Unit 1 Welcome to the unit (ppt课件)-2022新牛津译林版《高中英语》必修第三册.pptx

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1、Unit 1 Nature in the balanceP1 Welcome to the unitWhat environmental problems can you find in the pictures?water pollutionrubbish pollutionmarine(海洋海洋)pollutiondeforestation(滥伐森林滥伐森林)soil pollutionforest fireair pollutionloss of biodiversityclimate changeglobal warmingacid rain(酸雨酸雨)desertification(

2、荒漠化荒漠化)Let us not,however,flatter ourselves overmuch on account of our human victories over nature.For each such victory nature takes its revenge on us.Friedrich Engels 但是我们不要对我们人类对自然界的胜利过分自以为是。对于每一次这样的胜利,自然界都对我们进行报复。弗里德里希恩格斯1.flatter yourself(that)2.If something happens overmuch,it happens too much

3、.3.on account of 4.If you take revenge on someone who has hurt you,you hurt them in return.自以为是自以为是;高看自己高看自己过度地过度地=because of 因为因为;由于由于报复报复 The human race has done much harm.We have polluted our soils and ,And cut down too many trees.Now is the time to sound the .We want to live in a world thats cle

4、an;We want to live in a world of .The human race has done much harm;Now is the time to sound the alarm.seasalarmgreenLets be thankful for the skies above;Lets plant new trees and stop ;Lets work together to find the solution;The Earths our home to and love.We want to live in a world thats clean;We w

5、ant to live in a world of green.Lets be thankful for the skies above;The Earths our home to protect and love.pollutionprotectListening timeWhat are the rhymes of this song?这首歌的押韵词是什么?harm/alarm;seas/trees;clean/green;above/love;pollution/sollution ComprehensionWhat is the message of the song?Humans

6、have done much harm to the Earth,and we have to take action to change this situation.P1 1Find out the wrong behavior in the picture.noise pollutionheavy smokeclear-cutloggingsmokingshooting birdslittering on the groundwasting waterletting off off-gaspouring out waste water排放废水排放废水littering into the

7、water往水里丢垃圾往水里丢垃圾清场伐木清场伐木排放尾气排放尾气随地乱扔随地乱扔What can you do to help protect the environment?P1 2Possible answewr:We can use less paper and fewer plastic bottles and bags.Cutting down on electricity usage can also help reduce the air pollution that power stations create.What can you do to help protect t

8、he environment?drive less and walk more save water and cut down the use of electricity plant trees dont waste food dont use one-off things if possible,dont use air conditioners President Xi Jinping has called for garbage classification to help save resources and protect the environment.According to

9、the central governments plan,all major cities are expected to initiate garbage classification.https:/ 金属金属plastic 塑料塑料glass 玻璃玻璃paper纸类纸类expired food过期食品过期食品food leftovers剩菜剩饭剩菜剩饭fruit peels and cores果皮渣滓果皮渣滓viscus禽畜内脏禽畜内脏lamp bulbs灯泡灯泡paint and containers油漆油漆insecticides杀虫剂杀虫剂stained papers卫生纸品卫生纸品

10、dust 灰尘渣土灰尘渣土disposable goods一次性用品一次性用品cigarette butts烟头烟头batteries电池电池Which recycling bins will you put them into?Do you know where it is?亚马孙热带雨林(亚马孙热带雨林(Amazon RainAmazon Rainf forestorest)位于南美洲的亚马孙平原,占地位于南美洲的亚马孙平原,占地550550万平万平方公里。雨林横越了方公里。雨林横越了8 8个国家:巴西(占个国家:巴西(占森林森林60%60%面积)、哥伦比亚、秘鲁、委内面积)、哥伦比亚、秘

11、鲁、委内瑞拉、厄瓜多尔、玻利维亚、圭亚那、苏瑞拉、厄瓜多尔、玻利维亚、圭亚那、苏里南以及法国(法属圭亚那),占据了世里南以及法国(法属圭亚那),占据了世界雨林面积的一半,占全球森林面积的界雨林面积的一半,占全球森林面积的20%20%,是全球最大及物种最多的热带雨林。,是全球最大及物种最多的热带雨林。亚马孙雨林被人们称为亚马孙雨林被人们称为“地球之肺地球之肺”和和“绿色心脏绿色心脏”,“世界动植物王国世界动植物王国”等。等。The Amazon rainforest:a natural treasureWhat will be talked about in the text according to the title and the picture?What is the genre of the article?Step 1 Predictionthe Amazon rainforest documentary script(原稿)原稿)


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