Unit 3 Words and expressions (ppt课件)-2022新人教版(2019)《高中英语》选择性必修第四册.pptx

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1、选修四选修四 U3 SEA EXPLORATION Words and Expressionstale cn.故事故事;叙述叙述 1.民间故事a folk tale Snow White in a fairy tale 童话故事merchant cn.商人商人;批发商批发商 adj.海上货运的海上货运的 chant v.反复唱反复唱/呼喊;唱圣歌呼喊;唱圣歌/诵经文诵经文 cn.反复喊反复喊/唱的调子;圣歌唱的调子;圣歌/颂歌颂歌1.商船队merchant fleets set sailset sail(for+sp.)set sail(from A to B)1.自东向西航行set sail

2、 from east to west起航起航(去某地去某地)(从从A地地)起航起航(去去B地地)set off(for+sp.)出发(去某地)=set out(for+sp.);set off 使爆炸/引发;set out to do=set about doing 开始着手做 set down 写下/记下=write down=note down;让某人下车 set aside=put aside 把放一边/暂时不考虑;留出 set up 建立=establish=found C set A apart from B C使A不同于B;C使A在B中脱颖而出 set foot on/upon 踏

3、上.extend vt 伸出伸出(身体部位身体部位)1.He extended his hand to the new employee.vt&vi(使)延伸(使)延伸(距离距离);(使)延长;(使)延长(时间时间):2.This road extends to the river.3.The show has been extended for another six weeks.扩大扩大的范围(或影响)的范围(或影响)4.The company extended its services to Hong Kong.提供提供/给予给予5.The chairman extended a roy

4、al welcome to the guest speaker.6.During the epidemic outbreak,China extended its helping hand to many other countries around the world.=stretch=stretch=expand extend vt.使伸长使伸长/扩展扩展/扩大;扩大;extension un.&cn 扩大扩大;扩展扩展;延伸延伸;延长期延长期extensive adj.广阔的;巨大的广阔的;巨大的提供提供/给予给予extent n.程度;范围,长度程度;范围,长度 to some ext

5、ent 在某种程度上 The Negotiatornegotiator cn.谈判代表谈判代表/协商者协商者negotiate vt.商定商定;达成达成(协议协议)vi.谈判谈判;磋商磋商;协商协商negotiate with sb.about/over/for sth.与某人商议某事negotiation cn.&un.谈判谈判;磋商磋商;协商协商1.达成交易negotiate a deal fleet cn.舰队舰队;机群机群;车队车队 1.a fleet of trucks/shipsbehold vt.&vi.看看;看见看见 1.The sunrise at the seaside w

6、as quite a sight to behold.2.As soon as we went out,lo and behold,it began to rain.值得一看的景象你瞧(表示惊讶的感叹词)(beheld -beheld)League of Legends英格兰足球超级联赛league cn.联合会联合会/联赛联赛;in a league of ones own 独领风骚/独占鳌头not in ones league 水平远比不上某人 out of ones league 超出某人的能力范围1.就乒乓球而言,中国在世界范围内独树一帜。As for table tennis,Chi

7、na is in a league of it own worldwide.2.When it comes to cooking,Im not in her league.3.A house like that is out of our league.等级等级/水平水平;British Royal Familyroyal adj.皇家的皇家的/王室的王室的;高贵的高贵的/盛大的盛大的loyal adj.忠诚的忠诚的 1.the Royal Navy/Air Force2.Theres no royal road to learning.学无坦途spice n.(调味调味)香料香料U&C;趣味

8、趣味Uspicy adj.加有加有香料的香料的/辛辣的辛辣的1.We need an exciting trip to add some spice to our lives.Transactionwithdrawal n.撤退撤退/收回;提款;收回;提款;withdraw v.vt.提提/取钱取钱1.He had withdrawn all the money from their joint account.vt.&vi(使)撤(使)撤退退;退出退出2.Government troops were forced to withdraw.3.The tennis player withdre

9、w from several tournaments due to injury.vt.撤回撤回/收回(发言、意见等)收回(发言、意见等)The minister withdrew his statement later.(withdrew-withdrawn)tunnel cn.地下通道地下通道;地道地道;隧道隧道channel cn.航道航道/海峡海峡(长而宽长而宽);频道频道;strait cn.海峡海峡 (短而窄短而窄)1.Our school BBS is a useful channel of communication between teachers and students.

10、途径途径/渠道渠道a maritime museummaritime adj.海的海的;海运的海运的;海事的海事的 Use this glue to bond the two materials.bond vt./vi.使牢固结合使牢固结合/黏合;黏合;增强增强/建立建立(与与sb.)的的信任关系信任关系 cn.黏合黏合(剂剂);纽带纽带/关系关系 1.Reading was a special way to bond with my children.2.The agreement strengthened the bonds between the two countries.in han

11、d 在手头在手头上上/可供使用可供使用;在掌控之中在掌控之中at hand 在手边在手边/附近附近by hand 用手用手/手工地手工地at first hand 第一手地;直接地第一手地;直接地at second hand 第二手地;间接地第二手地;间接地hand in hand 手拉手手拉手/联合联合give sb.a hand 帮助某人帮助某人/伸出援手伸出援手hand in 上交;提交上交;提交politician n.政治家政治家;政客政客politics n.政治政治;政治观点政治观点;政治学政治学political adj.政治的政治的politically adv.政治上政治上

12、mathematics n.数学数学physics n.物理学物理学economics n.经济学经济学gymnastics n.体操体操linguistics n.语言学语言学professor cn.教授教授;专家专家profession cn.职业职业;行业行业professional adj.职业职业/专业的专业的;娴熟的娴熟的 cn.专家专家;职业运动员职业运动员amateur adj.业余业余/外行的外行的 cn.业余爱好者;外行业余爱好者;外行occupation/careerthe open tennis tournament tournament cn.锦标赛锦标赛;联赛联赛

13、 mix vi&vt.(使使)混合混合/融合融合/调配调配;n.混合混合U;混合物混合物Cmix A with/and B 将 A 和 B 混合起来mix with sth./sb.与sth.混合;与sb.交往/结交mixed adj.混合混合/杂的杂的mixture n.混合混合U;混合物混合物C1.We listened to the news with a mixture of surprise and horror.2.You cant mix business with pleasure.3.They dont mix much with the neighbours.4.悲喜交加v

14、i.交往交往have mixed feelings of grief and joy laptop tabletlap n.大腿部;大腿部;(跑道的跑道的)一圈一圈;(工作工作/行程行程)一段一段/环环laptop cn.笔记本笔记本/便携式便携式电脑电脑notebook cn.笔记本笔记本;笔记本电脑笔记本电脑desktop computer 台式电脑台式电脑coverage n.新闻报道新闻报道U;覆盖范围覆盖范围C&Ucover v.覆盖覆盖1.Its head,body,and tail are completely covered with/by brown fur.掩饰掩饰2.He

15、 laughed to cover his nervousness.包括包括/涉及涉及3.The articles cover a wide range of subjects.足以支付足以支付4.The show barely covered its costs.行走行走(一段路程一段路程)5.By sunset we had covered thirty miles.占占(一片面积一片面积)6.The reserve covers an area of some 1140 square kilometres.报道报道7.The BBC will cover all the major ga

16、mes of the tournament.cover v.coverage n.新闻报道新闻报道U;覆盖范围覆盖范围C&Ucover v.1.媒体报道media coverage 新闻报道news/press coverage 现场报道live coverage 2.森林的覆盖率coverage rate of forest 举行记者招待会举行记者招待会/新闻发布会新闻发布会hold/give/launch a press conferenceapplaud vt.&vi.鼓掌鼓掌 vt.称赞称赞/赞赏赞赏applaud sb.for(doing)sth.因某事赞赏某人applause un

17、.鼓掌鼓掌/喝彩喝彩1.I applaud her for having the courage to refuse.2.No sooner had I stepped onto the stage than the audience broke into thunderous applause and rounds of laughter.free of tax tax vt.对对征税征税/使纳税使纳税 cn.税税;税款税款1.增税/减税/纳税raise/cut/pay taxes2.a tax on cigarettestaxesunmanned adj.无人的;无人操纵的;无人的;无人操

18、纵的;manned adj.载人的;载人的;有人控制有人控制/操纵的操纵的 1.载人宇宙飞船a manned spacecraft2.载人卫星 a manned satellite Jiaolong deep-sea manned submersiblesubmersible cn.潜水器潜水器;可潜船可潜船submersible pump 潜水泵Underwater Worldaquarium n.水族馆underwater adv.在水下在水下adj.水下的水下的capsule cn.胶囊;太空舱;胶囊;太空舱;space capsule capsule tablet Capsule ho

19、tela coral reef(礁礁)coral un.珊瑚珊瑚a coral necklacebird migration migrant adj.移居的;流浪的移居的;流浪的 cn.移居者;候鸟移居者;候鸟 migration un.&cn.迁移迁移;迁徙迁徙;移居移居 migrate v.迁徙迁徙 immigrant cn.(外来外来)移民移民的人的人;外侨外侨immigration n.移民移民immigrate v.(从外地)移民(从外地)移民direct adj.&adv.直接的直接的directory cn.名录名录;电话号码簿电话号码簿;(计算机文件或程序的计算机文件或程序的)

20、目录目录BUILDING DIRECTORY SIGNtelephone directorymeanwhile adv.与此同时与此同时;(比较两方面比较两方面)对比之下对比之下=in the meanwhile/meantime=at the same timeexploit vt.开发开发;运用运用/利用利用/发挥发挥;剥削剥削1.开发自然资源exploit the natural resources 2.She fully exploits the humour of her role in the play.3.The workers are ruthlessly exploited

21、by their employers.gallon cn.加仑加仑(容积单位,容积单位,1英制加仑约等于英制加仑约等于4.5升升,美美=3.8升升)litre/liter cn.升升(容量单位容量单位)东方快车谋杀案东方快车谋杀案murder vt.谋杀谋杀/凶杀凶杀;毁坏毁坏 cn.&un 谋杀谋杀/凶杀凶杀murderer cn.杀手杀手;凶手凶手1.an attempted murder 2.犯谋杀罪commit(a)murder 3.凶杀案件/调查/审判a murder case/investigation/trial The Goddess Of Mercy mercy killin

22、gmerciless adj.残忍的残忍的/无慈悲心的无慈悲心的merciful adj.仁慈仁慈/宽容宽容/慈悲的慈悲的be merciful to/towards sb.mercy n.仁慈仁慈/宽恕宽恕U;恩惠恩惠/幸运幸运C,常单数常单数show mercy to sb.对sb.仁慈have mercy on sb.对sb.仁慈at the mercy of.任由.摆布without mercy 残忍地;毫不留情地对sb.仁慈possession n.个人财产个人财产复数复数;拥有拥有U;控制控制Usb.take possession of sth.sb.be in processio

23、n of sth.sb.具有/拥有sth.sth.be in the possession of sb.sth.被某人所拥有possess vt.拥有拥有;具有具有;支配支配,控制控制be possessed of 具有(某种品质、能力等)belongings所有物所有物;财物财物1.She was possessed of exceptional powers of concentration.sb.具有/拥有sth.opponent cn.反对者反对者;对手对手/竞争者竞争者oppose v.反对反对;抵制抵制;与与角逐角逐oppose doing 反对做opposed adj.相反的;敌

24、对的相反的;敌对的be opposed to(doing)sth.反对(做)opposite adj.相反的相反的/对面的对面的rival n.log vt.伐木伐木;把把载入正式记录载入正式记录/记录记录 cn.原木原木;航海航海日志日志;记录记录;log vt.伐木;伐木;把把载入正式记录载入正式记录/记录记录 cn.原木原木;航海航海日志日志;记录记录;1.记日志keep a log 2.He slept like a log and was not even wakened up by the thunder.沉睡;酣睡logged-logged;loggingdiary/journal marine adj.海的海的;海产的海产的;海生的海生的 maritime adj.海的海的;海运的海运的;海事的海事的arrest cn.&un.逮捕逮捕/拘留拘留;中止中止 vt.逮捕逮捕/拘留拘留;阻止阻止;吸引吸引1.I was stunned by the news that the police arrested her for drunk driving.2.He died after suffering a cardiac arrest.3.An unusual noise arrested his attention.


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