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1、2020年新人教版必修三Unit-2-Morals-and-Virtues单元课件全套(优质课)【导语】“以牙还牙”“一报还一报”,在英语中对应的表达是“To meet violence with violence”“To answer blows with blows”或者“To give tit for tat”。世界总会有它的阴暗面,当我们看到或者不幸经历时,不应该被仇恨和怨气蒙蔽了心智。Two wrongs dont make a right.有时候,用善良去净化,用爱去改造,用美德去感化也许是更好的选择。注:听音填空Killem With KindnessThe world can

2、be a nasty placeYou know it,I know it,yeahWe dont have to fall from gracePut down the weapons you _ Killem with kindnessfight withKillem with kindnessKillem,killem,killem with kindnessKillem with kindnessKillem with kindnessGo ahead,go ahead,go ahead nowWere running _ Chasing our liesout of timeEver

3、yday a small piece of you diesAlways somebodyYoure willing to fight,_ Your lies are bulletsto be rightYour mouths a gunAnd no war and angerWas ever wonPut out the fire before ignitingNext time youre fightingKillem with kindnessKillem with kindnessKillem,killem,killem with kindnessKillem with kindnes

4、sKillem with kindnessGo ahead,go ahead,go ahead nowGo ahead,go ahead nowGo ahead,go ahead nowYour lies are bulletsYour mouths a gunNo war _ Was ever wonand angerPut out the fire before ignitingNext time youre fightingKillem with kindnessKillem with kindnessKillem,killem,killem with kindnessKillem wi

5、th kindnessKillem with kindnessGo ahead,go ahead,go ahead nowGo ahead,go ahead nowGo ahead,go ahead nowGo ahead,go ahead now【词海拾贝】【话题点拨】德育是学校教育的重要任务之一,是英语学科核心素养的重要内容。主要涉及学生了解良好的道德品质和美德的相关内容,培养并继承传统的中华民族的美德,在日常学习生活中践行道德风尚。【话题词汇】1.be willing to help others 乐于助人2.be generous 要慷慨大方3.offer to take on res

6、ponsibility 主动承担责任4.devote yourself to serving the people 致力于服务人民5.hardworking and kind 勤劳善良6.look after the old 照料老人7.love our homeland 热爱祖国8.respect our parents and teachers 尊重父母师长9.be honest and friendly 诚实友好10.serve as a volunteer 担任志愿者【话题句式】1.I feel greatly honored to be devoted to serving the

7、people.致力于为人民服务使我感到很荣幸。2.Its our duty to love and protect our homeland.热爱并保护我们的祖国是我们的责任。3.We are supposed to respect our parents and teachers.我们应该尊重父母师长。4.Being honest and friendly is of great importance for us students.诚实友好对于我们学生来说很重要。5.Being hardworking and kind,we Chinese will stand rock-firm in

8、the family of nations forever.我们勤劳善良的中华民族将会永远屹立于世界民族之林。6.I believe a small act of kindness can make a big difference.我相信一个小小的善举可以起到很大的作用。【发音技巧】升调 升调(Rising Intonation)是我们在进行语言表达时,句子的最后一个实词的重读音节上升的语调。这取决于我们说话时的语气,或试图用语调表达的情感或态度。升调常用于一般疑问句、选择性疑问句、肯定或否定的回答、反意疑问句以及某些陈述句等句式中。常见用法如下:1.一般疑问句提问时使用:表示等待回答者确认

9、或者表示礼貌。Is it your book?Could you help me?2.选择性疑问句,先升调,再降调:表示等待回答者确认。Would you like juice or milk?3.Yes/No回答时使用:表示等待提问者继续阐述他想谈论的话题。You know Tom?Yes.4.反意疑问句句末使用:表示对所说的内容不确定。You dont like swimming,do you?5.陈述句句中使用:表示尚未结束,向另一个人发出信号,请您等待。(一般情况下陈述句使用降调)The project was difficult.The project was difficult,b

10、ut we finished it on time.【情境交际】英语课上,老师鼓励学生们探讨优秀的道德品质,同学们踊跃发言。根据汉语提示完成对话。Teacher:As we all know,we Chinese 1._(有很多传统美德).Next,I want to find some students to tell us something about our virtues.Li Hua,please!have manytraditional virtuesLi Hua:Thanks,Ms Liu.I think 2._(最重要的美德之一是诚信).Honesty is the base

11、 of the society.Teacher:Very good.Wang Lei,do you have something to say?Wang Lei:Yes,Ms Liu.In my opinion,diligence is more important,because we Chinese 3._(因而著称)being diligent and hardworking.one of the mostimportant virtues is honestyare known forTeacher:Good!Anyone else?Han Meimei:Ms Liu,I think

12、kindness is 4._(对我们社会很重要).of greatimportance to our society李华在路上捡到一张车票,为了找到失主,耽误了看电影,她正在和Linda讲述此次经历Linda:Hi,Li Hua.How was the movie yesterday?Li Hua:1 I only saw part of it.Linda:What happened?Li Hua:On the way to the cinema,I picked up a train ticket.It leaves in three hours.Linda:2 Li Hua:Yeah,s

13、o immediately I called the police and finally helped to give it back to the owner.Linda:Its very kind of you.3 Li Hua:Yes.But in that situation,I must help the owner first.4.Linda:Yeah,I cant agree more.A.And then you missed the movie?B.I believe a small act of kindness can make a big difference.C.O

14、h,the owner must be in trouble.D.Its a pity!答案:14.DCABUnit 2Morals and Virtues Reading and Thinking.根据语境及汉语提示写出正确的单词1.a moral _(困境)2.to obtain this _(珍贵的)opportunity3._(委托)me with that life4.the _(大多数)of lifedilemmapreciousentrustmajority5._(抱怨)about the poor conditions6._(答复)to your questions7.to b

15、e _d(雇用)as a resident physician8._(拒绝)my invitation9.to be _(任命)as director of the OB-GYN departmentcomplainrespondhirerejectappointed10.over the next several _(十年)11.be interested in _(照顾)patients12.be _(害怕的)in the interview13.the _(急剧的)increase in the cost14.keep a busy mind smart and _(充满活力的)15._

16、(取代)plastic bags with paper bagsdecadestendingscaredsharpenergeticreplace.用恰当的介词或副词填空1.Dr Lin graduated _ Peking Union Medical College.2.Dr Lin opened a clinic for people _ need of help.3.My teachers help carried me _ those hard days in senior high school.4.We should be responsible _ the patients.fr

17、ominthroughfor5.People tend _ make mistakes when they are tired.6.She was known _ the“mother of ten thousand babies”.7.During the exam,the student next _ him fainted.8.You can entrust Tom _ this matter.toastowith.文本整体理解:理清文章架构.文本细节理解:探寻语篇细节信息1.What can we learn from the second paragraph?A.Dr Lin mar

18、ried earlier.B.Her mother complained about her learning medicine.C.Her brother was against her studying medicine.D.Dr Lin gave in to her brother.2.Dr Lin was really _in the field of medical research?A.normalB.outstandingC.ordinary D.traditional3.The followings are all reasons why Dr Lin opened her o

19、wn clinic except _.A.to help those in need of helpB.to reduce costs for poor patientsC.to make some money to do other thingsD.to continue her wish to treat patients4.What can we know about the life of Dr Lin?A.She had babies of her own.B.She was interested in the positions in government.C.She devote

20、d herself to the patients.D.She built a kindergarten to help the poor.5.Which of the following can best describe Dr Lin?A.Warmhearted and careful.B.Positive and confident.C.Devoted and thankful.D.Hardworking and kind.答案:15.CBCCD.文本素养提升:阅读技能综合运用1.根据课文语境与语句知识细致解构语句。译文:六个月内,她_首席住院医师,这个职位通常需要_。被任命为花费四年才

21、会获得译文:尽管林巧稚没有结婚,但是她却以“万婴之母”著称,_5万多名孩子。一生接生了2.根据课文内容完成短文 Lin Qiaozhi is known(1)_ the“mother of ten thousand babies”(2)_ she had delivered over 50,000 babies in her lifetime.When she was 18 years old,she chose(3)_(study)medicine instead of following the traditional path of marriage like the majority

22、of girls.(4)_ graduating from Pekingasbecauseto studyAfterUnion Medical College,she immediately became the first woman(5)_(hire)as a resident physician in the OB-GYN department of the PUMC Hospital.Then during the war,she opened her own clinic to help the patients.After the foundation of the new Peo

23、ples Republic of China,she held many important(6)_(position),but she was moreto be hiredpositionsinterested(7)_(tend)patients.Dr Lin didnt retire(8)_ the day she died,22 April 1983.in tendinguntil3.阅读主题活动(1)What kind of good morals do you think Dr Lin has?_(2)How do you feel after you read the passa

24、ge about Dr Lin?_ She is kind,hardworking,selfless.I feel inspired by what Dr Lin has done and want todo more for those in need.1.carry sb.through sth.帮助某人渡过难关*These words of Dr Lin Qiaozhi give us a look into what carried her through a life of hard choices.林巧稚医生的这些话可以让我们了解是什么帮助她渡过人生中的艰难选择的。【语块积累】ca

25、rry through 完成;进行到底carry out 执行,实行;贯彻;实现carry on 开展;维持;继续carry forward 继承,弘扬【即学活用】用适当的介词或副词填空(1)The activity is aimed at carrying _ the Chinese traditional culture.(2)We should carry _ the plan strictly and carefully.(3)We hope that more artists will carry _ and develop the folk art.(4)It was my mot

26、her that carried me _ my hard time in middle school.forwardoutonthrough2.majority n.大部分;大多数*When I have a different opinion,I always respect the opinion of the majority.当我有不同观点时,我总是尊重多数人的观点。*The majority of the students hold the view that its convenient to go to school by electric bike.大多数学生持有以下观点:骑

27、电动车上学很方便。【语块积累】(1)the/a majority of 大多数的in the majority 占多数(2)反义词:Minority n.少数,少部分a minority of 少数的【名师点津】the majority of后接名词用法“the majority of+名词”用作主语时,谓语动词与名词保持一致。“the majority of+复数名词”用作主语时,谓语动词用复数;“the majority of+不可数名词”用作主语时,谓语动词用单数。【即学活用】(1)WeChat is to the taste of _,especially the youth.微信符合

28、大多数人的胃口,尤其是年轻人。(2)I believe that students supporting me are _.我相信支持我的学生占多数。the majority of peoplein plain vi.&vt.抱怨;发牢骚*My father is very brave,hard-working,responsible and most importantly he never complains.我的父亲非常勇敢,勤劳,负责,最为重要的是,他从来不抱怨。*September is around the corner,and some of us are already com

29、plaining about summers end.九月即将来临,我们中的一些人已经在抱怨夏季的结束了。*I have to make a complaint about the poor quality of food and service in your restaurant.我要投诉你们餐馆里极差的食物和服务。【语块积累】(1)complain to sb.向某人诉说complain about sth.抱怨(2)complaint n.投诉,抱怨,怨言 make a complaint about 抱怨【即学活用】语法填空(1)He phoned a newspaper repor

30、ter to complain _ the reporters story.(2)Jane is my best friend and I can complain _ her when I am unhappy.(3)Id like to be informed of the process of your dealing with my _(complain).abouttocomplaint4.respond vt.回答;回复 vi.做出反应;回应*She responded,“Id rather stay single to study all my life!”她回答道:“我宁愿为了

31、学习一辈子单身!”*Starbucks has responded to the video of its workers throwing a homeless man out.星巴克就员工把流浪汉赶出去的视频做出了回应。【语块积累】(1)respond to sb.答复某人respond to sth.对做出回应(2)response n.反应;回答;答复in response to 为了回应【即学活用】(1)语法填空I prefer to respond _ e-mails that I receive right when I get to work.I am writing in _

32、(respond)to the position as a volunteer advertised on the Internet.(2)We would appreciate it _.如能即刻回复,我们将不胜感激。toresponseif you could respond right away5.appoint vt.任命;委任*Dr Lin became the first Chinese woman ever to be appointed director of the OB-GYN department of the PUMC Hospital.林医生成为第一位被任命为协和医院

33、妇产科主管的中国女性。【语块积累】(1)appoint sb.as/to be.任命某人为appoint sb.to do sth.指派某人做某事(2)appointment n.任命;约会 make an appointment with sb.与某人约会keep(break)an appointment 守约(失约)【即学活用】(1)I wont be able to _to discuss traditional Chinese paintings with you.我无法守约和你讨论中国传统绘画。(2)It made sense to _it.任命一位女性处理这件事是合理的。keep

34、my appointmentappoint a woman to deal with(3)用appoint的正确形式填空Whenever you make _ with others,make sure you have understood all the details and try to get there a few minutes before the _ time.appointmentsappointed6.tend vt.照顾;照料vi.倾向;趋于*She was more interested in tending patients.她对于照顾病人更感兴趣。*(2019天津

35、高考)Some people tend to look down upon disabled people.有些人往往瞧不起残疾人。【语块积累】(1)tend to do sth.倾向于做某事tend sb./sth.照料/照看(2)tendency n.倾向,趋势have a tendency to do sth.有做某事的倾向【即学活用】(1)语法填空While I hate to admit it,people always tend _ _(judge)a person by his or her appearance initially.There is a slow _(tend)

36、that“the beat culture”is popular with the youths in China.tojudgetendency(2)Im writing to express my sincere thanks to Ms Wang _ in the hospital.我写信真诚地感谢在医院里照顾我妈妈的王女士。who tended my mother7.scare vt.惊吓;使害怕 vi.受惊吓*It scared him to realize how close he had come to losing everything.一想到差点就一无所有,他心有余悸。*(2

37、019全国卷)The gun shots had scared the dog off.枪声把狗吓跑了。【语块积累】(1)scare away/off 吓走,吓跑be scared to death 吓得要死(2)scared adj.害怕的;对感到惊慌或恐惧的be scared of sb./sth.害怕某人或某事be scared to do sth.不敢去做某事(3)scary adj.可怕的;恐怖的【即学活用】(1)语法填空When I had my first exam,I failed in it and felt so _(scare)that I even didnt want

38、 to go to school again.She was scared _ death at the sight of a snake.scaredto(2)_is that Im going to study in a strange place.一想到我会在一个陌生的地方学习,我就非常害怕。(3)She _walking alone at night.她害怕晚上一个人走路。What scares me mostis scared of8.To a person nothing is more precious than their life.对于一个人来说,生命是最宝贵的。【句式解构】

39、本句是一个简单句。句中nothing is more precious than为比较级与否定词连用,表示最高级。*If you are free,nothing will be better if you can come to China to attend a traditional wedding.如果你有空的话,要是你能来中国参加一场传统婚礼那就最好了。【名师点津】“否定词+比较级”表示最高级含义Nothing is more difficult than that.没有什么比那更难了。(意译:那最难了。)此外,“否定词+比较级”也可表示强调I couldnt agree with

40、you any more.我十分赞同你的观点。【即学活用】(1)I _than this.我从未读过这么好的书。(2)I can tell you that there is _being praised by my teacher before my classmates.我可以告诉你在同学面前被老师赞扬是最好的事了。have never read a better booknothing better than(3)一句多译他们认为读原版书是最快乐的事。They think _readingbooks in the original.(用比较级)They think reading boo

41、ks in the original is _ _ thing.(用最高级)nothing is more enjoyable thanthe mostenjoyable9.She immediately became the first woman ever to be hired as a resident physician in the OB-GYN department of the PUMC Hospital.她立刻成为第一位被雇用为协和医院妇产科主管的女性。【句式解构】本句是一个简单句。句中to be hired.为不定式作定语修饰名词woman。*The book I read

42、 is about Tu Youyou,the first Chinese woman scientist to win the Nobel Prize.我读的这本书是关于屠呦呦的,她是第一个获得诺贝尔奖的中国女性科学家。*But Wang Hui,the last to run,fell down suddenly when he took the stick from another boy.但是最后一个跑的王辉,在从另一个男孩那里接过接力棒的时候突然摔倒了。【名师点津】如果名词前面有序数词和形容词最高级,后面就用动词不定式作后置定语,如:*She is the first one to

43、arrive.她是第一个到的。【即学活用】(1)语法填空For a student,studying is the first thing _(consider)while appearance is the second.Lincoln was the first president _(pass)laws to stop slavery.to considerto pass(2)一句多译她总是第一个回答问题。She is always the first _.(用不定式作定语)She is always the first _.(定语从句)to answer questionswho an

44、swers questions10.At times she was even seen riding a donkey to faraway villages to provide medical care.有时候,甚至有人看到她骑着毛驴到偏远村庄提供医疗救治。【句式解构】本句是一个简单句。句中含有一个感官动词的复合结构,riding a donkey为现在分词短语作宾语补足语。【名师点津】感官动词的复合结构,也就是后跟宾语+宾语补足语。宾语补足语有三种形式:现在分词,省略to的不定式和过去分词。现在分词表示动作正在进行;省略to的不定式表示已经完成,或者是经常发生;过去分词表被动。【即学活

45、用】语法填空(1)She was amazed to see her childhood friend _(stand)in front of her.(2)I always find myself _(trap)in the situation where Chinese stands between me and what I want to express.(3)His parents always see him _(stay)up late studying.standingtrappedstayingUnit 2Morals and VirtuesDiscovering Usefu

46、l Structures动词-ing形式作宾语补足语和状语【情境探究】观察上面的情景,根据语境用所给词的适当形式填空(1)They see a man _(come),_(hold)a bird cage.(2)The man may find the bird really _(annoy),who usually makes a ingholdingannoying【要义详析】一、动词ing形式作宾语补足语动词-ing形式置于某些及物动词和宾语之后,补充说明宾语的动作或状态。在这种情况下,及物动词通常是表示感觉和心理状态的动词或使役动词。*(2019江苏高考)A Mexican farme

47、r was surprised to see smoke rising from a small part of his land.一位墨西哥农民惊讶地发现从他的一小块地里冒出了烟。*I felt my heart beating violently when I was seeing the 70th anniversary of foundation of China.我看中国建国70周年庆典的时候,感到心潮澎湃。1.动词-ing形式在感官动词后作宾语补足语在see,hear,feel,watch,notice等感官动词后,用动词的-ing形式构成复合宾语,表示一个正在进行的主动的动作,强

48、调一个过程或一种状态。*In the crowded cafe,I heard a friendly voice saying,“You can share my table.”在一个拥挤的咖啡馆,我听到一个友好的声音在说:“你可以和我坐在一桌。”*He saw a girl wandering on the street this time yesterday.他昨天这个时候看到一个女孩正在街上闲逛。【名师点津】在see,hear,feel,watch,notice等感官动词后,既可用动词的-ing形式构成复合宾语,也可用省略to的不定式构成复合宾语,两者之间有一定的区别。用动词的-ing形

49、式时,表示动作正在进行;用省略to的不定式时,表示动作发生了,即动作的全过程结束了。*Today on my way home,I saw a man running along the street hurriedly.今天在我回家的路上,我看到一个男人正匆忙从街上跑过。*I saw him enter the room and take something away.我看到他进入房间,并拿着东西离开了。【即学活用】(1)I _a thief stealing money from the old womans pocket yesterday.昨天我注意到一个小偷正在从那位上年纪的女士口袋

50、里偷钱。(2)She _at the door.她听到有人在敲门。noticedheard someone knocking(3)He _.他看见一个女孩上车把车开走了。(4)Can you _the song in the next room?你能听见她在隔壁唱歌吗?saw a girl get on the car and drive offhear her singing2.动词-ing形式在使役动词宾补结构中的使用使役动词接现在分词作宾语补足语,表示“让一直做某事”*Its cold.We should have the fire burning all the time.天气冷。我们


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