Unit 1 Starting out — Understanding ideas 单词课堂(ppt课件)-2022新外研版(2019)《高中英语》选择性必修第三册.pptx

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Unit 1 Starting out — Understanding ideas 单词课堂(ppt课件)-2022新外研版(2019)《高中英语》选择性必修第三册.pptx_第1页
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Unit 1 Starting out — Understanding ideas 单词课堂(ppt课件)-2022新外研版(2019)《高中英语》选择性必修第三册.pptx_第2页
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Unit 1 Starting out — Understanding ideas 单词课堂(ppt课件)-2022新外研版(2019)《高中英语》选择性必修第三册.pptx_第3页
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Unit 1 Starting out — Understanding ideas 单词课堂(ppt课件)-2022新外研版(2019)《高中英语》选择性必修第三册.pptx_第4页
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Unit 1 Starting out — Understanding ideas 单词课堂(ppt课件)-2022新外研版(2019)《高中英语》选择性必修第三册.pptx_第5页
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1、版本:新外研版本:新外研单元:选择性必修三单元:选择性必修三 Unit 1(Starting out Understanding ideas)单单词词课课堂堂1.self-critical复合形容词:self-(自身的)+critical(adj 批判的)2.enlargeen-(to make 使)+large(adj 大的)同前缀词:enable,endanger,ensure 词块:enlarge ones vocabulary 3.jawline合成词:jaw(n 下巴)+line(n 线、轮廓)4.boost基本义:使增长;词块:boost ones confidence5.obse

2、ssiveobsess(vt 着魔、痴迷)+-ive(形容词后缀)6.pretendpre-(before 前)+tend(to stretch 伸展)在众人面前伸展,做样子 假装词块:pretend to do sth,pretend(to sb)that 本单元词汇梳理本单元词汇梳理7.misjudgemis-(错误地)+judge(vt 判断)同前缀词:mistake,misuse,misunderstand8.lipstick合成词:lip(n 嘴唇)+stick(n 棍、棒)9.identicalident(the same 相同)+-ical(形容词后缀)词块:be identic

3、al to/with sb/sth词族:identity,identify,identical,identification 10.dormitory 截短词:dorm11.roomate合成词:room(n 房间)+mate(n 同伴;同事;一同居住的人)拓展:classmate,workmate,teammate,playmate,flatmate12.makeover make+over(联系短语动词 make sth over 改造;修饰;彻底改变形象)13.overlookover-(上面)+look(v 看)往上看以至于没看见(眼前的)忽略14.bother词块:bother(sb

4、)with/about sth,(not)bother to do sth派生词:bothered(cant be bothered to do sth)15.skinnyskin(n 皮肤)+-y(充满的)比较级:skinnier;最高级:skinniest16.acknowledge ac-(处于)+knowledge (知道)处于知道的状态 承认(基本义)词块:be acknowledged as派生词:acknowledgement boost重重难难点点词词精精讲讲bother熟词生义熟词生义英语释义英语释义搭配义搭配义acknowledgepretend一词多义一词多义英语释义英语

5、释义前缀前缀over-自2013年初,adidas公司发布了Ultra Boost系列跑鞋,boost就成为了最火的球鞋缓震科技。boost是一种发泡材料,柔软舒适且回弹迅速,让人在跑步时的每一次落地、蹬地都能感受到十足的弹性,就像被源源不断的能量推动推动着前进。而这一特点,恰恰与单词boost的本身含义密切相关。boost vt 使增长;使兴旺;促进:使增长;使兴旺;促进:Each“like”boosts my confidence.Researches have shown that smiling can lower blood pressure,reduce stress and bo

6、ost happiness.The new resort area has boosted tourism.n C常用单数增长;帮助;激励:常用单数增长;帮助;激励:a great/tremendous/welcome boost基本义:使增长基本义:使增长pretend vt&vi 假装;装作:假装;装作:Whats the good of pretending?pretend to do sth:When his mother came in,he pretended to be doing his homework.pretend(to sb)+(that)从句从句:He pretend

7、ed to his family that everything was fine.pretend构词:pre-(before 前)+tend(to stretch 伸展)在众人面前伸展,做样子 假装bother v vi&vt 常用于否定句和疑问句常用于否定句和疑问句 费心;麻烦费心;麻烦 to spend time and/or energy doing sth:He didnt bother to answer the question.I need to advertise for a roommate for next term.Why bother?Mary is interest

8、ed.vt 使烦恼;使苦恼使烦恼;使苦恼(worry);使疼痛;使疼痛 to annoy,worry or upset sb;to cause sb trouble or pain:You neednt bother yourself about/with small things.My wrist has been bothering me.vt 打扰打扰 to interrupt sb(trouble):Dont bother me while Im reading.Sorry to bother you,but the manager is on the line.bothered ad

9、j不用于名词前担心的;烦恼的不用于名词前担心的;烦恼的cant be bothered to do sth 懒得做某事;嫌麻烦不懒得做某事;嫌麻烦不做某事:做某事:My older brother couldnt be bothered to play with me.2020 浙江爱读英文小说的同学们,一定对图片上的话不陌生。这是英国著名小说家简奥斯汀(Jane Austen)所著的长篇小说傲慢与偏见(Pride and Prejudice)的开篇第一句,译成中文是:凡是有钱的单身汉,总想娶位太太,这已经成了一条举世公认公认的道理。acknowledgeacknowledge构词:构词:ac

10、-(处于)+knowledge(知道)处于知道的状态 承认(基本义)acknowledge vt 承认承认 to accept or admit that sth is true or exists:acknowledge ones error He is acknowledged as/to be one of the greatest pianists.They acknowledged(to us)that they were defeated.“承认承认”某事的真实性,比某事的真实性,比admit正式正式 向向打招呼;对打招呼;对做出反应做出反应 to show that you ha

11、ve seenor noticed sb/sth or received sth:I was standing right next to her,but she didnt even acknowledge me.He acknowledged the greeting with a nod.(公开公开)感谢感谢 to publicly express thanks for help you have been given:I should like to acknowledge all the help I have received from my family.“承认承认”注意到某人注

12、意到某人 /某物某物公开公开“承认承认”获得他人的帮助获得他人的帮助acknowledgement n C&U 承认;确认;承认;确认;常用复数常用复数 鸣谢鸣谢有些英文书的正文前或正文后有一页Acknowledgements,可翻译成“致谢;感谢;鸣谢”。【词汇拓展词汇拓展】承认承认acknowledge(基本义)(基本义)向向打招呼;打招呼;对对做出反应做出反应承认承认“承认承认”某事是对的某事是对的或者存在的或者存在的“承认承认”看到某人看到某人或某物或某物acknowledge语义网络图语义网络图“承认承认”获得别人获得别人的帮助的帮助(公开)感谢(公开)感谢选出前缀选出前缀over-

13、的含义,并写出画线词的汉语释义。的含义,并写出画线词的汉语释义。1.The neighbors in the upstairs flat can overlook our garden._ _2.Do not overload the electrical system by using too many machines at once._ _3.He was paid for the overtime he worked._ _4.Although I am wearing an overcoat,I am still cold._ _5.It is unusual to see many

14、 birds flying overhead in the summertime._ _6.You may drink,smoke,be overweight and still reduce your risk of dying early by running.(2018 全国)_ _前缀前缀 over-a.过多;过于;过分过多;过于;过分 b.在上面;横越在上面;横越 c.外面的;覆盖的外面的;覆盖的 d.额外的额外的b俯瞰俯瞰a使超量负载使超量负载d加班加班c大衣大衣b在头顶上方在头顶上方a超重的超重的本单元金句汇总本单元金句汇总1.When his mother came in,he

15、 pretended to be doing his homework.2.You neednt bother yourself about/with small things.3.My older brother couldnt be bothered to play with me.2020 浙江4.He is acknowledged as/to be one of the greatest pianists.5.I should like to acknowledge all the help I have received from my family.随堂检测随堂检测写出下列句子中

16、画线部分的汉语释义。写出下列句子中画线部分的汉语释义。1.This new technique will boost food production._ 2.The publication of this book boost my confidence._ 3.We need a holiday to boost our spirits._ 4.This will be a great boost to the economy._5.Getting the job gave him a terrific(极好的)boost._ boost提高提高增强增强激发激发进步进步鼓舞鼓舞pretend

17、一、一、在空白处填入在空白处填入1个个适当适当的的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。单词或括号内单词的正确形式。1.Miss Harper closed her eyes and _(pretend)to be asleep.(2010 陕西)2.I carried around a book and pretended _(be)reading.3.He pretended _ his family that everything was fine.二、翻译下列句子二、翻译下列句子。1.不要不懂装懂。_ 2.他假装不知道那件事。_ 3.我们假装什么事情也没发生。_ pretendedto beto

18、Dont pretend to know when you dont.We pretended(that)nothing had happened.He pretends to know nothing about it.bother写出下列句子中画线部分的汉语释义。写出下列句子中画线部分的汉语释义。1.Ill go to the post office to mail this parcel to Ann.Why bother?Ill see her at dinner this evening._2.Im afraid you have the wrong number.Sorry!I h

19、ope I didnt bother you.()_3.Around two oclock every night,Sue will start talking in her dream.It somewhat bothers us.()_4.Why bother to go abroad,when there are so many nice places here at home?_5.If a lot of people say a film is not good,I wont bother to see it.(_6.Dont bother your father about it

20、now;hes very tired._不必麻烦不必麻烦打扰打扰使烦恼使烦恼何必出国何必出国懒得去看懒得去看别拿这事打扰你父亲别拿这事打扰你父亲acknowledge一、写出下列句子中画线部分的汉语释义。一、写出下列句子中画线部分的汉语释义。1.He waved,acknowledging the applause._2.He acknowledges that when hes tired he gets bad-tempered._3.We wish to acknowledge the support of the university._二、二、在空白处填入在空白处填入1 1个个适当适

21、当的的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。单词或括号内单词的正确形式。1.It is widely _(acknowledge)that students should be evaluated in terms of overall quality.2.The film festival is acknowledged _ an event of international importance.3.She is usually acknowledged _(be)one of our best artists.对对做出回应做出回应承认承认感谢感谢asto beacknowledged写出下列句子中

22、画线部分的汉语释义。写出下列句子中画线部分的汉语释义。1.This new technique will boost food production._ 2.The publication of this book boost my confidence._ 3.We need a holiday to boost our spirits._ 4.This will be a great boost to the economy._5.Getting the job gave him a terrific(极好的)boost._ boost提高提高增强增强激发激发进步进步鼓舞鼓舞pretend

23、一、一、在空白处填入在空白处填入1个个适当适当的的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。单词或括号内单词的正确形式。1.Miss Harper closed her eyes and _(pretend)to be asleep.(2010 陕西)2.I carried around a book and pretended _(be)reading.3.He pretended _ his family that everything was fine.二、翻译下列句子二、翻译下列句子。1.不要不懂装懂。_ 2.他假装不知道那件事。_ 3.我们假装什么事情也没发生。_ pretendedto beto

24、Dont pretend to know when you dont.We pretended(that)nothing had happened.He pretends to know nothing about it.bother写出下列句子中画线部分的汉语释义。写出下列句子中画线部分的汉语释义。1.Ill go to the post office to mail this parcel to Ann.Why bother?Ill see her at dinner this evening._2.Im afraid you have the wrong number.Sorry!I h

25、ope I didnt bother you._3.Around two oclock every night,Sue will start talking in her dream.It somewhat bothers us._4.Why bother to go abroad,when there are so many nice places here at home?_5.If a lot of people say a film is not good,I wont bother to see it._6.Dont bother your father about it now;h

26、es very tired._不必麻烦不必麻烦打扰打扰使烦恼使烦恼何必出国何必出国懒得去看懒得去看别拿这事打扰你父亲别拿这事打扰你父亲acknowledge一、写出下列句子中画线部分的汉语释义。一、写出下列句子中画线部分的汉语释义。1.He waved,acknowledging the applause._2.He acknowledges that when hes tired he gets bad-tempered._3.We wish to acknowledge the support of the university._二、二、在空白处填入在空白处填入1 1个个适当适当的的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。单词或括号内单词的正确形式。1.It is widely _(acknowledge)that students should be evaluated in terms of overall quality.2.The film festival is acknowledged _ an event of international importance.3.She is usually acknowledged _(be)one of our best artists.对对做出回应做出回应承认承认感谢感谢asto beacknowledged谢谢谢谢观观赏赏


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