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1、UNIT 7WESTERN CULTUREWESTERN CULTURECan you tell me whose music it is?Can you tell me whose music it is?belong to 属于The beautiful life belongs to all of us.here and now 此时此地,目前Id like a piano,but here and now we havent enough room.我喜欢钢琴,但目前没有足够的空间。here and now 此时此地,目前He wants to borrow some money he

2、re and now.目前他想借点钱。rock and roll 摇滚Many young people are interested in rock and roll.case 病例,案例Start withbe started with以开始The revolution in popular music was started with romanticism.accelerate 加速The car suddenly accelerated.汽车突然加速。be capable of 有能力,能够We are capable of taking care of our parents.我们

3、有能力照顾自己的父母。be capable of 有能力,能够We are capable of supporting ourselves.我们有能力养活自己。the turn of the century 世纪之交The story happened about the turn of the century.furthermore 而且,此外The house is not big enough,furthermore,it is far from the town.这房子不够大,此外,离城镇太远。one after the other=one after another一个接一个的My

4、students got their offer letters one after the other.我的学生一个接一个的收到了录取通知书。It is no wonder that难怪It is no wonder that you cant sleep when you eat so much.What does pop music belong to?It belongs to here and now.How many pop music does para.1mentioned?What are they?disco,country music,rock and roleHow i

5、s popular music?It has a wide audience and very popular.What was popular music started with?It was started with romanticism.浪漫主义When did pop music accelerate?It accelerated in the 20th century.Why did serious music become less capable of filling the needs of the mass market for music?Because it is m

6、ore difficult to understand.What technology promoted the spread of music?phonograph,radio,movies,television.to adegree 到程度He agreed with us to some degree.To what degree are you interested in reading?Link 把.联系起来Television stations are linked by satellite.The new road links up the two motorways.infec

7、tious 有感染力的,传染的His song is so infectious that many audience burst into tears.The lung disease is infectious among people.abstract 抽象的These pictures are very abstract.contributeto 有助于,促使She contributes greatly to the movie.Fresh air contributes to good health.establish 建立Our school was established in

8、 1986.profit 利润,利益make profits 创利润They made a big profit by selling fake goods.continue 继续做某事You should continue to learn English.jazzGrammar:infinitive or V-ing after a verb不定式或动词不定式或动词inging形式形式在动词后的用法在动词后的用法1.Xiao Lin managed _(finish)the work in time.2.Youd better avoid _(read)in the bus.3.Have

9、you finished _(do)your homework.4.You must practice _ (speak)English every day.5.Would you mind _(tell)me what happened.6.I want _ (buy)a new cell phone.to finishreadingdoingspeakingtellingto buy在下列动词之后可以用不定式也可以用动词的-ing形式做宾语,在意思上区别不大。attempt,begin,continue,fear,hate,intend,like,love,prefer,startYou

10、should not attempt climbingto climb the mountain.One should continue learningto learn as long as lives.Do you like swimmingto swim?I prefer staying to stay at home.to do 表示某次具体行动,doing 表示倾向性在下列常用动词之后用不定式或动词-ing 形式作宾语在意思上不同。forget,remember,go on,mean,regret,stop,try,want,needThey went on talking.他们继续

11、谈着。They went on to talk about other things.他们接着又谈别的事情。He has stopped smoking since last Sunday.他从上星期日就不吸烟了。He stopped to smoke.他停下来吸烟。I remember locking the door.我记得把门锁上了。Remember to lock the door.记着要锁门。I forgot meet her.我忘记去见他了。Have you forgotten meeting her?你忘记曾见过她了吗?I regret missing the film.我后悔没

12、看过那部电影。I regret to say I havent given you enough help.很遗憾我没给你足够的帮助。It needs repairing.It needs to be repaired.它需要修理。I need to repair it.我需要修理它。She works as a nurse in the north.Lu Xun worked as a doctor before becoming a writer.He impressed us a lot with his hairstyle.The boy demonstrated great cour

13、age in saving the child.China is searching for the missing plane.China is in search of the missing plane.We have had good harvests for ten years in a row.Zhou Runfa starred in this movie.Guo Jingming is very successful despite his youth.(介词=in spite of)It is said that she has a good voice.She is sai

14、d to have a good voice.Chinese football team is likely to win the game.French dishes are famous worldwide.He runs far faster than other players.much,still,yet,even,a little,a bit 修饰比较级编后语 同学们在听课的过程中,还要善于抓住各种课程的特点,运用相应的方法去听,这样才能达到最佳的学习效果。一、听理科课重在理解基本概念和规律 数、理、化是逻辑性很强的学科,前面的知识没学懂,后面的学习就很难继续进行。因此,掌握基本概

15、念是学习的关键。上课时要抓好概念的理解,同时,大家要开动脑筋,思考老师是怎样提出问题、分析问题、解决问题的,要边听边想。为讲明一个定理,推出一个公式,老师讲解顺序是怎样的,为什么这么安排?两个例题之间又有什么相同点和不同之处?特别要从中学习理科思维的方法,如观察、比较、分析、综合、归纳、演绎等。作为实验科学的物理、化学和生物,就要特别重视实验和观察,并在获得感性知识的基础上,进一步通过思考来掌握科学的概念和规律,等等。二、听文科课要注重在理解中记忆 文科多以记忆为主,比如政治,要注意哪些是观点,哪些是事例,哪些是用观点解释社会现象。听历史课时,首先要弄清楚本节教材的主要观点,然后,弄清教材为了说明这一观点引用了哪些史实,这些史料涉及的时间、地点、人物、事件。最后,也是关键的一环,看你是否真正弄懂观点与史料间的关系。最好还能进一步思索:这些史料能不能充分说明观点?是否还可以补充新的史料?有无相反的史料证明原观点不正确。三、听英语课要注重实践 英语课老师往往讲得不太多,在大部分的时间里,进行的师生之间、学生之间的大量语言实践练习。因此,要上好英语课,就应积极参加语言实践活动,珍惜课堂上的每一个练习机会。2022-10-22最新中小学教学课件64thank you!2022-10-22最新中小学教学课件65


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