Unit3 Global warming和全球变暖有关的时事英语拓展阅读 (ppt课件)-2022新人教版(2019)《高中英语》选择性必修第三册.pptx

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Unit3 Global warming和全球变暖有关的时事英语拓展阅读 (ppt课件)-2022新人教版(2019)《高中英语》选择性必修第三册.pptx_第1页
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Unit3 Global warming和全球变暖有关的时事英语拓展阅读 (ppt课件)-2022新人教版(2019)《高中英语》选择性必修第三册.pptx_第2页
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Unit3 Global warming和全球变暖有关的时事英语拓展阅读 (ppt课件)-2022新人教版(2019)《高中英语》选择性必修第三册.pptx_第3页
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Unit3 Global warming和全球变暖有关的时事英语拓展阅读 (ppt课件)-2022新人教版(2019)《高中英语》选择性必修第三册.pptx_第4页
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Unit3 Global warming和全球变暖有关的时事英语拓展阅读 (ppt课件)-2022新人教版(2019)《高中英语》选择性必修第三册.pptx_第5页
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1、GLOBAL WARMING A group of international scientists say the worlds oceans have soaked up 60%more heat that have been thought over the last two decades.Writing in the journal Nature,they say this will hamper(猜同义词)efforts to control global warming.一组国际科学家表示,过去20年间世界各大海洋吸收的热量比我们料想的要多60%。在自然杂志上的一篇文章中,他们写

2、道,这种情况会阻碍人类控制全球变暖的进程。More than 1 billion people are at risk from a lack of air conditioning and refrigeration to keep them cool and to preserve food and medicines as global warming brings more high temperatures,a study showed.More electricity demand for fridges,fans and other appliances will add to

3、manmade climate change unless power generators shift from fossil fuels to cleaner energies,according to the report by the nonprofit Sustainable Energy for All group.The UNs health agency says that heat stress linked to climate change is likely to cause 38,000 extra deaths a year worldwide between 20

4、30 and 2050.一项研究显示,由于气候变暖,高温天气更加普遍,超过10亿人正面临没有空调降暑,没有冰箱保存粮食与药物的风险。非盈利组织人人享有可持续能源编纂的报告指出,除非人们能摒弃化石燃料转而使用较洁净的能源发电,否则电冰箱、电扇及其他家电将需耗用更多电,进而加剧人为导致的气候变化问题。US President Donald Trump announced on Thursday afternoon that the United States will withdraw from the Paris climate accord,the global climate pact th

5、at was sanctioned by his predecessor and nearly 200 other world leaders.美国总统特朗普宣布美国将退出巴黎气候协定。这项全球性的气候协定由其前任奥巴马和近200名全球领导人共同签署。US rejoins Paris Agreement 美国重返巴黎协定和美国重返巴黎协定和WHOHours after being sworn in as the 46th President of the United States,Biden signed in the Oval Office an executive order that

6、returns his country back to the Paris Agreement on climate change,reversing his predecessor Donald Trumps decision to abandon the deal.在宣誓就任美国第46任总统几小时后,拜登在椭圆形办公室签署了一项行政命令,让美国重返巴黎协定。此前,前总统特朗普宣布美国正式退出该协定。We are going to combat climate change in a way we have not done so far,he said before the signing

7、.拜登在签署文件前表示,“美国将以迄今为止尚未采取的方式来应对气候变化”。Despite the continued increase in global carbon emissions in China,the growth rate of carbon emissions has been in a steady decrease since 2005,and was near zero in 2014,according to a new climate report released Monday.报告说中国碳排放2005年以来增速“稳步下降”两年里收集5万吨的废弃电子产品,东京奥运

8、会的奖牌所用金属将从中产生:Japan recently announced that medals for the 2020 Olympics would be made from recycled electronic devices.In the past 18 months,the Old Metals New Medals project has collected nearly 50,000 tons of devices across Japan,including cameras,laptops,and more than five million smartphones.Th

9、e Tokyo Olympic Organizing Committee will unveil its 2020 medal design sometime this summer.Cities around Asia were turning out the lights Saturday evening to mark the 10th annual Earth Hour,a global movement dedicated to protecting the planet and highlighting the effects of climate change.亚洲多城市熄灯一小

10、时呼吁人们关注气候变暖 Warming oceans force great mammals into cruel voyages,global warming is killing off their food and changing their age-old migratory routes.气候变暖鲸鱼“遭殃”迁徙旅程愈发艰难 The report by the UN Food and Agriculture Organization says that eating insects could help boost nutrition and reduce pollution.据B

11、BC报道,联合国粮食和农业组织近日发布报告呼吁人们多吃昆虫,不仅能增加营养,还能减少污染。Greenwashing(modelled on whitewash),is a form of spin in which green PR(public relations)or green marketing is deceptively used to promote the perception(认识)that an organizations aims and policies are environmentally friendly.“漂绿”指绿色公关或营销团队作欺骗性宣传以宣称某组织的目标

12、和政策是环保的 Sweden is so good at recycling that,for several years,it has imported rubbish from other countries to keep its recycling plants going.Less than 1 percent of Swedish household waste was sent to landfill last year or any year since 2011.这些年瑞典的环保工作做得太出色了,如今甚至要从其他国家进口垃圾,才能让本国的回收工厂继续运营下去。去年,瑞典送入垃

13、圾场的生活垃圾不足总量的1%,这种情况一直从2011年持续到现在。最近,乐高宣布他们将开始以甘蔗为可持续原料生产玩具。这些玩具将以植物元素(如叶子、灌木、树木)为特色,它们和经典乐高积木没什么差别。目前,乐高积木由石油基塑料制成。Lego recently announced that they will start producing pieces from sustainable sugar cane.The toys,which will be indistinguishable from classic Legos,will also feature“botanical element

14、s”like leaves,bushes,and trees.Legos current bricks are made from oil-based plastics.Coca-Cola showed off its new bottle at the Expo Milano food technology conference on Wednesday.The bottle is plastic(dont actually try to eat it),but instead of using petroleum,the bottles plastic is derived from su

15、gar cane.可口可乐在米兰世博会展出原材料由甘蔗做成的新包装瓶 Ikea plans to use packaging made with mushrooms as an eco-friendly replacement for polystyrene,the Swedish retail giant has revealed.瑞典家居用品巨头宜家家居日前表示,宜家计划用蘑菇制成的环保包装材料代替聚苯乙烯。Scientists in the US have found that the concentration of carbon dioxide inside the confined

16、 spaces we use every day could be high enough to damage our health.美国的科学家发现我们每天所处的密闭空间中的高浓度二氧化碳会损害我们的健康。A new study shows that rising levels of planet-warming gases may reduce important nutrients in food crops.Researchers studied the effects of one such gas-carbon dioxide-on rice.The researchers gre

17、w rice plants in a controlled environment.They set carbon dioxide levels to what scientists are predicting for our planet by the end of the century.They found that the resulting rice crops had lower than normal levels of vitamins,minerals and protein.一项新的研究表明,温室气体可能会减少粮食作物中的重要营养物质。研究人员研究了其中一种气体-二氧化碳

18、对水稻的影响。研究人员在一种受控环境中种植水稻。他们将二氧化碳设置为科学家预测的世纪末地球上的二氧化碳水平。他们发现由此种出来的水稻作物的维生素、矿物质和蛋白质都低于正常水平。Rising global temperatures may cause a big jolt in the number of lightning strikes in the U.S.over the rest of the 21st century;the latest example of extreme weather spawned(引起)by climate change.全球气温变化或导致美国发生更多的闪

19、电 这是全球气温变化所导致极端天气的最新例子 The 100-foot diet emphasizes on reducing ones carbon footprint by growing most of the food you consume closer to home,the distance from the garden to your dinner table is within 100 feet.自产绿色食品强调通过在家门口种植食材减少碳足迹,从种植食材的花园到餐桌的距离一般不超一百英尺 【Banning plastic wont help 研究:禁用塑料无助环保】An o

20、utright ban on plastics could cause even more harm to the environment and lead to triple the amount of greenhouse gas emissions.Thats the finding of experts from Herriot-Watt University in Edinburgh,which says that replacing plastic with alternate materials such as metal and glass wont help the envi

21、ronment.The team says this is because the manufacturing of these replacements could double global energy consumption.Resources required to process these replacement materials would lead to more energy consumption and more greenhouse gas.完全禁用塑料可能对环境造成更大的危害,导致温室气体排放量增至原本的三倍。这是爱丁堡赫里奥特-瓦特大学的专家得出的结论。研究结果

22、显示,用金属和玻璃等替代材料取代塑料对环境无益。研究小组表示,这是因为制造这些替代品可能使全球能源消耗翻倍。加工这些替代材料所需的资源将导致更多的能源消耗和温室气体。A new global study the largest of its kind has found that since 1955,open-water species declined by about half in tropical oceans.Sea surface temperatures rose by nearly 0.2 degrees Celsius.Its happening faster than e

23、xpected.一项同类调查中规模最大的新全球研究发现,居住在热带海洋开阔水域的物种数量自1955年来减少了约一半。海面温度上升了近0.2摄氏度。这比预期的速度要快。Scientists analysed data on more than 48,000 marine species,including fish,molluscs,birds and corals.科学家们分析了超过48000种海洋物种的数据,包括鱼类、软体动物、鸟类和珊瑚。Its the latest research that shows the large systemic changes global warming

24、has had on the biodiversity of the ocean.这项最新研究揭示了一个巨大的系统性系统性变化,这是全球变暖给海洋生物多样性造成的影响。And it suggests that the tropics are becoming too warm for many species to survive.Those species that can move are moving to cooler waters.研究还发现,热带地区正变得过暖,暖得许多物种无法生存。那些能移动的物种正移向较冷的水域。But for fixed species,like corals

25、,moving is not an option.And staying put in warmer temperatures can lead to higher rates of coral bleaching.但对于珊瑚这样固定不动的物种来说,移动并不可行。而呆在更温暖的环境中会导致珊瑚白化的速度加快。These shifts could devastate the ecosystems left behind,and any fishing and tourism industries that rely on them.Its another stark warning from s

26、cientists that unless we act soon to address the urgency of climate change,it will be too late.这些变化可能会摧毁摧毁留在原处的生态系统,以及任何依赖这些生态系统的渔业和旅游业。这是科学家们发出的又一个严正严正警告:除非我们尽快采取行动,正视气候变化的迫切性,否则将为时过晚。Think of Japan in the spring,and the image that comes to mind is likely the countrys famous cherry blossoms,also kn

27、own as sakura-white and pink flowers,bursting across cities and mountains,petals covering the ground.想起春天的日本,映入脑海的应该是日本著名的樱花。白色和粉色的花朵盛开在城市和山间,地面上铺满了花瓣。The flowers,which experience a peak bloom that only lasts a few days,have been revered in Japan for more than a thousand years.Crowds celebrate with

28、viewing parties,flocking to the most popular locations to take photos and have picnics underneath the branches.盛花期只有几天的樱花一千多年来在日本备受推崇。人们举办赏花会来庆祝,蜂拥到热门景点拍照,在樱花树下野餐。But this year,cherry blossom season has come and gone in the blink of an eye,in one of the earliest blooms on record-and scientists warn

29、its a symptom of the larger climate crisis threatening ecosystems everywhere.但是今年,樱花季眨眼之间来了又去,花期前所未有地早。科学家警告说,这预示着更大规模威胁各地生态系统的气候危机即将到来。Yasuyuki Aono,a researcher at Osaka Prefecture University,has gathered records from Kyoto back to 812 AD from historical documents and diaries.In the central city o

30、f Kyoto,cherry blossoms peaked on March 26,the earliest in more than 1,200 years,Aono said.大阪府立大学的研究员青野靖之收集了京都从公元812年至今的历史文献和日志。青野指出,京都市中心的樱花在3月26日达到全盛,这是1200多年来最早的一次。The Earth is spinning faster than it has in five decades,scientists say.科学家表示,地球现在自转的速度比过去50年都要快。Since last year,a full day has been

31、taking less than the normal 24 hours.从去年开始,一整天的时间就比正常的24小时要短。July 19,2020,was the shortest day since scientists began keeping records in the 1960s-1.4602 milliseconds shorter than the full 24 hours.2020年的7月19日是自上世纪60年代科学家开始做记录以来最短的一天,全天比24小时缩短了1.4602毫秒。A 2015 study published in Science Advances sugg

32、ests global warming may be the reason behind the Earths speedier rotation.2015年发表在科学进展上的一项研究表明,全球变暖可能是地球自转速度加快的背后原因。As glaciers melt,mass redistribution is causing the planet to shift and spin faster on its axis.随着冰川融化,质量重新分布导致地球自转速度加快。Its quite possible that a negative leap second will be needed if

33、 the Earths rotation rate increases further,Peter Whibberley,a senior research scientist at the National Physical Laboratory,told The Telegraph.But its too early to say if this is likely to happen.英国国家物理实验室的高级研究科学家彼得韦博利告诉每日电讯报:如果地球自转速度进一步加快,很可能需要加上一个负闰秒,但现在还为时尚早,说不准这种情况是否可能发生。Global warming could ma

34、ke humans shorter,warn scientists who claim to have found evidence that it caused the worlds first horses to shrink nearly 50 million years ago.科学家警告说全球变暖可能会使人类变矮。科学家宣称已找到证据:近5000万年前全球变暖就曾让世界上最早的马个头变小 Extreme weather combined with COVID-19 was a double blow for millions of people in 2020.2020年极端天气加上

35、新冠肺炎疫情给数百万人造成双重打击。However,the pandemic-related economic slowdown failed to put the brakes on climate change drivers and accelerating impacts,according to the State of the Global Climate 2020 by the World Meteorological Organization on Monday.然而,世界气象组织4月19日发布的2020年全球气候状况报告显示,新冠疫情造成的经济放缓未能抑制住气候变化驱动因素和

36、气候加速恶化的影响。Last year was one of the three warmest years on record,despite a cooling La Nina event.The global average temperature was about 1.2 Celsius above the pre-industrial(1850-1900)level.尽管出现了有降温作用的拉尼娜现象,但2020年仍是有记录以来三个最热的年份之一,全球平均温度比工业化前(1850年至1900年)的水平高出约1.2摄氏度。The six years since 2015 have be

37、en the warmest on record;自2015年以来的6年是有记录以来最热的6年;2011-2020 was the warmest decade on record.2011至2020年是有记录以来最热的10年。UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres underscored that 2021 must be the year for action,calling for a number of concrete advances,before countries gather in Glasgow in November,for COP26

38、 the 26th session of the Conference of the Parties(COP26)to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change(UNFCCC).联合国秘书长古特雷斯强调,2021年必须是采取行动的一年,他呼吁各国在11月格拉斯哥联合国气候变化框架公约缔约方大会第26届会议之前取得一些实质进展。Chinese scientists have succeeded in isolating and cloning heat-tolerant genes from African rice strains,which could help develop rice varieties that can withstand climate change brought by global warming.中国科学家成功克隆水稻抗高温主要基因


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