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1、教学内容总第九课时(Unit 3 Story time)主备人: 审核人: 教学目标1.学生通过学习能够理解Story time的内容,并能够有感情朗读。2.学生通过学习能够听懂、会说、会读单词pen, pencil, pencil case .3.学生通过学习能够听懂、会说、会读日常用语和句型:Is this/that your ? Yes, it is . / No, it isnt .4.学生通过各种合作学习,培养合作学习的意识,并能够大胆用英语表达,激发学习兴趣。教学重难点1.学生通过学习能够理解Story time的内容,并能够有感情朗读。2.学生通过学习能够听懂、会说、会读单词pe

2、n, pencil, pencil case .3.学生通过学习能够听懂、会说、会读日常用语和句型:Is this/that your ? Yes, it is . / No, it isnt .教学方法情境教学法,游戏教学法,全身反应法学法指导本节课教学优化故事语言呈现方式,以阅读策略引导训练为主线,动画参与互动增强趣味性和表演的环节展示,促进学生自我建构和输出语言的能力。教学准备1.教具:文具2.写好课题 Unit 3多媒体运用PPT教学时间40分钟教 学 过 程 教 师 活 动学 生 活 动集体智慧Before class 1. show the aims2. can you read

3、these words?Step 1 Warming up1. Greetings2. Free talkStep 2 Presentation and practice1.In the library,we dont 2.Magic eyes If you know the words or picture,please read them loudly.If you dont know the words or picture,clap your hands twice.3.learn the new words4.Guessing gameFour boxes1) Teach: Is t

4、his a ?S: Is this a ?(前两幅学生一起猜测,最后的,学生pair work)2) Teach: Is that ?S: Is this a ?T: Its far away from you . So you can say : Is that a ?S: Is that a ?(前两幅学生一起猜测,最后的,学生pair work)3) Teach: Yes, it is. / No, it isnt.T: Can you answer ?T: Is that a ?T: Yes or no? If you think it is ,you can say Yes, it

5、is . But if you dont think so, you can say No, it isnt.T: Is that a pen ?S: Yes, it is. Its a pen .( Teach: pen, 同法教学:pencil )T: The last picture, please guess with you partners.S1: Is that a ?S2: Yes, it is . / No, it isnt 2. Story time1) Lead inT:whos he?Is this Mikes pencil?( 出示Story time 中迈克手拿铅笔

6、的图片)2) Watch and answer:T: Is this Mikes pencil ? (出示第一幅图片)S: No, it isnt.T: So Mike says : This isnt my pencil .(教师指导朗读)3) Listen and underlineT: Who helps Mike ?S: Liu Tao and Yang Ling .T: What do they say ?S: Is this your pencil ? Is that your pencil ?Teach: Is this / that your pencil ?T: No, th

7、ey are not Mikes pencil .Where is the pencil ?(出示最后一幅图片)Find the sentence and read loudlyS: Oh, thats my pencil .( Teach: thats = that is )4) Lets read .a. Read after the computer/teacherb. Read after the teacherc. Read together5) Fun time(出示书上的图片,打乱顺序,排序,并带着学生说说这个故事)Step 3 Production and consolidat

8、ionT: Mike cant find his stationery . Lets help him .( 出示两幅图片pen , pencil case )T: I am Mike . Who can help me ?S: I can .T: This isnt my pencil .S: Is this your pencil ? T: No , it isnt .S: Is that your pencil ? T: No, it isnt . Oh , thats my pencil.(学生两人小组,模仿对话)T: Mike is careless . He losts his p

9、encil . We must take good care of our things .Step 5 Homework1. Copy the new words . 2. Read Story time after the tape 3 times.3.Prepare for Fun time and checkout time,通过Free talk,热身游戏的形式激发孩子的兴趣。 学生学习新单词 ,通过多种朗读形式学习和练习单词的发音。如:集体跟读,小组读,个别读,领读等。每次用时1分钟。利用活动巩固新词的朗读进行复习。用时5分钟。充分运用多媒体课件,展示对话场面,学生在形象生动的语境

10、中听、说、读、练,各种感官都充分调动起来,听、说、读等各种能力都得到提高。课外即是真正的生活,生活情景是现实存在的,无须创设。家庭作业除了布置学生模仿听录音跟读对话外,还布置他们表演对话,培养学生的语感。并让他们运用所学的句型去介绍他们的房子或者学校,把所学的英语延伸到课外.板书设计Unit 3 Is this your pencil?Is this/ that your? penYes,it is. pencilNo,it isnt. ruler crayon作业设计 导学案(学案)一、课堂练习(8-10分钟)1、认读pen / pencil/ ruler/ crayon2、能听懂、会说、会

11、读、会运用句型:Is this/ that your? Yes,it is. No,it isnt. 二、课后巩固(20-40分钟)听磁带,复习Story time,做到:1.熟读至背诵。2.准备单词的默写。3、 新知预习(5-10分钟)Try to read Fun time and Checkout time教后记教学内容总第十课时(Unit 3 Fun time &Sound time )主备人:审核人:教学目标1.学生通过复习能够更好掌握Story time ,能够有感情朗读,并会表演。2.学生通过学习能够听懂、会说、会读单词:crayon, ruler, rubber, school

12、bag.3.学生通过复习能够更好运用句型:Is this / that a ? Is this /that your ? Yes, it is . / No, it isnt .4.学生通过学习能够养成良好的书写习惯。教学重难点1.学生通过复习能够更好掌握Story time ,能够有感情朗读,并会表演。2.学生通过学习能够听懂、会说、会读单词:crayon, ruler, rubber, schoolbag.3.学生通过复习能够更好运用句型:Is this / that a ? Is this /that your ? Yes, it is . / No, it isnt .教学方法探究学习

13、、归纳、任务阅读、角色表演学法指导以动画参与互动增强趣味性和表演的环节展示。发挥群体合作学习的优势,玩学结合,动静结合,在具体语言环境中输出语言。教学准备1.教具:多媒体板书:2.写好课题 Unit 3 Is this your pencil?多媒体运用PPT教学时间40分钟教 学 过 程 教 师 活 动学 生 活 动集体智慧Before class : -Can you tell me what this is ?Which one is Mikes pencil?How to ask?Step 1 Warming up 1. Greetings 2. Free talk教师带来的东西sch

14、oolbag, crayon , pencil case,走到学生中间,让学生去猜S: Is this a ?T: Yes, it is . / No, it isntS: Is that a pencil ?T: Yes, it is .Whose pencil ?S: Mikes .3. Sound time 1) Teach r /r/ Look ! A red robot (学生看图填空)S: A red robot has a ruler and rubber .T: Great ! Look at these words . What can you find ? S: 学生可用中

15、文表达T: Yes ! They all have letter r . How to pronounce ?S: /r/T: Teach/r/2) Lets read a. Ss read the words b. Read the sentence after the computer c. Practice by themselves and check d. Read in different ways Read it happily /sadly/ a robotf. have a competition (Groups)g. Find more wordsStep 2 Revisi

16、on 1) 复习Story time a.一幅幅说一说T: Is this Mikes pencil ?S: No, it isnt .T: So he says S: This isnt my pencil .T: Liu Tao helps him .What does he say ?S: Is this your pencil ?T: No, it isnt . Yang Ling helps him , too . What does he say ?S: Is that your pencil ?T; No, its not Mikes . Look! Mike finds his

17、 pencil . He saysS: Oh, thats my pencil .b. Act the story Tips: 1. Read together in your group 2. Try to act Step 3 Presentation and practice1. Can you read?S: Is this a ?T: Yes, it is . / No, it isntLearn these new words: pencil case / schoolbag2. Fun time 1) 示范游戏T: After drawing pictures ,they pla

18、y a game . Do you want to play this game ?S: Yes.T: Who want to play this game with me ?(2) RulesT: Before playing this game, lets know the rules .【Step1. Close your eyes.Step2. Put one stationery in the basket.Step3. Guess. 】T: You can ask like this : Liu Tao , is this your ?3) Play the game in gro

19、ups4) Check2. Checkout time T: After playing the game . Its time to go home . The students are packing their schoolbags . 1) 一幅幅讲解Picture1T: This is Liu Taos schoolbag . What are they ? Lets say. Who want to be Liu Tao ?S: This is my That is / Thats my This is my schoolbag . Thats is my pencil .Pict

20、ure2T: Who wants to be Yang Ling / Mike ?S1: Is this your ruler?S2: No, it isnt.Picture 3T: Who wants to be Su Hai/ Wang Bing ?S1: Is that your rubber ?S2: Yes, it is .2) Writing down 教师打开实物投影,一幅幅进行书写指导,让学生明确书上的线,相当于四线三格的第三条线,注意书写的知道,大小写等。Step 4. Consolidation and production T: School is over. The s

21、tudents are going home. But there are some things lost in the playground. Lets help them to find their owners.Three picturesPicture1 (教师带领学生找失主)Picture2&3: pair work 【Useful sentences:Look at theHow nice! / Its great.Is this/that your ?This isnt my Here you are.Thank you .】T: Dont forget this or tha

22、t. Please take care of your things.Step5. Homework1. Read the words.2. Find the owners. 3.Prepare for Cartoontime Rhyme time and Sound time.用自由对话的形式,拓展孩子思维,复习祈使句,用时3分钟。语音教学部分1. 学生读一读语音部分罗列的单词,自己感受下,字母r在单词中的发音。用时1分钟。2.在老师的带领下读一读字母r的发音/r/,采用个别读,集体读的形式,用时2分钟。学生朗读Story time ,并且进行朗读表演,复习新学的句型。用时3分钟。教师先请班

23、级中的三位学生与自己一起来玩这个游戏生活中经常发生丢失东西的事,让学生学以致用,帮助别人,充满成就感。作业除了用于巩固本课新学内容外,关注培养学生的自主预习的习惯。用时2分钟板书设计 Unit3 Is this your pencil ?schoolbag Is this/that a ? Yes, it is .pencil case Is this / that your ? No, it isnt .crayon rubber作业设计 导学案(学案)一、课堂练习(8-10分钟)1、认读pencil case /schoolbag/crayon.2、能快速用Yes,it is. No, i

24、t isnt来回答Is this/that a/your .?的提问。二、课后巩固(20-40分钟)1.能用这个句子寻找物品的主人2.能够默写四会单词3、 新知预习(5-10分钟)听磁带,预习Sound time Rhyme time和Cartoon time,做到尽量读熟 教后记教学内容总第十一课时(Unit 3 Cartoon time&Rhyme time )主备人:审核人:教学目标1.学生通过学习能够听懂、会说和会读句型:Wheres your lunch box? Its over there . 2.学生通过学习能有感情模仿朗读Cartoon time部分,并能体会其中的趣味性。3

25、.学生通过学生能够正确朗读字母“r”的发音。4.学生通过学习能正确朗读小诗A ruler。5.培养学生的合作意识,积极运用所学语言参与活动,积极发言,提高英语学习兴趣。教学重难点1.学生通过学习能够听懂、会说和会读句型:Wheres your lunch box? Its over there . 2.学生通过学习能有感情模仿朗读Cartoon time部分,并能体会其中的趣味性。3.学生通过学生能够正确朗读字母“r”的发音。4.学生通过学习能正确朗读小诗A ruler。教学方法情景教学方法、表演、演示法教学准备1.教具:卡通头饰2.写好课题 Unit3 Is this your pencil

26、 ?多媒体运用PPT教学时间40分钟教 学 过 程 教 师 活 动学 生 活 动集体智慧Before class1. Can you spell the words?pen/pencil/pencil caseruler/rubber/crayonStep 1 Warming up 1. Greetings 2. Free talk Step 2 Revision1. 复习句型:Is this / that a ? Yes, it is. / No, it isnt.T: We have some beautiful and special stationery in our life. I

27、like them very much. Do you like them?S: Yes.T: What are they? Lets guess.2. Lets guess: Is this a ?T: Look ! Whats this? Can you guess?S: Is this a ?3. Lets guess: Is that a ?T: Look ! Whats that ? Guess?S: Is that ?(师通过一步步提示,让学生来猜测)Step 2 Presentation and practice1. Game time2. Rhyme time 1) Teach

28、 : on the floor / beside the door T: Look ! Thats a ruler . Its beside the door . (Teach: beside the door ) Its on the floor . (Teach: on the floor , 由door教学)Is that your ruler ?(师问两个学生)S: No, it isnt .T: Whose ruler is it ? Now lets listen .Whose ruler is it ?S: Its Mr Fullers .(Teach: Mr Fuller )2

29、)Learn the rhyme a. Learn the rhyme (一句句跟读,学习小诗,Teach: just )b. Say the rhyme together (跟着齐说)c. 了解韵脚 T: Pay attention the these letters in red . What can you find.Read tips:朗读时注意韵脚和节奏d. Clap and say T: Lets clap and say the rhyme . First look and listen to me . OK ?T: Now follow me please .T: Please

30、 practice with your partners T: Lets have a competition . Boys VS girls .3. Cartoon time 1) Lead in and teach: lunch box T: We know how to pronounce letter R . Lets enjoy a song . Its a lovely mouse . Do you remember our friends , a little mouse .S: Bobby !T: Yes, Bobby and Sam . We like them very m

31、uch .T: What happened last time ? Lets look back .T: What will happen this time ? Please look at these pictures . What is this story about ? Please look at these pictures . What can you find in each picture ?S: Lunch box .(Teach)2)一幅幅学习讲讲Picture 1 :T: Look ! This is a lunch box . What does Sam say t

32、o his Mum ?S: Is this my lunch box ?T: Is this Sams lunch box ?S: Yes, it is .T: How do you know ?S:学生观察图片,Sam 妈妈的表情(Lets read it .T: Sams mother Ss: Sam 指导朗读)Picture 2T: Its 12 oclock . Its time for lunch . Listen the bell is ringing . This is Bobbys lunch box .(引导学生一起说)T: But wheres Sams ? How doe

33、s Bobby ask ? Do you know ?S: Wheres your lunch box ? ( Teach: where wheres = where is Wheres your lunch box ? )Lets watch and answer .S: Its over there .( Teach : wherethere over over there )朗读指导Picture 4T: Sam opens his lunch box. Hes so happy. Bobby want to know whats in it. How does he ask ? Do

34、you know ?S: What is it ?Teach: What is it ?T: Bobby is very curious (好奇的). Can you read it curiously ?S:学生朗读,朗读指导,读出好奇的语气Picture 5T: What is it ?S: Cakes !T: Sam is so happy . Can you read happily ?S: (学生朗读,开心的语气)Picture6T: Sam is sharing the cake with Bobby . What does Sam say ?S: This is for you

35、Bobby .T: But does Bobby like the cake ? Why ? Go on watching the cartoon and tell me .S: 学生可以用中文来说一说T: How does Bobby say this sentence ? Who can try ?S: (指导学生朗读)T: If you are Bobby, will you eat the cake ? Why ?S: 鼓励学生说出自己的想法3) Lets read Read after the computerRead after the computer Read together

36、4) Lets dub Choose three students Dub together 5) Lets actT: Lets act. Three in a group . First, read it together. And then try to act. Look at the pictures. They can help you. Two minutes to prepare.Check .Step 4.Production and consolidation 1. Which part do you like best ? Why ?We have finished Un

37、it 3 today . Story time .2. What did you get from this Unit ?3.Ticking time Who gets nine stars You did a very good .Who get six stars So try your best and come onStep5. Homework1. Show your rhyme to your friends. (把你的小诗展现给你的朋友欣赏)2. Read and act the cartoon with your partner. (和你的同伴读和表演卡通)Ss:Good mo

38、rning/afternoon,Miss .S1:Good morning/afternoon,Miss .Guessing game is welcome.学生都乐于参与老师需准备多几个盒子,让更多的学生参与进来学生第一遍欣赏小诗,预习的同学可以跟读,熟练后,可表演小诗。 带着问题看动画,效果会好 Pencil case Pencil box Lunch box由旧知与新知联系起来记忆会变得简单些here - there让学生仔细观察图片,找出重点的内容或有趣的地方。表演时尽量夸大学生的优点来表扬。让学生的表演变得夸张有趣。自评和互评相结合,达到准确的自我认识。作业除了用于巩固本课新学内容外

39、,关注培养学生的自主预习的习惯。用时1分钟。板书设计 Unit 3 Is this your pencil ?lunch boxWheres your lunch box ? beside the door =Where is on the floor Its over there .What is it ? r /r/作业设计 导学案(学案)1、 课堂练习(8-10分钟)1、r发成/r/的单词2、完成课课练部分练习二、课后巩固(20-40分钟)1.能够会说,会唱Sound time 和Rhyme time.2.能够默写四会单词,背诵两个课文三、新知预习(5-10分钟)预习快乐英语第一单元,划

40、出重点单词,词组和句子。 教后记教学内容总第十二课时(Unit 3 Review and check)主备人:审核人:教学目标1. 熟练掌握文具类单词。2. 熟练掌握句型:This isnt my pencil. Is this /that your pencil? Yes, it is. No, it isnt.3. 通过练习掌握本单元知识。教学重难点通过练习掌握本单元知识。教学方法听写检测、故事汇报、练习、角色扮演 学法指导让学生体验故事表演的快乐,以集中性练习为核心,关注学生听说读写技能的发展,在小组活动中促进学情的交流与综合评价。教学准备图片、PPT 、补充习题多媒体运用PPT教学时间

41、40分钟教 学 过 程 教 师 活 动学 生 活 动集体智慧Step1 Greetings and warm up1. Greetings.2. Game time: Magic eyes. (看到图片说单词,看到单词读出来并拼一拼,看到炸弹说Bomb!)Step 2 Revision1. Lets guess and act2. Brain stormRuler/rubber/pen/pencil/bag/schoolbag/crayon3. Play a game(连词成句)Is that a pencil?Where is my lunch box?Its over there.4. 小

42、熊闯关(3 tasks)a. Happy trainb. Lets dubc. Work in pairsStep 3 Have a test1. 小小翻译家 2. 情景问答Step 4 SummaryStep 5 Practice参照教师用书中补充习题教学建议,指导学生完成本单元练习。听力题不仅仅局限于补充习题教参上的要求,还可以让学生对于每道题目说说自己的理解,发挥自己的想象力,编小故事。不会说的就用汉语表达,尽量用英语说。1.Listen and number.2.Listen and march.3.Look and say.4.Read and march.5.Find and write.Step 6 Ticking time 指导学生结合练习情况,对本单元的学习作自我评价。Step 7 Homework1. 听录音,背诵story time和cartoon time的课文。2. 准备默写词汇表单词。通过Free talk,热身游戏的形式激发孩子的兴趣。Ss:Try to recite the dialogue together. Work in groups, act it out.通过游戏复习词汇,短语和句子。(提醒学生注意认真观察图画,找出


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