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1、广东省2020年高中英语学业水平测试(小高考)题型突破课件-题型一-情景交际(共37张PPT)题型一情景交际-3-4-第1步技法探究一、知识梳理(一)Agreement and Disagreement同意和不同意1.Yes,I think so.是的,我也这样认为。2.No problem.没问题。3.Of course.当然。4.Good idea.好主意。5.I dont think so.我不这样认为。6.Im sorry,but I dont agree.抱歉,但是我不同意。7.Of course not.当然不。8.I disagree.我不同意。9.Im not sure abo

2、ut that!我不能肯定!10.You could be right,but.你也许是对的,不过11.I agree up to a point,but.在某种程度上我同意,不过-5-(二)Difficulties in language communication语言交际困难1.I dont understand.我不明白。2.Could you say that again please?请您再讲一次可以吗?3.Could you repeat that please?请您再重复一遍好吗?4.Could you speak more slowly please?请您讲话慢点好吗?5.Ho

3、w do you spell that?你是怎么拼写(那个词)的?(三)Talking about future plans讨论未来的计划1.Who are you going with?你打算和谁一起去?2.Where are you staying?你打算待在哪里?3.How are you getting there?你打算怎么去那里?4.When are you returning?你打算什么时候回来?-6-(四)Good wishes and farewells祝愿和告别1.Have a nice/good time.玩得开心。2.Have a nice/good trip/jour

4、ney.旅途愉快。3.Take care.保重。4.Say hello to.向问好。5.Best wishes.祝福你。6.Write to me.写信给我。(五)Talking about past experiences谈论过去的经历1.It was terrible when.当的时候很可怕。2.I remember.我记得3.Luckily.幸运的是-7-(六)Expressing thanks表达谢意1.I would like to express my thanks to.who.我想对表达我的谢意。2.Id also like to thank.我也想感谢3.No words

5、 are strong enough to express our.语言无法表达我们的4.Thank you so much./Thanks a lot.非常感谢。5.Thats very kind of you.你那样做真是太好了。6.Its a pleasure.不客气。-8-(七)Asking for opinions征求意见1.What do you think of.?你认为怎么样?2.Whats your opinion?你的意见是什么?3.What are your ideas?你有什么想法?4.How do you feel about that?你如何看待那件事?5.Why

6、do you think so?你为什么这么想?(八)Giving opinions发表意见1.Im with you.我同意你说的话。2.In my opinion.在我看来3.To my understanding.按照我的理解-9-(九)Making suggestions 提出建议1.I think we should.我认为我们应该2.What if.?要是会怎么样呢?3.How about.?怎么样?4.Lets.让我们5.I think you ought to.我想你应该6.Youd better.你最好7.I suggest that you.我建议你-10-(十)Talki

7、ng about interests and hobbies谈论兴趣爱好1.What are your hobbies?你的业余爱好是什么?2.What do you like doing in your free time?业余时间你喜欢做什么?3.How do you become good at them?你如何变得擅长这些事情的?4.What have you learned from this hobby?从这个爱好中你学到了什么?5.Do you like.?你喜欢吗?6.Why do you like.?你为什么喜欢?7.I prefer.我更喜欢8.I be

8、cause.我最喜欢因为9.My favorite musician is.我最喜欢的音乐家是10.I enjoy listening to.我喜欢听-11-(十一)Making decisions 做出决定1.I think that.我认为2.In my opinion.依我之见3.I believe that.我相信4.I agree because.我赞同,因为5.Ive decided that.我已经决定6.Lets make a decision that.让我们做出决定(十二)Reasoning 推理/说理1.Whats your reason?你的理由是什么?2.Why do

9、 you think so?为什么你会这样认为?3.I think this one is better because.我认为这个较好,因为4.Give me your reasons.说出你的理由。5.The advantage/disadvantage is.优点/缺点是-12-(十三)Intentions and purposes谈论意愿和目的1.I would rather not.我宁愿不2.I intend/mean/plan to(do).我想要/打算/计划做某事3.I will.我将要 4.I feel like.我想要5.Id prefer.because.我更愿意/喜欢因

10、为6.I dont like.because.我不喜欢因为7.Its better to.最好8.You need to.你需要9.Its a great pity that.真可惜/很遗憾(十四)Making phone calls 打电话1.Can I ring/call back later?我可以过会儿打过来吗?2.Ill ring him/her up again.我会再给他/她打电话的。3.Just a moment,please.请稍等。-13-(十五)Invitations 邀请1.Im looking forward to.我盼望2.Could/Would you pleas

11、e.?请你好吗?3.Id like to invite you to.我想邀请你(十六)Seeing the doctor 就医1.Whats the matter?怎么了?2.How long have you been like this?你像这样多长时间了?3.Ive got a pain in.我疼。(十七)Requests 请求1.Would you please.?请你好吗?2.Could you.?你能吗?3.May we ask.?我们可以问吗?-14-(十八)Ordering food 点餐1.Can I help you?我可以帮你吗?2.Do you have.?你们有吗

12、?3.Are you ready to order,sir/madam?你准备好点菜了吗,先生/夫人?(十九)Shopping 购物1.Im looking for.我正在找2.Do you have any.?你们有吗?3.Can you show me.,please?请你拿给我看看好吗?-15-(二十)Instructions 指示1.Please pay attention to.请注意2.Please check that.请检查3.Please look at.请看4.Youd better.你最好5.You must/mustnt.你必须/千万不要6.You need.你需要-1

13、6-(二十一)Direction&Position 方向和位置1.Questions:(1)Where is.?在哪儿?(2)In what direction is.?在哪个方向?(3)Is.close to.?靠近吗?(4)How can we get to.?我们如何去?(5)Can/Could you show me where.?你能告诉我在哪里吗?(6)How far is/are the.?有多远?-17-2.Responses:(1)Its in/on/to the north/south/west/east of.它在的北/南/西/东面。(2)Its.kilometre(s)

14、从到有公里路。(3)Its about.kilometre(s)northeast of.它在的东北方向大约公里处。(4)Over there is the park.那边就是公园。(5)Its about 10 minuteswalk.步行大约10分钟的路程。(6)Go down this path and turn left/right at the first crossing.沿着这条路走,在第一个十字路口朝左/右转。-18-(二十二)Prohibition and warning禁止和警告1.Stop!停下来!2.Keep away from it.远离它。3.Don

15、t enter here.不要到这里来。4.Watch out!当心!5.Be quiet.安静。6.Come here.过来。-19-(二十三)Describing people描述他人情况1.What does she look like?她长什么样?2.What are her strengths?她的优点是什么?3.What are her weaknesses?她的缺点是什么?4.How would you describe her?你怎样描述她?5.She is intelligent/determined.她很聪明/坚定6.How will I recognize you?我将如

16、何把你认出来?7.What special features do you have?你有什么特征呢?8.What will you wear?你将会穿什么样的衣服?-20-(二十四)Emotions情感1.How wonderful!多么美妙啊!2.It surprises me that.使我吃惊的是3.Im pleased we both like.我很高兴我们都喜欢4.I felt happy because.我感到高兴因为5.I burst into laughter when.当时我大笑起来。6.Its amusing that.引人发笑的是-21-二、方法指引交际用语要注意中西方

17、语言文化的差异,这点非常重要,往往考生失分就在于忽视了中西方文化上的差异。交际用语不仅在单选里考查,听力里也有所涉及。所以,平时做听力时也可以积累交际上的回答,注意体会情景的含义,同时解题时要做到“四忌”:一忌上词下用上词下用指的是答句部分延用了题干句子的重点词、信息词,按表层意思似乎合情合理,但往往为错误的“虚像”,需经进一步分析后才能确定正确选项。典型的例子如用“I dont.”应答“Dont forget to come to my birthday party tomorrow.”,用“Dont be sorry.”回答“Im sorry I broke your mirror.”,以

18、及用“No thanks.”回答“Thank you so much for the book you sent me.”避免“上词下用”的误区,一是确认题目涉及的交际功能项目,二是确认句子上下文语境,三是确认正确的话语方式。-22-二忌中文思维与上词下用比较,这一误区更具迷惑力,因为无论按题目内容或是按思维方式来考虑,都非常符合中国学生的习惯。显然,掌握英汉两种语言和文化之间的相同和相异之处,对于准确解题至关重要。考生解题失误之一是按汉语的表达方式和结构去套英语,去选答案,这属于语言知识的“负迁移”。三忌直接回绝这主要是指在对方要求得到帮助,提出请求或邀请时,回答过于直接,不够委婉。尽管从语

19、义角度分析是没毛病的,但不符合英语国家的交际习惯。“请求”方面的问话有May I.?/Can I.?/I wonder if I could./Do you mind if I.?等,“邀请”方面 的问话有Will you.?/Would you like to.?/Id like to invite to.等。在作否定回答时,为了表示礼貌和委婉,通常要用一些委婉词,如but,Im afraid,Im sorry,thanks,please,had better等。-23-四忌答非所问答非所问的错误比较容易察觉,如果问话与答话的内容风马牛不相及的话,考生可以迅速排除。但有时双方会话内容有所关联

20、,仔细推敲才能发现其实答语并不切题。最典型的例子是“With pleasure”和“Its a pleasure.”。前者一般在做事前回答,表示“非常愿意”。后者一般在做事后回答,表示“不用客气”。-24-第2步真题试做1.(2019广东)Thank you for your help.A.Never mindB.You are welcomeC.No,thanksD.It doesnt matterB 解析:句意:谢谢你帮助我。不用谢。A.Never mind不要紧,没关系;B.You are welcome不用谢;C.No,thanks不,谢谢;D.It doesnt matter没关系,

21、无所谓。故选B。-25-2.(2019广东)Do you mind closing the door?.A.Dont mention itB.I dont like itC.Not at allD.Never mindC 解析:句意:你介意关门吗?不介意。A.Dont mention it 不用谢;B.I dont like it我不喜欢它;C.Not at all 根本不,别客气;D.Never mind没关系。故选C。-26-3.(2019广东)I feel so nervous about the final exam.A.Take it easyB.No hurryC.I think

22、soD.No problemA 解析:句意:我对期末考试感到很紧张。别紧张。A.Take it easy别紧张,别着急;B.No hurry不忙;C.I think so 我认为是这样;D.No problem没问题。故选A。4.(2019广东)Tom,youve made rapid progress in English!.A.I think soB.Not too bad C.Thank you D.Its all rightC 解析:句意:汤姆,你英文进步很快!谢谢你。A.I think so我认为这样;B.Not too bad还不错;C.Thank you谢谢你;D.Its all

23、 right没关系。故选C。-27-5.(2019广东)Excuse me,could you please tell me how to get to the railway station?.You can t miss it.A.Yes,I canB.Its my pleasure to help youC.Thats easyD.Turn left at the first crossingD解析:句意:对不起,你能告诉我去火车站怎么走吗?在第一个路口向左拐。你不要错过。A.Yes,I can是的,我能;B.Its my pleasure to help you帮助你我很高兴;C.Th

24、ats easy那很容易;D.Turn left at the first crossing在第一个路口向左拐。故选D。-28-6.(2018广东)Ill go to Hangzhou for a holiday next month.Great!.A.Have a good timeB.Best wishesC.Glad to see you againD.You are luckyA解析:句意:下个月我将去杭州度假。太好了!祝你玩得高兴。答语中的“Great!”暗示空格处是祝愿的话语,故选Have a good time.“祝你玩得高兴”。Best wishes.“最好的祝愿”;Glad

25、to see you again.“很高兴再次见到你”;You are lucky.“你运气真好”。-29-7.(2018广东)Im sorry I cant give you a ride to the station.A.Not at allB.Dont mention itC.Thank you all the sameD.I understandC 解析:句意:抱歉我不能开车送你去车站。同样谢谢你。Not at all.“别客气,没关系”,用于礼貌地答谢。Dont mention it.“不客气;不用谢”;Thank you all the same.“同样谢谢你”;I underst

26、and.“我明白了”。-30-8.(2018广东)Ive got a bad cold.Youd better see a doctor.A.Never mindB.Nothing seriousC.It doesnt matterD.Im sorry to hear thatD 解析:句意:我得了重感冒。听到那件事我很难过。对方生病了,回答者应该表示遗憾,故选D项。Never mind.“不要紧,没关系”;Nothing serious.“没什么严重的”;It doesnt matter.“不要紧;没关系”。9.(2018广东)Let me introduce myself.Im Rober

27、t from Oxford University.A.Thats OKB.No problemC.Nice to meet youD.Go aheadC 解析:句意:让我进行一下自我介绍。我是来自牛津大学的罗伯特。见到你很高兴。上句是自我介绍,回答者应该表示很高兴见到对方,故选C项。10.(2018广东)Hello,may I speak to Tom?Yes?.A.My name is TomB.This is Tom speakingC.Im TomD.Tom is meB 解析:电话用语中,常用“This is.speaking.”来表示“我是”。-32-第3步模拟通关1.Its nea

28、rly lunchtime.How about having some noodles and dumplings?.A.Youre welcomeB.Thats rightC.Its nice of youD.That sounds goodD解析:考查情景交际。Youre welcome“不客气”;Thats right“那是对的”;Its nice of you“你真好”;That sounds good“听起来不错”。前者问“快到午饭时间了。吃点面条和饺子怎么样?”,后者回答“听起来不错”,符合语境。故选D。-33-2.Open the window please,Mike.?I di

29、dnt hear what you said.A.Why B.Really C.Pardon D.Excuse meC解析:考查情景交际。句意:迈克,请打开窗户。请再说一遍?我没听到你说什么。Pardon意为“请再说一遍”。故选C。3.Excuse me,could you please show me how to use this MP4 player?.A.Certainly!Its here B.Yes,you canC.Sure,with pleasure D.Not at allC 解析:考查情景交际。句意:打扰一下,你能告诉我怎么使用这个MP4吗?当然可以,非常乐意。Certai

30、nly!Its here.“当然可以,它在这儿。”;Yes,you can.“是的,你可以。”;Sure,with pleasure.“当然,乐意效劳。”;Not at all.“一点也不;别客气。”故选C。-34-4.Excuse me,could you please tell me where the bookstore is?I didnt hear clearly.A.Pardon B.How are you C.Yes,please D.ExcuseA 解析:考查情景交际。结合答语中“我没听清”可推断,空处为Pardon“请再说一遍”。5.,Kang Li!Yes,I used t

31、o be shy but now Im pretty outgoing.A.You look beautifulB.Youre so shyC.Youve changed a lotD.You stay the sameC 解析:考查情景交际。句意:你变了许多,康丽!是的。我过去很腼腆,但现在我很外向。You look beautiful“你看起来很美”;Youre so shy“你这么腼腆”;Youve changed a lot“你变了很多”;You stay the same“你没改变”。根据语境选C。-35-6.Could you look after my plants while

32、Im away on business,please?,Ill water them on time.A.Come onB.With pleasureC.Take it easyD.Youre welcomeB 解析:考查情景交际。句意:我出差时,请你照看一下我的花草行吗?很乐意帮忙,我会按时给它们浇水。could引导的一般疑问句表示委婉的请求,用with pleasure“很高兴帮忙”来应答对方的请求。come on“加油”;take it easy“别着急;别紧张”;youre welcome“不用谢;不客气。”故选B。-36-7.Would you please come to my b

33、irthday party with me tonight?.I suppose we will have a wonderful night!A.No way B.Have a good time C.Not exactly D.With pleasure8.Could you please pass me some salt?.A.Yes,I could.B.No,I couldnt.C.Sure,Here you are.D.No,thats no problem.DC解析:考查情景交际。no way“不行”;have a good time“玩得开心”;not exactly“并非如此

34、;不完全是这样”;with pleasure“我很乐意”。根据“I suppose we will have a wonderful night!”可知,回答者乐意参加对方的生日派对。故选D。解析:考查情景交际。句意:你能递给我一些盐吗?当然可以,给你。故选C。-37-9.I missed the beginning of the concert.The beginning was very wonderful.A.What a pity!B.Good luck!C.Congratulations!D.Youre welcome.10.I am sorry for being late for the party,James.We have just started.A.What a pity!B.How come?C.Youre welcome.D.Its no big deal.AD解析:考查情景交际。题干中提到了“我错过了演唱会的开场”,由此可推断合适的选项是“What a pity!”。解析:考查情景交际。根据句意“对不起,詹姆斯,这次聚会我来晚了。”及“我们才刚刚开始。”可知,答语前句应该是“这没什么大不了的”。故选D。


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