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1、单单词词名名词词指人:指人:guide,steward,stewardess,citizen,typist,representative 指物:指物:jet,tablet,capsule,mask,carriage,switch,mud,receiver,typewriter,button,dustbin,goods,material,belt 其它:其它:adjustment,impression,opening,surroundings,timetable,instant,postage,postcode,ecology,settlement,motivation,desert,aspec

2、t 单单词词动动词词tolerate,lack,press,fasten,flash,swallow,recycle 形形容容词词constant,optimistic,previous,uncertain,surrounding,greedy 副副词词constantly,sideways 短短语语词词汇汇表表take up,be back on ones feet,safety belt,lose sight of,sweep up,slide into,speed up 课课文文中中as a result,be similar to,in no time,in all direction

3、s,as though/if,by magic,spread some food on the table,fall fast asleep,show sb.around,move on,work practices,perform tasks语法语法过去分词作定语和状语过去分词作定语和状语1._ n.方面方面;层面层面2._ adj.在前的在前的;早先的早先的3._ adj.不确切的不确切的;无把握的无把握的4._ n.指导指导;向导向导;导游导游 vt.指引指引;指导指导5._ vt.容忍容忍;忍受忍受6._ vi.&vt.缺乏缺乏;没有没有 n.缺乏缺乏;短缺的东西短缺的东西7._ vt

4、.系牢系牢;扎牢扎牢aspectpreviousguidetoleratelackfastenuncertain(一一)基本单词基本单词8._ n.开关开关;转换转换 vt.转换转换9._ vt.&vi.(使使)闪光闪光;(使使)闪现闪现10._ adj.乐观乐观(主义主义)的的11._ n.沙漠沙漠;荒原荒原12._ n.公民;居民;市民公民;居民;市民13._ n.打字员打字员14._ n.打字机打字机15._ n.接受者接受者;接收器接收器;电话听筒电话听筒16._ n.原料原料;材料材料flashoptimisticdesertmaterialreceiverswitchcitizen

5、typisttypewriter17._ vt.回收利用回收利用;再利用再利用18._ n.代表代表;典型人物典型人物 adj.典型的典型的;有代表性的有代表性的19._ n.动机动机20._ vt.吞下、咽下吞下、咽下;吞没吞没21._ adj.贪吃的贪吃的;贪婪的贪婪的;贪贪 心的心的swallowrecyclerepresentativemotivationgreedy22._ n.印象印象;感想感想;印记印记 _ v.(使使)印象深刻印象深刻;铭记铭记 23._ adj.时常发生的时常发生的;连续不连续不 断的断的 _ adv.不断地不断地 24._ n.周围的事物周围的事物;环境环境

6、 _adj.周围的周围的 _ v.环绕环绕;包围包围 25._ vt.按按;压压;逼迫逼迫 n.按、压按、压;印刷印刷;新闻新闻 _ n.压力压力;挤压挤压;压迫压迫impressionimpressconstantconstantlysurroundingssurroundpresspressure (二二)派生单词派生单词surrounding26._ n.瞬间瞬间;片刻片刻 adj.立即的立即的;立刻的立刻的 _ adv.立即立即;立刻立刻27._ n.定居定居;解决解决 _ v.解决解决;定居定居 _ n.定居者定居者 instantinstantlysettlementsettles

7、ettler1.拿起拿起;接受接受;开始开始;继续继续2.(困境后困境后)恢复恢复;完全复原完全复原3.看不见看不见4.打扫打扫;横扫横扫5.(快捷而悄声地快捷而悄声地)移动移动;溜进溜进take upbe back on ones feetlose sight ofsweep upslide into(三三)短语短语6.加速加速7.结果结果8.与与相似相似 9.向四面八方向四面八方10.带领某人参观带领某人参观speed upas a result be similar toin all directions show sb.around1.constant adj.不变的不变的;固定的固定

8、的;时常发生的时常发生的;连续不断的连续不断的constantly adj.经常地经常地;不断地不断地 课文原句课文原句:I have to remind myself constantly that I am really in AD 3008 我得不断提醒自己我得不断提醒自己,我真的已经进入到了我真的已经进入到了公元公元 3008年了。年了。(一一)单词单词【辨析辨析】constant/continual/continuous constant adj.不断的不断的,经常的经常的,强调始终如强调始终如一地经常出现。一地经常出现。continual adj.连续不断的连续不断的,频繁的频繁的

9、,表示表示时断时续地发生。时断时续地发生。continuous adj.不停的不停的,连续不断的连续不断的,强调强调中间不停顿。中间不停顿。用用continual/constant/continuous填空。填空。(1)That dogs barking is a _ annoyance.(2)Our homes and offices need a _ supply of electricity.(3)Everything in the universe is in _ motion.continualcontinuousconstant2.previous adj.在前的在前的;早先的早先

10、的 课文原句课文原句:This is similar to the“jet lag”you get from flying,but it seems you keep getting flashbacks from your previous time period.这就与你乘坐飞机会产生时差反应相似这就与你乘坐飞机会产生时差反应相似,所所不同的是不同的是,在你脑子里似乎会不断闪现以前在你脑子里似乎会不断闪现以前的时光。的时光。previous to.在在前前;先于先于(to为介词为介词)【拓展拓展】previously adv.先前地先前地;以前地以前地3.guide n.指导者指导者;向导

11、向导;导游导游 v.引导引导;指导指导课文原句课文原句:However,my friend and guide,Wang Ping,was very understanding and gave me some green tablets which helped a lot.但是我的朋友兼导游王平很细心体贴但是我的朋友兼导游王平很细心体贴,给给了我几粒绿色药片了我几粒绿色药片,倒是挺起作用的。倒是挺起作用的。【归纳【归纳】guide作动词时作动词时,意为意为:为某人领路为某人领路,指指引引;指导指导,影响影响(某人的行为某人的行为);(向某向某人人)解释解释,阐明阐明(常和介词常和介词thr

12、ough连用连用)。e.g.We were guided around the museums.The old woman was always guided by her religious beliefs.Guide your students through the program one section at a time.guide作名词时作名词时,意为意为:指南指南,手册;手册;旅行旅行指南指南,旅行手册;旅行手册;向导向导,导游;导游;指导的事指导的事物物,判断的依据。判断的依据。e.g.Details of how to use the various programs are

13、 in the user guide.Its a guide to Italy,which you may find useful while traveling there.We hired a local guide to get us across the mountains.I never follow recipes exactly when I cook I just use them as rough guides.4.tolerate v.忍受忍受;容忍容忍课文原句课文原句:At first my new surroundings were difficult to toler

14、ate.一开始新的环境让我很难忍受。一开始新的环境让我很难忍受。【归纳【归纳】tolerate sth.容忍容忍/忍受某事忍受某事 tolerate sb.doing sth.容忍容忍/忍受某人做某事忍受某人做某事【拓展【拓展】tolerance n.宽容宽容;忍耐力忍耐力 have tolerance for.忍受忍受 beyond tolerance 无法忍受无法忍受 show tolerance towards sb.对某人宽容对某人宽容 tolerant adj.容忍的容忍的;忍受的忍受的;宽容的宽容的 be tolerant of 容忍容忍;忍受忍受运用上述词汇完成下列情景。运用上述

15、词汇完成下列情景。Recently,there is one thing that I can hardly _.That is the noisy music coming from a nearby shop.Frankly,I can never _ listening to such kind of music.That is,it is beyond my _.But my mother always tells me that I should be _ of that noise.Anyway,they need it to attract more customers.tole

16、ratetoleratetolerancetolerant5.lack 【归纳【归纳】v.缺乏缺乏;没有。没有。不用于被动结构不用于被动结构,也不用也不用于进行体。于进行体。lack for+n.(多用于否定句中多用于否定句中)表示缺乏表示缺乏什么或在某方面缺少什么或在某方面缺少 n.缺乏缺乏;短缺的东西短缺的东西 (a)lack of.缺乏缺乏 for lack of.因因的缺乏的缺乏【拓展拓展】lacking adj.短缺的短缺的;缺乏的缺乏的 be lacking in 缺少缺少课文原句课文原句:Hit by a lack of fresh air,my head ached.由于缺乏新

17、鲜空气由于缺乏新鲜空气,我感到头痛。我感到头痛。完成句子。完成句子。(1)He sold his car _(缺缺 钱钱)(2)Its very kind of you,but we _(不缺乏不缺乏)of teachers here.(3)We _(缺少缺少)apples.for a lack of moneyhave no lacklack/are lacking in6.press v.按按;压压;逼迫逼迫 n.按按;压压;出版社出版社;新闻界新闻界;报刊报刊课文原句课文原句:These carriages float above the ground and by bending or

18、 pressing down in your seat,you can move swiftly.这些气垫车是在地面上方漂浮着的这些气垫车是在地面上方漂浮着的,只要在座只要在座位上把操纵杆打弯或压下位上把操纵杆打弯或压下,你就可以迅速地移你就可以迅速地移动。动。【归纳归纳】v.按按;压压;逼迫逼迫 press(down)sth.踩下踩下;按下某物按下某物press sth.into.把某物塞进把某物塞进press sth.out of 从从中榨出中榨出press on 按;将按;将压在压在上上press sb.to do sth.力劝某人做某事力劝某人做某事n.按按;压压;出版社出版社;新闻界

19、新闻界;报刊报刊press作作“报界报界,新闻界新闻界”解解,用作主语时用作主语时,其谓其谓语语动词既可用单数形式动词既可用单数形式,也可用复数形式。也可用复数形式。in(the)press 在印刷中在印刷中写出下列句子中写出下列句子中press的含义的含义(1)The little boys pressed their noses against the glass._(2)Your book has gone to press._(3)Please dont press me on this point.I have no more to say._按按;压压印刷印刷逼迫于逼迫于7.swi

20、tch v.交换;改变;转换交换;改变;转换 n.开关;转换开关;转换 课文原句课文原句:Then Wang Ping flashed a switch on a computer screen,and a table and some chairs rose from under the floor as if by magic.然后王平在电脑屏幕上的开关上闪了一下然后王平在电脑屏幕上的开关上闪了一下,于于是一张桌子和几把椅子就像变魔术那样从地是一张桌子和几把椅子就像变魔术那样从地板下面升了起来。板下面升了起来。【归纳归纳】v.交换;改变;转换交换;改变;转换 switch on 开动开动;

21、打开;接通打开;接通 switch off 切断切断;关掉关掉 switch to 转换转换 switch from 从从转变转变 switch into 变为变为 n.开关;转换开关;转换 make a switch 进行改变进行改变【温馨提示【温馨提示】表示表示“打开打开;切断电源、开关切断电源、开关”等意义时等意义时 switch on/off可以与可以与turn on/off互换。互换。8.instant adj.立即的立即的;立刻的立刻的 n.瞬间瞬间;片刻片刻 课文原句:课文原句:You place the metal band over you head,clear your m

22、ind,press the sending button,think your message and the next instant its sent.你把这种金属带子放在你的头上你把这种金属带子放在你的头上,排除杂念排除杂念,按下发送键按下发送键,集中精神想着你要传递的信息集中精神想着你要传递的信息,片刻功夫信息就发出去了。片刻功夫信息就发出去了。n.瞬间瞬间;片刻片刻【归纳【归纳】in an instant 立即立即 at that instant 在那瞬间在那瞬间 for an instant 片刻片刻 the instant(that)一一就就 (as soon as/immedi

23、ately/directly)【拓展【拓展】instantly adv.立即地立即地,即刻地即刻地完成句子。完成句子。(1)我马上就回来。我马上就回来。I shall be back _.(2)我一时答不上来。我一时答不上来。I couldnt answer _.(3)我一看见他就认出他正是警方在寻找的那我一看见他就认出他正是警方在寻找的那 个人。个人。_ I saw him I knew he was the man the police were looking for.in an instantfor an instantInstantly/The instant(that)1.take

24、 up 占有占有(时间时间/空间空间);开始从事开始从事;发展发展某种爱好某种爱好;拿起;出现拿起;出现课文原句课文原句:I still cannot believe that I am taking up this prize that I won last year.我始终不能相信就在去年我得到了这个奖我始终不能相信就在去年我得到了这个奖项项。(二二)短语短语【拓展【拓展】take down 取下取下,拿下拿下;记录记录,记下记下;拒绝拒绝take off 拿走拿走,取下取下,去掉去掉;(飞机飞机)起飞起飞;脱掉脱掉 (衣服衣服)take on 呈现呈现(新面貌新面貌);雇佣;承担雇佣;承

25、担take over 接管接管;接替接替;移交移交take away 拿走拿走;带走带走take in 领会领会,理解理解;接待接待,收留收留;吸收吸收;欺骗欺骗,使上当使上当 take back 拿回拿回;收回收回(说过的话说过的话)take.for 当作当作;误认为误认为完成句子。完成句子。(1)我将同我的律师一起着手处理此事。我将同我的律师一起着手处理此事。Im going to _ this matter _ with my lawyer.(2)那家超市还在雇佣更多的售货员吗?那家超市还在雇佣更多的售货员吗?Is the supermarket _ any more assistant

26、s?(3)我度假时我度假时,他接替我的工作。他接替我的工作。He will _ my job while I am on holiday.takeuptaking ontake over2.lose sight of 看不见看不见;忽略某事忽略某事课文原句:课文原句:However,I lost sight of Wang Ping when we reached what looked like a large market because of too many carriages flying by in all directions.可是可是,当我们到达一个看上去像是大市场的当我们到达

27、一个看上去像是大市场的地方时地方时,由于太多车子朝四面八方飞奔由于太多车子朝四面八方飞奔,我我看不见王平了。看不见王平了。【拓展【拓展】catch sight of.瞥见瞥见,突然看见突然看见lose ones sight 失明失明in ones sight 在某人看来在某人看来,依某人意见依某人意见at first sight 乍一看乍一看at the sight of 一看到一看到就就out of sight 看不到看不到,在视野之外在视野之外in/within sight of 在视野内在视野内完成句子。完成句子。1)看到母亲看到母亲,他激动地大哭起来。他激动地大哭起来。_ his mo

28、ther,he cried with excitement.2)我看见她匆忙走开了我看见她匆忙走开了,但我没想跟她讲话。但我没想跟她讲话。I _ her hurrying away but I didnt try to speak.3)火车很快就看不见了。火车很快就看不见了。The train was soon _.At the sight ofcaught sight ofout of sight3.sweep up 打扫打扫;清扫清扫;横扫横扫 课文原句课文原句:He was swept up into the centre of them.他被卷入到这群车队里了。他被卷入到这群车队里了。

29、【拓展【拓展】sweep over 涌上涌上心头心头,使使难以抑制难以抑制 sweep out 清扫清扫,扫掉扫掉 sweep away 冲走冲走;清除清除 sweep through (消息等消息等)迅速传遍于迅速传遍于;扫过扫过,掠过掠过4.speed up 加速加速课文原句:课文原句:When we wanted the hovering carriage to speed up,we pressed down hard on the driving pedal and bent over in the direction we wanted to go.当我们想让盘旋的气垫车加速时当我

30、们想让盘旋的气垫车加速时,我们使劲踩我们使劲踩下驾驶踏板下驾驶踏板,并驶向我们想去的方向。并驶向我们想去的方向。【拓展【拓展】build up speed 加速加速 reduce the speed 减速减速 at a/the speed of 以以的速度的速度 at high/low/full/top speed 高高/低低/全全/最快速最快速 speed across 疾驶通过疾驶通过 speed over the country 迅速在全国传开迅速在全国传开 完成句子。完成句子。(1)警车以每小时警车以每小时100英里的速度追赶前面的英里的速度追赶前面的那辆卡车。那辆卡车。The pol

31、ice car is running _ 100 miles per hour to chase after the truck ahead of it.(2)一出车站一出车站,火车就开始加速。火车就开始加速。Once outside the station,the train began to _.at the speed ofpick up speed过去分词作状语过去分词作状语 过去分词作状语过去分词作状语,可以表示时间、原因、条可以表示时间、原因、条件、方式、让步等。这时分词表示的动作与句件、方式、让步等。这时分词表示的动作与句子主语之间构成逻辑上的动宾关系。子主语之间构成逻辑上的动宾

32、关系。如:如:Asked why he was late,Tom said it was because of the traffic jam.Exhausted by the long journey,Mr.Green soon fell asleep.Given more money,I will buy another dress.The woman entered the room,followed by her husband.Laughed at by many other colleagues,David went on with his plan.过去分词作时间、条件等状语时过

33、去分词作时间、条件等状语时,可转换为可转换为对应的状语从句。对应的状语从句。如:如:Offered help,we should say“Thank you”or“Its kind of you”.=When we are offered help,we should say“Thank you”or“Its kind of you”.Grown in rich soil,these seeds can grow fast.=If they are grown in rich soil,these seeds can grow fast.过去分词作状语过去分词作状语,可以在其前面加可以在其前面

34、加if,once,although等连词等连词,构成构成“连词连词+分词分词”形式形式。如:如:If bitten by a snake,you should ask for help.Once seen,the painting will be never forgotten.Although defeated again,the player still did not give in.【拓展【拓展】过去分词与动词过去分词与动词-ing 形式作状语的形式作状语的区别:过去分词作状语时区别:过去分词作状语时,表示的动作与其表示的动作与其逻辑主语之间是动宾关系;动词逻辑主语之间是动宾关系;动词

35、-ing形式作形式作状语时状语时,通常与其逻辑主语之间是主谓关系。通常与其逻辑主语之间是主谓关系。如:如:Seen from the hill,the countryside is very attractive.(seen与与countryside之间是逻辑之间是逻辑上的动宾关系)上的动宾关系)Seeing from the hill,you can find the countryside attractive.(you与与seeing之间之间是逻辑上的主谓关系)是逻辑上的主谓关系)用括号内所给用括号内所给(短语短语)动词的正确形式填空。动词的正确形式填空。1._(translate)in

36、to German,the sentence has a different word order.2._(find)the research very difficult,Ann decided to give it up.3._(remind)not to miss the flight,the professor got up very early.4.If _(carry out)regularly,exercise can build up our health.Translated Having found Reminded carried out 5._(look)at Tony

37、s face,I read the same disappointment in his eyes.6.Dont say anything unless _ (speak)to.Lookingspoken 如何写想象类作文如何写想象类作文 想象类作文不但考查大家的语言能力想象类作文不但考查大家的语言能力,而且给了大家更为广阔的思维空间。我们而且给了大家更为广阔的思维空间。我们可以充分发挥想象力可以充分发挥想象力,畅想美好的未来。畅想美好的未来。【写作任务【写作任务】你校英语俱乐部将举办主题为你校英语俱乐部将举办主题为“未来的新型城市未来的新型城市”的英语沙龙活动。请根据下列要点的英语沙龙活动。

38、请根据下列要点,发挥自己的想发挥自己的想象力用英语写一篇发言稿。象力用英语写一篇发言稿。1.新型城市产生的原因;新型城市产生的原因;2.新型城市的运作模式。新型城市的运作模式。注意:注意:1.词数词数120 左右;左右;2.可以适当增加细节可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;以使行文连贯;3.开头和结尾已给出开头和结尾已给出,但不计入总词数。但不计入总词数。Good morning,everyone.Im glad to share my view on“the new city in the future”._ Thank you!【写作指导【写作指导】审题定调审题定调 本篇习作形式上是一篇发言


40、分:展望未来。组织语言组织语言1.第一部分:阐述新型城市产生的原因。第一部分:阐述新型城市产生的原因。普通普通表达表达The worlds population is growing.The oceans are rising because of globalwarming.Dry land will become too crowded.高级高级表达表达As a result of rising sea levels caused byglobal warming and exploding population,our land is becoming too crowded.2.第二部

41、分:介绍新型城市的运作模式。第二部分:介绍新型城市的运作模式。普通普通表达表达Islands full of green plants will be created on the sea and cities will be built on them.In the center of the city,there will be ahuge tower for people to work and live in.The city will be powered by solar,wind,and wave energy.There will be large gardens for pe

42、ople To grow crops.高级高级表达表达The floating city will be located on a man-made island,which will be almost entirely covered in the vegetation.A huge tower at the city center will actboth as workplace and housing for itscitizens.The city will use solar,wind,and wave power to keep it functioning and use i

43、ts large gardens to supply food.3.第三部分:展望未来。第三部分:展望未来。普通普通表达表达Anything is possible if we keep making progress in science and technology.高级高级表达表达It will come true with the development of science and technology.【范文展示【范文展示】普通范文普通范文 Good morning,everyone.Im glad to sharemy view on“the new city in the fu

44、ture”.As we all know,the worlds population isconstantly growing.At the same time,the oceans are rising because of global warming.This means that dry land will become too crowded.In my opinion,all of the problems will be solved by building floating cities on the sea.In the future,islands full of gree

45、n plants willbe created on the sea and cities will be built on them.In the center of the city,there will be a huge tower for people to work and live in.The city will be powered by solar,wind,and wave energy.And there will be large gardens for people to grow crops.This is not a dream.I believe anythi

46、ng ispossible if we keep making progress in science and technology.Thank you!高级范文高级范文 Good morning,everyone.Im glad to sharemy view on“the new city in the future”.As a result of rising sea levels caused byglobal warming and exploding population,ourland is becoming too crowded.Therefore,Ivecome up wi

47、th the idea of constructing floatingcities on the sea to solve the problems.The floating city will be located on man-made islands,which will be almost entirely covered in the vegetation.A huge tower at the city center will act both as workplace and housing for its citizens.The city will use solar,wi

48、nd,and wave power to keep it functioning and use its large gardens to supply food.This is absolutely not science fiction.Ibelieve it will come true with the development of science and technology.Thank you!I.用括号内单词的正确形式填空。用括号内单词的正确形式填空。1.The firm has two _(represent)in every European city.2.We could

49、see the stars through a(n)_(open)in the roof.3.A lot of the children at the school do not live in the town,but come in from the _(surround)countryside.opening representativessurrounding 4.The headline gave a false _(impress)of what the article was about.5.Union leaders and company bosses will meet t

50、omorrow in an attempt to reach a(n)_(settle).settlement impressionII.选用方框内合适的短语并用其正确形式填空选用方框内合适的短语并用其正确形式填空(每个短语限用一次)。(每个短语限用一次)。lose sight of,by magic,sweep up,speed up,take up,slide into,show around,as a result1.As if _ the waiter suddenly appeared with a tray of drinks.2.The teacher found that th


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