Unit2 Developing ideas(Writing)&Presenting ideas&Reflection (ppt课件) -2022新外研版(2019)《高中英语》必修第一册.pptx

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1、外研版(2019)英语 必修一01020304Lead-inPre-writingWhile-writingPost-writing0104Presenting ideasReflectionLook at the pictures and answer the questions.01Lead-in1.Who were the people in the story?2.Where the story took place?3.What happened?4.What caused the misunderstanding?Toad-in-the-hole(洞中)(洞中)Toad-in-th

2、e-hole is a traditional British dish.It consists of(包括)(包括)sausages(香肠,腊肠)(香肠,腊肠)in a Yorkshire pudding mix,(约克郡布甸)(约克郡布甸)usually served with vegetables.The origin(起源)(起源)of the dishs name isnt quite clear,but a common explanation is that it gets its name because it resembles(像(像;相似,类似)相似,类似)a toad(

3、蟾蜍)(蟾蜍)sticking its head out of a hole.(把头伸(把头伸出洞外)。出洞外)。01Lead-in1.小组内讨论以上四个问题,其他小组进行评价或补充。Discussing1)They were a girl and her British host family.2)It took place in the girls British host family home.3)The boy told the girl that they were going to have toad-in-hole for dinner.They were going to h

4、ave toad-in-the-hole for dinner.The girl wasnt sure whether it would be a real toad in a hole.4)The girl didnt know that“toad-in-the-hole”is actually the name of a dish.butterflies in my stomach对.感到惊奇 情绪紧张 令我感到惊奇的是 结果.be surprised at/to do/that.to my astonishment/amasementturn out2.根据故事的脉络和基本要素,进行知识

5、和思维能力的迁移,根据故事的脉络和基本要素,进行知识和思维能力的迁移,写出这则有关语言误解的小故事。写出这则有关语言误解的小故事。02Pre-writing03While-writing I wasnt sure whether we were going to.It turned out that.What a amazing experience!I was really surprised when.句型选择句型选择连句成篇连句成篇 使用过渡性词汇使用过渡性词汇Last summer,I stayed with a British host family.One day,I was re

6、ally surprised when.03While-writingSampleLast summer,I stayed with a British host family.One day,I was really surprised when Jeremy,the son of the family,told me that we would have a toad-in-the-hole for dinner.I wasnt sure whether we were going to eat a real toad in a hole.If so,how terrible!I join

7、ed them at dinner time with butterflies in my stomach.To my astonishment,a dish of sausages cooked in Yorkshire pudding(a mix that tastes a bit like pancakes)was served on the table,and it tasted delicious.It turned out that toad-in-the-hole is a typical dish for a British dinner,and theres no toad!

8、What a amazing experience!It was interesting to try such yummy(美味的)food with a strange name.03While-writingExplaining1.对部分学生展示的写作成果,从语言准确性、情节连贯性以及表达得体性等方面进行评价并纠错。2.经历感受类作文特征 该类写作描述个人经历,常以短文或日记等文体呈现;以一般过去式为主,按照事件发展的顺序来记叙。可以用一些与时间相关的副词如 then,later,next串联句子。至于感受部分,多积累相关的单词或短语。基本框架基本框架1开头(beginning)引出主题

9、2主体(body)介绍事件3结尾(ending)发表感受 常用词块常用词块1an unforgettable experience 一次难忘的经历2to my joy/delight 令我高兴的是3see sb.off为某人送行4a five-day tour 为期五天的旅行5live a.life过着样的生活6win the first prize获得一等奖7think highly of高度赞扬8set a good example for sb.给某人树立好的榜样03While-writing 1Last week I went to mount Emei in Sichuan prov

10、ince with my family.上周我和家人去了四川省的峨眉山。2I will never forget the experience when I went to Beijing last year.我永远不会忘记去年去北京的经历。3Last night I was busy preparing for my test when I heard a loud noise.昨天晚上我正忙于准备考试,突然我听到一个很大的声音。03While-writing常用句子常用句子1On the hot afternoon of last Saturday,Li Yu went downtown

11、and waited from one store to another.上周六的一个炎热的下午,李玉去了市中心,从一家商店到另一家商店。2I looked in the direction of the call and saw a boy falling into the river.我朝呼叫的方向看,看见一个男孩掉进河里。3Throwing the fishing pole,I dashed over like an arrow,jumped into the river and swam very quickly towards the boy.我扔下钓竿,像箭一样冲了过去,跳进河里,

12、飞快地向男孩游去。4However,maybe all of my efforts are not made in vain.然而,也许我所有的努力都没有白费。5How I wish I could go back to enjoy middle school life once more!我多么希望我能再次回到中学生活中去!6But they will remain a happy memory all my life.但它们会成为我一生的快乐回忆。03While-writing常用句子常用句子Homework 你的美国笔友Bob对钓鱼很有兴趣。请你根据以下要点,写出你和你的爸爸暑假期间某天

13、去钓鱼的经历,通过电子邮件发给Bob,让他分享。要点包括:1所带器具和食物等;2钓鱼过程;3一天的收获和感受。注意:注意:1词数:80左右;2可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。参考词汇:沙蚕参考词汇:沙蚕clam worms鱼钩鱼钩fishhook 04Post-writingCONTENTSPresenting ideas Work in groups.Talk about creative ways to learn English.List your ideas on a piece of paper.CONTENTSChoose the most creative idea and prepare a short presentation following the steps below.Introduce the idea.Explain why it is useful.Describe what you should do.Present your idea to the class.Reflection


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