2022新北师大版(2019)《高中英语》必修第一册Unit 3 被动语态 The Passive(ppt课件).pptx

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1、1.Spring Festival _ highly _(value)by every Chinese family.2.First,the house _(clean)from top to bottom.3.Next,the Chinese character Fu _(attach)upside down to our front door.4.It _(believe)that when Fu _(put)upside down,happiness arrives.5.Fireworks _(let off)across the city,suddenly lighting up th

2、e night sky.6.Every year,the moment I get on the train,I _(surround)by Shanxi accents 7.The tickets or flights _(book)as early as possible.is valued was cleanedwas attachedis believedis putwere being let offam surroundedgo Ready?have to be bookedFill in the blanks.Focus on Focus on 基本用法基本用法1.概念概念2.用

3、法用法3.结构结构4.注意注意被动被动语态语态语态语态是动词的一种形式,它表示句子的是动词的一种形式,它表示句子的主语和主语和谓语动词谓语动词之间的关系。语态通常分为之间的关系。语态通常分为主动语态主动语态和和被动语态被动语态。Many people speak English.动作执行者动作执行者动作动作动作接受者动作接受者动作执行者动作执行者动作动作动作接受者动作接受者English is spoken by many people.ActivePassiveSituation 1:We dont know or dont need to know who performed the ac

4、tion(不知道也不不知道也不需要知道谁做的这件事需要知道谁做的这件事):It is believed that when Fu is put upside down Situation 2:The“doer”is obvious(“动作执动作执行者行者”显而易见显而易见):The house was cleaned from top to bottom.Situation 3:The action itself is more important than“doer”,or we dont want to tell who performed the action(动作本身比动作本身比“动作

5、执行者动作执行者”更重要,或不想说出谁做的这更重要,或不想说出谁做的这件事件事):The spirit of the festival the spirit of family has largely been kept.Situation 4:In writing,especially in scientific and technical reports and newspaper articles,the passive is more formal than the active(在书面语中,在书面语中,特别是在科技报告和新闻报道中,被动语态比主动语特别是在科技报告和新闻报道中,被动语

6、态比主动语态更正式态更正式):Every country was allowed to design their own Euro coins which could be used in any of the participating countries.The International Space Station has been built in the Earths orbit.被动语态的结构被动语态的结构 1.The house was cleaned from top to bottom.2.It is believed that when Fu is put upside d

7、own,happiness arrives.3.The spirit of the festival the spirit of family has largely been kept.谓语动词谓语动词 be(not)+past participle1.Teenagers should be allowed to go shopping.2.Tables can be made of stones.3.Train tickets or flights have to be booked as early as possible.含情态动词的被动语态:含情态动词的被动语态:情态动词情态动词sh

8、ould/can/must+be+past participle主要体现在主要体现在bebe的变化上,其形式与系动词的变化上,其形式与系动词bebe的变化形式的变化形式完全一样。以完全一样。以为例,列表如下:为例,列表如下:一般现在时:一般现在时:am/is/are+given am/is/are+given 一般过去时:一般过去时:was/were+given was/were+given 一般将来时:一般将来时:shall/will+be+given shall/will+be+given 现在进行时:现在进行时:am/is/are+being+givenam/is/are+being+g

9、iven 现在完成时:现在完成时:have/has+been+givenhave/has+been+given 过去完成时:过去完成时:had+been+given had+been+given 过去进行时:过去进行时:was/were+being+givenwas/were+being+given 过去将来时:过去将来时:should/would+be+givenshould/would+be+given 各时态中被动语态的构成各时态中被动语态的构成 1.不及物动词或动词短语无被动语态(即多数不及物动词或动词短语无被动语态(即多数的瞬间动词)的瞬间动词):appear,die,disappe

10、ar,end,fail,happen,last,lie,remain,sit,spread,stand,take place,break out,come out,come about.The price has been risen.()The price has risen.()The accident was happened last week.()The accident happened last week.()TFFT2.系动词无被动语态(系动词无被动语态(“keep”除外):除外):appear,become,fall,feel,get,grow,look,remain,see

11、m,smell,sound,stay,taste,turn.It sounds good.()It is sounded good.()TF3.有些动词常跟相关副词连用,以主动形式表有些动词常跟相关副词连用,以主动形式表被动含义被动含义:lock(锁锁),wash(洗洗),sell(卖卖),read(读读),wear(穿穿),blame(责备责备),ride(乘坐乘坐),write(写写).Glass breaks easily.The car rides smoothly.The book sells well.4.动名词主动形式表示被动意义动名词主动形式表示被动意义:在在need,requ

12、ire,want(需要需要)等动词后,表示某物等动词后,表示某物(人人)要进行要进行处理时,后接动名词一般式的主动处理时,后接动名词一般式的主动形式作宾语表示被动意义,相当于不定式的被动形式作宾语表示被动意义,相当于不定式的被动式。例如:式。例如:be worth 后接动名词的主动式表示被动意义后接动名词的主动式表示被动意义This sentence needs improving.His suggestion is not worth considering.5.在一些固定句型中常用被动语态:在一些固定句型中常用被动语态:It is said that It is reported that

13、 It is hoped that It is well known that It is believed that It must be pointed out that It is believed that the three missing sailors have drowned.It is well known that China is a great country with a long history.6.注意区别被动语态与系表结构:注意区别被动语态与系表结构:被动语态表示动作,句子主语是该动作的承被动语态表示动作,句子主语是该动作的承受者,受者,V-ed表示动作;而系表

14、结构表示状态,表示动作;而系表结构表示状态,说明主语的特点或所处的状态。说明主语的特点或所处的状态。The long novel was written by Mr.Lu Xun in the 1920s.The long novel is well written,isnt it?The glass was broken by his little son yesterday.Look,the glass is broken!Who broke it?被动语态被动语态被动语态被动语态系表结构系表结构系表结构系表结构注注:另附另附word文文档,点此链接档,点此链接:Fill in the b

15、lanks with the right form of the words given.1.I _(give)a new book by my father on my birthday.2.English _(find)very useful.3.The flowers _(water)by them now.4.The railway _ already _(build).5.Rice _(grow)in the south of the States.was given is found are being wateredhas been built is grown:Translat

16、ion.1.禁止吸烟。禁止吸烟。_2.The house _(正在上油漆正在上油漆).3.The flames _(能看到能看到)several miles away.4.昨天,乔治被选为班长而非亨利。昨天,乔治被选为班长而非亨利。John _ president of the class instead of Harry yesterday.5.核能已被我们用来发电。核能已被我们用来发电。Nuclear energy _ _ by us.6.到去年年底他们已建造了三艘船。到去年年底他们已建造了三艘船。By last December three ships _ _.Smoking is no

17、t permitted.is being paintedcould be seenwas electedhas been used to produceelectricityhad been built by them:Complete this radio news report using the passive form of the verbs in brackets.Good afternoon.The lunch-time news today(1)_(report)by John Howard.The Prime Minister has visited a primary sc

18、hool in Ipswich where he(2)_(welcome)by the children and their teachers.He opened a new sports centre that(3)_(build)with money raised by the parents and teachers.Half of the money(4)_(spend)on building the playground.Another 20,000(5)_(need)to finish the swimming pool so more money raising activiti

19、es(6)_(organise)in the following months.is reported was welcomedis being built is needed will be organised has been spent1.And in Karakalpakstan,he _(sadden)by the dust storms,diseases and fishing boats stuck miles from the sea.(2020全国卷全国卷I)2.In the first,95 undergraduate women were individually _(i

20、nvite)into a lab to ostensibly(表面上表面上)participate in a study about movie viewership.(2020全国卷全国卷I)3.Loneliness is a serious social problem that can contribute to depression and even crimes,but it can _(prevent)in a clever way.(2020天津卷天津卷)is saddenedinvited be prevented4.If a popular magazine you want

21、 _(not offer)and the library keeps a list of such requests,they may bring it in when enough interest _(show).(2020天津卷天津卷)5.The findings were _(publish)in the journal Development Science.(2020全国卷全国卷)6.The technology,Strano said,could one day _(use)to light the rooms or even to turn trees into self-powered street lamps.(2020全国卷全国卷I)isnt offered is shownpublished be used1.Review the grammar weve learnt today.2.Finish the exercises in Learning English.


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