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1、九年级全册Units 12核心知识盘点1.conversation n.交谈;谈话2.sentence n.句子3.patient adj.有耐心的n.病人4.discover v.发现;发觉5.secret n.秘密;秘诀adj.秘密的;保密的6.repeat v.重复;重做7.increase v.增加;增长8.speed n.速度9.partner n.搭档;同伴重 点 单 词Unit 110.born v.出生adj.天生的11.create v.创造;创建12.brain n.大脑13.connect v.(使)连接;与有联系14.review v.&n.回顾;复习Unit 215.

2、relative n.亲属;亲戚16.dessert n.(饭后)甜点;甜食17.garden n.花园;园子18.admire v.欣赏;仰慕19.tie n.领带v.捆;束20.treat n.款待;招待v.招待;请(客)21.Christmas n.圣诞节22.novel n.(长篇)小说23.dead adj.死的;失去生命的24.business n.生意;商业25.warn v.警告;告诫26.present n.现在;礼物adj.现在的1.ask sb.for help 向某人寻求帮助2.as well 也3.the secret to.的秘诀4.look up(在词典、参考书中

3、或通过电脑)查阅;抬头看5.take notes 做笔记6.be born with 天生具有7.pay attention to 注意;关注8.connect.with.把和连接或联系起来重 点 短 语9.put on 增加(体重);发胖10.wash away 冲走;清洗掉11.in the shape of 呈的形状12.lay out 摆开;布置13.share sth.with sb.与某人分享某物14.as a result 结果15.dress up as 装扮成16.play a trick on sb.捉弄某人17.end up 最终成为;最后处于18.remind sb.o

4、f.使某人想起1.pronounce v._ n.发音;读音2.patient adj._ n.耐心3.express v._ n.表情;表示;表达方式4.discover v._ n.发现;发觉5.able adj._ n.能力;才能6.act v._ adj.活跃的;积极的7.connect v._ n.连接;联系 词汇拓展pronunciation patienceexpressiondiscoveryabilityactiveconnection8.know v._ n.知识;学问9.wise adj._ adv.明智地;聪明地10.strange adj._ n.陌生人11.stea

5、l v._(过去式)偷;窃取 _(过去分词)12.tradition n._ adj.传统的;惯例的13.punish v._ n.处罚;惩罚14.warm adj._ n.温暖;暖和15.spread v._(过去式/过去分词)传播;展开knowledgewiselystrangerstolestolentraditional punishmentwarmthspread1._ _ you read,_ _ youll be.你读得越多,你就读得越快。2.But _ _ _ you can do this well _ _ your learning habits.但是你能否做好取决于你的学

6、习习惯。3._ _ you learn something well,you will _ it _ you use it.即使是你学得很好的东西,如果你不使用它,你就会忘记它。重 点 句 型Themore thefasterwhetherornotdependson Evenif forget unless4._ _ the Water Festival is!泼水节是多么有趣啊!5._ _ the dragon boat teams were!龙舟队是多么棒呀!6.I _ _ June is a good time to visit Hong Kong.我想知道六月是否是游览香港的好时节。

7、7.I believe _ April is _ _ month in Thailand.我认为四月是泰国最热的月份。WhatfunHowfantasticwonder whetherthatthehottest谈论如何学习1.How do you learn English?你如何学英语?I learn by studying with a group.我通过小组学习来学英语。2.Do you learn English by reading aloud?你通过大声朗读来学英语吗?Yes,I do.It helps my pronunciation.是的。它有助于我的发音。3.How can

8、 I improve my pronunciation?我如何才能提高我的发音?One way is by listening to tapes.一个方法是通过听磁带。情 景 交 际询问与介绍某一事物的情况4.What have you learned about Halloween?关于万圣节前夕你了解些什么?Oh,I know its a popular festival in North America and its on October 31st.哦,我知道它是北美一个很受欢迎的节日,在10月31日。5.What do you like most about this festiva

9、l?关于这个节日你最喜欢的是什么?I think its fun to dress up as cartoon characters!我认为装扮成卡通人物很有趣!语 法话 题1.by+doing sth.2.that,if,whether引导的宾语从句3.感叹句Unit 1 学会如何学习Unit 2 节日教材考点解析 How do you study for a test?你是如何备考的?I study by working with a group.我通过小组合作来学习。(Unit 1 P1)【点拨】by doing sth.作方式状语,表示“以某种行为方式”。对其提问用疑问词how。如:T

10、he little girl earns her living by selling newspapers.小女孩靠卖报纸为生。How do you learn new words?你如何学习新单词?By making word cards.通过制作单词卡片。考点一【拓展】by的用法总结:用法例句表示方式、方法、手段等,意为“靠;凭借;通过”;by后常跟无冠词的名词或动名词。I will contact you by letter.我会给你写信联系的。by+交通工具,意为“乘;坐”。Tom usually goes to school by bike.汤姆通常骑自行车去上学。用法例句by+时间

11、,意为“不迟于;到时为止”,常用于一般将来时或完成时。By this time next week well be in London.下星期的这个时候我们将在伦敦。How many English songs had you learned by the end of last term?到上个学期末你们已经学了多少首英文歌曲?by+位置,意为“靠近;在旁”。The plant is by the window.植物在窗户旁边。by+动作的执行者,意为“由;被”,常用于被动句中。These flowers were planted by my mother last year.这些花是我妈妈

12、去年种的。【辨析】by,with,in与on(考点讲解详见P3738考点3)1.He learnt English by _(听)to the radio.()2.You can improve your writing _ writing e-mails to your pen pals.A.In B.with C.by()3._ do you practise English speaking?By having conversations with friends.A.When B.How C.Whylistening学以致用CBI discovered that listening t

13、o something interesting is the secret to language learning.我发现听一些有趣的东西是语言学习的秘诀。(Unit 1 P3)【辨析】discover,create,invent与find out考点二单词/短语含义及用法例句discover(n.discovery)指“发现或找到”早已存在而未为人知的事物或情况,尤指科学上的新发现。Columbus discovered America in 1492.1492年哥伦布发现了美洲。create(n.creation)强调从无到有的“创造或创作”,如艺术作品、理论等。Shakespeare

14、created many famous characters.莎士比亚创造了许多有名的人物。单词/短语含义及用法例句invent(n.invention)强调通过研究和实验而“发明或创造”出本来不存在的东西,尤指科技上的发明创造。Edison invented the light bulb.爱迪生发明了灯泡。find out指通过观察、分析和研究等“发现,找出,查明”真相、原因等。We must find out the truth.我们必须查明真相。【图解助记】用discover,create,invent或find out的适当形式填空。1.We need to do some resea

15、rch _the answer.2.The telephone _by Alexander Graham Bell in 1876.3.We hope that scientists _more secrets of the universe in the future.4.The government plans _more jobs for young people.to find outwas invented学以致用will discoverto createOne Christmas Eve,Scrooge sees the ghost of Jacob Marley,his dea

16、d business partner.一个圣诞节前夕,斯克鲁奇看见了他那位死去的商业伙伴雅各布马利的鬼魂。(Unit 2 P14)【辨析】die,dead,dying与death考点三单词词性含义及用法例句die动词“死;死亡;去世”,指因为生病、年老、负伤等原因而死,是非延续性动词,不能和表示一段时间的状语连用。His grandfather died last week.他的(外)祖父上周去世了单词词性含义及用法例句dead形容词“死的;失去生命的”,表示状态,可以和表示一段时间的状语连用,常用作表语或定语。如果表达“死了多长时间”可以用“have/has been dead for+时间

17、段”或“died+时间段+ago”。His father has been dead for two years.(=His father died two years ago)。他父亲已经去世两年了。(=他父亲两年前去世了。)dying形容词“垂死的;奄奄一息的”,die的现在分词,用作定语或表语。This is a dying bird.这是一只快死的鸟。death名词“死;死亡”,用作主语或宾语。He died a slow and painful death.他缓慢而痛苦地死去了。【一言辨异】The dying captain looked at his dead soldiers a

18、nd said,“When we die for the people,it is a worthy death.”那位奄奄一息的上尉看着他死去的士兵说:“我们为人民而死,死得其所。”学以致用1.Her husband _(去世)suddenly last week.2.Although he is _(die),his soul(灵魂)is still alive.3.Two children were burnt to _(死)in the fire.4.The _(die)old man spoke out his last wishes.()5.William Shakespeare

19、for 400 years,but his works still have great influence today.A.Died B.was dyingC.has been deaddeaddieddeathdyingCHe warns Scrooge to change his ways if he doesnt want to end up like him.他告诫斯克鲁奇,如果他不想最终像他一样,就要改变他的行事方式。(Unit 2 P14)【点拨】warn意为“警告;告诫”,其常见用法如下:考点四The doctor warned him not to smoke.医生警告他不要

20、吸烟。I warned you of the danger,didnt I?我提醒你了有危险,不是吗?He warned us against pickpockets.他提醒我们要提防小偷。The guidebook warns against walking alone at night.这本指南告诫夜间不要单独行走。()David said that the glass was broken and warned me _ it.A.dont touch B.to not touchC.not to touchC学以致用语法精讲精练感叹句感叹句是表示说话时的惊异、喜悦、气愤、哀伤等强烈感情

21、的句子。通常由What或How引导,What后以名词为中心,How后以形容词或副词为中心,句末常用感叹号。类型结构例句What型What+a/an+形容词+可数名词的单数形式(+主语+谓语)!What a beautiful girl she is!她是一个多么漂亮的女孩啊!What+形容词+可数名词的复数形式/不可数名词(+主语+谓语)!What important jobs they have done!他们做了多么重要的工作啊!What sweet water it is!多么甜的水啊!类型结构例句How型How+形容词+a/an+可数名词的单数形式(+主语+谓语)!How beauti

22、ful a picture it is!多么漂亮的一幅画啊!How+形容词/副词(+主语+谓语)!How cute the dog is!这只狗多么可爱啊!How+主语+谓语!How time flies!时间过得多么快啊!学以致用1.The weather is very hot.(改为感叹句)_ _ the weather is!2.What surprising news it is!(改为同义句)_ _ the news is!3.How delicious the food is!(改为同义句)_ _ food it is!4.They are running fast.(改为感叹句

23、)_ _ they are running!HowhotHowsurprisingWhatdeliciousHowfast 语法专练()1.(2019随州)All of my classmates have passed the PE test._ exciting the news is!A.WhatB.What anC.How()2.(2019呼和浩特)Guan Dong saved an old lady out of the Yangtze River._ great courage he showed!A.What a B.What C.How aCB()3.(2019吉林)beau

24、tiful song it is!Yes.It is Taylor Swifts new song.A.HowB.WhatC.What a()4.(2019凉山)_ nice weather it is!Lets go for a picnic,Frank.A.What B.What a C.How ()5.(2019营口)_great fun Peppa and George have jumping in muddy puddles(泥坑)!A.What B.What a C.How a AAC()6.(2019上海)_ beautifully little Simon dances in

25、 front of the camera!A.What B.What a C.How()7.(2019玉林)Wow!_ clean air we have today!Yes.Look!A lot of adults are doing kung fu over there.A.How B.What a C.What()8.(2019甘肃)_ useful the information youve provided is!A.What a B.What C.HowCCC()9.(2019绥化改编)_ song the little girl sings!A.What a sweetB.How

26、 a sweet C.What sweet()10.(2019海南改编)_ hard-working boy Zhou Bin is!Yes.Im sure hell pass the test.A.What a B.What C.How()11.(2019淮安)It is said that 5G is coming.It will improve our life greatly!_ amazing it is!A.What an B.How a C.HowAAC()12.(2019锦州)_good grades I hope to get in this exam!Im sure you will.A.What B.What a C.HowA请完成练测本P49P51


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