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1、2020年杭州英语中考复习第一部分教材知识梳理20教材词块自主测教材词块自主测1.license 2.smoke3.tiny4.cry5.field6.hug7.lift;give(sb.)a munity话题词形词块拓展补充词块语法重点单词词块重点句式10.chance11.society12.support13.whose 14.truck 15.picnic;have a picnic 16.rabbit 17.attend 18.pink19.anybody20.laboratory21.coat22.sleepy23.land24.circle25.receive26.purpose

2、27.prevent;prevent sb.from doing sth.28.position29.victory 30.enemy31.period32.hardworking话题词形词块拓展补充词块语法重点单词词块重点句式1.poet 2.noisy;make noise3.policeman;policewoman 4.wolves 5.medical6.energetic 7.managed;manager;management;manage to do sth.8.entrance 9.chose;chosen;choice;choose to do sth.;make a cho

3、ice10.expression话题词形词块拓展补充词块语法重点单词词块重点句式11.led;leader;lead to12.regretful;regrettable;regret to do sth.;regret doing sth.13.valuable14.suitable话题词形词块拓展补充词块语法重点单词词块重点句式1.talk back2.keep.away from 3.make ones own decision 4.get in the way of 5.run after6.go out 话题词形词块拓展补充词块语法重点单词词块重点句式7.allow sb.to do

4、 sth.8.keep off9.in a certain way 10.at the same time11.parttime jobs话题词形词块拓展补充词块语法重点单词词块重点句式1.it is better for 2.as much as they want3.achieve my dream4.make their own decisions5.strict with1.含情态动词的被动语态含情态动词的被动语态(如如should be allowed to)2.情态动词情态动词must,might,could和和cant表推测表推测(P174和和 P175)话题词形词块拓展补充词块

5、语法重点单词词块重点句式Unit 7 Rules(规则规则)Unit 8 Mysteries(神秘的事物神秘的事物)话题词形词块拓展补充词块语法重点单词词块重点句式1.field(n.)A.田野田野B.场地场地C.专业;学科;界;领域专业;学科;界;领域 (1)Nowadays China has made great achievements in many fields.We really take pride in our amazing China.(2018山西山西29题题)_(2)We have no sports field.(2014安徽听力安徽听力)_(3)Harrys fi

6、eld would be watered when needed.(2010河南完形河南完形)_熟词生义2.chance(n.)A.机会,可能性机会,可能性B.偶然,碰巧,意外偶然,碰巧,意外(1)Everything happens for a reason and nothing happens by chance or with good or bad luck.(2011河北阅读河北阅读C)_(2)Is there any chance of getting tickets for tonight?_熟词生义3.circleA.n.圆圈圆圈B.v.圈出圈出C.v.环行环行 D.n.(熟

7、悉的、相关的人形成的熟悉的、相关的人形成的)圈子圈子(1)Choosing the right circle of friends will save us a lot of troubles,heartaches and possibly a life of deep regret.(2014河南河南27题题)_(2)Stonehenge,a rock circle,is one of Britains most famous historical places.九九(全全)Unit 8 P62_熟词生义A.n.圆圈圆圈B.v.圈出圈出C.v.环行环行D.n.(熟悉的、相关的人形成的熟悉的、

8、相关的人形成的)圈子圈子(3)The spelling mistakes have been circled in red ink._(4)Birds circled around above his head._熟词生义4.energy(n.)A.力量;精力力量;精力 B.能量;能源能量;能源(1)These give you energy and help you think more clearly.(2011安徽阅读安徽阅读C)_(2)We can use less electricity to save more energy in our daily life.(2010山西阅读山

9、西阅读C)_熟词生义 1.I regret _ I did to you and now I want to ask for your forgiveness.regret的用法的用法I regret talking back,not listening to Mom.我我后悔顶嘴,没有听妈妈的话。后悔顶嘴,没有听妈妈的话。(Unit 7 P51)1 1考点考点考考 点点 抢抢 测测练讲重难点练讲重难点what考点1考点1考点1考点22.I regret _(tell)you that the flight to Beijing has been canceled today.3.You ne

10、ednt regret _(miss)the film.To be honest,its not worth watching at all.to tellmissing考点1考点1考点1考点2满分点拨满分点拨考点1考点1考点1考点2 辨析辨析receive与与accept(2018.70)Every year it receives more than 750,000 visitors.每年每年它接待超过它接待超过75万名游客。万名游客。(Unit 8 P62)4.Nearly twothirds of dogs are lucky to receive a gift _ their mas

11、ters for their birthday and Christmas.5.Barry,did you a_ her invitation?How can I refuse it?She is so pretty and lovely.2 2考点考点考考 点点 抢抢 测测fromccept考点1考点26.They will post the football match ticket to you as soon as they r_ the money.7.It is _ by everyone that knowledge is the most valuable treasure f

12、or human beings.8.Johns family are worried about him because they havent _ letters from him for a long time.eceiveacceptedreceived考点1考点2满分点拨满分点拨acceptreceive(2018.70)“(愉快地愉快地)接受接受”,强调主观上,强调主观上的应允,接纳的应允,接纳“收到,收取收到,收取”,强调客观上的接收,强调客观上的接收(1)accept a job接受一份工作接受一份工作(2)accept sbs advice接受某人接受某人的建议的建议(take

13、 sbs advice)(1)receive a birthday card 收到一张收到一张生日卡片生日卡片(2)receive a letter收到一封信收到一封信【一言辨义】【一言辨义】She has received his present,but she will not accept it.考点1考点21.receive2.circles3.noise4.Whose5.educated6.regretted7.lift8.smoking9.suits10.rabbit11.society12.safety13.tiny14.sleepy 15.managing 16.and17.made18.of19.purposes20.your21.really22.whether23.to do24.a核心词汇攻关


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