Unit 5 Section B Using language同步(ppt课件)(共52张PPT)-2022新外研版(2019)《高中英语》必修第一册.pptx

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1、Section BUsing language.知识体系图解 重点词汇 1.n.住处;工作场所 2.n.习语;成语 3.n.当权;权力 4.source n.5.found v.accommodationidiomauthority 来源;出处 创立;创建重点短语1.for the first time 2.add.to.3.instead of 4.rush into pare.to.6.on ones own 7.一举两得;一箭双雕 8.慢点;别急 9.下倾盆大雨 第一次给添加而不是冲进把比作独自地kill two birds with one stonehold your horsesr

2、ain cats and dogs重点句式1.And of course,the main reason why they were so excited is that pandas are just so cute!2.It is in a location where we can watch animals wandering past on their way to the waterhole.3.Shes as busy as a bee.重点语法定语从句(2)关系副词引导的定语从句.单词拼写1.Can you provide (住处)for thirty people?2.The

3、 Peoples Republic of China was(创建)in 1949.3.A teacher must be able to manage by knowledge rather than(权力).4.This is a simple,direct,and useful interaction(习语).5.It doesnt come from any official governmental(来源).accommodationfoundedauthorityidiomsource.阅读导学1.将下列习语与其对应的解释配对。(1)be as busy as a bee(2)ki

4、ll two birds with one stone(3)when the cats away(the mice will play)(4)hold your horses(5)rain cats and dogsa.rain heavilyb.be busy doing somethingc.wait and be patientd.have fun when someone in authority is absente.solve two problems with one action答案:(1)b(2)e(3)d(4)c(5)a 2.根据P55内容,选择正确答案。(1)Usuall

5、y is the main topic in a debate.A.a statement at the end of the debateB.a question at the very start of the debateC.a heated argument at the second paragraphD.a supporting idea in the middle of the debate(2)What should you say if you are against keeping animals as pets?A.Keeping pets develops a kind

6、 and caring attitudes towards animals.B.Keeping pets is good for peoples physical and mental health.C.Keeping pets helps people know more about animals.D.Keeping pets at home can cause trouble for neighbours.答案:(1)B(2)D 3.将下面有关辩论的表达按“Agree和Disagree”表达分组(1)I agree.(2)Exactly!(3)That is true.(4)I supp

7、ose so.(5)I dont agree.(6)I dont think so.(7)I see your point.(8)No doubt about it.(9)Thats just not true.(10)Im not so sure about that.(11)Thats not always the same.(12)Im afraid I totally disagree.答案:Agree:(1)(2)(3)(4)(7)(8)Disagree:(5)(6)(9)(10)(11)(12)重点词汇重点句式重点语法随堂练习1.On 30 May,after the prepar

8、ations were complete,the day finally came when the pandas met their fans for the first time.(教材P53)5月30日,准备工作完成后,大熊猫第一次见到粉丝的日子终于到来了。【词汇精讲】for the first time是介词短语,意为“第一次;首次”,在句子中往往作状语。Two students meet for the first time at the beginning of the term.两个学生在学期开始时第一次相遇。Yang Mei meets her new teacher,Sara

9、,for the first time.杨梅第一次见到她的新老师莎拉。重点词汇重点句式重点语法随堂练习【词汇拓展】the first time意为“第一次”,可引导时间状语从句,相当于when.for the first time。The first time I saw her,she was dressed in a red skirt.=When I saw her for the first time,she was dressed in a red skirt.我第一次见到她时,她穿着一条红裙子。【温馨提示】常见的可引导时间状语从句的名词性词组还有:every/each time每当

10、;每次last time上次next time下次the moment/minute/instant一就重点词汇重点句式重点语法随堂练习Dont stop every time you come to a word or phrase you dont know.你不要每次遇到不认识的词或短语就停下来。Last time I met him,he was busy looking for a job.我上次遇见他时,他正忙着找工作。Next time I return to my hometown,I will bring a lot of books for the children her

11、e.下次回老家,我将为这里的孩子们带回很多书。The instant I reached the platform the train began to move.我一到站台,火车就开动了。重点词汇重点句式重点语法随堂练习重点词汇重点句式重点语法随堂练习重点词汇重点句式重点语法随堂练习2.Our accommodation is perfect.(教材P53)我们的住宿条件很好。【词汇精讲】accommodation 在此处意为“住处,工作场所”;此外,还可表示“适应;调节;和解”。Im looking for suitable,cheap,temporary accommodation.我在

12、找合适的而便宜的临时住所。The two sides failed to agree on every point but came to an accommodation.双方并非在每一点上意见都一致,但已达成和解。重点词汇重点句式重点语法随堂练习【词汇拓展】accommodate vt.容纳;为提供食宿;迎合,迁就;适应accommodate sb.with sth.给提供accommodate.to.=adapt.to.使适应/迎合(其中to为介词)accommodate oneself to使自己适应accommodate sb.for the night留某人过夜make/provi

13、de accommodations for为提供食宿The hall can only accommodate 200 people.这个大厅只能容纳200人。You must accommodate yourself to the new environment.你必须使自己适应新的环境。重点词汇重点句式重点语法随堂练习【温馨提示】accommodation意为“住宿;膳宿”时,常用复数形式。It includes around-trip tickets,hotel accommodations and three meals each day.这个费用包括了往返票、旅馆住宿和每日三餐。重点

14、词汇重点句式重点语法随堂练习重点词汇重点句式重点语法随堂练习3.English idioms are a way of adding colour to the language.(教材P54)英语习语是给语言增添色彩的一种方式。【词汇精讲】add.to.意为“往添加进;将添加到”。Do you want to add your name to the list?你想把你的名字加到名单里吗?The old man added some coal to the stove.老人往炉子里添了一些煤。重点词汇重点句式重点语法随堂练习【词汇拓展】add vi.&vt.补充说,又说;加;增加;添加;增添

15、addition n.加;加法;增加物;添加物;增加;添加add to增添;添加;增加add up to合计为;总计达;总的说来;意味着add up加;算;加起来add in加进;包括in addition此外;另外in addition to除之外(还)重点词汇重点句式重点语法随堂练习Fireworks added to the attraction of the festival night.烟火使节日的夜晚更加迷人。The education he received added up to no more than one year.他所受的教育加起来总共只有一年。In addition

16、 to the killed and wounded,many were missing.除了伤亡之外,还有许多人失踪。重点词汇重点句式重点语法随堂练习重点词汇重点句式重点语法随堂练习4.Think of another topic that is related to animals and hold a debate.(教材P55)想出另一个与动物有关的话题,并举行一场辩论。【词汇精讲】be related to意为“和有关系/有联系”。The heart attack could be related to his car crash last year.心脏病发作可能与他去年的车祸有关

17、。Poor educational performance is related to emotional disturbance.糟糕的学习成绩与情绪失常有关。重点词汇重点句式重点语法随堂练习【词汇拓展】relate v.联系;使有联系;把联系起来;叙述;讲述relation n.关系;亲戚relative adj.比较的;相对的n.亲戚;亲属relationship n.关系;联系relate to 理解;认同;欣赏;涉及;有关relate.to.把与联系起来in relation to关于;与相比Thats because I find it hard to relate to thei

18、r experiences.那是因为我很难对他们的经历感同身受。Womens earnings are still very low in relation to those of men.女性的收入与男性相比,仍然很低。重点词汇重点句式重点语法随堂练习重点词汇重点句式重点语法随堂练习1.And of course,the main reason why they were so excited is that pandas are just so cute!(教材P53)当然,他们如此兴奋的主要原因是熊猫太可爱了!【句式剖析】当主语是reason时,表语从句一般用that引导(注意:不能误用

19、because)。The reason why I was sad was that he didnt understand me.我难过的原因是他不理解我。The reason for your failure in the exam was that you were much too careless.你考试不及格的原因是太粗心。重点词汇重点句式重点语法随堂练习【句式拓展】(1)表语从句放在连系动词之后,充当复合句中的表语。可接表语从句的连系动词有be,look,seem,sound,appear等。(2)引导表语从句的从属连词有that,whether,as if,as though,

20、because;连接代词what,who,whom,whose,which和连接副词when,where,how,why等。(3)that和what都可引导表语从句,that是连词,只起连接作用,不在从句中充当任何成分;what可作连接代词,在从句中充当主语、宾语或表语。重点词汇重点句式重点语法随堂练习China is no longer what she used to be.今日的中国不再是过去的中国了。It sounds as if someone is knocking at the door.听起来好像有人在敲门。The problem is who we can get to re

21、place her.问题是我们能找谁去替换她呢。Thats where I met her for the first time.那就是我第一次遇见她的地方。The trouble is that I have lost his address.麻烦是我把他的地址弄丢了。See the flag on top of the building?That was what we did this morning.看见楼顶上的旗子了吗?那是我们今天早上挂上去的。重点词汇重点句式重点语法随堂练习重点词汇重点句式重点语法随堂练习2.It is in a location where we can wat

22、ch animals wandering past on their way to the waterhole.(教材P53)在这个地方,我们可以看到动物在去水坑的路上经过。【句式剖析】句中wandering past on their way to the waterhole是动词-ing短语,在此处作宾语补足语。I could hear the girls singing in the classroom.我能听到女孩们正在教室里唱歌。He found his wife looking puzzled.他发现他的妻子看起来很困惑的样子。重点词汇重点句式重点语法随堂练习【句式拓展】(1)感官

23、动词listen to,hear,see,watch,notice,observe,spot等都可接复合宾语,充当宾补的常常有不定式、动词-ing形式和过去分词。I noticed my neighbours door closed for two days.我注意到邻居的门关了两天。(2)动词-ing形式作宾补,往往表示主动性、进行性或同时性。句子转换为被动语态时,仍然用动词-ing形式作补语,习惯称之为主语补足语。She was heard singing the song all the time.人们听到她一直唱这首歌。重点词汇重点句式重点语法随堂练习(3)如果宾语补足语所表示的动作已

24、结束或经常发生,则用省略to的动词不定式作宾补,但转换为被动语态时,应还原不定式符号to。We saw him wash the windows yesterday.昨天我们看到他擦窗户了。The suspect was observed to enter the mall.这个犯罪嫌疑人被注意到进入了商场。重点词汇重点句式重点语法随堂练习重点词汇重点句式重点语法随堂练习重点词汇重点句式重点语法随堂练习3.Shes as busy as a bee.(教材P54)她很忙。【句式剖析】as busy as a bee是一种比喻的说法,意为“很忙”。His hair was white like

25、wool,as white as snow.他的头发皆白,如白羊毛,如雪。I feel great.Im as strong as a horse,you see.我感觉很棒。你瞧,我像马儿一样强壮。重点词汇重点句式重点语法随堂练习【句式拓展】(1)该结构的基本意思是“与一样”,其中接形容词或副词的原级,在否定句中,第一个 as 也可换成 so。He doesnt study as/so hard as his brother.他学习不如他弟弟努力。(2)若涉及数量或程度,可用“as much+不可数名词+as”和“as many+可数名词复数+as”。He doesnt pay as muc

26、h tax as we do/as us.他没我们交的税款多。重点词汇重点句式重点语法随堂练习(3)接形容词时,有时该形容词还可修饰另一名词,但这个名词应带有不定冠词。I have as good a voice as you.我的声音和你一样好。(4)根据情况可用(not)nearly,almost,just,nothing like,exactly,not quite,half,twice,three times,30 per cent等修饰该结构,并且这些修饰语必须置于第一个as之前,而不能置于其后。This room is twice as large as that one.这个房间

27、是那个房间的两倍大。重点词汇重点句式重点语法随堂练习重点词汇重点句式重点语法随堂练习重点词汇重点句式重点语法随堂练习定语从句(2)关系副词引导的定语从句当定语从句中不缺少主语、宾语或表语时,用关系副词when,where或why引导定语从句。此时,如果先行词指时间,用when,指地点用where,指原因用why。1.关系副词图示关系副词所修饰的先行词所作成分省略 例句when时间及occasion,period,interval,stay等表示时间的词时间状语否I often think fondly of an occasion some years ago when I studied i

28、n junior middle school.我时常怀念几年前在初中上学的时刻。重点词汇重点句式重点语法随堂练习关系副词所修饰的先行词所作成分省略例句where地点及situation,point,case,stage,scene,family,world,business,activity,class等表示抽象地点或场所的名词地点状语否I enjoy my English classes where I can voice my opinions freely.我喜欢英语课,课上我可以自由地发表看法。Were just trying to reach a point where both s

29、ides will sit down together and talk.我们正努力达到能让双方坐下来谈判的阶段。why原因及reason,excuse,explanation等词原因状语否The reason why he didnt come back on time was that he went to pay a visit to his friends.他没有按时回来,是因为去拜访朋友了。重点词汇重点句式重点语法随堂练习2.转换成“介词+which”用法例句关系副词when,where,why引导定语从句,在从句中作状语,可以根据情况转换成“介词+which”的形式The reas

30、on why/for which you failed,I think,was that you had turned a deaf ear to your mothers advice.我认为你失败的原因是你不听你母亲的忠告。He will forever remember the day when/on which he was admitted to Peking University.他将永远记得他被北京大学录取的那一天。Tom rushed into the classroom where/in which he found some students had been there

31、reading.汤姆匆忙赶到教室,发现一些学生已经在那里读书了。重点词汇重点句式重点语法随堂练习3.the way作先行词 用法例句the way作先行词时,引导定语从句的词用that/in which/省略I dont like the way that/in which you spoke to the teacher.我不喜欢你跟老师说话的那种方式。A feather shows the way the wind blows.见微知著/一叶知秋。重点词汇重点句式重点语法随堂练习重点词汇重点句式重点语法随堂练习重点词汇重点句式重点语法随堂练习.短语填空1.I should take a r

32、est now later.答案:instead of2.You should more salt the vegetable.答案:add;to3.Ten years ago,I went to Beijing.答案:for the first time4.Students often teachers gardeners.答案:compare;to5.This time,the teacher wanted to go to those countries.答案:on his ownfor the first time,add.to.,instead of,compare.to.,on o

33、nes own 重点词汇重点句式重点语法随堂练习.单句填空1.We talked about the people and things we remembered in our primary school.答案:that2.The reason he told me for his absence was not acceptable.答案:that3.All the neighbours admire this family,the parents treat their child like a friend.答案:where重点词汇重点句式重点语法随堂练习4.His movie wo

34、n several awards at the film festivals,was beyond his wildest dream.答案:which5.It was a great joy to work with all these people,every one of is such a nice person.答案:whom6.Which is the shopping mall you recommended to the foreign guests?答案:that重点词汇重点句式重点语法随堂练习7.Occasions are quite rare my parents sha

35、re their opinions with me.答案:when8.Can you tell me a situation body language is the only form of communication?答案:where9.I,am your closest friend,will always support you.答案:who10.We went through a period communication is difficult in the earthquake-stricken area.答案:when重点词汇重点句式重点语法随堂练习.完成句子1.王府井有一个大

36、的购物中心,在这里你可以买到像剪纸这类手工艺品。There is a large shopping centre in Wangfujing,you can buy traditional hand-made crafts like paper-cuts.答案:where2.逝者如斯夫,不舍昼夜。The passage of time is just like the flow of water,goes on day and night.答案:which重点词汇重点句式重点语法随堂练习3.对那些献身教育事业的人来说,幸福就是他的学生取得的一个个成就。To those are devoted

37、to the cause of education,happiness means the achievements their students made.答案:who4.曾经有一段时间我对英语很痴迷。There was a time I was crazy about English.答案:when5.这就是我们的母亲,非常善良但是对我们各方面要求很严格。Such is our mother,is kind to us but strict with us in everything.答案:as重点词汇重点句式重点语法随堂练习6.正如我们所料,她完成了工作。She finished the

38、 work,we expected.答案:as7.老师几乎每天都要和没有按时完成作业的学生谈话。The teacher has to talk almost every day to those students the homework of isnt done on time.答案:whom8.我急于参加这种活动的理由如下。The reasons I am so eager to participate in the activity are as follows.答案:why重点词汇重点句式重点语法随堂练习9.我喜欢私人定制中她被定制一日幸福生活的情节。I enjoy the plot in the film Personal Tailor she was made to spend a day happily.答案:where10.我不会忘记上个月参观的学校和拜访过的学生。I will never forget the school and the students I visited last month.答案:that


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