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1、 数词 1.概念:表示数量多少或先后顺序的词叫数词。2.分类:数词分为基数词和序数词。表示数量多少的数词叫基数词;表示先后顺序的数词叫序数词。考点归纳考点归纳 考点梳理考点梳理 考点一:基数词考点一:基数词 1.基数词的基本构成。1one2two3three4four5five6six7seven8eight9nine10ten11eleven12twelve13thirteen14fourteen15fifteen16sixteen17seventeen18eighteen19nineteen20twenty30thirty40forty50fifty60sixty70seventy80ei

2、ghty90ninety100a hundred/one hundred1,000a thousand1,000,000ten million100,000,000a hundred million1,000,000,000 a billion 考点梳理考点梳理(1)13 19是由个位数加后缀-teen构成。注意其中13、15、18的拼写是thirteen,fifteen和eighteen。(2)20 90由个位数加后缀-ty构成。注意其中20 50的拼写分别是twenty,thirty,forty和fifty;80的拼写是eighty。(3)其他非整十的两位数21 99是由整十位数加连字符“

3、-”,再加个位数构成。如:81的拼写是:eight-one(4)101 999的基数词先写百位数,后加and再写十位数和个位数。如:691的拼写是:six hundred and ninety-one 考点梳理考点梳理(5)1 000以上的基数词先写千位数,后写百位数,再加and,最后写十位数和个位数。如:5 893的拼写是:five thousand eight hundred and ninety-three(6)在基数词中只有表示“百”、“千”的单位词,没有单独表示“万”、“亿”的单位词,而是用thousand(千),million(百万)和billion(十亿)来表达。如:1万=10

4、thousand;1亿=100 million;10亿=a thousand million=a billion 考点梳理考点梳理 2.基数词的读法。(1)1 000以上的多位数,要使用计数间隔或逗号“,”。即从个位起,每隔三位加一个间隔或逗号。第一个间隔或逗号前是thousand(千),第二个间隔或逗号前是million(百万),第三个间隔或逗号前是a thousand million或a billion(十亿)。(2)每隔三位分段以后就都成了101 999。读的时候百位数的后面一般要加and。如:888 000 000 的拼写是:eight hundred and eighty-eight

5、 million 考点梳理考点梳理(2)时间的表达法 顺读法(先读小时后读分钟)如:6:36 读成six thirty-six 12:53读成twelve fifty-three 逆读法(先读分钟后读小时):分钟小于30用past。如:7:24读成twenty-four past seven 分钟大于30用to,且分钟要用60减,小时要加1。如:1:58读成two to two 半小时用half,一刻钟用quarter。如:5:30读成half past five 3:15读成a quarter past three 10:45读成a quarter to eleven 考点梳理考点梳理 3.

6、基数词的一些重要用法(1)基数词的前面有确切的数字时,表示单位的基数词(hundred,thousand,million,billion)用单数形式,不能在词尾加s。如:two hundred students 二百个学生 five thousand years 五千年 基数词词尾加s与of连用,表示概数。如:hundreds of students 成百上千的学生 考点梳理考点梳理 1.Lets go to the bookstore at half past nine tomorrow morning.Its too late.Lets make it .A.a quarter to ni

7、ne B.twenty to ten C.a quarter to ten D.ten to twenty 2.About of the students in Grade Nine this year were born in the .A.three five;1996 B.three fifths;1990s C.third fifth;1997 D.third fifths;1990sAB 考点检测考点检测(3)一些时间段的表达 half an hour 半小时 one hour and a half=one and a half hours 一个半小时 two more years=

8、another two years 再多两年(4)世纪、年代的表达法 在80年代 in the eighties 在20世纪 in the twentieth century 在20世纪90年代 in the 1990s或1990s 考点梳理考点梳理 3.Boys and girls,please turn to Page and look at the picture.A.Fifth;five B.Five;five C.Fifth;fifth D.Five;fifth 4.Jack,I want to go to to see a dentist.Could you tell me the

9、 address?No problem.A.Room 606 B.No.2 Hospital C.Fifth Avenue D.Class Eleven 考点自测考点自测DB(5)编号的表达法(注意大小写的变化)名词(首字母大写)+基数词=the+序数词+名词 Lesson One=the first lesson Picture Two=the second picture Bus No.5=the No.5 bus Line Six=the sixth line Room 301读作:room three o one Page 23读作:page twenty-three 考点梳理考点梳理

10、 5.We have two ears and one mouth so that we can listen we speak.A.as twice much as B.twice as much as C.as much as twice D.as much twice as 考点自测考点自测B(6)百分数、小数和倍数的表达法 30%:thirty percent 0.47%:zero point four seven percent 100%:one hundred percent 0.01:zero point zero one 3.14159:three point one four

11、 one five nine This box is three times as large as that one.=This box is twice larger than that one.=This box is three times the size of that one.这个盒子是那个盒子的三倍大。(这个盒子比那个盒子大两倍。)考点梳理考点梳理 4.Two days enough for me to finish the work.I need a third day.A.isnt B.is C.arent D.are 5.Ten kilometers a long way

12、 to him.He is too tired.A.are B.was C.is D.were 考点自测考点自测AC(7)表示整体概念(时间、距离、价格、重量、数目、数学运算等)的词或短语做主语时,谓语动词用单数。Fifty years has passed,but he still looks young.五十年过去了,他看起来依然年轻。One million dollars is a large number for me.I cant afford the house.一百万美元对我来说是个大数目,我买不起这个房子。考点梳理考点梳理 6.No way!I dont think shoul

13、d beallowed to drive.I am worried about your safety.A.fifteen years old B.fifteen-year-olds C.fifteen-year-old D.fifteen year olds 7.A quarter to four is .A.3:15 B.3:45 C.4:15 D.4:45BB 考点自测考点自测 4.由基数词构成的一些常用短语(1)He is a six-year-old boy.=The boy is six years old.他是个六岁大的男孩。(2)The building is 200 mete

14、rs high.=This is a 200-meter-high building.这栋建筑物高200米。(3)He got the prize in his thirties.他30 多岁时获奖了。考点梳理考点梳理30thirtythirtieth70seventyseventieth40fortyfortieth80eightyeightieth50fiftyfiftieth90ninetyninetieth60sixtysixtieth96ninety-sixninety-sixth 考点梳理考点梳理 考点二:序数词 1.序数词的基本构成。数字数字基数词基数词序数词序数词数字数字基数词

15、基数词序数词序数词1onefirst8eighteighth2twosecond9nineninth3threethird12twelvetwelfth5fivefifth20twentytwentieth 考点梳理考点梳理 1.Kate is a school girl.She got many presents on her birthday.A.nine B.the ninth C.ninetieth D.ninth 2.I live in Room 403.Sam lives in the room right above mine,on the floor.A.third B.thr

16、ee C.fifth D.fiveDC 考点自测考点自测(1)有几个序数词和基数词在拼写时很容易写错,应特别注意。它们是:one first,two second,three third,five fifth,eight eighth,nine ninth,twelve twelfth。(2)序数词有时用缩写形式:first1st second2nd third3rd fourth4th twenty-second22nd 考点梳理考点梳理(3)表示年,月,日时,年用基数词表示,日用序数词表示。(先写月日或日月,再写年份)如:1949年十月一日读作:October(the)first,nine

17、teen forty-nine 2004年九月十日读作:September(the)tenth,two thousand and four 考点梳理考点梳理 2.序数词的一些重要用法(1)序数词在使用时,一般在前面加定冠词the或物主代词等限定词。如:the second day 第二天 my first visit to Beijing 我第一次拜访北京(2)序数词有时前面可加不定冠词来表示“再一”,“又一”。如:Well have to do it a second time.我们得做第二次。When I sat down,a fourth man rose to speak.我坐下时,第

18、四个男人站起来说话。考点梳理考点梳理 3.It is said that of students like to talk with friends online.A.two-thirds B.two-three C.two-third D.second-third 4.Whats the date today?Its June ,2015.A.seventeen B.the seventeen C.the seventeenth D.seventy 考点自测考点自测AC(4)表示分数时,分子用基数词表示,分母用序数词表示。分子大于1时,分母加-s。如:one second=one half=

19、a half 二分之一 one fourth=one quarter=a quarter 四分之一 two fifths 五分之二 注意:分数做主语时,谓语动词要根据分数后的名词来确定。如:One third of the students in our class are girls.班里三分之一的学生是女生。Two fifths of the water is wasted.五分之二的水被浪费了。考点梳理考点梳理考点过关考点过关.用括号中所给词的适当形式填空用括号中所给词的适当形式填空1 1Sunday is the _(one)day of a week.Sunday is the _(

20、one)day of a week.2 2Four _(five)of them like traveling.Four _(five)of them like traveling.3 3_(million)of people took part in the _(million)of people took part in the activity.activity.4 4There are _(twelve)months in a year.There are _(twelve)months in a year.5 5To finish the task,weve tried three

21、times,and To finish the task,weve tried three times,and after dinner well try a _(four)time.after dinner well try a _(four)time.first fifths Millions twelve fourth 5.To finish the task,weve tried three times,and after dinner well try time.A.the fourth B.a fourth C.fourth D.four 6.There are months in

22、 a year.October is the month.A.twelve;ten B.twelfth;tenth C.twelve;tenth D.twelfth;tenBC 考点自测考点自测4 4How often do you go swimming in summer?How often do you go swimming in summer?_(_(两次两次)a week.)a week.5 5Wheres _ _(Wheres _ _(六班六班)?)?Its on the third floor.Its on the third floor.6 6There are _ _(Th

23、ere are _ _(成百上千成百上千)people in)people in the zoo on Childrens Day.the zoo on Childrens Day.7 7Wed like _ _ _ Wed like _ _ _ _(_(两杯茶两杯茶)Twice ClassSixhundredsoftwocupsoftea.根据句意及汉语提示完成句子根据句意及汉语提示完成句子1 1My cousin lives on the _(My cousin lives on the _(第二十第二十)floor)floor of the building.He takes a lif

24、t to go up and down.of the building.He takes a lift to go up and down.2 2There are _(There are _(四十四十)students in our class,)students in our class,twenty boys and twenty girls.twenty boys and twenty girls.3 3About two _(About two _(千千)people left their)people left their hometown because of the terri

25、ble sandstorm.hometown because of the terrible sandstorm.twentieth forty thousand 语法专练语法专练1 1Please turn to Page _ and read Please turn to Page _ and read the_ story.the_ story.A.Ten;two BA.Ten;two BTen;second Ten;second C.Tenth;second DC.Tenth;second DTenth;twoTenth;twoB8 8What are you going to do

26、in your _(What are you going to do in your _(两个月两个月)holiday?holiday?9 9They have worked in that city for _ They have worked in that city for _ _ _ _ _(_ _ _ _(六年半六年半)1010The number of the students in our school is The number of the students in our school is about two thousand._ _(about two thousand.

27、_ _(三分之二三分之二)of)of them are boys.them are boys.twomonth sixandahalfyearsTwothirds3 3David Beckham has _ children.Brooklyn David Beckham has _ children.Brooklyn Beckham is his _ son.Beckham is his _ son.A.third;first B.three;oneA.third;first B.three;oneC Cthree;first D.third;onethree;first D.third;on

28、eC2.Which month of the year do you like?2.Which month of the year do you like?July,the _ month because summer vacation July,the _ month because summer vacation begins in this month.begins in this month.A.second B.seventhA.second B.seventhC.ninthC.ninthB5.We have sixty students in our class._ 5.We ha

29、ve sixty students in our class._ of them are boys.How many girls are there,do you know?of them are boys.How many girls are there,do you know?There are twenty girls.There are twenty girls.A AOne third BOne third BTwo thirds Two thirds C COne quarter D.A halfOne quarter D.A halfB6 6This tall building

30、has _ floors.And Tony This tall building has _ floors.And Tony lives on the _ floor.lives on the _ floor.A Atwelve;twelve Btwelve;twelve Btwelfth;twelfth twelfth;twelfth C Ctwelfth;twelve Dtwelfth;twelve Dtwelve;twelfthtwelve;twelfthB4 4Christmas Day is on _ of December.Christmas Day is on _ of Dece

31、mber.A.twentyfive B.the twentyfiveA.twentyfive B.the twentyfiveC.twentyfifth D.the twentyfifthC.twentyfifth D.the twentyfifthD8 8Two days is not enough for him to finish the Two days is not enough for him to finish the work.He needs_day.work.He needs_day.A Aother Bother Bthe otherthe otherC Cthe thi

32、rd Dthe third Da thirda thirdD7 7How many people were invited to the meeting?How many people were invited to the meeting?About six_About six_A Ahundred Bhundred BhundredshundredsC Chundred of Dhundred of Dhundreds ofhundreds ofA1010The old building was founded_.The old building was founded_.A Ain 18

33、20s Bin 1820s Bin the 1820in the 1820C Cin the 1820s Din the 1820s Din the 1820s in the 1820s C9 9To finish the task on time,at least _ To finish the task on time,at least _ workers are needed.workers are needed.A Afive another Bfive another Bmore fivemore fiveC Canother five Danother five Dother fi

34、veother fiveC1212Lily came _ in the race.Lily came _ in the race.A Asecond Bsecond Ba seconda secondC Cthe second Dthe second Dthe secondsthe secondsA序数词作副词表达名次时,不和定冠词序数词作副词表达名次时,不和定冠词the连用。连用。1111It took me_to climb to the top of the It took me_to climb to the top of the hill yesterday.hill yesterd

35、ay.A Aone and a half hoursone and a half hoursB Bhalf and an hourhalf and an hourC Can hour and one half hoursan hour and one half hoursD Done oclock and a half one oclock and a half Aone and a half hoursone hour and a half,意为,意为“一一个半小时个半小时”。1414The woman doesnt look her age.I think shes The woman d

36、oesnt look her age.I think shes somewhere _somewhere _A Ain her forty Bin her forty Bin the fortiethin the fortiethC Cin her forties Din her forties Din fortiesin fortiesC“几十多岁几十多岁”的表达为的表达为“in ones 整十位数的基数词整十位数的基数词的复数形式的复数形式”。1313This is the_time in_days that he This is the_time in_days that he has

37、done the same thing.has done the same thing.A Asecond;third Bsecond;third Btwo;threetwo;threeC Ctwo;third Dtwo;third Dsecond;threesecond;threeD1616Its said that _ of the water around the Its said that _ of the water around the world _ polluted.world _ polluted.A Atwo third;has B.two thirds;have two

38、third;has B.two thirds;have C Ctwo third;are D.two thirds;istwo third;are D.two thirds;isD1515Did you know that the earth is home to Did you know that the earth is home to _animals?_animals?A Amillion Bmillion BmillionsmillionsC Cmillion of Dmillion of Dmillions of millions of Dhundred,thousand,mill

39、ion等后面若有等后面若有of,则要用复数,则要用复数形式且前面不能加具体数字,表示约数。形式且前面不能加具体数字,表示约数。1818The Great Pyramid is about _ high.The Great Pyramid is about _ high.A A144 meter B144 meter B144meter144meterC C144meters D144meters D144 meters144 metersD144 meters high在句中作表语;在句中作表语;144meterhigh为为“基基数词单数名词形容词数词单数名词形容词”构成的复合形容词,在句中作

40、定语。构成的复合形容词,在句中作定语。1717Excuse me,sir.Heres a package for Lin Tao.Excuse me,sir.Heres a package for Lin Tao.Which room does he live in?Which room does he live in?_A A308 Room B.Room 308308 Room B.Room 308C CThe Room 308 D.The 308 RoomThe Room 308 D.The 308 RoomB2020_the worlds books and newspapers ar

41、e _the worlds books and newspapers are written in English.written in English.A AThree thirds Three thirds B BThree fourth ofThree fourth ofC CThree quarters of Three quarters of D DThree quartersThree quartersC1919_ percent of the boys _ playing _ percent of the boys _ playing football.football.A ASeventy;likes BSeventy;likes BThe seventieth;likeThe seventieth;likeC CSeventy;like DSeventy;like DThe seventieth;likesThe seventieth;likesC表示百分数时用表示百分数时用“基数词基数词percent”。“百分数或分数百分数或分数of名词名词”作主语时,谓语动词的数与作主语时,谓语动词的数与of后的名词的数保持一后的名词的数保持一致。致。


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