Unit 6 Disaster and hope 第三课时&第四课时(ppt课件+2课时)-2022新外研版(2019)《高中英语》必修第三册.rar

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  • Unit 6 Disaster and hope 第三课时&第四课时(ppt课件+2课时)_2022新外研版(2019)《高中英语》必修第三册
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Unit 6 Disaster and hope第第三课时课时 Developing ideasLearning aims:1.Make sense of the passage and explore the profound meaning to answer the questions;2.Comprehend and translate some important sentences.3.Memorize sentences and try to make sentences by imitation.What is a hurricane?Hurricanes are strong tropical storms,and they usually occur in the southern Atlantic Ocean,the Caribbean Sea and the Gulf of Mexico.There are violent winds of 120 kilometres per hour or more,which cause huge waves,heavy rain and floods.It is measured as a category from 1 through5.trpkl热带热带的的;ktri 类别类别,种,种类类step 1:Pre-readingActivity1:Look at the map and answer the questions.1.Where did Hurricane Katrina form?2.Where did it hit?3.How long did it last?4.How many people lost their lives in the Hurricane?5.What was the cost of the dangerous Hurricane Katrina caused?Answer:1.Katrina formed on the Atlantic Ocean,where there was a tropical depression.2.It hit mainly the Southern states,including the south of Florida,Louisiana,Mississippi,and Alabama.3.It lasted more than one week.4.Over1,800 people lost their lives in the hurricane.5.It caused USD 108 billion in damage.Activity 3:Complete the diagram frightenedflew off/was blown awaysmelled/smelt so bad everywherealways try to see the good side of things happycame home just in timerebuild our homes and our livesstep 2:Reading and Activity 3step3:Translate the sentences:1.I was sitting in my room with my cat,Smartie,on my lap,when the roof just flew off.All of a sudden,there was sky where the roof had been.2.He had disappeared the moment the storm hit.3.But Mom said that whatever happens,we should always try to see the good side of things.It was difficult to stay positive,though.4.Although it was only a few days before we were rescued,it felt like months.5.Although we are surrounded by reminders of the disasters,we are working together to rebuild our homes and our lives.6.Now we have another chance to look up at the stars of New Orleans,their beauty inspiring us and giving us cofidence to move on.当时,我正坐在自己房间里,猫咪Smartie趴在我腿上,突然屋顶就飞走了。霎时间,屋顶变成了天空。风暴袭来的那一刻它就失踪了。不过妈妈说不管发生什么,我们都应该尽量看到事情好的一面。然而,保持乐观却不那么容易。虽然几天后我们就获救了,但却觉得像是过了好几个月。虽然我们周围的一切都提醒着我们这里曾发生的灾难,但我们都在为重建家园和生活而一同努力着。现在我们又能仰望新奥尔良的星空了。它们的美鼓舞着我们,让我们有信心继续前行。be doing.whenbe about to do.whenhad done.when1.Why does the author say“Alhough it was only a few days before we were rescued,it felt like months”?Because they lost their homes and everything in it with nowhere to go.Besides,it was hot as well as dangerous for them with mosquitos surrounding them and without enough clean drinking water.mskitz 蚊子蚊子step 4:Think&Sharestep 4:Think&Share 1.fly off2.all of a sudden3.turn into4.look up at5.even though/if6.have yet to do7.in time8.inspire sb to do sth1.飞走,跑掉2.突然3.变成4.抬头看,仰望 look down upon(俯视,看不起)5.即使6.还没有做某事7.及时8.鼓舞某人做某事Important phrases1.the moment时间状语从句He had disappeared the moment the storm hit.一出现暴风雨他就消失了。句中 the moment相当于连词,引导时间状语从句,意为“一就”。表示“一就”的结构有:(1)as soon as时间状语从句:He came to visit us as soon as he arrived in Beijing.(2)immediately/instantly/directly时间状语从句He came to visit us instantly/immediately/directly he arrived in Beijing.(3)the second/instant/minute/moment时间状语从句He came to visit us the instant/second/minute he arrived in Beijing.(4)hardly主句(过去完成时)when从句(一般过去时)(5)no sooner主句(过去完成时)than从句(一般过去时)He had no sooner/hardly arrived in Beijing than/when he came to visit us.No sooner/Hardly had he arrived in Beijing than/when he came to visit us.(6)on/upon doing/n.:On/Upon arriving in Beijing,he came to visit us.知识运用:1.一到剧院,他就发现朋友给他的票忘在家里了。_ he arrived at the theatre,he found the ticket a friend gave him was left at home.On_(arrive)at the theatre,he found the ticket a friend gave him was left at home.2.他朋友进来时他正在做作业。3._ you are,you must keep the law.4._you say,I wont believe you.5.A lot of work _ (do),he cant go home now.有许多工作要做,他现在不能回家。6.More time (give),we should have done it much better.若给更多时间,我们会做得更好。7.They can destroy houses,but leave the furniture inside exactly _ it was.他们能破坏房屋,但却让里面的家具留在原来的地方。As soon as/The moment/second/minute/ImmediatelyarrivingHe was doing his homework when his friend came in.WhoeverWhateverto dogivenwhereConclusion1.Review some information of hurricane Katrina and the whole passage.2.Review some important sentences and language points in the passage.be doing.when;一.就;-er引导让步状语从句;chance/confidence to do;独立主格;where引导的地点状语从句句子默写:1.当时,我正坐在自己房间里,猫咪Smartie趴在我腿上,突然屋顶就飞走了。霎时间,屋顶变成了天空。2.风暴袭来的那一刻它就失踪了。3.不过妈妈说不管发生什么,我们都应该尽量看到事情好的一面。然而,保持乐观却不那么容易。4.虽然几天后我们就获救了,但却觉得像是过了好几个月。5.虽然我们周围的一切都提醒着我们这里曾发生的灾难,但我们都在为重建家园和生活而一同努力着。6.现在我们又能仰望新奥尔良的星空了。它们的美鼓舞着我们,让我们有信心继续前行。Unit 6 Disaster and hope第第四课时课时 Developing ideasLearning aims:1.Learn how to write safety guidlines according to the study of Hurricane Safety Guidelines.2.Remember important and extellent sentences.Part 1 Writing safety guidelinesStep 1property:n.所有物,财物tape sth.up:用胶带把.黏住;用带子把.系紧battery:n.电池electrical appliances:电器shelter n./v.provide food and shelter for.为.提供食物和住所under the shelter of 在.庇护下an emergency shelter 一个紧急避难所take shelter(from)躲避./shelter fromsherler.from=protect.from 保护.免受.assume:sjum v.假定假定;假假设设;认为明确体裁话题明确体裁话题确定人称时态确定人称时态布局文章架构布局文章架构列出核心要点列出核心要点【文体解读】【文体解读】Step 1写作体裁:安全指南,属于指导性说明文。写作体裁:安全指南,属于指导性说明文。写作特点:目的明确,简单明了,步骤清晰,操作性强。写作特点:目的明确,简单明了,步骤清晰,操作性强。句型以祈使句为主句型以祈使句为主时态以一般现在时为主时态以一般现在时为主人称多用第一人称或第二人称人称多用第一人称或第二人称引入话题,介绍分析遇到的危险主体引入话题,介绍分析遇到的危险主体说明如何施救说明如何施救(总结以上措施的重要性(总结以上措施的重要性)1.1.介绍危险来临前的各种准备介绍危险来临前的各种准备2.2.危险中各种应对措施危险中各种应对措施3.3.写出危险中不该做的事情。写出危险中不该做的事情。Step 2Activity6:Make notes for flood safety guidelines based on the hurricane safety guidelines in Activity5.Do further research if necessary.Use the expressions in the box to help you.Things to do before a flood:The first thing to do is listen to the weather warnings.Move to a safe place immediately if there is an order.Prepare enough food and clean water.Remember to prepare a safeguard and a first kit.Things to do during a flood:Try to move to a place high enough to keep clear of floodwater,like the top floor,the roof,etc.Hold to a tree or a wood block if you are in water.Keep away from electricity.Things not to do during a flood:Do not drink floodwater as it is dangerous.Do not take too many personal belongings with you.Never give up hope.范文赏析Flood Safety GuidelinesFlood is one of the most dangerous natural disasters.It may come suddenly and sweep away everything.It is important to learn some safety guidelines and get prepared for a flood,especially for those living near a river.Here are some tips on flood safety.Things to do before a flood:The first thing to do is listen to the weather warnings.Move to a safe place immediately if there is an order.Prepare enough food and clean water.Remember to prepare a safeguard and a first kit.Things to do during a flood:Try to move to a place high enough to keep clear of floodwater,like the top floor,the roof,etc.Hold to a tree or a wood block if you are in water.Its important to keep away from electricity.Things not to do during a flood:Do not drink floodwater as it is dangerous.Do not take too many personal belongings with you.Never give up hope.1.organise personnel protection 组织人员防护组织人员防护2.move to a safe place 转移到安全地带转移到安全地带3.avoid walking on banks and bridges 避免在桥边河岸上行走避免在桥边河岸上行走4.pay attention when walking in water 在积水中行走要注意观察在积水中行走要注意观察5.get off the high hill 从高山上下来从高山上下来6.dont climb the trees when there is lightning 闪电时不要爬树闪电时不要爬树7.cover your mouth and nose with wet clothes or towel 用湿的衣物或毛巾捂住用湿的衣物或毛巾捂住口鼻口鼻8.hold your head quickly 迅速抱住头部迅速抱住头部9.send the poisoned or burned person to hospital 将中毒或烧伤人员送往医院将中毒或烧伤人员送往医院救治救治话题词汇句式积累Introduction1.If youre trapped in the flood,what will you do to help yourself?如果你被困在洪水中,你该怎么做来自救?如果你被困在洪水中,你该怎么做来自救?2.If you find somewhere around you is on fire,how will you escape safely?如果你发现周围的某个地方着火了,你怎么安全逃生?如果你发现周围的某个地方着火了,你怎么安全逃生?3.When there is an earthquake,you must obey the following rules to keep yourself safe.如果发生地震,你必须遵循以下规则来保证自己的安全。如果发生地震,你必须遵循以下规则来保证自己的安全。Main body1.Attention should be paid to prevent smoke poisoning and suffocation.要注意防止烟雾中毒,预防窒息。要注意防止烟雾中毒,预防窒息。2.When opening a room door,touch the door with the back of your hand first,to see whether its hot.开房间门时首先用手背接触房门,看是否发热。开房间门时首先用手背接触房门,看是否发热。3.When you cant escape,dont hide in the attic or closet.当无路可逃时,不要藏在楼顶或壁橱等地方。当无路可逃时,不要藏在楼顶或壁橱等地方。Conclusion 1.Learn more self-rescue common sense in advance.提前学会更多的自救常识。提前学会更多的自救常识。2.Helping those who are in need is making a great difference.帮助需要帮助的人让这个世界大不相同。帮助需要帮助的人让这个世界大不相同。3.Keep in mind that you should keep calm and dont panic.要记住保持冷静,不要慌乱。要记住保持冷静,不要慌乱。Writing task:写一篇新冠肺炎的安全指南。要求:1.词数80词左右。2.语言简洁精炼,表达清晰,避免语法错误。参考词汇:疫区 epidemic areas新冠病毒 the Novel Coronavirus 医用口罩:medical mask Over the past three months,the Novel Coronavirus has made its way around the world,which has a strong impact on our life and study.To protect yourself,It is really important to learn some safety guidelines about it.Here are some tips:Things to do:Have proper personal protection such as wearing a medical mask while going out.Wash your hands properly and open the window frequently.Pay close attention to the epidemic situation through watching TV or surfing the Internet.Stay calm and keep exercises indoors if possible.Things not to do:Do not go to highly epidemic areas.Avoid any close contact with people from epidemic areas.Avoid going to crowded public areas.Do not touch your eyes,nose or mouth with unwashed hands.The Novel Coronavirus Safety Guidlines
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