tension”.He then spent three weeks in bed,made miserable by constant aching in limbs,insomnia,nervous tension,and feelings of acute anxiety.On occasion tremors shook his body.There is some evidence that wome

38、n are more susceptible to the pesticides than men,the very young more than adults,those who lead sedentary,indoor lives more than those leading a rugged life of work or exercise in the open.Damage to the nervous system is not confined to acute poisoning;there may also be delayed effects from exposur

39、e.Longlasting damage to brain or nerves has been reported for methoxychlor and others.It was perhaps inevitable that these insecticides would eventually be linked with mental disease.That link has been supplied by investigators at the university of Melbourne and Prince Henrys Hospital in Melbourne,w

40、ho reported on sixteen cases of mental disease.All had a history of prolonged exposure to organic phosphorus insecticides.Their symptoms ranged from impairment of memory to schizophrenic and depressive reactions.All had normal medical histories before the chemical they were using boomeranged and str

41、uck them down.5.Which of the following titles is better for this passage?A.“Silent Spring”B.“The Pesticides”C.“Harms of Poison”D.The Fishless Stream and Birdless Garden”6.Which of the following phenomenon can NOT show the interrelationships and interdependence of 6 专 业:英语笔译硕士专业学位 科目名称:翻译硕士英语(211)共 9

42、 页 第 6 页 everything in nature?A.We poison the caddis flies in a stream and the salmon runs dwindle and die.B.We poison the gnats in a lake and the poison travels from link to link of the food chain and soon the birds of the lake margins become its victims.C.We spray our elms and the following spring

43、s are silent of robin song.D.We dont take good care of the crops,and they dont know.7.Which of the following opinions is NOT right?A.Women and children are more susceptible to the pesticides than men.B.Man can escape a pollution that is now thoroughly distributed throughout our world.C.Pesticides ca

44、n bring damage to the brain and nerves.D.Not only large quantities of exposure to pesticides,but also small and prolonged amounts of it can cause damage to the body.Passage 3 Civilization identity will be increasingly important in the future,and the world will be shaped in large measure by the inter

45、actions among seven or eight major civilizations.These include Western,Confucian,Japanese,Islamic,Hindu,Slavic-Orthodox,Latin American,and possibly African civilization.The most important conflicts of the future will occur along the cultural fault lines separating these civilizations from one anothe

46、r.Why will this be the case?First,differences among civilizations are not only real;they are basic.Civilizations are differentiated from each other by history,language,culture,tradition and,most important,religion.The people of different civilizations have different views on the relations between Go

47、d and man,the individual and the group,the citizen and the state,parents and children,husband and wife,as well as differing views of the relative importance of rights and responsibilities,liberty and authority,equality and hierarchy.These differences are the product of centuries.They will not soon d

48、isappear.They are far more fundamental than differences among political ideologies and political regimes.Differences do not necessarily mean conflict,and conflict does not necessarily mean violence.Over the centuries,however,differences among civilizations have generated the most prolonged and the m

49、ost violent conflicts.Second,the world is becoming a smaller place.The interactions between peoples of different civilizations are increasing;these increasing interactions intensify civilization consciousness and awareness of differences between civilizations and commonalities within civilizations.E

50、nhanced civilization-consciousness of people,in turn,invigorates differences and hates stretching or thought to stretch back deep into history.Third,the processes of economic modernization and social change throughout the world are separating people from longstanding local identities.They also weake


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