2023年中考英语一轮复习:补全对话&选词填空 试题汇编(Word版含答案).docx

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2023年中考英语一轮复习:补全对话&选词填空 试题汇编(Word版含答案).docx_第1页
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1、2023年中考英语一轮复习:补全对话&选词填空 试题汇编一、二、 补全对话(共6小题)1 (2022玉林)A.How are you?B.What happened?C.It is Riming here.D.I left my bag on the train.E.I guess you had fun !F.Why not?G.It was snowing so heavily that.Eileen:Hello?This is Eileen.Riming:Hi,Eileen.(1) Eileen:Oh,hi,Riming.How was your Spring Festival holi

2、day?Riming:Well. (2) Eileen:Wow,snowing!Did you go skiing (滑雪),or build a snowman? (3) Riming:Actually,it snowed so much that my train got stuck and I couldnt get home !Eileen:Oh no!Did you miss the Spring Festival? (4) Riming:I had to wait for hours on the train.Eileen:Thats terrible !Riming:Thats

3、not all. (5) It had all presents for my family !Eileen:It sounds like you had the worst holiday ever!2 (2022河池)M:Hi,Gina.Did you watch Hechi News last night?G:(1) Was there anything special?M:Yes.Two young firemen in our city were awarded the title of martyr (被授予烈士称号).G:For what?M:Do you remember th

4、e fire on Lunar New Years Eve(除夕夜)this year?G:Yes.But I knew a little about it.(2) M:Yes.When most people were watching Spring Festival Gala(春晚)happily on TV,the firemen received the message about the fire.(3) G:And then?M:After several hours hard work,the fire was put out and the firemen saved a fa

5、mily of 7 people from the fire.Unfortunately(不幸地),(4) G:How brave and great they were!M:(5) They are the real heroes!A.Youre right.B.No,I didnt.C.Whats the matter?D.Im sorry to hear that.E.Did it break out in a small toy factory?F.the two young firemen lost their lives.G.And they rushed out to the f

6、actory at once.3 (2022柳州)Mike:Hello,Julie.Julie:(1) Mike:Julie,here is a box for you!Julie:Thank you,Mike.Mike:Who is it from?Julie:(2) Mike:Who is your pen friend?Julie:(3) Mike:What is in the box?Julie:(4) Mike:Do you like it?Julie:(5) A.Its a Bing Dwen Dwen(冰墩墩) in the box.B.Lingling is my pen fr

7、iend.C.Oh,its from my pen friend.D.Hello,Mike.E.Yes,I like it very much.F.Im fine.4 (2022百色)A.How is it?D.I havent read it yet.B.Yes,you are right.E.What are you doing?C.What reading?F.I thought it was not interesting.A:Hi,Wang Tao,have you finished the reading yet?B:(1) A:Robinson Crusoe.Ms.Li told

8、 us to finish reading it this week,remember?B:Oh,no!(2) A:Well,I just finished reading it last night.B:(3) Is it boring?A:No.Its wonderful.I love it.B:(4) So I didnt care about it.A:Anyway,doing more reading is useful to our learning.B:(5) I will try my best to finish reading it in time.5 (2022广西)St

9、even:Hi,Linda.Welcome back.Linda:Hello,Steven. (1) Steven:How long have you been away from our hometown?Linda: (2) I miss home so much.Steven:There are great changes here.Do you remember the cinema we used to go to?Linda:Yes. (3) Steven:It is a shopping centre now.Linda:Oh,we can go there later. (4)

10、 Steven:Thats the plan.Then we can have lunch near the school.Linda;Excellent! (5) Steven:OK.Lets go.A.Shall we go now?B.Long time no see.C.For about 5 years.D.How is it today?E.Well,I want to visit our primary school first.6 (2022贺州)A:Hello,Bob.The summer vacation is coming.(1) B:No,I dont.Would yo

11、u please give me some advice?A:What about doing housework with your family?B:(2) What can we do?A:(3) For example,we can cook dinner and do the dishes.B:It sounds great.(4) A:Of course you can!Doing housework is so meaningful.B:Yes,we can share the housework with our family members.A:I agree.Besides

12、,(5) B:Lets do it.A:OK.A.There is so much we can do.B.I dont like doing housework.C.doing chores will make us happy and relaxed.D.And I can clean the rooms.E.Thats a good idea.F.Do you have any plans?三、 1选词填空(共7小题)7 (2022梧州) they be under much come find animal difference outside andThe weather gets

13、colder,days get shorter,and leaves fall off the tree.When winter (1) ,people live in warm houses and wear thick coats(2) .But what happens to the animals? Some animals sleep for part or all of the winter.It is a special,very deep sleep called hibernation(冬眠).These (3) body temperature drops,and thei

14、r heartbeat(心跳)and breathing slow down.In autumn,they get ready for winter by eating(4) food than in summer and storing it as body fat.This fat provides (5) with enough energy while they are sleeping.Bears,snakes,frogs (6) even some bugs(甲虫)hibernate. Some animals stay active in winter.It is hard fo

15、r them(7) food.Some of them,like mice,collect extra food in autumn and store it to eat later.Some other animals eat (8) kinds of food as the seasons change.They may live in holes,in trees or(9) the ground to stay warm.Some birds,like wild geese(大雁),fly to the south for the winter.We call this migrat

16、ion(迁徙). Nature (10) full of magic.Arent the ways that animals get through the winter amazing?8 (2022河池)with run how flower goodMarch 22nd is World Water Day.Lets learn(1) to save water at home!Theres no need to keep the water (2) while youre brushing your teeth.And youll save a lot of water if you

17、spend less time in the shower.A bowl with just enough water is a(3) way to wash your fruit or vegetables.Then use whats left to water the (4) .While you are waiting for the shower water to warm up,put a bucket(桶) under it.The collected water can be used to sweep the floor. Dont forget to share these

18、 ways of saving water(5) your family and friends.9 (2022贵港)it take leaf quick possibleMany people explain the meaning of purity (纯洁) to someone by giving the example of the lotus (莲花).The lotus is a plant growing in the dirty earth.But its (1) and flowers are not dirty at all.How does the lotus clea

19、n (2) ?Scientists have got the answer. The lotus leaf is round and large on the water.It is almost (3) to get it wet.Why?Thats because the lotus leaf has a kind of wax (蜡) on its surface.The wax can keep the water away (4) .If you put water on a lotus leaf,the water will get off it right away.At the

20、 same time,the dirty things will be (5) away by the water.This is the reason why the lotus leaf always stays clean.Its the same to the lotus flowers.So we often see the lotus in bright colors.10 (2022柳州)visit they big table introducePeople in my home town are friendly to each other.They may shake ha

21、nds with or smile at each other when(1) meet for the first time.When theyre(2) to someone older,they use nin to show their respect(尊重).People will serve their(3) at home with tea,fruits and snacks.The Spring Festival is the(4) one of all the festivals in my home town.And people celebrate it by havin

22、g a big meal around a dining(5) with their families.Theyll have lots of meat.Children will enjoy the delicious snacks.11 (2022百色)look so country love goodYou may know the lovely mascots (吉祥物) of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games,the fiveFuwadolls.On September 17 of 2019,two other(1) mascots first showe

23、d on TV.They are Bing Dwen Dwen and Shuey Rhon Rhon. One mascot looks like a panda.It wears an iceshell (冰壳) and looks fat, (2) we call it Bing Dwen Dwen.It likes ice sports very much and is good at them.Thats why it is the mascot of the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympic Games. Do you think the other masc

24、ot(3) like a lantern?The lanterns name is Shuey Rhon Rhon.When the Chinese New Year comes,people always make or buy red lanterns for (4) luck.People think Shuey Rhon Rhon can give players hope and help them do well in the 2022 Beijing Winter Paralympic Games (冬残奥会). Many people in different(5) like

25、the two mascots very much,and they show their love to them on the Internet.12 (2022广西)voice outside much everyone danger losing fun give number difficultWorld Animal Day falls on October 4th.It is to make the world a better place for all animals. Protecting animals has got(1) attention all over the

26、world.Every year IUCN (国际自然保护联盟) reports some important information about the plants and animals in(2) .The giraffe is one of them.Over the last 30 years,the(3) of giraffes has dropped by 40%.There are now fewer than 10,000 giraffes in the world today!Things are getting worse.Many animals are(4) the

27、ir lives because of human activities.Animals are often killed for their meat,teeth or even just for(5) . Animals will get more help,if(6) starts to do something.Here are the things you can do. Love animals.You could(7) them a hand when it is necessary. Go(8) to see wildlife.If you take a walk in nat

28、ure,you can enjoy seeing all the plants and animals around you. Speak up for wildlife.Animals cant speak for themselves.You can be a(9) for your animal friends. Learn more about animals(10) situations.By learning about their problems and pains,you can find new ways to help them.13 (2022贺州)good it fa

29、ctory surprise set encourage hard but for successA man sees a butterfly.The butterfly tries to get out of (1) chrysalis(蛹).The man cuts the chrysalis and the butterfly comes out easily.To his(2) ,the butterfly is unable to fly.If the butterfly doesnt struggle(挣扎)to get out of the chrysalis,it cant f

30、ly.The struggle develops the energy in the butterfly.Similarly,the challenges of life bring out the(3) in young people and prepare the ability to fly. When people are young,meeting and overcoming challenges will make them strong and ready to face life.For successful people,the more challenges they h

31、ave had,the more(4) they are.One famous man,who now owns many big(5) ,used to sell socks from door to door when he was young.Another success man is Eric.He(6) up a college at the age of 30.His father died when he was only 16.He worked(7) in the day and studied hard in the night.His fathers death for

32、ced him to grow up fast.He took up the challenges and overcame them.Today,not only he himself, (8) also his brothers and sisters are leading successful lives. Nowadays,some parents and teachers actively(9) young people to face challenges.It is important(10) them to learn to meet challenges and overc

33、ome them.四、 语法填空(共1小题)14 (2022玉林)China is a nation with a rich culture in handwriting (书法).Even though the computer is(1) (wide) used today,Chinese people should not forget the skill of writing with hands,said a Chinese government officer. So far,the computer(2) ( become) a very useful tool to help

34、people to write.As people use computers more often than before,many people have forgotten how to write Chinese characters (字).People often makes plenty of(3) (mistake) in writing. The Chinese character test shows that nowadays ,many college students handwriting has got even(4) (bad).Many college stu

35、dents do not know how to make words or sentences in Chinese character in the right way.Not only kids but also many adults have met(5) same problem.They might be able to tell the general form of a certain character.However,(6) you ask them to spell out the character correctly,they cant.On the other h

36、and,they can type out the character on a computer without thinking(7) ( two). At present,China is trying its best(8) (solve) this problem.With the use of certain technologies,teachers can write their teaching contents (内容) and the students can reply by writing in the nation language teaching course.

37、We can also write letters(9) our relatives and friends instead of sending messages.This can help(10) (we) practice handwriting.Besides,there are many ways that we can try.第 27 页 共 27 页参考答案与试题解析一、 补全对话(共6小题)1 (2022玉林)A.How are you?B.What happened?C.It is Riming here.D.I left my bag on the train.E.I g

38、uess you had fun !F.Why not?G.It was snowing so heavily that.Eileen:Hello?This is Eileen.Riming:Hi,Eileen.(1)CEileen:Oh,hi,Riming.How was your Spring Festival holiday?Riming:Well. (2)GEileen:Wow,snowing!Did you go skiing (滑雪),or build a snowman? (3)ERiming:Actually,it snowed so much that my train go

39、t stuck and I couldnt get home !Eileen:Oh no!Did you miss the Spring Festival? (4)BRiming:I had to wait for hours on the train.Eileen:Thats terrible !Riming:Thats not all. (5)DIt had all presents for my family !Eileen:It sounds like you had the worst holiday ever!【解答】(1)根据下文喂,Riming。结合选项可知,C项我是Rimin

40、g。符合题意。故选C。(2)根据下文在下雪结合选项可知,G项雪下得很大以至于.符合题意。故选G。(3)根据上文你滑雪,堆雪人了么?结合选项可知,E项我猜你玩得高兴。符合题意。故选E。(4)根据下文我不得不在火车上等上几个小时。结合选项可知,B项发生什么了?符合题意。故选B。(5)根据上文那还不是全部。结合选项可知,D项我把包落车上了。符合题意。故选D。2 (2022河池)M:Hi,Gina.Did you watch Hechi News last night?G:(1)BWas there anything special?M:Yes.Two young firemen in our cit

41、y were awarded the title of martyr (被授予烈士称号).G:For what?M:Do you remember the fire on Lunar New Years Eve(除夕夜)this year?G:Yes.But I knew a little about it.(2)EM:Yes.When most people were watching Spring Festival Gala(春晚)happily on TV,the firemen received the message about the fire.(3)GG:And then?M:A

42、fter several hours hard work,the fire was put out and the firemen saved a family of 7 people from the fire.Unfortunately(不幸地),(4)FG:How brave and great they were!M:(5)AThey are the real heroes!A.Youre right.B.No,I didnt.C.Whats the matter?D.Im sorry to hear that.E.Did it break out in a small toy fac

43、tory?F.the two young firemen lost their lives.G.And they rushed out to the factory at once.【解答】(1)根据上文你昨晚看河池新闻了吗?以及下文有什么特别的吗?结合选项可知,B项不,我没有。符合题意。故选B。(2)根据上文但我对此知道的不多。结合选项可知,E项它是在一家小型玩具厂爆发的吗?符合题意。故选E。(3)根据上文当大多数人在电视上兴高采烈地收看春晚时,消防员收到了关于火灾的消息。结合选项可知,G项他们立即冲向工厂。符合题意。故选G。(4)根据上文不幸的是,结合选项可知,F项两名年轻的消防员失去了生

44、命。符合题意。故选F。(5)根据上文他们是多么的勇敢和伟大!以及下文他们才是真正的英雄!结合选项可知,A项你是对的。符合题意。故选A。3 (2022柳州)Mike:Hello,Julie.Julie:(1)DMike:Julie,here is a box for you!Julie:Thank you,Mike.Mike:Who is it from?Julie:(2)CMike:Who is your pen friend?Julie:(3)BMike:What is in the box?Julie:(4)AMike:Do you like it?Julie:(5)EA.Its a Bi

45、ng Dwen Dwen(冰墩墩) in the box.B.Lingling is my pen friend.C.Oh,its from my pen friend.D.Hello,Mike.E.Yes,I like it very much.F.Im fine.【解答】(1)根据Hello,Julie.(你好,朱莉。)结合选项可知,两人在互相打招呼。故选D。(2)根据Who is it from?(是谁寄来的?)结合选项可知,C选项哦,是我笔友寄来的。符合语境。故选C。(3)根据Who is your pen friend?(谁是你的笔友?)结合选项可知,B选项玲玲是我的笔友。符合语境。

46、故选B。(4)根据What is in the box?(箱子里是什么?)结合选项可知,A选项箱子里有个冰墩墩。符合语境。故选A。(5)根据Do you like it?(你喜欢它吗?)结合选项可知,E选项是的,我非常喜欢。符合语境。故选E。4 (2022百色)A.How is it?D.I havent read it yet.B.Yes,you are right.E.What are you doing?C.What reading?F.I thought it was not interesting.A:Hi,Wang Tao,have you finished the reading yet?B:(1)CA:Robinson C


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