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1、商务信函翻译PPT课件2022-11-2Business English Translation2单元目标单元目标一、了解商务信函类型、格式及写作原则(知识)二、熟悉商务信函的组成部分(知识)三、识记询盘函的常用词汇和句型(知识)四、能够翻译中英文询盘函(能力)五、识记报盘函的常用词汇和句型(知识)六、能够翻译中英文报盘函(能力)2022-11-2Business English Translation3单元模块单元模块一、学习商务信函的类型和格式二、学习商务信函的组成部分三、理解商务信函的写作原则四、学习询盘函常用词汇和句型五、练习翻译询盘函句子和信函六、学习报盘函常用词汇和句型七、练习翻译

2、报盘函句子和信函2022-11-2Business English Translation42022-11-2Business English Translation5商务信函的类型商务信函的类型商务信函(函电)1 Letter 信函2 TelexTeletypewriter+Exchange 电传 3 FaxFacsimile 传真4 E-mailElectronic Mail 电子邮件 电邮2022-11-2Business English Translation6 介绍信介绍信 Letter of Letter of Introduction Introduction Dear Mr./

3、Ms.,This is to introduce Mr.Frank Jones,our new marketing specialist who will be in London from April 5 to mid April on business.We shall appreciate any help you can give Mr.Jones and will always be happy to reciprocate.Yours faithfully,尊敬的先生/小姐,现向您推荐我们的市场专家弗兰克琼斯先生。他将因公务在4月15日到4月中旬期间停留伦敦。我们将非常感谢您向琼斯

4、先生提供任何帮助,并非常高兴施以回报。您诚挚的 2022-11-2Business English Translation7通知预约应聘者前来面试的邮件通知预约应聘者前来面试的邮件 Dear Mr./Ms,Mr.Jack Baron,our personnel director,has asked me to acknowledge your application for the post of accountant and to ask you to come to see him on Friday afternoon,5th July,at half past two.I will a

5、ppreciate your letting me know whether you will be able to come.Yours faithfully,尊敬的先生/小姐,杰克巴伦先生,我们的人事主任,让我向你申请会计职位表示感谢,并请你于7月5日星期五的下午两点半来见他。是否能来,请告知,多谢。您诚挚的 2022-11-2Business English Translation8商务信函的格式商务信函的格式商务信函两种格式(Format):1 Full block form(Block style)完全齐头式2 Modified block form with indented pa

6、ragraphs(Indented style)缩进式2022-11-2Business English Translation9商务信函的结构商务信函的结构A.Letterhead 信笺抬头;信头(写信人地址等)B.Date line 写信日期C.Reference number 文档号D.Inside name and address 信内地址(收信人)E.Attention 主办人 F.Salutation 称呼 2022-11-2Business English Translation10商务信函的结构商务信函的结构G.Subject line 事由H.Body 正文I.Complim

7、entary close 结尾敬语J.Signature 签字K.Carbon Copy 抄送 副本 C.C.:L.Enclosure notation 附件 Enc./Encl.M.Postscript 附言 P.S.2022-11-2Business English Translation11商务信函的写作原则商务信函的写作原则例例1 1:I should be pleased to discuss the building with you in greater detail if you would suggest a time convenient to you.例例2 2:I wo

8、uld be glad if you would clear this balance as soon as possible.2022-11-2Business English Translation12商务信函的写作原则商务信函的写作原则例例3 3:Your approval and instruction to the Maintenance Office to do the repairs will be highly appreciated.例例4 4:Isnt it time you put your business on the Web?2022-11-2Business En

9、glish Translation13商务信函的写作原则商务信函的写作原则例例5 5:The commission we allow to our agents in other areas at present is 5%on the value of shipment payable monthly,and we hope that if we offer you the same terms it will be satisfactory.我们目前给其他地区代理商装运货物总值5的佣金,此佣金按月支付。如果我们给你相同的条件,希望您满意。2022-11-2Business English

10、Translation14商务信函的写作原则商务信函的写作原则例例6 6:Thank you for your letter dated August 2,2006,enquiring about the title mentioned above.We are pleased to say that this title is in stock and will reserve a copy for you until August 31.您2006年8月2日询问上款书籍的信函业已收到。谨此说明我们有此书现货,且可为您保留一本至8月31日。2022-11-2Business English

11、Translation15商务信函的写作原则商务信函的写作原则例例7 7:We are happy to inform you that the swimsuits which you ordered have been shipped on SS Everspring due to sail from Keelung on May 13 and due to arrive in New York on July 1,2006.谨此通知,贵方所订购的游泳衣已经由常春轮装船,预计于5月13日驶离基隆,于2006年7月1日到达纽约。2022-11-2Business English Transla

12、tion16商务信函的写作原则商务信函的写作原则例例8 8:We regret that a mistake was made in handling your order.The mistake is entirely our own and we apologize for the inconveniences it has caused.我们在处理贵方订单时发生错误,深以为憾。这次错误责在我方,引发诸多不便,敬请原谅。2022-11-2Business English Translation17商务信函的写作原则商务信函的写作原则例例9 9:We are pleased to infor

13、m you that your bankers have accepted our draft for US$5,800,payable within thirty days after sight and have successfully negotiated with all the relevant documents.很高兴告知贵方,贵方银行已经接受我方见票后30天付款的金额为US$5,800的汇票,并已凭全部相关单据议付完毕。2022-11-2Business English Translation18商务信函的写作原则商务信函的写作原则1 Courtesy 礼貌2 Conside

14、ration 体谅3 Completeness 完整4 Clarity 清楚5 Conciseness 简洁6 Concreteness 明确7 Correctness 正确2022-11-2Business English Translation19询盘函范例询盘函范例2022-11-2Business English Translation20询盘函范例询盘函范例 2022-11-2Business English Translation21询盘函词汇询盘函词汇Price list Terms and conditionsRuling priceIllustrated catalogueC

15、ommission SampleShipment DeliveryTerms of paymentCash payment 2022-11-2Business English Translation22询盘函词汇询盘函词汇Price list Terms and conditionsRuling priceIllustrated catalogueCommission 价格表 价目表 条款 条件 时价 市价 插图目录表 附图片的目录 佣金 2022-11-2Business English Translation23询盘函词汇询盘函词汇SampleShipment DeliveryTerms

16、of paymentCash payment样品 试样发货 装船;装运的货物交货 发货支付条件现金付款2022-11-2Business English Translation24询盘函句型询盘函句型1 1 祈使句祈使句A.Please let us have a list of items that are imported by you.(产品,商品)B.请告知以现金支付的优惠条款和折扣比例。(cash;best terms;discount)2022-11-2Business English Translation25询盘函句型询盘函句型1 1 使用祈使句使用祈使句A.请将贵公司的进口商

17、品目录寄来为荷。(荷:信函中表示“感谢”)B1.Please state your best terms and discount for cash payment.(陈述 说明)B2.Please let us know your best terms and discount for cash.2022-11-2Business English Translation26询盘函句型询盘函句型2 2 礼貌性请求句礼貌性请求句A.Would you please send us some samples with the quotations?(样品;报价单)B.敬请惠寄商品的现行价格表。(c

18、urrent;price list)2022-11-2Business English Translation27询盘函句型询盘函句型2 2 使用礼貌性请求句使用礼貌性请求句A.敬请惠寄报价单与样品可否?B1.Will you please let us have a ruling price list of the goods?B2.Would you please send us a list of up-to-date/current prices for the goods?(最近的 最新的)2022-11-2Business English Translation28询盘函句子翻译练

19、习询盘函句子翻译练习1 Please send us your catalogue and price list of.(商品目录 购物指南)2 I would appreciate your sending me an up-to-date price list for your.(最新的 最近的)3 Would you please quote us your lowest price for.2022-11-2Business English Translation29询盘函句子翻译练习询盘函句子翻译练习1 Please send us your catalogue and price

20、list of.2 I would appreciate your sending me an up-to-date price list for your.3 Would you please quote us your lowest price for.1 请惠寄你方的商品目录和价格表。2 如蒙贵方寄来的现行价格表,将不胜感激。3 贵方能否将的最低价格报给我方?2022-11-2Business English Translation30询盘函句子翻译练习询盘函句子翻译练习4 Could you send us your latest catalogue and price list?(最

21、新的 最近的)5 We look forward to hearing from you soon.6 We hope to hear from you soon.2022-11-2Business English Translation31询盘函句子翻译练习询盘函句子翻译练习4 Could you send us your latest catalogue and price list?5 We look forward to hearing from you soon.6 We hope to hear from you soon.4 贵方能否寄来最新的商品目录和价目表?5 我们盼望能尽早

22、得到答复。6 我们希望能尽早收到您的回复。2022-11-2Business English Translation32报盘函范例报盘函范例2022-11-2Business English Translation33报盘函范例报盘函范例2022-11-2Business English Translation34报盘函词汇报盘函词汇Finished goodsProcessed goodsShortage of goodsLine of businessCurrent priceMarket price Cash priceBlanket priceTo quote on the goods

23、To offer a priceTo bid a price2022-11-2Business English Translation35报盘函词汇报盘函词汇Finished goodsProcessed goodsShortage of goodsLine of businessCurrent priceMarket price成品加工品缺货业务范围时价 现行价市场价2022-11-2Business English Translation36报盘函词汇报盘函词汇Cash priceBlanket priceTo quote on the goodsTo offer a priceTo bi

24、d a price现金支付价一揽子价格 总括价格 报价报价 卖方发盘 买方递盘2022-11-2Business English Translation37报盘函句型报盘函句型1 Thank you for your interest.2 We are pleased to receive your enquiry.3 Many thanks for your enquiry of March 20.4 Your letter of April 3 has received our immediate attention.(立刻的 目前的)2022-11-2Business English T

25、ranslation38报盘函句型报盘函句型1 Thank you for your interest.2 We are pleased to receive your enquiry.3 Many thanks for your enquiry of March 20.4 Your letter of April 3 has received our immediate attention.1 感谢您的惠顾/垂询。2 我们很高兴收到您的询问函。3 多谢贵方3月20日的询问函。4 贵方4月3日的来信已引起我们的重视。2022-11-2Business English Translation39

26、报盘函句子翻译练习报盘函句子翻译练习1 We have pleasure in quoting as follows2 Enclosed you will find a catalogue.(vt.随信附上 随信装入)3 We can offer you prices C.I.F.London(Cost Insurance and Freight)4 In compliance with your request,we are quoting therefore for your decision(根据)2022-11-2Business English Translation40报盘函句子翻

27、译练习报盘函句子翻译练习1 We have pleasure in quoting as follows2 Enclosed you will find a catalogue.3 We can offer you prices C.I.F.London4 In compliance with your request,we are quoting therefore for your decision1 我们很高兴为贵方报价如下2 兹附上商品目录一份,请您查收。3 我们为您报伦敦到岸价4 按照贵方的要求,我们现报价如下,以供参考。2022-11-2Business English Trans

28、lation41报盘函句子翻译练习报盘函句子翻译练习5 We look forward to receiving your order.6 We are sure you will find a ready sale for our products.(找到好的销路)7 We trust the above will be acceptable to you.(可接受的 令人满意的)2022-11-2Business English Translation42报盘函句子翻译练习报盘函句子翻译练习5 We look forward to receiving your order.6 We are

29、 sure you will find a ready sale for our products.7 We trust the above will be acceptable to you.5 我们期待收到您的订单。6 我们相信您会顺利出售我方产品。7 我们相信,上述报价能为贵方所接受。2022-11-2Business English Translation43报盘函句子翻译练习报盘函句子翻译练习8 We await with interest your early order.(vt.等待)9 We hope this offer will enable(使能够 使有机会)you to

30、 place an order.(下一份订单 订货)2022-11-2Business English Translation44报盘函句子翻译练习报盘函句子翻译练习8 We await with interest your early order.9 We hope this offer will enable you to place an order.8 我们十分期待您能早日订货。9 我们希望您能以这个报价订货。2022-11-2Business English Translation45Thank You!Thank You!2022-11-2Business English Translation46附:讲义练习三附:讲义练习三 参考译文参考译文尊敬的销售部:从你们刊在英特网上的信息我们了解到你们经营纺织品。我们对你们的产品很感兴趣,任务你们的桌布和棉质内衣在我们的市场上将会比较行销。请按附于这封电子邮件的询价单报给我方你们的上海最低离岸价,告知我方你们的付款条件及我们能得到的佣金。同时,请寄给我方你们的产品目录及样品。若你们的价格具有竞争性,我们保证大量订购。敬请你们即刻处理我方的询价,我们非常感谢。我方盼望着你们的早日回复。谨上感谢下感谢下载载


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