PEP四年级上英语Unit2第6课时 Part B Read and write优质课教案.doc

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1、The sixth period(第六课时) Part B Read and write & Lets check & Lets sing 教学内容与目标课时教学内容课时教学目标Read and write能够读懂一组句子并完成选择正确图片任务能够按正确的意群和语音、语调朗读这组句子能够在有意义的语境中抄写单元话题词汇并将句子补充完整能够综合运用本单元的核心词句Lets check检测本单元A、B部分的核心句型考查单元核心词汇的认读Lets sing能够了解歌词意义并能够清晰准确地歌唱教学重点1.能够读懂一组句子并完成选择正确图片的任务。2.能够按正确的意群和语音、语调朗读这组句子。3.能够在

2、有意义的语境中抄写单元的话题词汇并将句子补充完整。4.能够综合运用本单元的核心词句。教学难点能够综合运用本单元的核心词句。教学准备PPT课件、录音或视频材料。Teaching purpose通过唱歌,既能复习旧知,又能为新课学习营造轻松愉快的氛围。教学过程第 9 页 共 8 页Step 1: Warm-up & Lead-in1. Greetings.2. Sing the songMy schoolbag. (出示课件)3. Play a game“Whats missing?”Teaching purpose通过游戏让学生们复习已经学过的词汇,为新课的学习做好知识铺垫。Review the

3、 words: schoolbag, maths book, English book, Chinese book, storybook, candy, notebook, toy, key. (课件出示:schoolbag, maths book, English book, Chinese book, storybook, candy, notebook, toy, key,然后一个个随机消失)Ask students to say the missing word quickly.Teaching purpose通过谈论学生书包的颜色和书包里的物品,复习本单元的重要句型,并引出新课。4.

4、 Lead-in.Talk about the schoolbags with students:T: What colour is your schoolbag? S1: Its blue.T: Whats in your schoolbag?S2: An English book, a maths book, three storybooks. Teaching purpose引导学生观察图片,说出学过的词汇,并学习二会单词cute,为后面的阅读做铺垫。Step 2: Presentation1. Pre-reading.(1)Look and say.T: I know what is

5、in your schoolbag. Now, I have two schoolbags. (课件出示:教材P19 Read and circle中的两个书包的图片) I have many things in the two schoolbags. Look! What are these?Show the things on the PPT. (课件出示: 教材P19 Read and circle中除书包以外的所有物品分类呈现)Lead students to say: a storybook, two storybooks; a car; a ball; some candies;

6、some toys.(2)Learn the word “cute”. (课件出示:带有熊猫的钥匙图片闪烁)T: What are these?Ss: Keys. T: How many keys?S: Three keys.T: Yes. The keys are with a panda. I like the panda because Its cute. Do you like it? Ask students to read after the teacher: cute, cute, a cute panda. (课件出示:带有猴子的钥匙图片闪烁)The teacher leads

7、 students to say: a cute monkey.Ask students to read after the teacher: cute, cute, a cute monkey.Teaching purpose在新授环节,初步培养学生自主阅读获取信息和处理信息的能力,引导学生掌握阅读技巧。2. While-reading.(1)Ask and answer. (课件出示:教材P19 Read and circle部分的两幅图片)T: Look at Picture A. Whats in the schoolbag?S1: Two storybooks, three keys

8、, some candies, some toys and a cute panda.T: Whats in the schoolbag in Picture B?S2: A storybook, two keys, some candies, some toys and a cute monkey.(2)Listen and underline.T: Listen to the recording and underline the words about school things.(课件出示:教材P19 Read and circle部分的音频)(3)Read and circle.T:

9、 Read the text, then circle the correct answer.Teaching purpose通过比赛提高学生对朗读的兴趣,让学生从能读、会读到规范、优美地朗读。(4)Check the answer.Answer: A(5)Listen again and read after the recording.T: Now, lets listen to the recording again and read after it. Make sure you can read the sentences correctly. Pay attention to yo

10、ur pronunciation and intonation.(6)Show time.Students have a reading show. Choose several reading stars. The reading stars can get presents.3. Post-reading.Teaching purpose这部分的训练内容,主要用来培养学生们的书写能力。Look, choose and write.(1)What is in it? (课件出示:教材P19 Look, choose and write部分的图片)T: Now we can see a des

11、k. Whats in it? S1: An egg, a pen, a notebook and three keys.T: Good. We must pay attention to the words “egg” and “notebook”. The first letter of “egg” sounds /e/. It is a vowel. So we say “an egg”. And “keys” is the plural form. We cant say “three key”. We must say “three keys”. Let students turn

12、to page 19 in the book and fill in the blanks.Check the answers. (出示课件)Let a student read it.(2)Whats in your desk?T: Now please look at your desk. Whats in your desk? Ss: T: Good. Please fill in the blank on page 19.The teacher can walk around and make sure students write the words correctly.Step 3

13、: Practice Lets check.(1)Listen and number. (课件出示:教材P20 Listen and number中的四幅图片)T: Look at these pictures. They are all school things. Now, look at Picture 1. What can you see?S1: A pen. T: Good. Its a red pen. And how about Picture 2? Whats it? And what colour is it?S2: Its a green schoolbag.T: Gre

14、at! What can you see in Picture 3?S3: I can see a red schoolbag.T: Wonderful. And whats in the red schoolbag?S3: A storybook and some candies.T: Good job! Now who can say something about Picture 4?S4: I can see a pink schoolbag. A notebook and a maths book are in the schoolbag.T: Very good. Lets lis

15、ten and number. (课件出示:Listen and number的音频)Check the answers.Teaching purpose通过两个练习,提高学生们的阅读能力,检测学生对上节课可数名词复数这一语法点的掌握情况。Answers: 3 1 2 4(2)Look and circle. (课件出示:教材P20 Look and circle部分的文字与图片)T: Whats in the schoolbag? Please read and circle. You can underline the different school things in A and B

16、first. Then look at the picture and circle the correct answer. Check the answer and let students read in groups.Answer: BRead and fill in the blanks.Let students look at the picture on the PPT and try to fill in the blanks. Check the answers. (出示课件) Teaching purpose培养学生的综合语言运用能力,通过将语言内化并运用,完成语言输入到输出

17、的过程。Step 4: Consolidation & Extension1. Write about your schoolbag or your pencil box.T: Whats in your schoolbag? Whats in your pencil box? Choose one topic and write about it. You can write like this:T: Please write down on your exercise books. Pay attention to the capitalizing letter before a sent

18、ence and the punctuation after a sentence. Show some students sentences in class.Check the answers with students. The other students check in pairs.2. Emotional education.T: Is your schoolbag/desk tidy or messy? Please put away your school things in time. Keep your schoolbag or desk tidy. Its a good

19、 habit!板书设计作业设计1. Read the text to your parents.2. Write about your desk in your bedroom.3. Do the exercises. 教学反思1热身环节通过歌曲、游戏活动复习已经学过的单词,为新课的学习做好知识铺垫。2在阅读教学之前,对语篇认真地进行分析,明确语篇的中心内容和知识要点,找出其中的重难点词汇和句型,明确教学目标与重难点。在阅读过程中,初步培养学生自主阅读获取信息和处理信息的能力,引导学生掌握阅读技巧。在阅读后,通过练习加强巩固学生的语言实际运用能力和书写能力。3在教学过程中要注重培养学生良好规范

20、的书写习惯。4板书设计呈现本课的语言支架,对学生的阅读和书写起到了很好的辅助作用。Teaching Contents & Teaching AimsRead and writeBe able to understand a group of sentences and complete the task of selecting the right picture.Be able to read this group of sentences according to the correct meaning group, pronunciation and intonation. Be abl

21、e to copy the topic vocabulary of this unit and complete the sentences in context.Be able to use the key words and the key sentences of this unit synthetically.Lets checkCheck the key sentence structures of Part A and Part B of this unit.Examine the recognition of the key vocabulary of this unit.Let

22、s sing Be able to understand the meaning of the lyrics and sing clearly and accurately.Teaching PrioritiesBe able to understand a group of sentences and complete the task of selecting the right picture.Be able to read this group of sentences according to the correct meaning group, pronunciation and

23、intonation.Be able to copy the topic vocabulary of this unit and complete the sentences in context.Be able to use the core words and the core sentences of this unit synthetically.Teaching DifficultiesBe able to use the core words and the core sentences of this unit synthetically.Teaching ProceduresT

24、eaching StagesTeachers ActivitiesStudents ActivitiesTeaching PurposesWarm-up& Lead-in1. Greetings.2. Play the songMy schoolbag. 3. Play a game: Whats missing?4. Lead-in.Talk about the schoolbags with students.1. Greetings.2. Sing the songMy schoolbag.3. Play a game: Whats missing?4. Talk about the s

25、choolbags with the teacher.Use the song and the game to create a relaxing and pleasant learning atmosphere, review the words learned, and prepare for the new lesson.Presentation1. Pre-reading.(1)Look and say. Show the pictures and lead students to say the words.(2)Teach the word: cute.(1)Look at the

26、 pictures and say the words that students have learned.(2)Learn the new word: cute. (续表)Teaching StagesTeacher s ActivitiesStudents ActivitiesTeaching PurposesPresentation2. While-reading.(1)Ask and answer.(2)Play the recording.(3)Read and circle.(4)Check the answer.(5)Play the recording again.(6)Sh

27、ow time.Choose the reading stars and give presents.(1)Talk about Picture A and Picture B.(2)Listen and underline the words about school things.(3)Read the text and circle the correct answer.(4)Check the answer.(5)Listen again and read after the recording.(6)Show time.Read the text in class.Observe t

28、he pictures and review the words that students have learned. Learn the new word to prepare for reading.Cultivate students ability to obtain and process information through independent reading and lead them to master reading skills. Improve students reading interest so as to achieve the purpose of re

29、ading normatively and gracefully.3. Post-reading.Look, choose and write.(1)What is in it?Ask the question and finish the writing task. Check the answers.(2)Whats in your desk?Lead students to finish the writing task. Make sure they write correctly.Answer the questions and fill in the blanks. Check t

30、he answers with the teacher.PracticeLets check.(1)Listen and number.Lead students to say something about the pictures. Play the recording. Check the answers.(2)Look and circle.Read and fill in the blanks.Show the text and a picture.Check the answers.(1)Say something about the pictures. Then listen a

31、nd number.(2)Look at the picture and circle the correct answer. Check the answer and read in groups.Look at the picture and try to fill in the blanks.Check the answers.Improve students reading ability and help them grasp the grammar point of the plural forms of countable nouns. (续表)Teaching StagesTe

32、acher s ActivitiesStudents ActivitiesTeaching PurposesConsolidation&Extension1. Write about your schoolbag or your pencil box.2. Emotional education.1. Write about your schoolbag or your pencil box.2. Keep a good habit!Cultivate students comprehensive language application ability. Finish the process from the input to the output of language by internalizing and using language.Homework1. Read the text to your parents.2. Write about your desk in your bedroom.3. Do the exercises.


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