1、幼儿园小学常用英语单词图片大全完全版认识动物Know the animal认识动物Know the animal认识动物Know the animal认识动物Know the animal认识水果认识水果认识水果认识水果认识人物、职业Know people and careers认识人物、职业Know people and careers认识人物、职业Know people and careers认识人物、职业Know people and careers认识人物、职业Know people and careers认识人体器官Understanding human organs认识人体器官Un
2、derstanding human organs认识人体器官Understanding human organs认识人体器官Understanding human organs认识人体器官Understanding human organsshoulders认识学习用品及工具Knowledge of school supplies and tools认识学习用品及工具Knowledge of school supplies and tools认识学习用品及工具Knowledge of school supplies and tools认识学习用品及工具Knowledge of school s
3、upplies and tools认识颜色认识颜色认识颜色认识日常用品Know everyday things认识日常用品Know everyday things认识食物、食品认识食物、食品认识食物、食品认识衣物Know the clothing认识衣物Know the clothing认识衣物Know the clothing认识衣物Know the clothing认识衣物Know the clothingSweaterswet认识天气、冷热Know the clothing认识天气、冷热Know the clothing认识天气、冷热Know the clothing小 城小 城 三 班三 班 内 容 完 整内 容 完 整P r i m a r y S c h o o l E n g l i s h