1、月经期月经期 增殖期增殖期 排卵期排卵期 黄体期黄体期正常子宫内膜周期性变化正常子宫内膜周期性变化病理特点病理特点 大体表现(大体表现(1 1)可发生在子宫各部位,宫体部位较多可发生在子宫各部位,宫体部位较多 不同组织类型的癌肉眼无明显区别不同组织类型的癌肉眼无明显区别 侵肌时子宫体积增大,侵肌时子宫体积增大,浸润肌层癌组织境界清楚,浸润肌层癌组织境界清楚,呈坚实灰白色结节状肿块。呈坚实灰白色结节状肿块。This adenocarcinoma of the endometrium is more obvious.Irregular masses of white tumor are seen
2、over the surface of this uterus that has been opened anteriorly.The cervix is at the bottom of the picture.This enlarged uterus was no doubt palpable on physical examination.Such a neoplasm often present with abnormal bleeding.The endometrial adenocarcinoma is present on the lumenal surface of this cross section of uterus.Note that the neoplasm is superficially invasive.The cervix is at the right.子宫内膜癌子宫内膜癌 III 期期 侵肌全层、宫颈、附件侵肌全层、宫颈、附件 侵肌侵肌 Normal cavityHysteroscopyPolyp全子宫切除全子宫切除筋膜外子宫切除筋膜外子宫切除次广泛子宫切除次广泛子宫切除广泛子宫切除广泛子宫切除