七年级英语上册 教师课堂话语研究课件 (新版)外研版.ppt

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七年级英语上册 教师课堂话语研究课件 (新版)外研版.ppt_第1页
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1、教师话语(teacher talk)讲座的主要内容 1. 如何才能更有效地进行课堂话语的互动? 2. 有效的互动交际策略有哪些?我们应该教给学生哪些互动交际策略? 3. 如何研究教师话语?,教师互动话语存在的问题 Stop talking like a teacher! 有研究:教师话语量占整个课堂语言的70到90, “唱独角戏”的感觉。 teachers speak more, more often, control the topic of conversation, rarely ask questions for which they do not have answers, and

2、appear to understand absolutely everything the students say, sometimes before they even say it!,A joke: The teacher asked Tom, “Why did you come to school so late this morning?” Tom said, “ Someone lost one yuan.” The teacher smiled and said, “I know you helped him find the money.” “ No, I stood on

3、the money until the person went away”, replied Tom. 当教师真正关注学生想要表达的意思而不是要学生表达你的意思时, 课堂真实意义上的互动才能展开,那是课堂最精彩的时刻。,讨论:1)有些教师认为教师讲的清楚,学生的话语质量差,语速又慢,耽误不少上课时间,所以由老师多讲的课堂效率高,你觉得这种观点如何?你是否认为学生课堂上说话耽误时间?2) 你是否赞成这种观点:无论什么时候都要减少TTT(teachers talking time)?,Swain (1985)“ 可理解输出假设” (Comprehensible output hypothesis)

4、 学习母语的启示:大量的输入,试错,猜测,他人的帮助 Language hypothesis test the hypothesis notice the difference reformulate language,关于减少(teachers talking time) 不能盲目的过分的强调减少,要根据学生的具体水平,课型,教学目标等来进行处理。,启示1:(p73) 互动是交际的核心(Brown, 1994)。互动是学习得以实现的方式,也是学习的目的,很多的哑巴英语就是不互动造成的。 优秀教师的课堂话语量占一节课时间的50. 7%。 语言教师要认识到教师课堂话语霸权会造成学生的课堂“失语”

5、,所以要加强互动话语的意识和互动话语设计。,练习互动话语设计 你认为以下的话语能抓住学生的注意力吗?为了提高互动,应该如何设计? T: Ok. Thank you. So you can keep your opinion, but in my opinion, I will divide the passage into two parts. Part one includes first paragraph. And the second part includes para.2 and 3. And the main idea of the para. is,2. 课堂话语互动 例1:

6、T: Look at this cat. Its very cute(教师出示猫的图片) (教师拼读单词并领读:c-u-t-e)spell the word.(拼读) S: c-u-t-e T:Good. Cute S: cute(跟读) T:What is cute? S:Cat is cute. S:Goldfish is cute. 讨论思考:这段教师话语是否是初中教单词比较典型的课堂话语?你觉得有什么问题吗?通过这段教学学生 是否真正理解了cute含义?如何是你,你如何教授 这个单词cute?,Another way of teaching: T: Look at this littl

7、e cat. Its very cute(教师出示猫的图片) T: Look, what is cute?( 可以有更多的图片和可爱小动物或婴儿等孩子的视频,启发学生讲一讲哪些你认为是cute) S: The cat is cute. T: What else is cute? S: The little baby is cute. T: yeah, They are cute. They are lovely. . 如果是重点单词,需要关注拼写时 (教师拼读单词并领读:c-u-t-e)spell the word. S: c-u-t-e T:Good. cute S: cute,利用语料库获

8、得真实语境:BNC British National corpus 网址 http:/corpus.byu.edu/bnc/x.asp?w=1280&h=720 Oh I got her a lovely cute little teddy. Hello. Hello cat. Oh theyre cute arent they? Ill advertise of course they do, I mean in every golf magazine you get Eagle Golf, you get American Golf and you get Navada Bobs and

9、thats it Navada Bobs, whats Navada Bobs? oh its a cute , little, little cowboy with a big hat on called Et Navada Bob. 让学生仔细观察这些例子,总结cute 的含义 (cute: delightfully pretty and often small),http:/www.natcorp.ox.ac.uk (英国国家语料库),例2: T: Do you have a pair of trousers? S: No, I dont. T: No, I dont. Good , s

10、it down. 思考讨论:你觉得这个对话有什么问题吗?教师为何这样提问?教师想达到什么目的?学生为何这样回答?,A joke: A new teacher was trying to make use of her psychology course. So she started class by saying, “Those who think you are stupid stand up, please”. After a few seconds, little Johnny stood up. The teacher asked, “Do you think you are stu

11、pid, little Johnny?” Little Johnny answered, “No, maam, but I hate to see you standing there all by yourself!”,例3: T: I would like you to listen to the tape and answer my question. .(听录音后) T: bad weather or good weather? S: Bad weather. T: The man said “what bad weather”. Eh, it is snowing or it is

12、raining? S: Snowing T: Snowing. Will it last long? S: No,it wont. T: How do you know? S: The snow will fall today. T: yeah,later.,T: So Then I would like you to make some dialogues. For example: What bad weather. It will be hot tomorrow. Will it be hot tomorrow? Yes, it will. Understand? Ss: Yes.(学生

13、练习20秒以后) S1:What bad weather. It will be warm tomorrow. S2: Will it, Will it be warm tomorrow? S1: No ,it wont. 讨论:以上对话你发现问题了吗?你觉得问题出在哪?教师接下来应该如何引导学生?学生为何犯这样错误?,T: It will be warm tomorrow. What weather, bad or good? S:Good. T:yeah, everyone likes to have warm weather. So you can say what-(升调停顿提示) S

14、:What good weather. T: Good. Could you do the dialogue again? S1:What good weather. It will be warm tomorrow. S2: Will it, Will it be warm tomorrow? S1: Yes, it will.,启示二:从语言知识的建构方面看,基于意义之上的互动对语言知识的建构具有重要意义,单纯基于语言形式之上的假互动,具有互动的肤浅热闹,但往往强调简单重复,要加以区别和避免。,例4 T:Did you watch the weather report yesterday

15、evening? SS: No. T: I watched the weather report yesterday evening. Do you want to know the weather? S: Yes. T: You can ask me “Whats the weather like in” Here is the map of China.(教师把天气预报中常见的天气标志和一些城市的名称贴在黑板上) S: What is the weather like in Beijing? T: Its cloudy. 思考讨论:你觉着这段课堂话语教师的教学目的是什么?你觉得学生真的想了

16、解这些地方的天气吗?这样的课堂话语的情境创设有问题吗?如果你来设计,如何教授这个语言项目?,在上例中,如果说能赋予交际以更接近真实的目的,比如让你来为一个外国朋友来中国或者为自己未来的旅游进行一个天气调查,可能这样的情境更加真实。 建议三:真实情境的创设对于激发学生互动的愿望非常重要,没有沟通欲望的互动会使互动的效果大打折扣,所以要思考如何设计最真实的情境激发有意义的互动。,3. 最有效的一种互动是意义协商(meaning negotiation),那什么是意义协商,我们看一个例子: 例5: T: What was the funniest thing that happened to you

17、 at school? Tang? S: Funniest thing? T: The funniest. S1: The funniest thing I think out of school was to go to picnic. 角色扮演:假设你们在课堂中,小组里,一个人扮演老师,另一些人扮演学生, 把这个对话续说下去。,T: Go on a picnic? So what happened, what made it funny? S: Go to picnic we made playing or talking with the teacher more closely bec

18、ause in the school we have a line you know he the teacher and me the student T:-So you say there was a gap or a wall between the teacher and the students so when you- S1:-If you go out of the school you went together with more (gestures “close” with hands) T:- so you had a closer relationship outsid

19、e the classroom S: yeah (引自 McCarthy &Walsh, 2003),两人一组,角色扮演朗读下面对话: T: What happened to him ? s : He brought his leg T : Brought? What do you mean ? S : His leg was injure. T : oh broke,I see. 讨论:意义协商的意思是什么?这样的例子在我们的初中课堂中多吗?能否举例?,讨论:碰到这样一些交流不畅的时候,你如果不懂学生在讲什么,你会怎么办?你会对学生想要表达的信息进行询问吗,还是假装明白,或忽略跳过?还是直接

20、提供你的答案? 你觉得教师和学生进行意义协商的意义何在?,The teachers reflection: (反思) Theres a lot of scaffolding being done by me because I want to get it flowing, I want to encourage them, keep it moving as it was. Im clarifying to the class what hes saying because I know in an extended turn a broken turn and its not exactl

21、y fluent and its not articulate I try to reinterpret for the benefit of the class so that they all understand the point being made by the student.,Vygotsky的中介理论( Theory of Mediation) : 有效学习的关键在于儿童和中介人 (父母、老师和同伴等)之间交往互动的质量,中介者的作用在于找到帮助学习者学习的方法, 并使用工具使其进入最近发展区 ( Zone of Proximal Development) 。ZPD指比儿童现

22、有知识技能略高出一个层次, 经他人协助后可达到的水平。教师是儿童学习过程中最重要的中介者。对于教师来说, 最重要的工具就是语言。教师在课堂教学中所使用的语言对儿童的学习和思维有着重大的影响。,启示四:教师创造更多的意义协商的机会并做好中介作用,有助于发展语言的表达能力和提高学生自主的言语能力,中介作用不是替代学生做出回答,而是提供语言的试错机会,并且引导他们看到正确表达和他们语言之间的差异。,讨论:你认为现在课堂话语交流是否存在这样的一些问题和其他问题: 老师或其他同学讲话,学生没有反应。 学生听的时候不会提问。 其他学生讲话学生不注意听。 你认为我们有什么方法改进上述问题? 有哪些交际策略我

23、们应该教给学生以便他们能更好参与互动?,常见的交际策略:(案例分析:摘自英语课程标准在初中课堂教学中的应用p32-53) Listen carefully with your whole body, give feedback by nodding or saying mm-bmm Be a mirror: repeat a phrase that the speaker used to show understanding 3. Learn to paraphrase: if you dont know how to say a word, say it in a different way

24、.,4. Learn to ask questions to clarify the meaning of the speaker: such as “what”, “What was the first word you said?” “What was the meaning of the word “romantic”?” “Can you give examples?” 你在教学中是如何教会学生这样的一些交际策略?如何鼓励学生参与互动?,Mr Tao 教授以上交际策略的方法 让学生用接球(soft ball)的方式养成交流的时候注视对方的习惯,有利于学生真实的交际。 观察录像中真实生活

25、中的对话并反思策略 带着问题观察生活中的会话策略(自我调查) 运用一些游戏,比如no-name game ,接龙游戏等来训练学生提问和解释的交际策略 在练习仔细听和做出反馈的策略时,让学生轮流进行不同角色扮演:a talker, a listener, a watcher 在每时每刻的教学中运用这些交际技巧,no-name game 具体操作示范 S1:This is whatchamacalit. I use it when I make tea. S2:A cup? (注意听并提问) S3:A kettle? (注意听并提问) S1:No, you put tea in it and wa

26、it. (paraphrase) S4:Is it a teapot? S1:Yes,4. 反馈的重要作用 对内容的反馈?对语法形式反馈?,1)对形式的反馈 e.g :What is he doing? S: He is drawing a picture. T: Drawing a picture. Good ,yes. Drawing a picture. 在反馈时,教师的关注点是什么?在真实的谈话中多见吗?在初中的课堂中多见吗?,2)内容性反馈 例: T : Now , let s look at this old man.( p p t 中出现一个类似脑白金广告中老爷爷的图片) Ss:

27、 脑白金 T : 脑白金? So , what do you think of 脑白金? Ss: Famous. T : Famous. Very famous. Why is he famous? S 1: Advert. T : Pardon? S 1: Advertisement . T : OK, why do you say the advertisement ? S 1: ( 2 second pause) Advertisement make the man famous . T : Very good. He is famous because of the advertise

28、ment. Right? 讨论:这个例子中教师反馈时提了什么问题?教师的关注点在什么方面?目的是什么?这样的反馈在你们的课堂中常见吗?,例 7: T:Do you like to have more than one child? S:Maybe, its good. But things doesn t always go smooth like you think. T: What do you mean by that? S: I mean sometimes a husband and a wife dont agree each other. T: Give me an exampl

29、e, please. S: In my hometown, the wife doesnt want to have birth to a child, but the husband wants to have more than one child, and they got fight, finally they made divorced.,T: Oh, I see. If it were you, what would you do? S: I was not sure now. T: And youll get divorced with him? S: Perhaps. 在这个例

30、子中,教师是如何通过反馈推进话题的讨论?,根据swain 的观点, 大量的口语输出机会并不能保证二语习得, 学习者只有在受到外在压力(being pushed )的情况下, 即产出推动性的产出(pushed output),才可能更有效地提高二语水平。,同时教师应引导学生学习评论其他学生的有关内容的发言,What do you think of what he says,Why do you think so? Can you give your own idea about that? Can you give some examples? 针对一些口语活动,教师可以先给一个模板或进行示范,

31、 可以引导从语音语调、内容、形式、准备等各方面进行评价或给予反馈。 T:How is his report? Do you have some comments? S1:I think its good. His pronunciation is beautiful. S2:I like his report. But I find a mistake.,讨论:对于口语中出现的语法错误,你在课堂上是否纠正,什么时候纠正,由谁来纠正,你觉得纠正学生口语错误有效吗?你认为学生喜欢老师对他们的错误进行纠正吗?,例8 (work in pairs and read the following dial

32、ogue) T : What did S 1 s grandparents do for her ? S 2: N o. T : No ? (升调) S 2: He cooked - T : TH E Y cooked - (重读they) S 2: They cooked the food. T : OK , they cooked many delicious food for S 1. Now, what class did S 1 take? S 3: She take a - T : She-(停顿) S 3: ( 6 second pause) . T : She take or

33、she took ? (选择方式提示错误) S 3: She took a math class.,讨论: 1.在这个错误的纠正过程中,教师通过哪几种方式帮助学生自我纠正错误? 2.你在教学中会怎样引导学生进行自我纠正错误?你更倾向于让学生自我纠正还是老师纠错?还是同伴纠错?你觉得哪种效果好?,建议: 1. 引导更多的进行自我纠正和同伴纠正错误,能提高学生听的注意力和对语言的意识。同时促进学生参与课堂话语中的互动。 2. 根据学习的情况进行相应语法结构的聚焦纠正法,不要面面俱到。 3. 注意显性负反馈(negative feedback) 的副作用 4. 要给学生适当留一些时间来思考,适当增加

34、等待时,不要急于替学生回答。,5.反馈时,笼统的说ok,good, 对学习者的学习不能产生很好的效果,学习者更想要获得更加具体详细的反馈和进一步的讲解说明,并指出正确的表达,所以学习如何评价学生的回答或表达是很重要的话语能力。,Research task: Step 1: Watch part of the video twice and write down all the feedback the teacher gives to the class in full text. For the students answer, you can take down key words or

35、whole sentence. Step 2: Discuss the feedback in groups and complete writing it. Step 3: categorize the feedback strategies and tell their purpose.,Research task: S1: I have lots of friends. They are all warm hearted and helpful. Make great progress T: Yes, very good. S2: Go shopping with my friends

36、and talk with my friends T: Mmm S2: We have lots of happiness T: So, you mean you have the same interests and hobbies you can share with each other. S1:yes T:yes, Very good. S: act in a magical mirror T: So You act in a magical mirror. Thats so interesting.(情感支持)Thank you very much (微笑).,Unfortunate

37、ly we have lot of unhappiness. Anyone who would like to tell me about your sadness. S1: Morning exercises are very boring. T: So, Morning exercises. Good. Youre bored with it, right(升调) S2:stress T: You are faced with a lot of stress. Thank you very much. S3:make low mark T: You mean sometimes you s

38、hould have done it right, but you make mistakes. Maybe not good result.(板书) This is a common problem.,S4: mathematics T: Thats the killer to me too. So Maths is very difficult and very demanding. S5: only one class T: So its a pity right. But I guess you also have some good teachers right(升调),讨论:这里的

39、反馈都是针对内容还是语言形式?为何是这样?你认为教师反馈的策略应该分成哪几类?并且这样几类的出现频率是怎样的?,Research task: S1: I have lots of friends. They are all warm hearted and helpful. Make great progress T: Yes, very good.简单积极反馈 S2: Go shopping with my friends and talk with my friends T: Mmm S2: We have lots of happiness T: So, you mean you hav

40、e the same interests and hobbies you can share with each other.(意义协商) S2:yes T:yes, Very good.简单积极反馈 S3: act in a magical mirror T: So You act in a magical mirror.(重复学生的话) Thats so interesting.(情感支持)Thank you very much (微笑).,Research task: Unfortunately we still have lots of unhappiness. Anyone who

41、would like to tell me about your sadness. S4: Morning exercises are very boring. T: So, Morning exercise (重复学生的话) Morning exercises actually (形式纠正).Good.简单积极反馈 So youre bored with it, right(升调)重新组织学生的话语 S4:stress T: You are faced with a lot of stress.重新组织学生的话语 Thank you very much. S5:make low mark i

42、n the exams T: You mean sometimes you should have done it right, but you make mistakes. (意义协商) Maybe not good result.(板书) This is a common problem. (情感支持),S1: mathematics T: Thats the killer to me too. (情感支持) So Maths is very difficult and very demanding. (情感支持) S1: You are our English teacher but o

43、nly one class T: So its a pity right. (情感支持) But I guess you also have some good teachers (情感支持) right(升调),教师反馈策略的发现 简单积极反馈: e.g. Yes, very good 3次 意义协商: e.g. you mean you have the same interests and hobbies you can share with each other. 次 情感支持: e.g. Thats so interesting. 次 单纯重复学生的话 次 重新组织学生的话语 次 形

44、式纠正 e.g. Morning exercises actually 1次 从这位教师的反馈的数据统计中你发现什么?教师反馈时重视什么?你认为这些反馈和阅读课导入部分的教学目的吻合吗? 总体评论:反馈形式多样,情感支持的反馈比较多, 重视建立良好的互动氛围。反馈重视对内容的反馈,和学习目标有关,因为这部分导入的目的是激发对阅读主题的思考,同时阅读课的目的也是对内容的关注,对学生语言表达流畅性和思维流畅性的关注。,课堂活动指令语言存在的问题 Play the number game,课堂活动指令语言存在的问题 Task1: Work in pairs. Count from 1 to 20.

45、Each time, each one can only count one or two numbers, but not three numbers. Who gets the number 20 will be the winner.,例9: T: Anyway, so we so far talked a lot about the jobs. but Im sure there are some dream jobs in your mind. So why not hold a discussion? Four students as a group and you should

46、write down the dream job in your mind.,S: yes. T: Ok, boys and girls. Time is up. So tell me how many words, how many jobs have you got? How many? S1:my dream job is soldier, because my father is a soldier. When I see green clothes, I feel proud of him,T: OK. Do you think he is like a soldier? Yes o

47、r No? OK, good, But my question is to collect as many words as possible. S2: The first one, scientist. The second one, surgeon. 讨论:这个教师的活动指令语清楚吗?他想达到这个活动的目的是什么?是否达到这个目的?从学生的表现看学生是怎样理解这个指令的?,例10: And here, I want you to go through the passage again, and try to tick out the topics mentioned in the pas

48、sage. Understand? OK. Now, lets go. Please try to tick out all the topics mentioned in the passage. 讨论:你觉得这段活动的指令语清晰吗?教师想要学生怎么做?如果是你来设计,你会怎样讲?,一位外籍教师的任务指令: 1. Read the passage and choose five key words which are most important to understand the main idea of the passage. 2. Read the passage and find out words about feelings.,例11 Next task, were going to do is, were going to hold a debate, based on the advantage and disadvantages we have, I mean, you have come on with either in your mind or in your textbook or you have just learned, your personal experience. So the topic is, the topic, Fo


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