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1、湖北荆门中心城区2018年春季期末考试四年级试卷英 语题号一二三四五六七八九十十一十二十三总分得分Listening Part听力部分(45分)一、听录音,选择你所听到的内容,并将其代号填入题前括号内。(101=10)( )1.A. these B.those C.this( )2.A.shorts B.shirt C.skirt( )3.A.cry B.try C.fly( )4.A.nice B.size C.sale( )5.A.farm B.far C.father( )6.A.thirty B.pretty C.eighty( )7.A.house B.whose C.home( )

2、8.A.Put on your shirt. B.Put away your pants. C.Put away your dress.( )9.A.Are those carrots? B.Are these cats? C.Are these carrots?( )10.A.How do you like this dress?B.How much is this dress? C.How do you like this skirt?二、听录音,用数字1至5给图片排列顺序,把序号填在图下括号内。(5l=5)三、听录音,判断下列图片与你所听到的内容是(T)否(F)相符。(52=10)四、听

3、录音,给你听到的问句选择正确的答语。(52=10)( )1.A.Its white. B.Its Johns. C.Its pretty.( )2.A.Thanks. B.Theyre just right. C.Sure!( )3.A.No,they are. B.Yes,they are. C.Yes,it is.( )4.A.They are Chen Jies. B.Its Amys.C.Its fine.( )5.A.Its cold. Put on your coat. B.Its time for school.C.This is your sweater.五、看图,听录音,写出

4、你所听到的单词。(52=10)1.I can see a .2.The is pretty.3.My parents have a .4.The is red5.My uncle is a .Writing Part,笔试部分(55分)六、找出下列每组中划线部分发音不同的那个单词。(51=5)( )1.A.forkB.homeworkC.warm( )2.A.let B.people C.uncle( )3.A.fly B.windy C.cry( )4.A.weather B.sweater C.cheap( )5.A.hamburger B.birth C.computer七、选择每组中不

5、同类的单词。(5l=5)( )1.A.vegetables B.tomatoes C.carrots( )2.A.onion B.carrot C.goat( )3.A.dress B.pants C.shorts( )4.A.shoes B.sunglasses C.hats( )5.A.farm B.garden C.library八、选择最佳答案。(52=10)( )1. cap is this? Its Yifans. A.Whos B.Whose C.Which( )2.This scarf is pretty. Can I try on? A.they B.it C.them( )

6、3. are those pants? Theyre $18. A.What B.What colour C.How much( )4.I eat green beans. A.love to B.like C.love( )5.Sorry, its not sale. You cant take it. A.in B.for C.on九、看图填空,每空一词,使句子意思完整。(52=10)1.The students pictures in the room.2.Its 4:00p.m. Its time to .3.What are those? Theyre and green .4.Ho

7、w much is the ?Its 368.Its too .5.They are .They donkeys(驴).十、下列各句中有一处错误,找出来并把正确的单词写在横线上。(52=10) ( )1.Mr. McDonald have ten goats on the farm. A B C( )2.Amy,is this hat your? A B C( )3.This tomatoes is big. A B C( )4.How much are the brown glove? A B C( )5.Wow ! You have lot of animals! A B C十一、用数字l

8、5给下列句子重新排序,使其成为一个完整的对话。(51=5)( )Sure! Here you are.( )Can I help you?( )How much is it?( )Yes.That scarf is beautiful. Can I have a try?( )Its 18 yuan.( 6 )OK! Ill take it十二、把下列句子译为汉语。(51=5)1.The teachers office is next to the library. 2.Whose pants are these? 3.How do you like this shirt? 4.Can I t

9、ry them on? 5.Are those carrots? 十三、把下列句子译为汉语。(51=5)Dear Wang Ke,Im happy that you like the hat !Its sunny and hot today.I go to the farm with your dog.Your dog is strong now.Everywhere that I go,Fido is sure to go.I feed the hens and ducks.There are 18 baby ducks on the farm now.They can already sw

10、im. I like the tomatoes very much.Theyre yellow.But theyre juicy and sweet. Welcome back to the farm!I miss you so much! Best wishes,Grandpa( )1.Its cloudy on the farm.( )2.Wang Kes dog follows(跟随) Grandpa everywhere.( )3.There are eighteen hens on the farm.( )4.The baby ducks can already swim.( )5.

11、Grandpas tomatoes are red and juicy.湖北荆门中心城区2018年春季期末考试四年级试卷英语笔试部分六、1-5 AABCC七、1-5 ACAAC八、1-5 BBCAC 九、1.draw;art 2.go home 3.cloudy;landscape 4.overcoat;expensive 5.hours;are十、1.B goat 2.C yours 3.B are 4.C gloves 5.B a lot十一、3 1 4 2 5 6十二、1.教师办公室在图书馆旁边。 2.这是谁的裤子。 3.你觉得这个衬衫怎么样? 4.我可以试一下吗? 5.这些是胡萝卜吗?十三、1-5 FTFTF湖北荆门中心城区2018年春季期末考试四年级试卷英语 5


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