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1、第八讲 非谓语动词,01,02,06,针对训练,03,04,动词不定式,动词不定式具有名词、形容词、副词的特征。其构成形式为(to) do,否定式为:not(to) do。,一、不定式的时态和语态(以write为例),一、不定式的时态和语态,一般式:不定式的一般式所表示的动作与谓语动词动作同时发生或发生在谓语动词动作之后。,Its nice to meet you. 很高兴见到你。 The patient asked to be operated on at once. 病人要求马上手术。,1,一、不定式的时态和语态,完成式:不定式的完成式表示的动作发生在谓语动词动作之前。,I happene

2、d to have seen the film. 我碰巧看过这部电影。 He is pleased to have been praised. 他很高兴得到表扬。,2,一、不定式的时态和语态,进行式:不定式的进行式所表示的动作与谓语动词动作同时发生。,The boy pretended to be working hard. 男孩假装学习得很努力。,3,二、不定式的句法功能,作主语,(1)不定式作主语常表示具体的动作 To finish the work in ten minutes is very hard. 十分钟之内完成这项工作是很难的。,1,名师指津 动词不定式短语作主语时,常用it作

3、形式主语,真正的主语不定式置于句后,例如上面一句改为: It is very hard to finish the work in ten minutes.,二、不定式的句法功能,作主语,(2)it作形式主语的常用句式 Itben.to do sth It takes sbsome timeto do sth Itbeadj.for/of sbto do sth,1,名师指津 在第三个句式中,若形容词为careless,clever,good,foolish,honest,kind,lazy,nice,right,silly,stupid,wise等表示人的品质特征的形容词,介词常用of,其他

4、形容词用for。 Its an honour for me to be invited to give you a speech. 对于我来说,我很荣幸被邀请来给你们作报告。 It is stupid of you to write down everything the teacher says. 你把老师说的每一个字都记下来太愚蠢了。,二、不定式的句法功能,作表语,Her job is to clean the hall. 她的工作是打扫大厅。 He appears to have caught a cold. 他似乎感冒了。,2,二、不定式的句法功能,作宾语,(1)动词不定式 常见的此类

5、动词有:afford(付得起),agree(同意),aim(力求做到),appear(显得),arrange(安排),ask(要求),attempt(试图),care(想要),choose(决定),claim(声称),decide(决定),demand(要求),determine(决心),pretend(假装)等。,3,名师指津 如果不定式后面有宾语补足语,则用it作形式宾语,真正的宾语后置,放在宾语补足语后面。 He found it important to study a foreign language. 他发现学习一门外语很重要。,She pretended not to see m

6、e when I passed by. 当我经过时,她假装没看见我。,二、不定式的句法功能,作宾语,(2)动词疑问词不定式 常见的此类动词有:decide,know,consider,forget,learn,remember,show,understand,see,wonder,hear,find out,explain,tell等。,3,There are so many kinds of tape-recorders on sale that I cant decide which to buy. 有这么多的录音机在特价销售,我都拿不定主意买哪一种。,二、不定式的句法功能,作宾语,(3)

7、介词疑问词不定式,3,He gave us some advice on how to learn English. 他给了我们一些学英语的建议。,二、不定式的句法功能,作宾语补足语,(1)常跟动词不定式作宾语补足语的动词(短语)有:want,wish,ask,tell,order,beg,permit,help,advise,persuade,allow,prepare,cause,force,invite,consider,call on,wait for等。,4,Father does not allow us to play on the street. 父亲不让我们在街上玩耍。 We

8、 consider Tom to be one of the best students in our class. 我们认为汤姆是班上最好的学生之一。,二、不定式的句法功能,作宾语补足语,(2)有些使役动词和感官动词如make,let,have,see,watch,hear,feel等后常跟不带to的不定式作宾补,但改为被动语态时,不定式要加to。,4,I saw him cross the road. 我看见他穿过公路。 He was seen to cross the road. 他被看见穿过公路。,二、不定式的句法功能,作定语,动词不定式作定语,放在所修饰的名词或代词后。有以下几种情况

9、: (1)不定式作定语和被修饰的名词具有“动宾关系”,即被修饰的名词是不定式的动作的承受者;如果不定式是不及物动词,就要在不定式动词后加上相应的介词。,5,I have a lot of things to do. 我有好多的事情要去做。 The Browns have a comfortable house to live in. 布朗一家有一座舒服的大房子住。,二、不定式的句法功能,作定语,(2)若名词前有序数词、最高级或no, all, only等修饰,后面一般用不定式作定语。,5,He was the last one to leave school yesterday. 他是昨天最后

10、一个离开学校的。,二、不定式的句法功能,作定语,(3)有一些抽象名词常用不定式作定语,常见的有:ability,chance, attempt, decision, warning, promise等。,5,Their decision to give up the experiment surprised us. 他们放弃实验的决定让我们很吃惊。,二、不定式的句法功能,作状语,(1)表示目的,可以放在句末,也可以放在句首。,6,He worked day and night to get the money. 他夜以继日地工作来赚钱。 To buy the watch chain,she s

11、old her hair. 她卖掉了自己的头发来买那条表链。,名师指津 不定式作目的状语时,逻辑主语与句子主语要一致: To save money,every means has been tried.() To save money,he has tried every means.() 为了省钱,他使出了浑身解数。,二、不定式的句法功能,作状语,(2)表示结果,往往是与预期愿望相反的结果 ,常放在never ,only等词后。,6,He hurried to the station only to find the train had gone. 他匆匆赶到车站,只见火车已经走了。,二、不

12、定式的句法功能,作状语,(3)表示原因,常放在形容词后面。,6,They were very sad to hear the news. 他们听到这条新闻非常伤心。,二、不定式的句法功能,作状语,(4)表示程度:常用结构是too.to.,enough to.,6,Its too dark for us to see anything. 太暗了,我们什么也看不见。 The question is simple enough for him to answer. 这问题由他来回答是很简单的。,二、不定式的句法功能,作插入语,7,To tell you the truth,I dont like t

13、he way he talked. 说实话,我不喜欢他讲话的方式。,三、不定式的省略,不定式中动词的省略:保留to省略to后的动词。,1,If you dont want to do it,you dont need to. 如果你不想做这件事,你就不必做。,三、不定式的省略,不定式符号to的省略:两个并列的不定式,第二个不定式符号to可省略。,2,He wished to study medicine and become a doctor. 他希望学医并成为医生。,名师指津 在下列结构中to 为介词,后接动词时要用动名词。 look forward to be/get/become use

14、d to stick to devote.to. object to lead to prefer.to. belong to The couple has been used to living in the south. 这对夫妇已经习惯于住在南方了。,动名词,动名词既具有动词的一些特征,又具有名词的句法功能。其构成形式为:doing,其否定式为:notdoing。,一、动名词的时态和语态(以write为例),一、动名词的时态和语态,动名词主动语态的一般式表示与谓语动词所表示的动作同时发生,完成式表示的动作在谓语动词所表示的动作之前发生。,Seeing is believing. 眼见为实

15、。 We remembered having seen the film. 我们记得看过这部电影。,1,一、动名词的时态和语态,动名词被动语态的一般式表示与谓语动词同时发生的被动的动作,完成式表示发生在谓语动词之前的被动的动作。,He came to the party without being invited. 他未被邀请就来到了晚会。 He forgot having been taken to Guangzhou when he was five years old. 他忘记五岁时曾被带到广州去过。,2,二、动名词的句法功能,作主语,动名词作主语常表示一般的动作 Reading alo

16、ud is very helpful. 朗读是很有好处的。 Collecting stamps is interesting. 集邮很有趣。,1,二、动名词的句法功能,作主语,1,名师指津 当动名词短语作主语时常用it作形式主语,常用于下列句型中: Its no use quarreling with her. 与她吵架是没用的。,二、动名词的句法功能,作表语,In the ant city,the queens job is laying eggs. 在蚂蚁王国,蚁后的工作是产卵。,2,二、动名词的句法功能,作宾语,(1)作动词(短语)的宾语。要记住下列动词及短语只跟动名词作宾语: enjo

17、y,finish,suggest,avoid(避免),excuse,delay,imagine,keep,miss,consider,admit(承认),deny(否认),mind,permit,forbid,practise,risk(冒险),appreciate(感激),be busy,be worth,feel like,cant stand,cant help(情不自禁地),think of,dream of,be fond of,prevent.(from),keep.from,stop.(from),protect.from,set about,be engaged in,spen

18、d.(in),succeed in,be/get used to(习惯于),look forward to,object to,pay attention to,insist on,feel like,3,They havent finished building the dam. 他们还没有建好大坝。,二、动名词的句法功能,作宾语,(2)作介词的宾语,3,We have to prevent the air from being polluted. 我们必须阻止空气被污染。,名师指津 动名词作宾语时,若跟有宾语补足语,则常用形式宾语it。 We found it no good making

19、 fun of others. 我们发现取笑他人不好。,二、动名词的句法功能,作定语,动名词作定语表示的是被修饰的事物的性质或用途。,4,He bought a ticket for a sleeping car for his vacation. 为了假期,他买了一张卧铺车票。 There is a swimming pool in the backyard. 在后院有个游泳池。,三、动名词的复合结构,动名词前面带上自己的逻辑主语便构成了动名词的复合结构。其逻辑主语一般由物主代词、名词所有格来充当。在口语中,物主代词和名词所有格可分别由人称代词的宾格和名词的普通格代替。,Do you min

20、d my/me opening the door? 你介意我打开门吗? I cant imagine Marys/Mary marrying such a young man. 我想不到玛丽会嫁给这样一个年轻人。,三、动名词的复合结构,动名词前面带上自己的逻辑主语便构成了动名词的复合结构。其逻辑主语一般由物主代词、名词所有格来充当。在口语中,物主代词和名词所有格可分别由人称代词的宾格和名词的普通格代替。,名师指津 当动名词的复合结构作主语时,其逻辑主语只能用所有格或物主代词表示。 His/Toms being late made the teacher angry.() Him/Tom bei

21、ng late made the teacher angry.(),分词,一、现在分词,现在分词的时态和语态,现在分词的时态及语态和动名词的时态及语态构成相同。 (1)现在分词的主动语态:现在分词主动语态的一般式表示与谓语动词所表示的动作同时发生,完成式表示的动作在谓语动词所表示的动作之前发生。 They went to the park,singing and talking. 他们边唱边说向公园走去。 Having done his homework,he played basketball. 做完作业,他开始打篮球。,1,现在分词既具有动词的一些特征,又具有形容词和副词的句法功能。,一、

22、现在分词,现在分词的时态和语态,(2)现在分词的被动语态:一般式表示与谓语动词同时发生的被动的动作,完成式表示发生在谓语动词之前的被动的动作。 The problem being discussed is very important. 正在讨论的问题很重要。 Having been told many times,the naughty boy made the same mistake. 尽管被告诉了好几遍,这个淘气的孩子还是犯了同一个错误。,1,现在分词既具有动词的一些特征,又具有形容词和副词的句法功能。,一、现在分词,现在分词的句法功能,(1)作定语 现在分词作定语,当分词单独作定语时

23、,放在所修饰的名词前;如果是分词短语作定语放在名词后。现在分词短语作定语相当于一个主动语态的定语从句。 In the following years he worked even harder. 在后来的几年中,他学习更努力了。 The man speaking to the teacher is our monitors father. The man who is speaking to the teacher is our monitors father. 正与老师谈话的那个人是我们班长的父亲。,2,一、现在分词,现在分词的句法功能,(2)作表语 The film being shown

24、 in the cinema is exciting. 正在这家电影院上演的电影很棒。 The present situation is inspiring. 当前的形势鼓舞人心。,2,名师指津 bedoing既可能表示现在进行时,也可能是现在分词作表语,它们的区别在于bedoing表示进行的动作是进行时,而表示特征时是系动词be与现在分词构成系表结构。,一、现在分词,现在分词的句法功能,(3)作宾语补足语 现在分词作宾语补足语强调动作正在进行,以下动词后可跟现在分词作宾语补足语: see,watch,hear,feel,find,notice,observe,listen to,look a

25、t,catch,leave,get,have,keep等。 Can you hear her singing the song in the next room? 你能听见她在隔壁唱歌吗? He had the light burning all night,which made his parents very angry. 他让灯整晚亮着,这使他父母很生气。 He kept the car waiting at the gate. 他让小汽车在门口等着。,2,一、现在分词,现在分词的句法功能,(4)作状语 作时间状语 (While) Working in the factory,he wa

26、s an advanced worker. 在工厂工作时,他是一名先进工作者。 作原因状语 Being a League member,he is always helping others. 由于是共青团员,他经常帮助他人。 作伴随状语 He stayed at home,cleaning and washing. 他呆在家里,又擦又洗。,2,一、现在分词,现在分词的句法功能,(4)作状语 作条件状语 Playing all day,you will waste your valuable time. 要是整天玩,你就会浪费宝贵的时间。 作结果状语,表示顺其自然的结果 He dropped

27、the glass,breaking it into pieces. 他把杯子掉了,结果摔得粉碎。 作目的状语 He went swimming the other day. 几天前他去游泳了。 作让步状语 Though raining heavily,it cleared up very soon. 虽然雨下得很大,但不久天就晴了。,2,二、过去分词,作定语,Our class went on an organized trip last Monday. 上周一我们班开展了一次有组织的旅行。 Those selected as committee members will attend th

28、e meeting. Those who are selected as committee members will attend the meeting. 当选为委员的人将出席这次会议。,1,规则动词的过去分词形式与过去式构成相同;不规则动词的过去分词没有统一的规则,务必牢记在心。,名师指津 当过去分词是单词时,一般用于名词前;如果是过去分词短语,则放在名词的后面。过去分词短语作定语相当于一个被动语态的定语从句。,二、过去分词,作表语,They were frightened at the sad sight. 他们对眼前悲惨的景象感到很害怕。,2,名师指津 (1)be 过去分词,如果表示

29、状态是系表结构,如果表示被动的动作是被动语态。 The window is broken.窗户破了。(系表结构) The window was broken by the boy.(被动语态) 窗户是被那个男孩打破的。 (2)有些过去分词是不及物动词构成的,不表示被动,只表示完成。 boiled water(开水) fallen leaves(落叶) newly arrived goods(新到的货) the risen sun(升起的太阳) the changed world(变了的世界),二、过去分词,作状语,(1)表示原因 Praised by the neighbours,he bec

30、ame the pride of his parents. 受到邻居们的表扬,他成为父母的骄傲。 (2)表示时间 Once seen,it can never be forgotten. 一旦被看见,人们就忘不了它。 (3)表示条件 Given more time,Ill be able to do it better. 如果给予更多的时间,我就能做得更好。,3,二、过去分词,作状语,(4)表示让步 Though told of the danger,he still risked his life to save the boy. 虽然被告之有危险,他仍然冒生命危险去救那个孩子。 (5)表示

31、伴随 Filled with hopes and fears,he entered the cave. 心中充满了希望与恐惧,他走进山洞。,3,二、过去分词,作宾语补足语,过去分词作宾语补足语表示被动和完成,或无时间性。以下动词后可跟过去分词作宾语补足语: 感官动词see,watch,hear,feel,find,notice,observe,listen to,look at和使役动词have,make,get等。 I heard the song sung several times last week. 上周我听见这首歌被唱了好几次。 He had his luggage checked

32、 an hour before his plane left. 他在飞机起飞一小时前对行李进行了安检。 He spoke aloud enough to make himself heard. 他大声讲话,以使得别人能听见他。,4,非谓语动词的几个重要结构,一、with复合结构,John received an invitation to dinner,and with his work finished,he gladly accepted it. 约翰收到一份宴请函而且他的工作也干完了,他就欣然接受了邀请。 With a lot of difficult problems to settl

33、e,the newly elected president is having a hard time. 因为有很多难题要解决,这位新任总统的日子不好过。 With the little boy leading the way,we had no difficulty finding the village. 有小男孩带路,我们毫不费力地找到了这个村庄。,二、独立主格结构,独立主格结构从语法上来讲不是句子,在句中通常作状语。具有以下特点: (1)独立主格结构的逻辑主语与句子的主语不同,不指同一个人或同一事物; (2)独立主格结构一般置于句首,有时也置于句中或句末。,二、独立主格结构,Such

34、an able man to help you,you will surely succeed sooner or later. 有这么能干的人来帮你,你迟早会成功的。 The guide leading the way,we had no trouble getting out of the forest. 向导领着路,我们毫不费劲地走出了森林。 Jim was listening attentively to the lecture,all his attention fixed upon it. 吉姆专心致志地听着讲座,所有注意力都集中在上它面了。,. 单句语法填空,1Fat and s

35、alt are required _ (process) the food that we eat, to recover from injury and for several other bodily functions.(2017全国卷) 2Fast food is full of fat and salt; by _ (eat) more fast food people will get more salt and fat than they need in their diet.(2017全国卷) 3It was a great honour _ (invite) backstag

36、e at the not-for-profit Panda Base, where ticket money helps pay for research.(2016全国卷) 4I was the first Western TV reporter _ (permit) to film a special unit caring for pandas rescued from starvation in the wild.(2016全国卷) 5My ambassadorial duties will include _ (introduce) British visitors to the 1

37、20plus pandas at Chengdu and others at a research in the misty mountains of Bifengxia.(2016全国卷),to process,eating,to be invited,permitted,introducing,. 单句语法填空,6 _ (absorb) in deep thought,he didnt hear the sound. 7Local people _ (invite) to attend a meeting were very pleased to share their experienc

38、e. 8It _ (be) Sunday,we neednt go to school. 9With our food _ (run) out,we had to walk to a village for help. 10His first book _ (publish)next month is based on a true story.,Absorbed,invited,being,running,to be published,. 单句语法填空,11I had great difficulty _ (find) the suitable food on the menu in th

39、at restaurant. 12My chief purpose is _ (point)out the difficulties of the matter. 13Though _ (surprise) to see us,the professor gave us a warm welcome. 14I stopped the car _ (take) a short break as I was feeling tired. 15I stayed up late every night, _ (make)preparations for the coming exams.,findin

40、g,to point,surprised,to take,making,. 单句语法填空,16Dont leave the water _ (run)when you leave. 17In society,I really dont know who _ (compete) fairly with. 18He got wellprepared for the job interview,for he couldnt risk _ the good opportunity. 19George returned after the war,only _ (tell) that his wife

41、had left him. 20Volunteering gives you a chance _ (change)lives,including your own.,running,to compete,losing,to be told,to change,. 单句语法填空,21 _ (set) your watch five minutes ahead is an effective way to avoid being late. 22 _ (injure) in the leg made it impossible for me to walk as fast as usual. 2

42、3He looked around and caught a man _ (put) his hand into the pocket of a passenger. 24When she got home,there was a pile of mail _ (wait)for her.,Setting,Being injured,putting,waiting,. 单句改错,1When summer comes, they will invite their students pick the fresh vegetables!(2017全国卷) 2I showed them I was

43、independent by wear strange clothes.(2016全国卷) 3After looks at the toy for some time, he turned around and found that his parents were missing.(2015全国卷) 4It was both excited and frightening to be up there!(2016浙江卷) 5Weve been spending a lot of time sing in karaoke bars.(2015四川卷),wearing,to,looking,ex

44、citing,singing,. 单句改错,6He was happy that he found a good house to live. 7The air kept the balloon up was escaping quickly and the balloon was coming down. 8I just want to thank you for helping me becoming a different person. 9Seeing from the top of the hill,the park looks even more beautiful. 10I ha

45、ve no choice but turn to you for help.,keeping,in,become,Seen,to,. 单句改错,11I am looking forward to hear from you soon. 12Give another chance,I will try my best to pass the exam.,hearing,Given,. 翻译句子,1我想我很荣幸被邀请参观你们学校。(不定式作宾语,it作形式宾语) 2这里将要建起的桥会给当地人带来很大的便利。(不定式作定语) 3如果你想出国学习,学好英语是一件必须做的事情。(动名词作主语) 4我的爱

46、好是听音乐和踢足球。(动名词作表语),I think it a great honor to be invited to visit your school.,The bridge to be built here will bring great convenience to the local people.,Learning English well is a must if you want to study abroad.,My hobbies are listening to music and playing football.,. 翻译句子,5由于不知道上哪所大学,那个女孩向她

47、的老师征求意见。(现在分词作状语) 6他的梦想是来年能被重点大学录取。(不定式作表语) 7我相信,你要赶上别人不会有什么困难。(动名词作宾语) 8发现我的家乡变化如此之大我感到很惊奇。(过去分词作宾语补足语),Not knowing which university to attend,the girl asked her teacher for advice.,His dream is to be admitted into a key college next year.,I am sure you will have no trouble catching up with others.

48、,I was surprised to find my hometown changed so much.,. 语法填空,A new report shows 1._ life might be like in 100 years from now. It describes skyscrapers that are much 2._ (tall) than todays buildings,underwater “bubble” cities and holidays in space. The report is from a famous company. It asked experts on s


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