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1、Unit Two Business Reception商务接待商务接待Part One Warm-upv(1)As the secretary of the general manager,you are going to receive a VIP from USA.How will you make a schedule?Reference Answerv Such a schedule may include receiving the customers,meeting,signing ceremony,sightseeing,vehicles,lunch/dinner time,an

2、d the accompanying persons.Key Word(s):start withvLets start with a brief tour around the Department.我们就开始先整个部门绕一下。vMaybe we could start with the Product Development Department(也许我们可以先参观一下产品开发部)vShall we start with the assembly line?咱们从装配线开始看好吗?Key Word(s):inspection/quality controlvAll of our produ

3、cts have to pass strict inspection before they go out.我们所有的产品在出厂之前必须要通过严格的检査。Products that are exported must go through strict inspection.出口的商品都要经过严格的检验。vAll products have to pass strict inspection before they go out.No one can match us so far as quality!所有产品出厂前必须要经过严格检查。就质量而言,没有任何厂家能和我们相比!Key Word(

4、s):impressionvWhats your impression on our factory?您对我们工厂的印象如何?vId like to invite you to give your impression on our company.我诚挚地邀请您来对我公司的印象进行一些评点。Key Word(s):be impressed by.vFrankly,Ms.Sloan,I was very impressed by your letter and talking to you has reinforced that good impression.v坦白地说,斯洛恩女士,我对你的

5、来信印象深刻,和你的交谈更加深了这种良好的印象vWe were most impressed by your efficiency.v我们很钦佩你的工作效率。vIm impressed by your approach to business.v你们经营业务的方法给我留下了很深的印象Key Word(s):have got to vWe have got to rush to the airport.我们必须赶紧去机场。vSorry,I have got to go now.抱歉,我现在非走不可了。vFirst he has to go to reception.首先,他得去接待处。Part

6、Three Classroom Activities vClassroom Activity 1v1.The first impression a guest has of a hotel is the way the doorman or the clerk greets him/her.Usually a guest forms his opinion of the hotel by the reception he first receives.Discuss the two topics with your partners:v(1)Tell some ways to make a g

7、uest feel welcome.v(2)Why is a guests first impression of the hotel important?Reference Answersv(1)Make your appearance look nice.Try to be hospitable,amicable,courteous,respectful to the customers and yourself,cooperative,honest,faithful and dedicated.v(2)Later communication may be based on the fir

8、st impression.Classroom Activity 2v2.You are going to to receive a foreign businessman.Try to make a dialougue with him/her,arranging for his/her visit in Beijing.Sample DialoguevA:Good morning,Mr.Wilson.vB:Good morning,Li,vA:Did you have a good rest last night?vB:Yes,I had a sound sleep in the nigh

9、t.vA:And what do you think of the room?vB:Oh,the room is very nice.Its very kind of you to get me such a bright and comfortable room.vA:Im glad you like it.vB:I like it very much.Thank you.vA:How many times have you been to China?vB:I am a stranger here,but Ive been looking forward to visiting Beiji

10、ng.vA:Sightseeing is our agenda today.vB:Nice.I know Shanghai is the most interesting tourist sights for visitors.I have heard of the Imperial Palace,the Summer Palace,and the Great Wall.vA:Not just sightseeing.Chinese cuisine,not greasy,wins its reputation for freshness,tenderness,softness,smoothne

11、ss of its dishes with mellow fragrance.vB:The Chinese cuisine is one of the world recognized celebrity dishes,it has a long history,and it was favored by the people of the world.vA:Right.You get the chance to try the dishes I recommended.B:Wow my mouth is watering.vA:We are having a dinner party ton

12、ight,celebrating another ten years of partnership!vB:Thank you very much for your invitation and hospitality.Classroom Activity 3v3.This morning,you will receive an important guest from USA,but you are late.Make a dialogue apologizing for being late and introducing your colleagues.Reference Answersv

13、Im terribly sorry for being late,Bob.There was a traffic jam.Let me introduce my colleagues to you.This is Part Five Homework 1v1.Discuss with your partners the best agenda for a VIP who is going to visit your company on business.Pay attention to the feasibility of your ideas.TipsvSuch agenda may in

14、clude receiving the customers,meeting,signing ceremony,sightseeing,vehicles,lunch/dinner time,and the accompanying persons.Homework 2v2.Translate the following sentences into English.v(1)上午有一个商务会议。上午有一个商务会议。v(1)There will be a business meeting in the morning.v(2)你有机会尝一尝佛跳墙。你有机会尝一尝佛跳墙。v(2)You have th

15、e chance to have a taste of Buddha Skipping Wall.v(3)西湖是个划船的好地方。西湖是个划船的好地方。v(3)The West Lake is a nice place for boating.v(4)你喜欢在哪见面,在办公室或者在饭馆附近?你喜欢在哪见面,在办公室或者在饭馆附近?v(4)Where do you prefer to meet,in the office or the restaurant nearby?v(5)你认为这儿天气怎么样?你认为这儿天气怎么样?v(5)How do you like the weather here?v

16、(6)我期待你下周的来访。我期待你下周的来访。v(6)I look forward to your visit next week.v(7)我的工作是确定你们和我们呆在这一段时间,走之后感到轻松和清新。v(7)My job is to make sure that you all have a great stay here with us and go away feeling relaxed and refreshed.v(8)咱们从装配线开始看好吗?v(8)Shall we start with the assembly line?v(9)然后我们可以参观质检部。v(9)Then we

17、could visit the Quality Control Department.v(10)这边儿请,这是你们的桌子。v(10)This way please,this is your table.v(11)我们所有的产品在出厂之前必须要通过严格的检査。v(11)All of our products have to pass strict inspection before they go out.(12)我诚挚地邀请您来对我公司的印象进行一些评点。v(12)Id like to invite you to give your impression on our company.v(13

18、)我们很钦佩你的工作效率。v(13)We were most impressed by your efficiency.v(14)我们今天在这里是要回顾去年的工作并讨论来年的工作计划。v(14)We are here today to examine our work in the last year and discuss our plan for the agenda.v(15)多么希望你能多呆一会儿。v(15)How I wish you could stay longer.v(16)我们必须赶紧去机场。v(16)We have got to rush to the airport.v(

19、17)谢谢您这么多年的帮助。v(17)Thank you for your help all these years.v(18)让我们同心协力,携手共进,开创未来。v(18)Let us work together hand in hand,create the future.v(19)我明天到机场为你送行。v(19)I will see you off at the airport tomorrow.v(20)祝您一路顺风。v(20)I wish you a very good journey.Homework 3v3.Challenge:complete the sentences bas

20、ed on what you have learned.v(1)There will be a _ daily _ _ meeting _in the morning.(上午有一个每日会议)v(2)Have a taste_ of the nature _beauty_!(领略大自然的美丽!)v(3)Where is a nice place for a _ one-day _ _ excursion _?(哪里是一日游的好地方?)v(4)I prefer not to _ talk _ _ about _ this question at the moment.(我现在宁愿不谈这个问题。)v

21、(5)How do you like Chinese food?v(6)Look _ forward _ to your visit at the scene!v(7)Ive come to make sure that you have a nice stay in Fuzhou.v(8)Maybe we could start with the Product Development Department _(也许我们可以先参观一下产品开发部)v(9)Then we could look at the _ Production Section _(我们可以参观生产科)(10)This wa

22、y please,see you _ later _.(11)Products that are _ exported _must go through strict inspection.(出口的商品都要经过严格的检验。)(12)Thank you for your_ speech _.It made a deep _ impression _ on me.(谢谢你的演讲。它给我留下了一个深刻的印象。)(13)Im impressed by your approach to business.(你们经营业务的方法给我留下了很深的象。)(14)Having a meeting is our_

23、agenda _ today.(我们今天的日程安排是开会)(15)Hope you stay _ longer _ next time.(希望下次你能多待会儿。)(16)First,he has to go to_ reception.(首先,他得去接待处。)(17)Thank you for your information.(谢谢你提供的信息。)(18)Let us work _ together _hand in hand,create the _ future _.(让我们同心协力,携手共进,开创未来。)(19)Ill remember to _ see _you _ off _tonight.(我会记住今晚来送您。)(20)Have a nice_ trip _.(祝大家旅途愉快。)vThank you


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