Unit 4Amazing artStarting out & Understanding ideas(ppt课件)-2022新外研版(2019)《高中英语》必修第三册.pptx

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Unit 4Amazing artStarting out & Understanding ideas(ppt课件)-2022新外研版(2019)《高中英语》必修第三册.pptx_第1页
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Unit 4Amazing artStarting out & Understanding ideas(ppt课件)-2022新外研版(2019)《高中英语》必修第三册.pptx_第2页
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Unit 4Amazing artStarting out & Understanding ideas(ppt课件)-2022新外研版(2019)《高中英语》必修第三册.pptx_第3页
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1、.根据语境及汉语提示写出正确的单词或短语根据语境及汉语提示写出正确的单词或短语1._(问候问候,打招呼打招呼)the guests politely2.watch a live _(广播广播,电视节目电视节目)3.at the top of the _(楼梯楼梯)4.a big _(某物的量某物的量)of haygreetbroadcaststairsload5.to win the _(战斗战斗,战役战役)6._(折起折起)the paper up7.a creative and talented _(雕刻家雕刻家)8.paint his own _(肖像肖像)9.an _(展出展出,展览展

2、览)of old photosbattlefoldsculptorportraitexhibition.选词填空选词填空get a load of,push around,look into ones eyes,seem to do,as if1.When he _,he started to learn her inner sadness.2.It sounds _Tom had had words with his best friend John.looked into her eyesas if3.The theatre was so crowded that I was _ _ by

3、 the other audience.4.He _enjoy the wonderful concert which was held by a famous musician.5._the news:our team has been awarded the prize for the team spirit.pushedaroundseems toGet a load of.文本整体理解文本整体理解:理清文章架构理清文章架构.文本细节理解文本细节理解:探寻语篇细节信息探寻语篇细节信息1.According to the passage,what is Zacks job?A.A guid

4、eB.An artistC.A broadcasterD.A volunteer2.Which work is not mentioned in the passage?A.Winged Victory of SamothraceB.Sunflowers C.Mona LisaD.Rembrandts self-portrait3.Why does the author say the skill of Winged Victoryof Samothraces sculptor is incredible?A.Because she was sculptured vividly,especia

5、lly her dress.B.Because she was made of stone.C.Because she was celebrating the result of an ancient battle.D.Because the loss of her arms and legs.4.According to the passage,which one is true about Mona Lisa?A.It attracts many visitors for her smile every day.B.It is as big as you expect.C.It is di

6、splayed without any protection.D.People usually cant get a good view of the painting in the museum.答案答案:14.CBAA.文本素养提升文本素养提升:阅读技能综合运用阅读技能综合运用1.根据课文语境与语句知识细致解构语句。根据课文语境与语句知识细致解构语句。译文译文:她看起来刚刚像从天而降她看起来刚刚像从天而降,_。此时正站在一艘船上此时正站在一艘船上译文译文:她失去了头颅和双臂她失去了头颅和双臂,但是你可以想象出她正高但是你可以想象出她正高举着双臂举着双臂,_。庆祝一场古代战争的胜利庆祝一场古

7、代战争的胜利2.根据课文完成短文。根据课文完成短文。Zack is bringing(1)_ broadcast to us in Louvre,(2)_(large)museum in the world.Firstly,the Winged Victory of Samothrace,a huge sculpture,is so(3)_(amaze)that we cant believe it is made(4)_ stone.Although the womans head and arms are(5)_(miss),we can still imagine herathe lar

8、gestamazingofmissingholding arms up high.Secondly,the painting Mona Lisa,(6)_is protected by glass,is much smaller than we expect.However,it still(7)_(attract)many visitors each day.Last but not least when it comes to the Rembrandts self-portrait,no one(8)_(real)knows why he painted so many self-por

9、traits.Was it his own way of(9)_(take)whichattractsreallytaking17th-century selfie or was it simply cheaper to paint himself?Finally,hope you can visit the wonderful place in person.These works of art will really reach out to us as if time(10)_(be)nothing.were3.阅读主题活动阅读主题活动Talk about the following q

10、uestions in pairs,and find out the best answer.(1)Do you like western art?Why?_I like western art very much.Because these works of art can not only give us the chance to appreciate the beauty,skill and great power in them,but also inspire us to learn the culture backgrounds and thoughts expressed by

11、 the painters.(2)Can you introduce your favorite art work to us?_ I like Sunflower painted by Vincent van Gogh most.The color of the painting is so beautiful,and it showsthe flowers in different stages of life vividly,and itmeans a lot to Van Gogh,which he used to welcomehis good friends.【阅读微技巧阅读微技巧

12、】速览文章找速览文章找描述艺术作描述艺术作品的词汇品的词汇,了了解作者提到解作者提到的三部作品。的三部作品。关注每一段中直接描述该艺术作品词汇关注每一段中直接描述该艺术作品词汇与语句。如与语句。如amazing,incredible,attract,greatest,the power of the works等。对等。对作者所描述的三个杰出的作品有进一步作者所描述的三个杰出的作品有进一步的了解的了解,掌握描述艺术作品的技巧。掌握描述艺术作品的技巧。1.load n.某物的量某物的量;负荷负荷;装载装载;负担负担vt.装装;装载装载*The plane from Beijing to Shan

13、ghai took off with a full load.从北京飞往上海的飞机满载起飞。从北京飞往上海的飞机满载起飞。*Though he was new in the class,he has made a load of new friends.尽管他是班里的新同学尽管他是班里的新同学,他也已经交了他也已经交了许多新朋友。许多新朋友。*Get a load of the wonderful embroidery,and you will find how amazing it is.仔细看那幅刺绣作品仔细看那幅刺绣作品,你就会发现它是多么令人惊叹。你就会发现它是多么令人惊叹。*What

14、 the doctor said took a load off the patients mind.医生说的话让患者如释重负。医生说的话让患者如释重负。*Workers are loading the truck with goods in the hot sun.工人们正在炎炎烈日下将货物装上卡车。工人们正在炎炎烈日下将货物装上卡车。【语块积累语块积累】a load of/loads of很多很多,许多许多get a load of.注意注意,仔细看仔细看take a load off ones mind使某人如释重负使某人如释重负be loaded with(load sb./sth.w

15、ith)(用某物用某物)装载装载【即学活用即学活用】语段填词语段填词 On the plane with _(满载满载),the young businesswoman met _(许多许多)strangers.When she _(注意注意)the scenery out of the window,she found the beauty of the nature.And what she saw _(使某人如释重负使某人如释重负).Aftera full loada load ofgot a load oftook a load off her mindgetting off the

16、plane,she saw an old man _(将空瓶装进袋子里将空瓶装进袋子里).She was touched by the old man.Then she _(充充满了满了)energy and threw herself into her work.loading hisbag with empty bottleswas loaded with2.push around把把推来推去、差来遣去推来推去、差来遣去,摆布摆布*Dont push me around any more,you really make me feel sick.不要再随意支配我啦不要再随意支配我啦,你真让

17、我难受。你真让我难受。*Im not going to be pushed around by you or anybody!我不会受你或任何人摆布我不会受你或任何人摆布!【语块积累语块积累】push off 出发出发,启程启程,离开离开push on继续前进继续前进;沿着某人的路继续或前进沿着某人的路继续或前进push ahead 继续进行继续进行(或推行或推行)行动路线行动路线(或政策或政策)【即学活用即学活用】用适当的介词填空用适当的介词填空(1)If we dont push _ immediately,we will miss the last bus.(2)Try not to p

18、ush the child _,and you should finish the work by yourself.offaround(3)Although the road in the mountains is tough,we still push _ and get to the top.(4)No matter what happens,we must push _ with our plan to increase production.onahead3.look into ones eyes看着某人的双眼看着某人的双眼*Look into my eyes,and you wil

19、l see what you mean to me.看着我的眼睛看着我的眼睛,你就会知道你对我而言意味着什么。你就会知道你对我而言意味着什么。*When I look into my childrens eyes,I feel such gratitude for having been given these miraculous gifts.当我看着孩子们的眼睛时当我看着孩子们的眼睛时,我为能够被给予这样神奇的我为能够被给予这样神奇的礼物而感到感恩和感谢。礼物而感到感恩和感谢。*The kids look forward to going to the zoo with their par

20、ents at weekends.周末周末,孩子们期盼着和父母去动物园。孩子们期盼着和父母去动物园。*You had better look through the bill before you pay for the meal.付款前你最好浏览一下账单。付款前你最好浏览一下账单。【导图理词导图理词】【即学活用即学活用】选词填空选词填空look for,look through,look forward to,look into,look out for,look into ones eyes(1)Each student _being admitted into a key univers

21、ity in the near future.(2)When _,I saw her sadness for losing her parents in the accident.(3)Scientists are _effective ways to deal with air pollution.looks forward toI looked into her eyeslooking for(4)_the book,and you will get the main idea of the story.(5)The police _the complicated matter day a

22、nd night.(6)When we drive on the road,we should _sharp turns.Look throughlooked intolook out for4.seem v.似乎似乎;好像好像;仿佛仿佛*(2019全国卷全国卷)The environmental challenges are significant but the efforts made by the Tanzania National Park Authority seem to be paying off.环境的挑战是巨大的环境的挑战是巨大的,但是坦桑尼亚国家公园管理局作但是坦桑尼亚国

23、家公园管理局作出的努力看起来获得了成功。出的努力看起来获得了成功。*(2019北京高考北京高考)What students do at college seems to matter much more than where they go.学生在大学里的表现比就读于哪所大学更重要。学生在大学里的表现比就读于哪所大学更重要。*He seems to have finished his homework in advance.他似乎已经提前完成家庭作业了。他似乎已经提前完成家庭作业了。*It seemed that the teacher appreciated what I did for m

24、y classmates.老师好像很欣赏我为同学们做的一切。老师好像很欣赏我为同学们做的一切。【语块积累语块积累】(1)seem to do/to be doing/to have done看起来要做看起来要做/正在做正在做/已经做已经做(2)it seems(to sb.)that/as if.(对某人来说对某人来说)似乎似乎;好像好像【名师点津名师点津】seem后面接动词不定式时后面接动词不定式时,句子主语必须是具体的人句子主语必须是具体的人或物。或物。【即学活用即学活用】(1)语法填空语法填空(2019江苏高考江苏高考)_seems obvious that evolution shou

25、ld select for larger brains.(2019全国卷全国卷)Monkeys seem _(have)a way with numbers.Itto have(2)Following the news,_ _ _Huawei is looking at its other options beyond smartphones.随着这一消息的传出随着这一消息的传出,华为好像要寻求智能手机之外华为好像要寻求智能手机之外的其他业务。的其他业务。(3)Now the iPhone _ _ _ _ its attraction.如今如今,苹果手机似乎逐渐失去了吸引力。苹果手机似乎逐渐失

26、去了吸引力。it seems thatseems to have lost5.They really do reach out to us across the centuries as if time itself were nothing.它们真的会穿越几个世纪来到我们身边它们真的会穿越几个世纪来到我们身边,就好像时间会就好像时间会倒流一样。倒流一样。【句式解构句式解构】该句为复合句该句为复合句,as if 引导方式状语从句引导方式状语从句,意为意为“好像好像,似似乎乎”,相当于相当于as though。as if既可以引导方式状语从句既可以引导方式状语从句,也可以引导表语从句。从句中可用

27、陈述语气也可以引导表语从句。从句中可用陈述语气,也可以使也可以使用虚拟语气。用虚拟语气。*The teacher treats the disabled student kindly as if he were her own child.老师和蔼可亲地对待那位身有残疾的学生老师和蔼可亲地对待那位身有残疾的学生,就好像他是就好像他是自己的孩子一样。自己的孩子一样。*(2017全国卷全国卷)When fat and salt are removed from food,the food tastes as if it is missing something.当从食物中除去脂肪和盐时当从食物中除

28、去脂肪和盐时,食物尝起来就像是缺少了食物尝起来就像是缺少了什么。什么。*It looks as if the boy who is crying loudly has lost his way.那个正在大哭的男孩看上去好像迷路了。那个正在大哭的男孩看上去好像迷路了。【名师点津名师点津】as if从句虚拟语气用法小结从句虚拟语气用法小结as if从句使用虚拟语气时从句使用虚拟语气时,其形式为其形式为:谓语动词谓语动词(1)表示与现在事实相反表示与现在事实相反用一般过去时用一般过去时,be动词常用动词常用were(2)表示与过去事实相反表示与过去事实相反用过去完成时用过去完成时had done(3

29、)表示与将来事实相反表示与将来事实相反用用would/could/might+动词动词原形原形【知识延伸知识延伸】如果如果as if引导的从句中主语和主句的主语一致引导的从句中主语和主句的主语一致,且从句且从句中含有系动词中含有系动词be的变化形式时的变化形式时,从句中的主语和系动词从句中的主语和系动词都可省略。都可省略。as if后可直接加动词不定式、分词、名词后可直接加动词不定式、分词、名词或介词短语。或介词短语。*The girl stood at the gate of their house as if(she was)waiting for her parents.*He clea

30、red his throat as if(he was)to begin his class.【即学活用即学活用】(1)He stared at me _.他瞪着我看他瞪着我看,好像我犯错了一样。好像我犯错了一样。(2)The first time I met Jane,we talked a lot about study _.世纪金榜导学号世纪金榜导学号 第一次和简见面第一次和简见面,我们就谈了很多关于学习的事我们就谈了很多关于学习的事,就好就好像是老朋友一样。像是老朋友一样。as if I had made mistakesas if we were old friends(3)She

31、cries sadly _ again.她哭得很伤心她哭得很伤心,就好像我们再也见不到彼此似的。就好像我们再也见不到彼此似的。as if we would never meet eachother【一语闻天下一语闻天下】1.Nezha is the subject of the latest feature,which is being shown in cinemas in China.哪吒是最新一部动画电影的主角哪吒是最新一部动画电影的主角,这部电影正在中国影这部电影正在中国影院正式上映。院正式上映。2.It took Jiaozi(Yang Yu),the films director

32、and screenwriter,two years to refine the script of Nezha,and the film was in production for three years.It is the most complex animated production ever made in China.影片的导演兼编剧饺子影片的导演兼编剧饺子(原名杨宇原名杨宇)花了两年时间来打磨剧花了两年时间来打磨剧本本,花了三年的时间来完成动画制作。这部电影是中国目花了三年的时间来完成动画制作。这部电影是中国目前最复杂的动画制作。前最复杂的动画制作。3.The artworks

33、of painter Vincent van Gogh are vividly brought to life at an immersive digital exhibition in Beijing.北京正在举办梵高艺术沉浸式数北京正在举办梵高艺术沉浸式数字展字展,生动呈现大师作品的风采。生动呈现大师作品的风采。【要点拾遗要点拾遗】1.battle n.战役战役;战斗战斗;v.搏斗搏斗;奋斗奋斗;斗争斗争*Its an uphill battle but I think were going to win.虽然这是一场艰苦的斗争虽然这是一场艰苦的斗争,但我相信我们会取得胜利。但我相信我们会

34、取得胜利。*It was one of the most crucial battles in the whole war.那是整个战争中最关键的战役之一。那是整个战争中最关键的战役之一。*Thousands of people battled with police and several were wounded.数千人与警方发生冲突数千人与警方发生冲突,有数人在冲突中受伤。有数人在冲突中受伤。【语块积累语块积累】battle with/against sb./sth.(for sth.)(为了为了)与与作斗争作斗争【即学活用即学活用】(1)The brave soldiers _all

35、day.勇敢的士兵与敌军打了整整一天。勇敢的士兵与敌军打了整整一天。(2)Unfortunately,he and his comrades _ 不幸的是不幸的是,他和他的战友在战斗中失去了生命。他和他的战友在战斗中失去了生命。battled against the opposingarmylost their life in the battle.2.fold v.折叠折叠,对折对折;包包;裹裹*The old lady folded the letter carefully and put it in an envelope.这位老妇人小心地将信折好放进信封。这位老妇人小心地将信折好放进信

36、封。*Before the trip,he folded the map up and put it into his bag.旅行之前旅行之前,他将地图折叠好并放进书包。他将地图折叠好并放进书包。*The young mother gently folded her baby in a blanket.年轻的母亲轻轻地把婴儿裹在毯子里。年轻的母亲轻轻地把婴儿裹在毯子里。【语块积累语块积累】fold sth.up 折叠折叠,把把折叠起来折叠起来fold in加入加入,调入调入【即学活用即学活用】语法填空语法填空(1)It seems cleaner than before when you f

37、old the blanket _.(2)Fold _ two eggs and then cook gently for thirty minutes.(3)It was snowing outside,the mother _(fold)her baby in her coat.upinfolded3.greet v.问候问候,迎接迎接,招呼招呼*The waiters are asked to greet the foreign guests by the manager at the gate.经理要求服务员在大门口迎接外国来宾。经理要求服务员在大门口迎接外国来宾。*(2019浙江高考

38、浙江高考)Hundreds of fans jammed the airport to greet them.数以百计的粉丝涌到机场去迎接他们。数以百计的粉丝涌到机场去迎接他们。*She is such an outgoing girl that she always greets us with a smile.她是一个如此开朗的女孩她是一个如此开朗的女孩,总是微笑着和我们打招呼。总是微笑着和我们打招呼。*With the Spring Festival approaching,Chairman Xi sends his greetings to all the Chinese at hom

39、e and abroad.新春佳节来临之际新春佳节来临之际,习近平主席向海内外中华儿女致以习近平主席向海内外中华儿女致以新春的问候。新春的问候。【语块积累语块积累】(1)greet sb.(with sth.)和某人打招呼和某人打招呼(问好问好,迎接迎接)(2)greeting n.问候问候,招呼招呼,迎接迎接,致意致意问候的话问候的话,祝词祝词,贺词贺词(常用复数常用复数)【即学活用即学活用】用用greet的适当形式填空的适当形式填空(1)Every time the Prime Minister comes to the rural area,he raises his hand in _

40、.(2)Queen Elizabeth delivered her _through broadcast on Christmas.greetinggreetings(3)The local people _us warmly when we arrived at the resort.(4)No matter when she meets me,_ _ _ _.无论什么时候见到我无论什么时候见到我,她都会热情地和我打招呼。她都会热情地和我打招呼。greetedshe greets mewarmly4.exhibition n.展出展出,展览展览;(一批一批)展览品展览品*The openin

41、g of the exhibition has been postponed because of the heavy rain.由于下大雨由于下大雨,展览会开幕的日期延迟了。展览会开幕的日期延迟了。*People at the party were embarrassed when Frank got drunk and made an exhibition of himself.弗兰克喝醉了弗兰克喝醉了,出尽洋相出尽洋相,使参加聚会的人很难为情。使参加聚会的人很难为情。*His work was exhibited in many galleries in America,Europe a

42、nd Asia.他的作品在美洲、欧洲和亚洲许多美术馆展出。他的作品在美洲、欧洲和亚洲许多美术馆展出。*The friendly and patient guide showed the tourists around the exhibits.友好并且耐心的导游带游客们参观了展品。友好并且耐心的导游带游客们参观了展品。【语块积累语块积累】(1)make an exhibition of oneself出洋相出洋相;当众出丑当众出丑(2)exhibit v.展览展览;展出展出;表现表现,显示显示n.(一件一件)展览品展览品,陈列品陈列品【即学活用即学活用】(1)The painters wife

43、 refused _(exhibit)his works after his death.(2)The gallery has held an _(exhibit)of art by Irish women painters.to exhibitexhibition(3)He couldnt hold back his anger and _.他没能控制住自己的怒火当众出了丑。他没能控制住自己的怒火当众出了丑。(4)Last year,there were several _in big cities.去年去年,在大城市有几次老照片展览。在大城市有几次老照片展览。made anexhibiti

44、on of himselfexhibitions of old photos 5.About 35,000 works are currently being displayed in over 300 rooms in the Louvre,and it would take a lifetime to see everything!现在现在,大约有三万五千部作品在卢浮宫的三百多个房间大约有三万五千部作品在卢浮宫的三百多个房间里进行展览里进行展览,看完所有的作品将会花费你一生的时间看完所有的作品将会花费你一生的时间!【句式解构句式解构】该句为并列句该句为并列句,it would take a

45、 lifetime to see everything中中,it 为形式主语为形式主语,to see everything为真正的为真正的主语。主语。*(2019全国卷全国卷)It takes sunscreen about fifteen minutes to start working,and thats plenty of time for your skin to absorb a days worth of Vitamin D.防晒霜需要防晒霜需要15分钟才能起作用分钟才能起作用,这是皮肤吸收一天所需这是皮肤吸收一天所需维生素维生素D的时间。的时间。*(2019全国卷全国卷)On o

46、ur way to the house,it was raining so hard that we couldnt help wondering how long it would take to get there.雨下得如此大以至于我们不禁在想要多久才能到那里。雨下得如此大以至于我们不禁在想要多久才能到那里。【名师点津名师点津】It takes sb.some time to do sth.=sb.spend some time doing sth.意为意为“某人花费时间做某事某人花费时间做某事”,it 在句子中在句子中为形式主语为形式主语,不定式短语不定式短语to do sth.是句子

47、真正的主语。是句子真正的主语。take表表“需要需要”之意。之意。【即学活用即学活用】句型转换句型转换(1)The computer took us half an hour to fix._half an hour _the computer.We _ half an hour _ the computer.(2)The book took the writer 3 years to finish._3 years _the book.The writer _ 3 years _ the book.It took usto fixspentfixingIt took the writerto finishspentfinishing


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