Unit2 Welcome Reading 含语言点课(ppt课件)-2022新牛津译林版《高中英语》选择性必修第二册.pptx

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1、 Video watchingu_ is commonly held during the last two weeks of January.It was started in _.uFormula 1 is the worlds fastest motor race.The Chinese Grand Prix is held in _ in Shanghai.uThe Tour de France,held in summer,is a team competition that lasts for over _ weeks with _ stages.The Australian Op

2、en1905April3211.Where were the ancient Olympic Games held?2.How often are the Olympic Games held?3.What do the Olympic rings stand for?EuropeAfricaAmericaAsiaOceaniaPara.2The _ OlympicsPara.3The _ OlympicsSubheading 1:_ of the Olympic Games ancientmodernHistoryAnother sportsperson that should be app

3、lauded is Jesica Ennis-Hill.Topic sentenceMotivated by the Olympic motto“Faster,Higher,Stronger”,many well-known athletes,both male and female,have devoted themselves to achieving sporting excellence and pushing the boundaries of human achievement.Example 1Subheading 2:Well-known athletes Example 2O

4、ne such Olympian was the boxer Cassius Clay.Subheading 3:Chinas _ in the Olympics.achievements19842004200820162022At the Los Angeles Olympics,Xu Haifeng won our countrys first-ever gold medal.At the Athens Olympics,Liu Xiang became the first Asian to win the gold medal in the mens 110-meter hurdles.

5、The Beijing Olympics called on the whole world to join in the Olympic spirit and build a better future for humanity with the slogan“One World,One Dream.”At the Rio Olympics,the Chinese Womens volleyball team won a hard-fought victory in the final.Beijing is hosting the Winter Olympics.Do you think t

6、he Olympic Games can help people of different racial origins and from different cultures live side by side in peace?Why or why not?Athletes of diverse backgrounds gather together in the spirit of _ and devote themselves to _.With the Olympics,people all over the world celebrate _.friendship,solidari

7、ty and fair playachieving sporting excellence and pushing the boundaries of human achievementthe joy of living,their faith in the future,their ambition and their will to ascend_(悲愤交加),he left hometown,never to be heard from.After working a whole day,he came home,_(又累又饿).People stood still,_(脸色苍白,惊恐万

8、状)._(欣喜若狂),she dashed out of the house._(失望至极),he decieded to leave the city.The child came back,_(安然无恙).Athletes gather.,ready to test their abilities against each other.(L2)形容词短语作状语表示主语的状态 Angry and sad tired and hungrypale and scaredWild with joyGreatly disappointedsafe and sound希望班上每位同学都踊跃参与讨论。E

9、veryone in the class is expected to participate actively in the discussion.Over the past 5 years,the number of people _(participate)in the physical fitness campaign has increased sharply.了解到你对中文非常感兴趣,我现在写信邀请你参加为外国学生举办的中文演讲比赛。(2020浙江1月,应用文)_Learning that youre enthusiastic about the Chinese language,

10、Im writing to invite you to participate in the Chinese Speech Contest intended for foreign students.During the early Games,only Greek men were allowed to participate.(l8)participate vi.(participate in 参加)participation n.participant n.参与者participating They competed in such events as boxing.(L8)compet

11、e v.竞赛;竞争 competition n.竞争竞争;竞赛竞赛 competitor n.竞争者竞争者;参赛者参赛者 competitive adj.竞竞争争激烈激烈的的;有有竞竞争力的争力的;争强好胜的;争强好胜的compete with/against sb for sth 与某人为某事竞争speech competition 演讲比赛highly competitive job market 竞争激烈的就业市场forinwith/againstforIt was a Frenchman,Pierre de Coubertin,who brought the Olympics back

12、 to life.(L13)本句是_句型,结构为_,强调部分 a Frenchman,Pierre de Coubertin是句子的_。被强调部分为物时用_,被强调部分为人用 _,根据时态选用 is/was。强调结构可以对句子中除_外的任何成分进行强调,被强调部分置于 it is/was和that/who之间。本句若要强调宾语则为:It was the Olympics that Coubertin brought back to life.强调主语 It is/was+被强调部分被强调部分+that/who+其他成分其他成分谓语that/whothat side _ side 肩并肩,一起肩

13、并肩,一起 eg.live side by side in peace step _ step 逐步地,渐渐地逐步地,渐渐地 hand _ hand 手牵手,携手手牵手,携手 eg.develop/go hand in hand arm _arm 手挽手手挽手 face _ face 面对面面对面 eg.a face-to-face talk door _door 挨家挨户挨家挨户 eg.a door-to-door salesman eye _eye 赞同赞同 eg.see eye to eye with sb on sth heart_heart 交心交心 eg.a heart-to-he

14、art talkbyinintotototobyFor over a century,people from diverse backgrounds have made joint efforts to help realize Coubertins dream.(L 16)diverse adj.a wide range of things 各种各样的,不同的people from diverse cultural backgrounds 不同文化背景的人diversity n.差异性差异性;多样性多样性cultural/biological diversity 文化文化/生物多样性生物多样

15、性harmony in diversity 和而不同和而不同For over a century,people from diverse backgrounds have made joint efforts to help realize Coubertins dream.(L16)让我们让我们为为促进人类和平与发展的崇高事业促进人类和平与发展的崇高事业而共同努力而共同努力!Lets make joint efforts for the noble cause of advancing peace and human progress!终于,在众人的努力下,我的头从南瓜中拔了出来。终于,在众

16、人的努力下,我的头从南瓜中拔了出来。Through the joint efforts,my head was eventually released.只有通过共同努力只有通过共同努力,父母和孩子,父母和孩子才能才能弥合他们之间的代沟。弥合他们之间的代沟。Only with their joint efforts can parents and children bridge the generation gap between them.Motivated by the Olympic motto“Faster,High,Stronger”,many well-known athletes,

17、both male and female,have devoted themselves to achieving sporting excellence and pushing the boundaries of human achievement.(L19)motivate v.激励激励,激发激发 be motivated by sth/sb受激励 motivate sb to do sth 激励某人做某事motivation n.动力,诱因;积极性,干劲动力,诱因;积极性,干劲motivated adj.有积极性的有积极性的Motivated by the Olympic motto,a

18、theletes have devoted themselves to.过去分词短语作状语,其逻辑主语通常就是句子的主语,表被动或状态。过去分词短语作状语,其逻辑主语通常就是句子的主语,表被动或状态。Because he is devoted to helping those in trouble,my father is the person I respect most._,my father is the person I respect most.(2020全国全国I卷作文卷作文)沐浴在阳光下,我们不仅亲近了自然,也体验了劳动的快乐。沐浴在阳光下,我们不仅亲近了自然,也体验了劳动的快乐

19、。Bathed in the sunshine,not only were we close to nature but also we experienced the pleasure of labor.(2020全国全国卷作文卷作文)Devoted to helping those in trouble形容词化的过去分词作状语,表示逻辑主语的状态。形容词化的过去分词作状语,表示逻辑主语的状态。如:如:dressed,determined,devoted,prepared,seated,caught,lost,bathed 等。等。By the time he died in 2016,Al

20、i had been recognized as one of the greatest boxers of all time.(L28)到到2016 年去世时,阿里已被公认为有史以来最伟大的拳击手之一。年去世时,阿里已被公认为有史以来最伟大的拳击手之一。by the time 引导时间状语从句引导时间状语从句(1)by the time 表示表示“到到时候为止时候为止”,引导的时间状语,引导的时间状语从句从句用用一般过去时一般过去时时,时,主句主句常用常用过去完成时过去完成时,表示,表示“截止到从句动作发生时,主句动作已经完截止到从句动作发生时,主句动作已经完成成”,即,即“过去的过去过去的

21、过去”。(2)by the time 引导的时间状语从句用一般现在时表将来时,主句常用将来完成时,表示“截止到将来某一时间为止,主句动作将已经完成”。By the time I graduate next year,I will have lived here for 5 years.到明年毕业时,我就在这里待了五年了。Another sportsperson that should be applauded is Jessica.(L30)applaud v.鼓掌鼓掌;称赞称赞 applaud sb for sth 因某事称赞某人因某事称赞某人applause n.掌声,喝彩掌声,喝彩The

22、 audience broke into thunderous _(applaud).观众爆发出雷鸣般的掌声。The audience rose _ when they came to the court.当他们进入球场时,观众起立向竞赛者鼓掌。The warm-hearted citizens _ what they had done for the orphans.这些好心的市民因他们为这些孤儿的付出而受到称赞。applauseto applaud the competitorswere applauded forWith the Olympic Games,each generation

23、 celebrates its advent,its joy of living,its faith in the future,its ambition and its will to ascend.”(lines 50-51)ambition n.理想理想,雄心雄心,抱负,抱负ambitious adj.胸怀大志的,雄心勃勃的胸怀大志的,雄心勃勃的My ambition is _(study)medicine.He has always been _(ambition)and fiercely competitive.One may be poor but never ceases to

24、be ambitious.人穷志不穷人穷志不穷.to studyambitious被视为.参加消失;灭绝使重获生机不同种族背景的人们和平共处共同努力做某事在.的激励下专心/致力于(做)某事突破人类成就的极限引起公众关注be recognized/perceived/thought of/regarded asdie out bring sth back to lifepeople of different/diverse racial originslive side by side in peacemake joint efforts to do sthImportant phrases o

25、n P16Motivated by.(过去分词作原因状语)devote oneself to/be devoted to(doing)sthpush the boundaries of human achievementparticipate income into/draw/grab public attention接着/继而做某事在开幕式有史以来一个出色的范例生孩子一如既往的优异表现呼吁某人做某事除了.之外发展势头不可阻挡在决赛中赢得来之不易的胜利历史性的一刻proceed to do sthat the opening ceremonyof all timeImportant phras

26、es on P17a remarkable example give birth to a babyconsistent good performancecall on/appeal to sb to do sthin addition to(doing)sthThe upward trend is unstoppable.win a hard-fought victory in the finala historic momentText Review1.Thousands of highly trained and talented athletes gather together,rea

27、dy to test their abilities against each other in the hope of _(recognize)as the best of the best.2.During the early Games,only Greek men _(allow)to participate.3.They competed _ such events as boxing,running and the long jump.4.For over a century,people from _(diversity)backgrounds have made Joint e

28、fforts to help realize Coubertins dream.being recognizedwere allowedindiverseText Review5._(motivate)by the Olympic motto“Faster,Higher,Stronger”,many well-known athletes,both male and female,have devoted themselves to achieving sporting excellence.6.He came to public attention during the 1960 Rome

29、Olympics,when he won the light heavyweight gold medal,_(demonstrate)great talent and personality in the process.7.Afterwards,this young man proceed _(become)the world heavyweight champion in 1964.8.Another sportsperson that should _(applaud)is Jessica Ennis-Hill.Motivateddemonstratingto becomebe app

30、laudedText Review9.The 2008 Beijing Olympics called on the whole world _(join)in the Olympic spirit.10.In addition to _(host)the Olympics for the first time,China also ranked first in the medal table.11.At the 2004 Athens Olympic Games,Liu Xiang became the first Asian _(win)the gold medal in the men

31、s 110-metre hurdles.12.As Coubertin believed,“With the Olympic Games,each generation celebrates its advent,its joy of living,its faith in the future,its _(ambitious)and its will to ascend”.to joinhostingambitionto winThe Olympic Games,first 1._(celebrate)about 3,000 years ago,take place every four y

32、ears today.As 2._ extraordinary sporting event,the Olympic Games display great spirits such as friendship,solidarity and fair 3._(compete),attracting great athletes attention all over the world.celebratedancompetitionThe ancient Olympic Games,in which only Greek men were allowed to participate,began

33、 in the year 776 BCE.They lasted for about 1,200 years,until they 4._(eventual)came to an end around the year 393.Fortunately,the modern Olympics were brought back 5._ life by a Frenchman named Pierre de Coubertin in 1896.He hoped the Olympics could help people from different cultures live peacefull

34、y.eventually toMany well-known athletes,6._ demonstrated great talent,devotion and personality in the process,should 7._(applaud)because they were devoted to achieving sporting excellence and pushing the boundaries of human achievement.The 2008 Beijing Olympic Games called on the whole world 8._(pro

35、mote)the Olympic spirit and build a better future for humanity.2022 will witness the Winter Olympics in Beijing,which will be another 9._(history)moment for China.The Olympic Games make the whole world full of joy and excitement,10._(motivate)each generation to push forward constantly.whobe applaude

36、dto promotehistoricmotivating Homework-Option 1Imitate(模仿)the second part of this passage and introduce two excellent athletes in the Tokyo/Beijing Winter Olympics.Excellent athletes in the Tokyo/Beijing Winter Olympics Motivated by the Olympic motto“Faster,Higher,Stronger and Together”,many well-kn

37、own athletes,both male and female,have devoted themselves to achieving sporting excellence and pushing the boundaries of human achievement.One such Olympian is.He came into public attention during the Tokyo Olympics,when he won the XX medal for China,demonstrating great talent and personality in the

38、 process.Afterwards,he proceeded to.Another sportsperson that should be applauded is.Her story is a remarkable example of how hard work and devotion can lead to sporting excellence.In an interview she revealed that the secret of her consistent good performance was.Homework-Option 2Describe the follo

39、wing situation,using the useful words and expressions you have learned in this passage.Imagine that the school sports meeting was held last week.Athletes from your class won the first.Write a paragraph to describe the sports meeting.Athletes from our class demonstrated great spirit and called on all

40、 students to proceed the sports spirit.They competed with many other students from different classes and grades for the honor of our class.By the time the competition finished,we had won 10 awards and ranked the first.It was the athletes devotion that made the final success.We stood up and applauded loudly for them.Building your language(P19)competediverseside by sideBuilding your language(P19)rankedapplaudcall on(to)demonstrateproceed


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