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1、.1Medical Information RetrievalHao DongmeiCollege of Life Science and Bioengineering.2Outline Background Reference Preface.3Background Bilingual course Reasons International Competition Technology Development Government Policy Subject Requirement ObjectiveAcquire,analyze*,useThe aim is to equip you

2、with an understanding of the nature of medical biological biomedical literature and the skills required to retrieve information.4Background*author,publishing year,publisher,review,contentSpecial English Learning Outcome ArrangementLectures 14 teaching-hoursPractice 14 teaching-hoursAssessment 4 teac

3、hing-hours.5Background Assessment Lectures Practice Report Review Presentation in English Suggestions Notebook Practice.6Reference 1.董建成,周晓正.医学信息检索教程,东南大学出版社,2002年8月第1版。2.周毅华,现代医学信息检索与利用,东南大学出版社,2002年2月第1版。3.朱丽君,信息资源检索与应用,化学工业出版社,2004年8月第1版。4.William R.Hersh,Information Retrieval:A Health and Biomed

4、ical Perspective,Springer-Verlag NY/Health Informatics,January 2003 2nd Edition.7Preface Definition Category Language Approach Technique Effectiveness.8DefinitionSimplistic definition:Medical informatics is the application of computers,communications and information technology and systems to all fie

5、lds of medicine-medical care,medical education and medical research.MF Collen,MEDINFO 80,Tokyo.9Definition Medical informatics is the rapidly developing scientific field that deals with resources,devices and formalized methods for optimizing the storage,retrieval and management of biomedical informa

6、tion for problem solving and decision making.Edward Shortliffe,M.D.,Ph.D.What is medical informatics?Stanford University,1995.10 Definition Category Language Approach Technique Effectiveness.11Category Information Sources Printed Document BooksGeneral,well-established informationBecome out of date M

7、onograph Series Textbook Reference Book;Reference Source:.12CategoryEncyclopaedias:overview,many subjects,many aspects of one subjectsDictionaries:definitions,brief description,i.e pathology or environment Statistical tables:data in numerical formi.e.Office for National Statistics:Mortality statisti

8、cs:cause an annual publicationThesaurus:a book that lists words in groups of synonyms and related concepts Directories:lists of names or organizations giving addresses,telephone numbers and other general information about a person or an organization.13CategoryDiscussion lists:These are lists that en

9、able you to confer with colleagues via e-mail.Periodical;Journali.journals devoted to news,opinion and comment Example:New Scientist ii.journals devoted to original contributions Example:The American Journal of Human Genetics iii.review journals Example:Trends in Cell Biology.14Category Special Docu

10、ment Government Publication Scientific&Technical Report Patent Document Technical Standard Product Material Meeting Paper;Proceedings Dissertation Technical Archives.15Category Microcopy Video and audio.16Category Electronic Document on the Internet on a CD ROM electronic paper bookExamples include:

11、American Journal of Human Genetics(http:/www.journals.uchicago.edu/AJHG/journal/)Molecular Biology and Evolution(http:/intl.molbiolevol.org/).17Category Primary Literature Original contribution Secondary Literature Tertiary Literature.181)In which information source would you find a definition of a

12、subject?.A journal A dictionary A pharmacopoeia 2)In which information source would you find an address?A statistical table A discussion list A directory 3)In which information source would you find statistical information?A dictionary A statistical table A professional colleague Quiz1-One answer on

13、ly.194)In which information source would you find a well-established insight into a subject?An electronic journal A dictionary A textbook 5)In which information source would you find up to date,peer-reviewed research?A journal A book The Internet 6)In which information source would you find the late

14、st discussion on a recently aired piece of research?The Internet A discussion list A dictionary Quiz1.20 Definition Category Language Approach Technique Effectiveness.21Language Classification Subject Code.22Classification 用分类号表达文献中的各种概念,按学科、专业对各种概念加以分类和系统排列的文献检索语言。美国国会图书馆图书分类法、中国图书馆分类法、国际疾病分类法等.23C

15、lassification 中图法第四版将文献知识分为5大部类,即马、列、毛泽东思想;哲学;社会科学;自然科学;综合性图书。下分22个基本大类。例如 O:数理科学、化学 Q:生物科学 R:医药卫生 每个类目采用拉丁字母和阿拉伯数字相结合的混合号码.24ClassificationR 医药、卫生(医药、卫生(17个二级类目)个二级类目)1 预防医学、卫生学预防医学、卫生学 2 中国医学中国医学 3 基础医学基础医学 4 临床医学临床医学 5 内科学内科学 6 外科学外科学 71 妇产科学妇产科学 72 儿科学儿科学 73 肿瘤学肿瘤学 74 神经病学与精神病学神经病学与精神病学 75 皮肤病学与

16、性病学皮肤病学与性病学 76 耳鼻咽喉科学耳鼻咽喉科学 77 眼科学眼科学 78 口腔科学口腔科学 79 外国民族医学外国民族医学 8 特种医学特种医学 9 药学药学.25Classification 每个类目还可细分至六、七级类目,如每个类目还可细分至六、七级类目,如 :R6 R6 外科学外科学 R65 R65 外科学各论外科学各论 R655 R655 胸部外科学胸部外科学 R655.1 R655.1 胸壁胸壁 R655.2 R655.2 胸膜胸膜 R656 R656 腹部外科学腹部外科学 R656.1 R656.1 急腹症急腹症 R656.2 R656.2 腹部疝腹部疝 R656.3 R6

17、56.3 腹壁腹壁 R656.31 R656.31 腹壁炎症腹壁炎症 R656.32 R656.32 腹壁损伤腹壁损伤.26Subject 规范化语言(Controlled Vocabulary)是指对文献检索用语的概念加以人工控制和规范,把检索语言中各种同义词、多义词、近义词、同形异义词等进行规范化处理,使每个检索词只能表达一个概念。非规范化语言(Free text)对检索用语中的各种同义词、多义词、近义词、同形异义词等不加处理,所以也叫自然语言,如关键词。.27Keyword Free text searching Occurrence of a word or phrase within

18、 the title,abstract or full text.May not be relevant Different ways of spelling a word and think about synonyms for that word.28Subject Heading Subject Heading(Descriptor)Controlled Vocabulary More precise The word or phrase searched will not necessarily appear in the title or abstract of the articl

19、e on the database.i.e.the controlled vocabulary term for cot death on Medline is sudden infant death.Searching by sudden infant death,on Medline,you will retrieve articles on cot death.29Medical Subject Headings(MeSH)National Library of Medical,NLM Used in indexing arranged in alphabetical order Org

20、anised into a hierarchical structure called a tree i.e.Cardiovascular Diseases Heart Diseases Arrhythmia Arrhythmia,sinus Atrial fibrillation Bradycardia Cardiac complexes,premature Atrial premature complexes.30MeSH Subheadings are available to modify a MeSH term,increase the specificity of the sear

21、ch diagnosis,therapy,adverse effects,statistics and numerical data.i.e.aspirin/therapy;cold/drug therapy .31Keyword and SH 例:检索“心血管疾病微量元素的代谢”自由词检索结果:(CBMdisc)序号 命中文献数 检索表达式#1 2120 心血管疾病#2 1857 微量元素#3 11684 代谢#4 0#1 and#2 and#3#5 7#1 and#2 主题词检索#1 2399 心血管疾病 扩展全部树/血液、脑脊髓液、代 谢、尿#2 771 痕量元素扩展全部树/血液、脑脊髓

22、液、代谢、尿#3 47#1 and#2.32 Definition Category Language Approach Technique Effectiveness.33Approach Title Index Author Index Number Index Classified Index Keyword Index Subject Index Classified subject Index.34 Definition Category Language Approach Technique Effectiveness.35Retrieval Technique Spelling,

23、Terminology and Truncation Boolean Operators Limits Planning.36Spelling,Terminology and Truncation differences in terminology and spelling.For example:American English behavior behaviour fetal foetal aging ageing neoplasm cancer.37Spelling,Terminology and Truncation synonyms and acronyms Synonymsapp

24、earance/morphology;Acronymscauliflower mosaic virus=CaMVyeast artificial chromosome=YAC.38Spelling,Terminology and Truncation truncation searching(*,$)(wildcard searching)For example:evol*will find evolve/evolving/evolution/evolutionary/evolved diseas$will find disease/diseases/diseased colo$r will

25、find color/colour.39 1)What word do the Americans more commonly use to describe cancer?One answer only.A.Cancer B.Neoplasm C.Lymphoma 2)What is the acronym for adenosine triphosphate?(One answer only)A.AT B.ATP C.A 3)What is the British spelling of behavior?(One answer only)A.Behaviour B.Behavior C.

26、Behavivor Quiz 2.404)Which of the following will be retrieved using Develop*?(3 options)A.Development B.Devolving C.Developing D.Developed E.Delving F.Devil 5)Which of the following will be retrieved using Cell*?(3 options)A.Cells B.Calls C.Celery D.Cellular E.Celluloid 6)Which of the following will

27、 be retrieved using Micro*?(5 options)A.Microscope B.Microscopic C.Microbe D.Micra E.Microbial F.Microwave.41Boolean Operators AND Both words must be presentOR Either or both words must be presentNOT The first but not the second word must be present.42.43What Boolean operator would you use to combin

28、e the following search terms,Fruit Flies _ Drosophila melanogaster:2)What Boolean operator would you use to combine the following search terms,Morphology _ Appearance:3)What Boolean operator would you use to combine the following search terms,genes _ eye colour:4)To exclude articles that use the ter

29、m red eyes,what Boolean operator would you use?One answer only.AND OR NOT Quiz3.44Limits to be very specific refine your search Language Year:i.e.recent articles published in the last two years Publication type journal article,review,clinical trial,letter,editorial etc Age Group:babies,adults,olds G

30、ender,human,animal Human,male or female;or to animals,or more specifically to an animal type,rat,dog,mouse etc.45To limit a search to the incidence of late onset diabetes in women,which of the following would you use?Choose 2 of the following options A.Language B.Publication Type C.Female D.Male E.A

31、ge Group 2)To limit a search to information on mitochondria research in English,which of the following would you use?One answer onlyA.Latin B.Language C.English Language D.French E.German Quiz 4.463)To limit a search to articles written in the last year on plant pathology,which of the following woul

32、d you use?Choose 2 of the following options.A.Human B.Publication Year C.Publication Type D.Language E.Animal 4)To limit a search to conference papers given on the ethics of genetic research,which of the following would you use?One answer only.A.Language B.Age Group C.Publication Type D.Publication

33、Year E.Full text.47Planning your literature search Think:What are you trying to retrieve information about?Analyse:What are the key elements of the topic?Synonyms:Can these elements be described in any other way,alternate phrases,terms,can they be spelt differently?Combine:How would you combine thes

34、e sets together?Limit:Can you use any limits to refine your search?.48Planning your literature searchE.X.Look for research in the last 5 years about the evolutionary genetics of the Eastern Grey Squirrel.Evolutionary,Genetics,Grey,SquirrelKeywords:Synonyms:Evolution,Evolved,Evolving,Gene,Genes,Genet

35、ically,Sciurus carolinensis,squirrels,grey,gray.Truncation:Evol*,Gene*,Squirrel*,Gr$yCombining sets:(gr$y and squirrel*)or sciurus carolinensis gene*and evol*Last 5 years,English LanguageLimits:.49Limit 5 to 1995-and English Language61 and 2 and(3 or 4)5,Combine sets:sciurus carolinensis4gr*y squirr

36、el*3gene*2 evol*1evol*and gene*and(gr?y squirrel*or sciurus carolinensis)2Limit to Science Citation database and last five years1strategy in the BIOSIS previews databases strategy in the Web of Science(SCI).50 Definition Category Language Approach Technique Effectiveness.51Retrieval Effectiveness Re

37、call Ratio R=a/(a+c)*100%Precision Ratio P=a/(a+b)*100%a检出的相关文献数;b检出的非相关文献数;c未检出的相关文献数。实践证明:R:60%79%,P:40%50%检索效果较佳。.52VocabularyretrievalCardiovascularneoplasmdiabetesbilingual ArrhythmiamorphologyevolutionEncyclopaedia Atria terminologygenderthesaurusventricletruncationgenemonographfibrillationadenosinemitochondriaDissertationBradycardiatriphosphatewildcardsynonymsprematureInformaticssquirrelantonymsdiagnosis excludeDollar($)AcronymstherapygeneticAsterisk(*)Adverse effectsincidencesymptom


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